.a.:�}�.f�q: � : 2t� �;�,r .s�f •L� :j �;,�,.zl. .x.��.. . _ 'Q�� _
<br /> ��.�f;; �f} �.- 4� '±u� , . - '['�..� .i t' �j,�c�3 � e�.s�c�,�c � _'_""""" - -
<br /> C;; ^� ,� .._-� d§;� .. �s.� � ;.` , - x -'' -�z rsa�� � �. `�ve�b+�`e�xa��r�r�ar��_�au�����-
<br /> . *-T- _ >,t: Y: t..�` i_. r -- --
<br /> -� `i.'y<��J,'. t.P :l.Y „�! :y t 'F`- P{S J R�
<br /> �4 .�43�a�i..�'4+`
<br /> .�- _ �N? S�L. M +�ai��3iT' � �'u�t s]x {„t. ���_....__.e,__.. — _- —
<br /> , ., .. .. . --
<br />. ::�yL• .�r:.:. .' -..�. .JT. ' . �..� " i r,x it,ci., f_�.__.?co.Yla�a�c.— e e — -_ __________-- ___—__—_--_ _—_.
<br /> �i's.a�S�#c-i..f��'_� ' . . . . _ . . �.�._ —_.
<br /> �r.. �- a_r 3h a ' .. � . . ' _ _ � . . • . � —
<br /> `tiiY,.A'.�fl�^`,,� -�..f�}` � . . . , . . _ ,. ' — .
<br /> - �'.��°Y.;�ip�. � ` � .�. . . . _ 6n� . .,. -.c
<br /> y+� � Il� .y . _ ••` . . t . � " -.. � ' —if� �_ _ . __.._ . ..
<br /> i c:
<br /> w..�:.: .,�,• ±�, � � - ., l��orro�vsr's.�op} .�Borcowershal��a g"�v��ae cfllafun�c�!�s�of t�a Natesit8�t�is ���� _ _— _
<br /> � ` ' i?..T�s�er.�3 t�a��ertg ar a E�e3iciat Ig4aa�3'ig`Hars�we�If a�I or ang para of tlte ur anp ----
<br /> _. __""`�,..��J . ,�ia4er�t in it�s�Isl or�srred.(ar if e bea�cF81 iateresi i�Badrbwes:is,�4d�r tisaa�iesx�d and Hbrmec�r is ao2 t� � � _-- _
<br /> ,�:� ''``:� .�'�_'� �< ae�auel wtt�out e �writt�conse�t,�Lender Ynag �t its apt�oa t�quita i�nsaedlata paytaeat i¢fu1104 =-----_
<br /> - ':,��r�� ."�,� ', aU &ums���cured by t�s' �rori�iastrume�t�How�v�r.thia aptioa shg1l rot t�e esercised�S�r Leaeie!if egercls�is . °-_---
<br /> �r=.^,;:=',�;.:::`-•'"��� � prohibitaibyfederallawasoftheda2oof�thieSeo�ritylAStrUmen�.• , • _— ---=_ -- --"
<br /> � ��.;��'<,::;_ p� F��•.
