�_<: --�� _ i `\' �t � �"''�'t' .JGMI.L.:t.i,:' ��...'�4,!- —......— __
<br /> T:,. _ ..�'�'�r.z� »AK�f��o�s�.,: —
<br /> i• Y' '4+y+. __
<br />���{w lj �lF�Src -__ . ---- _
<br /> ___ _" _ . -- _ �—
<br /> � _ _ �! _ '
<br />__� '_ " — —• . _
<br /> - ,....r ..—..--,-- �. . _�. .... _ . .'—_ .___ ' '
<br /> __ .— ._ — —._ __ . . . . �•'_'�'__--' �
<br /> - - .. • . . _ . ; - . � , ' ��� ' r ,f;y •y 4 -._. - .
<br /> _ _ ' - ,, . Y�" _ 4_: , ` . �' , '� .�����r�:3�'� �
<br /> --- -- - � ��:�e$u�'�o���up�t��r ia H��:����'��-"���•�€:.:�'�t:cmy�ri vf ttcY Fra�rt.y�ar e��.��-�in�t --
<br /> -- - ;< <°i�so!9 at ta�nsf�n�l.Eai'tfi sr��fiicial.u�e�ess�iri Bas�c�<�� . . ��t�fzxr�3 r�s18s���i�rAt�n�si pe�s+oa?wit�'xz�'�,
<br /> _ , �er's paior.v�m�tta consc�zt,.t.ender,may.at its p�i��t�,,,. . ....a i�r�iiate pay�iat;in.fult o#init sc�s src�.rcd bY.'thi� , . ;
<br /> �
<br /> - � S,�iy-f��r.���FIavrever.thi�og�:oa sba)1�Qs e1t��d�`Lc�er if�xerci�s is p�i�it�f b}�'€edezal tsw as cn�tti€b3t� �
<br />- --- —- of�this Secu.�t�r� �„x. , ;: , . • ` `'. . -
<br /> If,l�nster ex�eccises this 6ption Lender shali give&IS�hAr�o�ic�af u�ele�ation.'��iia�sst�aaU�csi�ide a:pe*i�o�acr�
<br /> — -- � � elc�s tFtan.�€i days froni ahe.date Ehe aotice is delivc�d!��.t=uti..la;iil�vitts�w6i�h Borrawer�eust'�ay �It�sums s�-�sy�fbis� '
<br />--- - . Securiry ins3cument.If�orcnwer fr�ls Yo pay these sums,�a3.:�;_:�t��iP.�1�U,q 4t�tII�S�,kEIIO�,LEt�CZ ID3}�IIIV6Y2 2IIgt.i�' .
<br /> _" , per�aitted�+this SecuriEy Iustrtimranf tivt[h6ut�'urt�er��'�.�a�-.�e�sxtBoriowei: �� .�. ` •
<br />_- --- ' �.8. Bosrower's R��i to RelastaYe..If Bnrro�,�..�tcit�,�s�tzi�.�on�i2£�+��rrawer s�al� Qav� the right to have
<br />- �ca,faFCemtnt of t6is 5�snryr Instramsrst discoati�uod a�r.�,�;�,sir.ts:.�rri���tn�ti�c�lics a1F. (a)S,days(or s�ch�ttc�p�riud ss
<br />_- --- - -- . app�caiiTe�ai��uap sg�c.ifY forreinsiaicnte�l t�fnt��i��+�ti� �.."rt��t t€t atss-�a�� Q€���'i�t�js-`- --- .
<br /> . Securi kistraaQen2•ux o�a'tid ent eafore�ng•.thiu:S�arity 7a�-tru�ea�.Thase wnditians ara t�tat Bprnmr;er.:(a)Pays ` , _
<br /> }
<br /> �� . Eb �Y J S� .
<br /> .
<br />-, t3!
<br />_s Leader a!I�ms¢�icfl thsn.wuutc�is�c�ue ur,der this��ritlt;;3�tnt�eIIt aad the Not�as�f nn_awetepatian ha�aoeun�ed•(b).
<br />- << aires any def�Wt af aay atI�er wvenaats ar agtce�ns�; C�&Fa3��12 expenses ia�urced in enfm�ing this Secnriry,tns�ramtent, . . '
<br /> - � • � r. • ?u��g��;�� {dZ.tal;es aar�n actwn as�ea an�y�scaaabIY r�q�ile t4r assuz'�' - -_
<br /> a � a
<br /> � .t�at tI� 'en of this SecuriEy L�sirument,Lerider's rig�t&i��.�c��yr aad Bosrotiver's ob�igation t;�gay tTta sa��6y .
<br /> a�. this S�uity Fns�t shall cantia�e �tuchaa�.�;U�xm...�seirzsiatsmeaE' hy �ortowet> t�is Seairity In.s�at aud ttit:
<br /> . obligations secnre�heiehy st�ail remain fully,effe�tiv��s i,f�a�ceteratinn�•ace�d.Howc�rer�;i#is�ight.to reia�^tate sfial��_.
