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<br /> _ (tItie"Leader")of tGe san�e date aAd"mv�ring ttPr pto�rty dc.�rrit�d i�thc S`ssurtty i.asitumcni.A�t�tatated at: - -
<br /> _ _=_--�:-��r�a '
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<br /> � � � . �
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<br /> `�S r Y� �� '�` AND THB MAXtINSUM I3ATE THE SORF�U��E�IV�USi'PAY.�
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<br />'��,;:' "' �� � . ADDYftONAL CQuENAN7'S. fn addition tn thc cavenants :n�-agmemenGs m�ute in the Stscurity*;'�nsuartsem. ,�
<br /> �.J.nf�•..�_':_'I..i...�,�!'.:� __ _ . _ .. � _
<br /> -_-"�,`�-�.�•. Borrowe►snd Lender farihe�covenant and agree As fofto�+s: • - --
<br /> -(.-�: �i�' ,-, •. • _ ' __-
<br /> � ,;��:.'�.. '�' . � � _�._
<br />-:.�'''.,... _:, - INTERESI'RIeTE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHAN(3ES ---
<br />� E ._
<br /> y • .• . • f ..•N��
<br /> �" °� � EA) CAaageD�ta. ... Octnber 1, 2995 � r ��s��.•-r
<br /> ` �.��,c The iaietest�ate mx�:diange on the first day oi . ;. .and ttt�t day at each�it�year. ��---_
<br /> .F r:.,
<br /> �+F ,•! ; •� �:."'(��ge F]ats"means each`date on which the interest rnte cauld change. ��? --
<br /> ,{,: ; _ -
<br /> , , _ ^._• ; --.=°,--
<br /> (B}Theln�tex :•�:�:., _.Y n.}.�_._
<br /> �w> �43� . • �.. ..�
<br /> �� ` Beginning with the rrst Chan$e Date.the interes�"r�►te wiH be based on an lndex. "lrtdex"means the vie�Ly�ayerage � -- -
<br /> .� : _ , _
<br /> ��� '•�` • yietd on United States 7t�easury Securities adjusted tu a wnstunt maturity af ane ycar.as made availabte,fsg��:�flt�Fateral '.�:%�,%t'' ; _
<br />:��,,,,�,,;,,�,;,.,:: :;_• Reserve Boaf'�L "Cument Indea"means the most�ecent Irtdea figure�uailable 30 days before the.Ch�nge D�te.`,►'T the Index -" f, `��
<br /> (as detit�d�4ve)is no lon er availahte,l.ender will use as a ne�v tndt�nn inetex rescri6ed B t!�Secre�ry..As useA in �'r`�
<br />, �,T� - t ,�.
<br /> �.*°^'� �s''��� � • tAis Rider,"5�cretary"meat�s the Secre�a oi Hoosi�g and Urb�+n t�evelo mena�a rhis on c�r�; ee. t.t�i5ster will �ve '�'''��..
<br />_��-.•;��- _ : ry p � . g ' ��-":
<br /> � '" Borrower notice of ihe c��r Uidex. � • ��V-�
<br /> _";r".. ...'�.. ,. . , � . , . ,. °"'`
<br /> - .. . . ��'�
<br /> ::i.:s:.�;. .� . . ' � . • . . •
<br /> -_�.�.,_���. . (C) Cetcutat�onofl�terestRateChanges . , . .�*'��;;
<br /> - - Betore each Change Date.l.ender will calculate a new inte�s�rate by adding a margin of .' �. . � °�'-�;;�;,,'�
<br /> = .��� - _
<br /> fi.1.. �� . ' � . A��NU . . . ' • '
<br /> �..,,ar,K��:� , . percentage � ..
<br /> ----� "" � � - potnts f ,2•�Qflfl •��iti�the cwrent`lndex'and roUnding the sum ro the n�t one-eighth of one yer�xntage point ' �
<br /> ;:�<;4a :. . � n � ,
<br /> - ` � � (p iZS%�:.�iti7ject to the iimlts stated in Paragraph(D1 of this Rider,thic rounded a�unt will be Ihe ne�v interest rate until '•
<br /> ;�;:
<br /> - • .� tte�neat CEr�►ge Date. � ' � : . . :�s'�: ,
<br /> �: . . . ' ",�<,
<br /> - . •>,.:;���t..
<br /> ;�,`..�•:.__.,..�� ':''. : (D) Limits oo�mtEresl Rate Changes � '. � ,.,��::;_;��,' :� ,
<br /> - .. 'Rie int�rest rate�vailt never increase or decrease hy more thun one per�entage point(1.0�lokon nny singie�Change Date. . :�.'��'��'� � .
<br /> _`� `:�:.;,�/, :.. ',�. . ;. .r!,. __
<br /> ---;�.'� •, Tf�e Literest rate wil[never be more than Gve RerceM�e points(SA�/o)higher or lower thnn tFe iititial intere�t r3te. �'���:��• ��`'�
<br /> -_ �lY'. . • "
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<br /> �=,`'i':�.,��.,, . . : (E),�te�tat6oaofPuymeniC6�nge � ,: �_;; �°'.t:
<br /> - '`' ' � ti the 9nteresl rate chunges on n Change Date.lende�will c�lculate the amount o�monthty payntent a!'��inCipal and � ���
<br /> -`>:��f�s.•,� '�, �, . ��r�:.�'�,ti.,.`. . ..
<br /> - -��,�.���, • Interest whicA woutd 6e necessary to�pay the unpaid principal balance in ful!at dre malurity dote at ehe ne�w enterest rate .•
<br /> -_:=7z�}'��' .�.. � throngh�stautinQy equal payments. [n m�tlting suc(�calculation.Leader wip use the unpald prwclpal b�latice which woutQ. � ' �'� " �
<br /> ---...'!';�_tF .� . ..
<br /> =����.;;��,}�'� .� he awed ar�tde Change Date if there ttad been no defaull in payment�the Note.reduced 6y tfce amount o!any prepayments. . � '�
<br /> . . .�:... .
<br /> ;;,.`,�., '? .' ;i'' to principat. Tha tesult of this calcutation will be the nmoun!of the me�v monthJy�aymem of prfncipaf and interest. ' .
<br /> ':F.:a:•-n�� ,• � , . _ .
<br /> i"� . . � (6� Natfce of Cfiange� `' � �
<br /> ,,,..
<br /> , � Lend�rwiil give natise to Borrower o!csny change in the interest rate urtd rr,onthly paymeot amaunt. The nmice must _' . . .
<br /> - -=:�;��•.��;��r:•. . 'be given at least 25 days bzfore the new monthly paymem amount is due.and must set forth(i)ihe date of the notice. _� , _
<br /> �� �� ` . (iiyilte Chsmge Date.(iii),the oid interest rate. (iv3 tfi�e new inferest rnte. t�)the rtew monthly payment amount.�vi)the � `,, . '
<br /> �`' �'�.�'.�, - .Cument Index and the da[e it was pu6lished.(vei)the melhad of calcuiaiing the chnnge in monthly payment cunount.and .
<br /> ' . •. - • (vii�any ottier anfmmation whtcf�may be tequired by Iaw from time to�ime. . ' , :
<br /> �;. . , �-. . 29�
<br /> :.
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