<br />_ =���;��.;.,;�_; ` ` ' If I.eader exerc{s�this �ion,I,ender sball give Borxawer uotice of ae�:lesatiau.T�e notiee shalt de a . __—
<br /> - -�s3�' �'`'�,_4���s , of s�Isss thsa3�daye from t�e dateths aotir,a�S dsli.verbd o�mat�ed wi�which Barcawer nsust p�y all s�a se�urcd ` _- --
<br /> . � � � � bp this�eurity iastn�ffic,a�if IDorrowerfaits tcTPay the�esams prior tothee�giresion ot this�eriad,�.ender may it�vo�e . �- - � ,
<br /> � � � anyremed�es.peritiittedbytLiaS�rcityIasVumeatwithoutfiirt�erce�otiwordemaadanE�rco�ver. , ��� ° -
<br /> . `t x , <;�
<br /> ,, a , - 18..Harrowears 13� t ta Reinstste.if Borrower meeffi can�it�ans.Botcawer ahalt�loave the right�have , � ,-��� � �F T� ,;
<br /> � � en€�ate,�t oi this S�tY��ent disi�nsinuesl atets�time prior_to th�earker o�:{a)5 days(or such uther�etlisd . .� ��'�frt-�� .�`
<br /> -�'. :� ` ` , as app3icsble taw map spe�ify for reinstatement)beYore sate o f`t h e�p u a�§u a nt to sny g n�rer o£snti3 aunta�ued in � � rt � _
<br /> � �` r, .'m,,. s, • ffiis Seceuity Inatrument;o r_�b f entry o f a�aent e n forciag t h i s tp`I n s tr uiaea�'"I ha�e c a n d l t i ar t e s r e t i�2 t ,� .�, �'�'�;
<br /> i' � �'` rter' �a).gaps Lendar a 1 1 sn�ms which� would ir��unde,r tiria Sscuritq�ment and the No4e as if no �
<br /> "� aa,��etation had accurred;f b)cures any default of anp ather covens�tzr agreement�(a}pays eil�sp�nses iric�rred in , -'�`_f,�. �
<br /> :>.:��` ; ff`"�, +- �'>_� � � =
<br /> �: t .. ,.,t enfos+ciag tTiis�ity Iastru�meat,including,but not limited tR reasonable atiorne fe�s and�dj tskes such a�tian as f F _
<br />- �' � �ti;. Leader map rea�nablp reqtrire to a�ure that the tieu of this�ecm�ity Tastrumant, e righta ia t�.e Pmperty.aztd .���.��`""� ------
<br /> �;.. .,: ..., . Burrovre�s obli�tion ta pa theswns aeciued by this Security Iastru..•nEat shsU corrtinue uacl�ang�.Ugonreinstatement � (t�-=
<br /> - . ;. ,., : by Basruwer,ttus Securit�' ��menisud tiie obligatians secured herebp sbsU remaia fully effectiveas if no ac�eratcon �� _-
<br /> r-� Y ' �., � had oceiure�-:�,.'ar�ever.titia�s�ht w reinstateshall rtot a Iy in the cas�af acaceleratian und�er Fa�'agraPh l� . ' ''�.y�-� �
<br /> re pp
<br /> ��.� `. 19.S�cr�'l�:z�te;Change of LQ�s:.�srvicsr.The Note ar a partial inter�i ia the te�.C�*•opether withil�ieSecurity . � �� r;�„r, ,.. _--
<br /> � � � �;� Instrume�ia'tas��e soldone or mure�eswithout prior aotice�o Burrawe�A.satema.�s�ctt m ac�rangeinthee�itg =
<br />��z - , , ` �' ° °---
<br /> (lcaov�n�'tTe�'���a Sessriaer"?tLat coUects mos�lg papmentg dua uarTec the Noie a���etsurity I�ant Th.�sre • r}' T
<br />����.� `. � ' ' a,l�a sxt��.�u�prie or mora chaag�of the Loan S�ri�unrelated taa eal�af the Na�:}�:�cere is a cl��e of the Laa� ,*,, ^
<br /> :t�
<br /> � ��`. � � ` �'w�',.�pwer v�i116e given vffnitea notice of t�.a�nge in acCOtdaace vrith pazag�?l�,f�above aa�$pp�icabTe law. �: ,.
<br /> �'�" L �. :� . "
<br />�. � .. 4� ` '�ix��'�'a7�►staxe thename and address of the uexu:�3a Servioer aad the addre�to tvi�x��faYraents should be me�s, _ _
<br /> ... ., � . Th�ao'ti�:�C,�1soco�snyotherinformationst�'.�rt�dfsyapplicablelaw. :� .`� ' �"�'��s��_—
<br /> � : .: : �' -
<br /> -- :,.:...___ 211�ous Substnmces.Borrdwer shall�e rsuse or 't ihe pr�nce,use,d'isiiossl+srorage.or releass c�� . . , �, , { ..,�_ -��
<br /> �.. :•_� _.�
<br /> �4�': ' . . . -- -�----�.a�yHazar3oua Su�bn br ia theP�ti�fe�ty:-flt�lt�vw�r �aot do:nor allow-anpone-elseto dfl,-�aaYthisigeffectiag-�- —�� _��.
