_._ .� . �___ .� _ _ ____ _ _ _ �� .
<br /> ; . � - '° .. -:.. ., ���� �
<br /> . . . ,. ..��� ��: �� -
<br /> pa,y���r�y c;ti la�agcz`�re�ci�c3.ac t�,:c�n og F:ettr��r.�tnnit3s���nsa:;�e c��2ge,s�'t�e.a:x�.�t�.+�£��¢3s��^I�. ..
<br />—. ---- - ° ,t�+at�a:iar r�qulres;�xat�S'bq�.�+�i�5ut�er'a�grr►v��4+y Y�es��bo�es ait�IQ atx!���:�&tt�'�Yt���.�.` ?.. .
<br /> -- _.- � �� �gr�e+�ie�ms rcqr�sed tn�intsut msmg`i�e insau�ca an eff�t,ar to�r�v,ic���ax�ceac�v�,u�iF�n�rer��`ar ma�s�age.
<br />_- - - ` � ti�sursnb�esa��n e�rdance wit6�riy wrtttc.n ag�mtnt bet��p�otrowtr uad&e�der,or a�Iic�tIa f�w., ' °� � � - . .,
<br /> — --- ` .` � ; < �. Y.emQer•or,its�ei�.ant mika�sati�lrie�es ans��$t�e ` �r�af� va ' � � .
<br /> - Lscpodide• Y ����� �Y� �i
<br />- � Barrq�rrr nr;ttca ac tis�ti,a�e oE trr�rior w a��t�spcafion syxify�ng aeasasab?e c�iac�ar�.inspccxio�.� • �. ., .
<br /> n `
<br /> -- ,.. ` . 14.�ma�t�oa,Thez�r�s af.any,a�e�rc1 or•xtaim fu�damagcs.'d�rt;ct pr a�3�ai,�c�onnec�a�witT�,�r►y � ` `
<br /> �_ --- -- ° cond�nnatiQn or athcr tr�i�g df`aky pstt�tlse Ptc�se2ty.o���dr ea�izvejr�ce in 1's:s vf oa,iidaramtioa,�Qercby�s„i�ed�ud.' .
<br />� shala bep^wd tm,t.ecid�t. . � , . � .: �,, .. � `.. . ` �
<br />� � �--=-�tit�tli�44�tQ�8.�RF�S3�t nfRh�P6YS�fecry_; ��
<br /> _ ng_., _the nTd�ds Sh�ll i�E tD_tI2C G12P�tS Cs�T�.�+y 4�Js 5�u#tEg� '�_`*�".M .� .
<br />' ; . , wh�ther or aot th�n.due,�tJa t�ny�eac�s paid to BaPtow�r. Ut tI�evem off.tt�a;iiaS taidng�f ifr��in�vRic�s t�:�'a�r ` '
<br /> _-- ; � .raarket vulue of the Prapeity imm�iately fi,efore tne eaYIr►�is eqaal w or�'reatei than tEc�s�nurs flf t�st:ms se{auui by�#his `
<br /> - �yr I�t ima�alstyi b�!'ore the takiag.unless B.orsacver arrd Lsnder atheawise agte�ia writ"sng,ttr s�ms s�ired @x.
<br />-��
<br /> -- __ --.�A'ss.S[vsi�t:,_.I�cen+mPet_shatt_he_rr.,�iea�t hu_ihe_�iFiilIIL..Qf_t�.D?DO�S�liiD71S�_631_3h�f0llO'w�'FF�_�!�{a},:fhe:_t�,
<br /> - -_ —�----,-—�-----------_
<br /> _ � ar�n�lnt�of the SWI►s�d imme�� i�tnty$CfoI�td�t3ttite$;dtvi�by th)the�ai�marlret vatae of t�e Pa+operty�s�jp -� -
<br />- - , ' befoie t`#t�takiAg:Any baina�sGsill be paid�t�Baauw�r.tn the eveni o€.a pastia!taking of 3h�Pr6pejty�ia�t�icit the fair .