<br /> not agpty ip the c�ue of aooeIeration�mder paragcap&.17.: � ':��''.: ` � <°' �.
<br /> ga
<br />- 29. Saie of Not� Cl�aage oi Loa�n Seevi�e:,'�'he,I3a��or a mtPaest in'tf�Note(t��etkea witti�Ahis
<br /> P� . ���-�:
<br />= I�mcm)maY he sflld one or m�Unae,s arithaut pr�c a�ti.sa ui Borrowez.A sale m�resatt in a ehange in tb�€i�iY E�m� .
<br /> ma �
<br /> �s the°Laan Servioes")Wat coflects montfily Qayments dua a�d�'�Note and t63s�Tss�umen�'t7tere at��ay b�b�„ •
<br />, �� or more cbanges af the Loan Se�via�wueiat�d to a sat�o�eap.Nats.,If thera is a ehange of the Iaau Servic�x.Bormwer ar�it� ' `_
<br />�.:rv,=�;�;_r^�����' gir-en�vtitten aat�ce of t3�e cI�ange in acxot�aate with�7ara�r'�t.��ahove and.applicable law.Tke notioe will st�ee the name'at� '� • - -
<br /> —._. - - -- addcess of the�Loan Seavicet and the adQress to.w4xcb�alrtneats�ha�zld 6e m�le.T6e aa►�iee�i11 also contain any athsr.: ,
<br /> ----`�'=µ��#s � infarmation teqaired 6y applicable law. . . .
<br />�.:;�:���.:,,�.. �
<br /> ----.--_-.��— 20.Haaardous Substat�ces. 8orrower shall nat ca��.or�raiit the pres�nce,use,disposal,starage.'or re!eass of auy.
<br /> _==.�:LLt�:. ��-�--- Ha�rdous Substaaces o�.or.in the Ptoperty. Bo�ativ�er_sha1� noL dn,.nor a1low.ai�yoae else.to do, anYtbing a�rag the _
<br /> -____���'���� gra that is in violation of any Eaviro�m�!Law. �e preceding nvo ae71c��balt uot�Iy tQ tfle presencx,use.ar ..
<br /> -y�::�:�:;:���.�� P�i'
<br /> —°-_-.�. , stnrage on•the Fmperty of small quantities o�Ha�asdntt�:�uitstattces that are'ge�''�If�s@oogaiz�d t�.6e aPP�P�w nor�a!
<br /> - -""����:�� � resideatia!uses and to�nainoen.ance of the Pm�:cEy:�� • -° • `�:::= ,
<br />�;�:: r �`-,'��,.. � y
<br /> ��.,-_��-.;,'•�:�,-,.�; 8omawer shall P�PUY 81ve i:ender written taoti�of�ry investigation,das"iie;.:�asnd,,l�i�os oth�r a�ion by a�►
<br /> :N.:;:�.;-,:.,�::�-• , ° govern�enial os re�ilatory agency or private party�nrol�riz�.thG FmpertS'and aTry N�tdons Substarire�r Eny�tal Law . .
<br /> ' �'•►� "' o�cv€�ich Bormwer has actual knuwledge.If BorroY�Qi l�ts.ot is notified by any�er�nenta!or tegulatu�y:•�uthor�tY+tdat �
<br /> . •�•;-;<r�}::�:��s:y remova!or ether�iaTion of any Hazazdous Su6;�t�affecting tfle Property�3 necessary.Bormw�er�l��t�p�Y��
<br /> - ' ' � Q �neoessary remediat aciions in accordance with Ertuironmeata!i.aw. rY :: : �� . .
<br /> �;�, - ' = , - - � �_-
<br /> [�use�iirtius�agragh�£i,-"Fraz�daas Su'� are�iharse�nbsta�es defined as roaic as harard�u..�,•�t�tsl�ce��i.
<br />- .-�„�J�,,�?!iY Y 1.._' i . Eavironmental Law and the fol(awing substanoes: ga,�olare. kerosen,e, other flaaimable or touic peuo�atm�n toz�c
<br /> ��.-;..:;�ti.:;:;•_.:.,`.�;:•..•; � p:e�ticides and herbicides.voLniile solvents.materials ro�iaun�asbestas oz formdtdehvde,and radioactive��at��[a�used in
<br /> _ ��;.. . •. , tIus parsgraph 20. "Eo.�iroamcptal Law" means federnl ]aws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properry�la�thai _
<br /> ,:.;':;w;r;:,,r�;�,_;`, ;. ,
<br /> �_:;y{�,r�;:.+.. ., •. relate to healtla.safety or enuit�i�menta!protertion: .. . . .
