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<br /> _ . _ — ,.K: " . . � . . .. 'b. ,4 . . `. .�. . . /,. •kY{i– : _—
<br /> u�-�� v ` .�� �` (` � . ,�.1� .(. , sh� • `� �••"�. . - � ` ��f . ' .. . )- ; ,, � 4`��� tV�`, _ �---�r�_ . —_
<br /> -- .. . �t-S�€�asc�a�Fr6g�k�3y F.�sBre�?cb.�rro�srcr�alTekr,�,p f�g'�p�3i�t.tc�ts sio�.?��is�g���e3���� � ` -_ -
<br /> _—_-- — _ � � .�r�o Frop���n�cl��. Sro,'�ds.i�cic�atea��thw r,trni"A�as�flal�o�a�-a�,�`��,r�mz�s�;. -
<br /> _ - _ . � �knatt��'�ir�odsaF f�acxlia�;€as wlut�r���i4aures��o:�s im+�url��st�bc�s�ntaiaa'i.�::ther at�as�n�-<<. . ---
<br /> —�- - .;eS�for'th¢-�raoc�a tl�t LeAder n��;.�c ia.sr�re����i�grt:irt�ag�fle� iz�ui�e�I'�e��y�3arc��r�:: ., , -- - _
<br /> ---..--..__--v--_� � su�ijec�ta d,;eA�is rs�groval�rI'�cx►�hnil uot 1bb t�raasona�fg wit�ald;Ii Barro�er fai�a w�a�taia covP_ra�=da�ri�� :� ;,--
<br /> - ' above.I�as�ee smag►���'L4II�CfT6 4Qt10�,Q1DYlSA CDVCld$1?W,�l0��.CII�l�1'f$�81�tPIC PiO�Iff IIf:Otit�,'ATI�l� � . .
<br /> ---=__--=_��— < � �a�' "I�IS71fS1IdE.g01itiS8 8��GIICY7�8� .6�18��C�8���4��.CA�CT!►ff��E�l31t�IIC�liaB.�8i8II�Y�ali0�$t$@ C��tSC�:. '���
<br />—�-.�:n;yo � � L�ender,shalE�aye tT�e a�gf�t to�ald the p�Sic�e�a�d reatswats. U Ireadar<t�equi��an�awer shali prompt���ve t� � .
<br /> �� �.;i�h��:�� ` L�erxt�'r,ell r�eipts�f�sid�r�nivm's aad ras�wai unti�+.Ia the eveat�?totr,�ozrow&r s3ta2t giv�psompt�a+at��e t�t�e • -
<br />�`�'",�';'�''�r` � ': �G`i�raa�e caxr,iz.s�nd Y�nder�et anay msFce�o.t oi Ia�it nat naasie prctm �y�rro�ra . . ; . ---
<br /> ' aas
<br /> � �� - -- _
<br /> ��Um1�Lende�and I�orrawcr ath$rwiea,e�isz wntu�iasui�prncer�s s$a1l�ieapgl'ie�to�s6dratiisnot te�dt
<br />�_����,�-`�.�� � _ - -=-- - . .
<br /> �„��-��-� •-<.. '•'oi't6tsYm itther+��tiaa�r ' �s�canomi fe.ass'bisaad�I.ender's�tgisac�tle�iie�:Ift�ts � `-Y
<br /> p�riy.st�mag�,` h repa�r� �1�p`
<br />-��`�=`�� � � iestordt'son or tiepai�is ua�eca��x�iicalEp i�s'able ar Lewdei's sarearit�:w�td be Ies�ner�,t�se ias�naaoeproc�eds�lsa ,t
<br />_ --���'�� . applie�'to the'sa�tns secttted isgthis S�uritg Iastrumeict,�rhet�esor uot':hen�e.wit�ang eicess paid tv BartowG_r.��P. -� -
<br /> _- ' � . �er.abaud�us`th�Property,or�n.�t answer wit�in 30i daps a arytic;e fm�dsr t�t#be is�eat�aa�riar kas�. " `� _
<br />- --=------�M;�,.. , , �.offera�to sett�e�a c�aim,thm I.ender�may.r,oilxt the iasuts�oa prnoet�r�.Lea�tsr`mri�vs��th�proce�ds tu re,pait Q� . °
<br /> __--_ - _-_= txstora�the Psapert�a:ta pay sums eacureai bp thia Sec�aity Iastrumen�;*�tiethes crr nm#h���T�3�dag gerFod W� -
<br /> :�^��m;;� t�cvhe�a thaaoiccxiagiven. � � �:�°�� � ' .