<br /> markcA vaIue a�the Praperty�tuuedisiely 6efare the talring is tess tbaa tf�e an�aunt uf tfle sums sewred iau�diateiy�befo�{�c tt�e
<br /> -��, taSdng,im2ess Saiaawer aad LeQder ot�ZSwise agree in q�ritin�as unless applirab2�!a�a'�.�erwise gravides.ti�e prnc8e�s s�afl�. '
<br /> - be apptit�to tlie svuic s�63+this Se�urtcY Lastn�nt wl�t�r os not tisee sams a�tt�due. . . �.
<br /> • , �6tLe.Prr�erty'is a6aadaned�sy�orcba�er.or i�a8er msrioE 6y�iender to Borrnwer i�at the condemaarof�ess trt r,oalce an
<br />-�� � _ award or seule a c�aim fnr damages, Bqrmwer fails ta respond to lxader wit�5ia 30 days aft�the date.tbe natice is gtven, �
<br /> �1.eIIder is aothurizc�to cnllect aud agply�the pr�a�eds.at iis op2i�.eisher to r�wia�ioa oz regair t�f;he gro�erty or to Ytte sums �; , .
<br />-' � 'secured try t5is Sec�ity Instrun�i,wkether or.aot then due: � � � � ' •
<br /> � Qtr�I�dss a�Becmwei othecwise agiee ui ivtitiqg.an1l �pp}i�atioµof pra�d�to pra�cipai shmll�at e�nd or.'
<br /> eks�date af tLe mantW paiag�a�hs 1 a�d 2 ar pa ` -:,.; � •
<br /> P� Y PaY��fe�d to m chaa�t2ie amaunt af s�cch y�; •
<br /> Il.I'xei��11T4!Rete�ased;Farb�e By Lend�'Hat a Waiver Extansion.of the time for payment ar�c,atioti �� .
<br />' af aaw�iautiacs of�x svms secored by titis Seauriey InstruYaent g�a�ted 6y T.ender to siry guc�cessai in iutraest.of Bnmpwer st�all , � ' -
<br /> _ , .nnt agecate m rcC�e the liability of the original Borrnwer or�iorrower's suacessnrs in int�t.I�uder sltall nus be teqiii�red w .
<br /> - ��PT�Sg���Y saocessor in iniezest.ar eef-pse to extend ti�se for p�me�t or otiteawise�modify am4s�tiou
<br />_- of��s'secared by tbis Se�urity Instzum�t by,reason o€aary dema�d mzde t�.die arigiirai Borm�vet or�e#rower's
<br /> ..
<br /> .;_
<br /> �sucee�5ors in imerest. Any+forbeazance by I.ender i�exercising�r righf or re�y shall aat 6e a waiver af or�ciade the
<br /> . f .• . .
<br /> 2.. $_ - . •
<br /> .. ;'�'',ti� exencis�of any right or reanedy. • .
<br /> _ - ------ �.. � • . . .�.-�.�.- _ .. ..,r:.... w_ � ��• �' ._c.a,:...-�-� _
<br /> � "/}j�a�.i.'.,": - --- -- --SG'' -...- --� • • � � ' �-OiODTIOi�"i�"S�: �C�33IG��It�'s�rit-�tc�:vs-�-- �
<br /> -. :` ,t'`` :• , • Seaaa�:It�strument shaU bind and benefit th�saceessors and assigns of Leader and Basmwer, subject to the�u�ians af
<br /> . r:::�?��=:��:���``�`,1.• ? par��g� 37. Borrnwer's covenants and agreements st�all be joinf aad several. A�r E�atmwer �vho co-aigus tfu�i=:.,1".e�o,my
<br /> ;?:. :::,�::��:,��:,�,:`��"<.:: Ins��ent but da�aot execute the Note:(a)is ca-siguag this SECar:�Tc�stium�M o�Jy to mortgage. g�u ar�ts�is�r,thai
<br /> .=�'t�r�"�=-`���:� Borrow s intetes�in the onder the terms.of this Seca i��(b)is a�t obli w �:�riass�,,:' :
<br /> :;�...+�. �,,,.:,,,:,,-' � cr' Prh`PectY ritY P�sonallY &'ti� PaY�� ;•
<br /> .� '-��>�:!`:-:. sECUied by this Serutisy Insuumem:and(c)a,�ee.s that I�.+�r.ag�anY�r Hormwer�ay agiee to extend.modify:�'Qt�a�'.;�r.