<br /> .,tx`�e�'lroperty tha�i�in v�":�tion of any Envuaum�'Law.The preceding two seateaces shall aot a�pply to the presence.. .';.;:, �� �-_-----
<br /> �r� � '.iu�. or atorage oa the Pr8 of small quaafs�ss of Hszard�ous Subgtaaces that are gene:allq r�cognized to be, �-;�. . ; _
<br />�r�'�a•.....,� . perty . . .� .� .i.4-.��:._'
<br /> a, . . , , �pr�"ateto normal tesidentia�us�au�w maint'snance of the Praperty., ,..,.. �� .;'..:;_,;��.'`;� `-�'�' ti _
<br />� ::•'��`: �� �Born��ser shatl promptly give Len�Pea�sitte�adtice of anp investigat�on�claim,des��arb,laweuit a�r ather actioa 1s�g ; . '—
<br /> . ' ��say:ga�asua�ntal or regulatary agencg:or gjiFate party iavolviag the Ptoperty and.a:;� H`saardous Subatance���
<br />_ •� ��,t.� • :•: :lF.�.vu+nntG,�a�tal Law of wbich Borrower bss actual:�wledge.lf Borrower learne,ar�s u�d bp anY gavernmentat s�s'�'' . ' �, ;;
<br /> , . `::!.me�ulatar�autharity,ttiat aay temoval ar other rc�ediation of aup Hazardous Svbstas��affecting the Propetty:i� _� � ! . ,
<br /> �:. �,��osrower shall promptl�tatce sU aecessar}�remedial ac4ions in axordaace wif�•Esv'smaatenxa�I:aw. � '' ' ``� s'
<br /> �;,. . `�Ast�'in this ParagtaPh 2D� Hazardoua SubstaIICes"are those substances def'med a�t�c.or ha,�r�ous.su�4�•. . ` '� ' .
<br /> . , by Eav�Cm��tal Isw and the following substance�gasoline.kerosene.othet flammab��ar:to�ic p�irGlemn ptm�ur»'�•.; , . .�. � . , ,
<br /> ` 'w�e �'aw�ea aud herbicides. volatile solveats, materials contaiaing asbestos or fa�aldehyde, ar�d sadi���-� '' �. °;.�,,, .
<br /> � �;�� �rcatenals.As used ia this paragraph 20�"Fnvir�nmental I.aw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdictian where�§� � . t:.
<br /> ;:;`��4;;. . Proper4y is located tbat retate t4 hralffi,safetp or environmental protection. �';.�a�,... .:��.�`'�
<br /> i�:;;>��: - '. NON-UN�ORMCOVENANTS.Borrowetaa�Lenderfurthercovenaatandagceasfollaw� '..'' . . ��;?.� • :.�'
<br />-- .,��:`�'r," " '. .'� � 21. Acooieration; Aemed�ea Leades sball give notice to Ho4rower pnos to accelera�t�on follownte � � �� �_``"•:..'� � :??':', ' '
<br /> ,; � ;: _ .� ..
<br /> ;. °` � Borrowar's breacb of�eay covenam2 ce¢agreement ia tbis Secnrity lnstrument(b�C mot prios to s�cetera9ncme' .` •
<br /> "' � under patagtaph 17 unl�ss applicsble 9sw psovides othere�isej.The notIce shall spec�y:(a�the de4anit;.(b}t�2: ___ � _`'�_'''�';=�__1
<br /> ` . ' � ' sction reqoired to cmce the defaolt; (c) a date, aot less thaa 30 days from the date the aolice is givea to , . ``,�,�;,�, �
<br /> Borrower�by w}�icL the default must be cared;and(d)that failure to cure the defanit+on or before the date � .,�:�.