<br /> . , • .: . ;:<::�r i � NON-UIVIFORM COVF,�#'�Z1TS.Bomnwer and L.ens(Kr furiher c4venant and agcee as follaws: ,
<br /> �:.�,..e.:;;:',;:.,.�:��:�, 4 21.Aoc�ieraIIion,Re�a?�.Lend,�r st�ll�e.aat3�e ta Burrower prior tp aoc�elerat�oa fa33owing Sorrower's breacb .
<br /> _ ' � ' a�any covenaat os ag� in thLs �rity �trntr�te ibnt aat priar'to ut�ets�atton nu�er pare�raph g7 � �.-
<br /> � ; °� • a�{��scable law pmvides at9r;c-rtsc3sx).'fhe natIco stial�sp�c3fy: (p)the defanit,(6)�t�e adIon t+eqnire�to care tite.d�efanit; • _---.�-
<br /> - '',"; .' � fa�,i dat�,noi tess tl�n 30 dc�s from the date tiva aaii�e is giv�to Bosrowcr.by w6irb the defaul3 mast 6e cared:and _--.
<br /> '�?"�`•:'� ` ; �ii���ftat failme to�e the defaalt on or heforx Rtrra datz speaitted in the noHce ruay resul2 in accde�atton of the sams -___
<br /> _ �.;ry,�::.,T`.,:.�,, ' . •�by Wis S�arrity Instnunent aad sale of tDm!?¢agerty'. The rmt�se shall fruther inform Bo��ves of the rigGt to � -= _
<br /> °"��,'';�:'y:;. '. `: .1_:,;��rr,;�:',reiastate attesr��aceteratiom ttnd We rigdt w.hrin�a�amt actFon to assert tAe aoa�existeaoe of a defauit or aay oiher
<br /> r.i�r.: . . ..�.:�.,�. ���_
<br /> .;.«.;. . ..
<br /> : i�ense of Borro�eer to ac�eteration aad sale. IP tlira:del'u�fi is not cure�on or before the date s�ectfi�d in t�e a�ti _ __
<br /> °;,,.�f,�,�,_-�r�.; ;:,'��: , , .,�, . 1`,�.�uder►at(4s opt�on.ma� �Qaire immtdiuxe pa�+r�r.rtt in fuU of aU sams sec�rd 6Y this Serarity Instrumeat�ithon �
<br /> `'r,b:�.i=-.F<• ° � �mther demand and taa3.3�ke the power a�sale natik a�aY oti�'semeddcs permitted by appficaDte taw.i.ender shail be .
<br /> ;�<7.� � • ,-' ! eatItted.to couect afl expec�:s incan�ed in pursol�tfir�:t�nedies pmvtded in t41s D�tagruPh Zl,inciading.6ut nat limited ;�•-- --
<br /> .Y��.:;_ .. : �: .
<br /> =:���: �:,. :; i; tu►reawnahie s�4;neys'f�aud costs a8�it4e ev�denae. .� �. . _ ,
<br /> w.__ --
<br /> '�A ., �_.T..
<br />- � :;�j �y I.f the pocsra�oY sate.is invoke8.Trustee s4a11.t+eomrd a notice of defadt in escti co �i�wh[C6 any part of t� ,���-
<br /> . � . Property is tocated ans�l�`�mail copies of snch�naf��se in the ma�er pmsctibe�6Y aPP�li:�aw to�nrro�scr and t;s �_`,��
<br /> ' � `I . . .the other peisoas pr�sxi�by appllcabfe luw.AfY�tQt¢time required by appt#r�i�Ee law.Trostee s6aU{�v�.pnbl[c natice �:"�„�:.�
<br /> • �,�>;�w..�.
<br /> ."�'��.. �� '_ � trL�ule to the persnns�im the maaaer preficrlbed'by appllcabfe law.Trustc�-m�thnat dexnaad on 8a�wer,shal��U •-.�;�,;;_
<br /> .�� • t�ie Peoperty�at publtc sc�n to the highesf Dldd�r nt th�time ar3d place aud aa:ler tt�e terms d�ate�€:�the not�Ce of � �:"�
<br /> _ '�f�r •..••,' .•� s a l e i n o a Q o r�o r e p a r o�s a n d i n a n y o r d e r T t w s t e e d'e t e r m i n e s.T m s tee ma Y p o s t p one sale nf all or sin y parcef o8 the {_:'-:5.'?�'�--;::
<br /> d:;,�y�.;. :' � property1 6Y�l�c.anmoua�cement at the tlrne and�place of any previaasly sche�uled sat�'�.eader or its desipace mu� ; �', ��.--•,�,��,�--.
<br /> ; � n+chase the Pruperty at any sate. � � . • '
<br /> ;���'iiyf.. . ' _ � p. ' _
<br /> r,.�:�1°i ' . . 'r'r.Sr�, -
<br /> :`�J, , , ;4�;-. ,
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