<br />- :F�= . - ,
<br /> � " 1�;.:°." ' `;,-.'.`i ma&ezny a000mmodatioas with tegard to the¢artns of 4hfs���ty Iusttument or the Not�:�+ithout th'at Borrower s ai�nt:
<br /> _ - s•:�:r,:===_�.��=_�:-; E�.Loaa�ba�ea.tf the taan secur�€6y ttris Sett�xi,t�.��ssa'utaem is sabjott to�titev which se,ts mana�vm t;�m�c�arges, - -
<br /> .x�;fi-�*:z:•ri�:x•�,:•... � and[hat laa is finally interpietad so that d�e�t oiathex Ioam charges collected or to be wlletteA in cunnection with the
<br />-- ;;"Y '��;�:•'`: :;:� l o a n e x c e e�t h e p e m u t t e d i tt n i t s t h e n:(a)a m�F u i,�i b�t o�n e i�a r g e s h a t l 6 e r e d u c a d b y s h e a m o u n t�e e�s g t Q r e d u c e t h e c 8 a r g e
<br /> �S'�1`�'1".:'',7=' •
<br /> �ii�,-..
<br /> • w ,k�•:....,.•.:E to the p�rmitted limit;and(b)any snms alre�`�1�iiccted iicm Borrower which exoeeded p�rmitted 1'�w9tl�ire;.�unded ta
<br /> ��;�',L�,�;�,�,�.s,�.. .•�: S acy�w e r. I.e n d e r may c i w o s e t n m a k e t b i s r e f i m d 6y r e�g t h e pri ncipal o w e d u a d e r t h e N o t e o r by i�C i p�,.a d i r a c t
<br /> .'��;�"�..`�'�,�: p3yr�t to Borrower_ If a re.� mduces priacipal. t&e �aciion wiU be treated as a partial psepaymet�s #sliih�tut any
<br /> - �'���`i� `• ent ch e ur�der 1he l�F.Gr�:: . ; . ���, •:
<br /> 1�• ��:A"�`:i'T�;:�'�: �fl3.Not�oe9.Pha�r notioe�m$orrower rovided for in tDis 5ewd Icr�iment shall be ven b deliverin it ar b .`' '� S, .
<br /> P tY 8T. Y S Y�'�.. .,.�
<br /> •�'�' ' ' � . • . it 6y Hrst class�1 c�tes's ap�Cc�ble Iaw requires use of another m�hod.'i4ie notice shall be directed to the Property'A� .
<br /> _ . . or zz�� aihet add�ress Borraa��ignates by notice to Lern�er. Any notice to i.eadec shall be given 6y first ct� �i�l so�'
<br /> ' �^��;:;�`• . t,r�Jr�s address stated herein a�$ny other addrpss L,ender�signates by notice to Bo�er..4�nY notice provide�f�¢in tlus -
<br /> �• � .,_ Sec�rity lastnune�t shall be deaemed to have been given to Borrower or I.endeT when give�n as provided'w t6is paragrdpb. _
<br /> .. `��i,� ., ''� • ." ' 15.Gorerniiyg Law; Sev�abiltty. 77ais Securiry Insdument shall be govemed by federal law and t6e law of the
<br /> ��� r jurisdidion in arhich the Properry is located. Ln the event that any provision or clause of this Seatriry Inswrneni or the Note --
<br /> �u � �.�� cantlicts with applicable law,su�a conflict shalt not affect other prnvisions of this 5ewrity Instrument or the Nate wlrich qn be •
<br /> _: .��:. . '-,:,�° - given effect withaat the oonflicc�pmvision.To this end the ptavisions of ttus Serurity Inswment arcd the Note are declnred __
<br /> . ' . to be saverable. --
<br />- �"j. ' � � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrotiver shall be given one confomied mpy af fhe Note and of this Sec�trity Insuument. _
<br /> •y7„�� ' ' Fcrre 3Q2$ 9150 --
<br /> , �
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