<br /> � ' � speeitted ia the notic�msy resul3 in acoeleration oi tha soms secnred by this Secunty Iastrument and sale oi . "��� '•<'��r�;:
<br /> �� ����.a:,y;:�, the Property.The uotice shsll furthet inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after accelerationand th$ : ��� �"
<br /> � . r i g ht to brin g a court�ctioa to assart the noa-existence of a defeott or anq other defease oi Horrowes�.� : .�. '•'���.;'�,��
<br /> �ceeleratioa and sate.I�the deiault is not cnred on or 6efore the date specifse�in the aotice.Lender,at�. �� ':`��` •; � "
<br /> ! _ ' o tion, m�y require lmmediate ayment in foll ot sll anms secured by thia Secority Ynat�ameut withm�s . � '' ,.. ,ii'�-
<br /> . , . .,�fr�ther deman d and map iavolce t he powar oi.sale and aap othet re�qsedies permitted by appllpble lsw. . _ F�,rY':,:.::�:�.". : .; . �_� .
<br /> �; .,;t.�".`�. �'".'''.. ` '']Gender shall be entitle$to collect all expence��ac.�urred in pursaing t1���emedies provided in tfus p�ragraph . .' ;;;'�a;. .:
<br /> . . � t;,tjr;ti,: ;�• � .��;:
<br /> _ • � � ' . ?��,including,bnt not limited to,reasonable attprn�ys fees and costs a��ti�le evidance. . .,.:�;;.- . .. • : :'' ...-.
<br /> . . ' �iiatf :�". If tho power of ssle is iavoked;'1'anstes s�all record a�mEice o�de���lt in eacD county in wLich nay pmu3�.$ .�� � ' . � :. ,:,= ...,`
<br /> . ,,��, ��situ:.'��-
<br /> the Proparty is located and shalp rnmiD copies o!auch notice ia�t�e.saaaner�resrar'ibed by applicable l��s�� ; �,>.;
<br /> . � Horrowes and to the other persoas prescfaisx�by applicable law.A�'eer the tune reqoired by app�calat�P��� ` '"' .
<br />_ -�'�rastee ehall glvo poblic notice of sale to the�oas an6 itt the mann�r prescrlbed by ap�Iicattfr�l9w.TrGStea� � � - . !`:,,..- '
<br /> ;�.„ . I�.'�-;,. •.``� :` �vithont demand on Bosrowez.ahsll sell the I�m�jperty at public auctioa to the highest bidde��u�Itt�ti�.te aad ,
<br /> e
<br /> , � ' praco ead undar tha terms designated ia the��tica oI sate ia one or more parcels and in a�.g.iuQ�s�'a�stee .
<br /> ` � ' � deEetmi�c�a:�Trostee may postpone sale ot all or any parcel of the Property by pnblic annmusteemen4 mtt a�te . , . ,
<br /> ; time aa��pHm,cO of any previonsly scheduled esle.Leader or its designee may purehase th�Prope�y���3y. ° .
<br /> - � ' sale. � . � .
<br /> '�i7' ' � . ' . . ' ' . �f;�.'S • " .
<br /> [}, . .. -� • . . . . ' . ' . �;::i�' . . � .
<br /> yi�. •. . • t � • . � � .!`r:�`. ,:i V i�1I �y��.
<br /> � ,` rti:r .
<br /> �•' s�f f��. . ��BR'�(9717) , . , O�y�S of 8 � .���r�t/�,'f � . .� ��h �Yil�4�7{ i,I_
<br /> � +�fYi, . . ' ....reer.,cs.�' I . �4��ti t,,i?�V;Y��-
<br /> '` � t
<br /> :� - '- "1>i(�/,,'' , ' . . . . .. . ( . �+�';,YU 1 S1�=i�
<br /> �44jr1� , . . . . .'."�.�C?r�,^�T 4 , .. . —� ` .! .. . � i 1' .
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<br /> ��� . �r. �sn. . . � _. . .. . . y ����- _ .. ,,... . , . . -a•.�. �ti� � 't!��fti i V�tS��'��:lt����1 jt .. • ' ' . .
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