<br /> --- -�`��`�'�, . Unlr:s�Lender as�Bosmv¢er oti�rwies egr�ee ia wsi,tiaga ang aPP�icatioaof � w FriIICiga�ehaU;�t cs0ead or
<br /> ��-�."�-'�'�'`�`�=.� � pOStpaFae t�dags dat�of th��-sid�Lh1Y P3Ys�enm�eszed tu in paragtaphs 1 and��ge the�mo�i►t of,tt�pay�ne� �
<br /> _=�-=� . r�uadet paregrap�.��21.the.�'mpertp is sajuired �t Le.�der. Barmwe�'s:sight'ti�=auy�ans�ranoe policies su,�•ptoce�ds •
<br /> -_-=e�y�.� . � resulting f�om.dama�e ta t�Fsropert�.�rrlar to the acqui�tion sfiall psss tcs Leades to ttta catent o��e sums eavred:b�'�• � � —
<br /> �- � � �SSSeauitytusl�tiim�im.t�e�iatelYFrcorwthess;q�risit�an. -. � . � . ' --
<br /> r" � ' -
<br /> :.'"'�``��`r � 6�acupaacg.Ps��tion.11q�atenaace�tad�rotectaania�•t�aPropesty�.8arrowe�sE.o:n�plicitiori; ,:�:
<br /> - �.�� � ' L�seholds.�Horeo�er s�saccuPl:establisb,amd�e the Prapert}�as�o�ro�e�s princi�s�sidenee wi�a si�y�ays �
<br />�y�.7i.��— affler the ear,ci3tioa;of�t��.�seeurity Yitatrumeat and_s1ta11 cantinue w `the as Borco�'s pri�tcipai .
<br /> � �9
<br /> ;���,�i��''� F. "si�idsuce for at leass one yezr afterth�ii�Ys of ac�.tpancy�ua2e�IRnider o�agrees in wrildag.whieb.cousent stialt . � _
<br /> v �:�' :• . not be uareasoszab�y wathhdd,or unlem�e�teauating ciscomstaarzs esist which ar��beyond gEirrpwefs ooatrol.�n�ower ' � . _ _
<br /> -� �,Y n;�,�`�s.:f�; . . shall nat desfrr�y.�daraage or imsnaii t��roperty;altaw the Pmperty ta deteriorat,�,or eoa�nit waste on t�a�perty.. --
<br /> "��u:-���,-At:= B o s r o w e r s h a l l'b G i n d e f a u l 4 a�&n y f o r f e i U tt�e action or P r a t;�d i n g�whether civi�iar cri m i u a l,is b e g u�tbat ip Ilead6�s ,
<br /> �:_,.. ., �. . —
<br /> u��;--�:�:��;::-`u,;- goo4 iaith r�dgment coutd aestilt in forfeiture of the Pfoperey or other�vis^8 as�tialiy impair the�liest crested by tlus = -
<br /> g�
<br /> ��I;'�r�_;kp.�- :��:��°. 5ecuraty In,,,.tr��i�eat�nr I.euder's security irlterest:Barm�er snap cure sueh;a�ilefault sud r�insist�,as pr+nvidod ia ; —�-�-
<br /> ..:�"�.:,'�- -`.` � �h 1 b causib the actioa �t proc�ediag to ba diami�ad witb a'ruling that� in Lender's gaod faith� --
<br /> �"T-:r�•,�-:z;`':;: PareBra 8. Y, �t. — —
<br /> - .. �' determmation,precludes forfeitvre a#t�Bonower's interest ia.ttti.��roperty or other material impair�e�t of the 1i�i:: � . -- --
<br /> '�r �� ' �` � � — `� 8150�IB ftl � �,},
<br /> . .. . .—a:acu'��j3$�613 � -.T�.�°..�':��`'° ..L�SL'ti°"LK'�iLp i1iLE!'El4t.'�Ti�YPJWBP 6h8t� _ .i�8U1Lff�HCl. --
<br /> . : � - �.. ���"� — - -- --
<br /> . � �'�<����"'' �loan applicatioa psocess. gove matetiallp fols�os.iaaccurats in�ormation or stateaiente to I.ea�x,c4t a�
<br /> --� �` -- ---- �,�ma1e Lender with sup material information)iYt ma�etimc with'the loan evideaced b�the.Note,iacFtu�t;i�ig,but aot
<br />�.�;•.,.�. .` � q,+;;�r��.rEpresentatioas conc�rning'Borm.wer's accupancq o€the Propertp as a principal tesi�3euce.lf'°t$is Se�ritg
<br />.��. .�::T:.' '��:��•"'`,rl,ta�, ,:±'� � � Instrument is on a leaseho�d,Bonower shall wmply with all the pmvisions of the lease.If Borrowes aaquu+es fee Eit1e tp . , ..
<br />-- _ . '`�` tDe Prapetty theleasehold and tinefee titleshatl not mer�e unless I.eader to the m m wri ` '-
<br /> age� er8er� tin& "'
<br />�.F�'�;'�'.; � � �i;'.p � o '
<br /> ;` 7.Prot�txon at LcnBer's Rights in tho Property.If Bonbwer fails w perform the covcpaats aad ag�nents :,:�' ��:-'
<br /> a
<br />� 3�fi�..`: :�t�� .
<br />� �:;,� • . .' , �`' comtained in this�ecun IasMimea�or thece is a 1 roceedin tbat ma �i icanti affeet Lender's ri ts i the f� ��
<br /> �tY �P 8 Y �� Y P� $ ���'x =;�;, .`
<br />�,r.� ..��l ��y:"' �'ro�rtY (s�h as a pioceeding in baokniptcy, Probate. tor condeninatian or fnrfeiture or ta enfor� lawa or'._ _ --
<br /> t:. , Y15,'.;`:'�.'f_ :�
<br />_�, .>'�; ` -. ` ..::� �egulatians},t��n Leader may da aad�key for whatever is ne�ary to proteet the valve of the Praperty aad I..r,nder's .:�:-.;,�,;_: � �-
<br />��,..;�,� ��,�� � ,` <-, ri ts in the l�Cipert9.Leaa�ei's.actiona ma ivalude a in ang sutns se�;ured b�a lien.wluch has an ovei this � . :-�''��"`
<br /> L, �. $h . Y P Y � Pt'j t9' .�.:::,;�'� y
<br />�.:_ � - � � Secimty I�srnent,appearing iA oourt�Payiug reasonabte attoraep�feES and eutering oa tbe Property w�riake repais�� :�:,;,;�. ��
<br /> ,Pilt�,ough Lender may take actioa uttder this paragrapb 7,Lendet does aot have w do so. � �-. ` � .'
<br /> ' _ ' ,-� ,
<br /> �'. �t��' ' �,.e. . " ;Any emoun�disbutse�!by Lendet und�r tius pasu�aph T aha11 tsecome edditional debt oi Borrower secured bp this �.• . - =
<br /> ". � :�. . .�--
<br />�•�.,:,..>:�.':. .; . � Savrity In.gtru�nen�Ustlr��8urrower aad Lender agr�to other terms of payment,the�e amounts sball bear iaterest , '=�-'' -
<br /> T�F( . . r�r .. � w.i ��
<br />��'��-� >;=� � : from the'datso#disbursement at the 1Vate rate and's�atl be payable,�vith intPSest,upoa aotice frora Lender to Borrower � � _°
<br /> Y ��jp WMY�
<br /> �'�':�.''.rt.A':� , ��:. � .. � �UeS41AgY"J�SCII�. . _ .
<br />— ;�;�..�. . :>r: ' �
<br /> t x�Lr
<br /> - .`�cr�,+��:rr;r,;:-� . 8.Mortgag�Ir�soraaca.If Leader sequired mortgage ittsurance as a coadition of making the lqan secured by this . : ;: �,�'$`�'rr,.,+',>
<br /> '�4 , �� : r,, Secvrity lnstn�ment.Bosxrawer shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insuraace in effect.Ur,for any ,;?�,��'.` � �;i�� '�
<br /> .,..}}i�,':, reason,the mortgage ira�rance coverage sequired by I,ender lapses or ceases to be ia effect,Borrower s1�U pay the ,,-,��c� �-
<br /> rau
<br /> �.��. �-
<br /> ' . p�+emiums required to obtaiu�caverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insureace.previously in effect.at a cost • f i���. .-"
<br /> - � �: . . subsmatielly e�,uivalens w tha cast w Barrower of the mortgage iasurance pseviously an effect,feorn an alterrzsse `•;;}"�,,..
<br />- �� �� . . -'�i;w��: _
<br /> _�;.:.�:� ' martgage iasuret�appmved by Lender. If substaatiatly equi�nt mortgagcs ins�trance coverage is aot avail�'.�e, :,�s;v;�;�;�.:.
<br /> , . . . . � . Borrower ehsl!pay to l.ender each month a su:n eqva�to on+�eSfth of th9 yearly mortgage inavraare�r�mium.t�ng �,-;:;,,.� ..
<br /> - . �� ..' gaid by Borto�ver when the ias�raace coverage lag��r c�as�w be in effect.I.ender w�ll accept,w:�setP:�ethesci ' .. � ' ,
<br /> '�'.''��; `:: � paqments as a lo�s rrserve in lieu of raortgagr�_im�ir,e��e�. Loss r�erve paqmenta maq no longer be reqc�ire�l. . •. . '. �.
<br /> ; • � .. ,:;�,,�' ,
<br /> . ... . • . �-:tia?t
<br /> ,+ ' , . J':.,;'•., '
<br /> •� .. ';�:iit!;,t:.�'
<br /> :��;..,• . �• . •. ,.� Fum 862i� :'. ;;<;�+;,,•
<br /> ;�f d`ttt��',,�k` ., �6AUEI(Ot�2l a,a�8 e�s ' InilLtr .. ', . .
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