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<br /> pnyment+m�y na longcr bc roquirecl.�t ttw option af L.ender.if mortgag�imsurance cover��s(in the artwt�nt and fnr the pe'rlal
<br /> thnt I.cn�ic�r bcqi�3res)pmvidc�!by nn Insurer nppraved by Lender egain becames uvAtlnhle uiut ie abtainal.&�rmwer�ll�y
<br /> - dic pre��iiunia roqidrecl to maintuin niungnge insuroncn in eCicct,or to pravtde w loss resenrc.unUl thc reyuirenxnt far nh�rtga$e
<br /> insurance ends in acautiiaixa with any writton a�recrr►ent between Aorrower and Lcnder aruppllc�blc law.
<br /> 9.Yropeclk�n. I.ender ar ita ogent may make restsanubla entric�upon and Inspectlona af the Property. t�.ender shall glve
<br /> Barrawer notico ut the time af or pclar t�un inspection specifying rca:sanablo cuuce for the inspection.
<br /> 10. Condemru�tlon.The proct�eds of any award or clalm for damages, dlroct or consrquenttai. in connoction wltl�an�►
<br /> �- =.----_-� condemnatlon ar ot�er takln�of�ny�+nrc nf the Property.or for conveynnc�in lieu of condemntition, are herc6y assiRnexi and �,--_
<br /> ahall bc paid to I.endcr.
<br /> In the av�nt of u tota!wking of tho Property,the proceeds shail be applied to the sums secumd by this Secudty instrtunent.
<br /> -- whether ar rt�t then due, with any excess paid to Horrower. In thc event of a purti�l tuking nf the Property in whicb the fair
<br /> market vulue af the Pcoperty inunediutely before the tnktng ia equal to or greater thnn the amount of the sums secu�ed by this
<br /> - = Security Instrument inunediately before the takjag.unle�s Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wrlting,the sums secuced by
<br /> lhis Security lnstrument ehall bo reduced by the amount of the proceedx multiplied by the followins fmction: (u) the totul
<br /> - amount of the sums secured immediately beforc the taking,divided by(b)the fair market v�tue af the Property Immedintely --
<br /> before the taking. Any balance al�all be paid w H�orrower. In the event of a partial takins of the Praperty in wh�ch the fair
<br /> - miuket yatue of ti►e Fw�erry iramcdiatcly 6cfore thc wking is less than the umount of the sums secured'unmediately befare the �
<br /> taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise ugree in wridn�or unless upplicable Isw othenvlsc provides. the Proceeds shall
<br />_' be applied to the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument whether or aot the sums are than due.
<br />��? If the Property!s abandonecl by Borrower,or jf,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the wndemnor offers to make an
<br /> award or settte a ciaim for damages, Bonower falls to res{zoud tu I.ender wlthjn 30 days aftee the date the notice is givcn. �
<br /> - Lender!s authorized to coqect and apply the praceeds,at its option,etther ta reswradon or repair of tfie�'roperty or to the sums
<br /> secured by this Secudty Instrument.whether ar not then due.
<br /> �'�"'''� Unless Lc�tder end Borrower otherwise a ree in writin an a lication of roceeds to nnci shalt not oxtend or
<br /> �;��,` B 8• Y PP P P � P�
<br /> �+'',� P po Y PaY P € P S P Y
<br /> ;,,,, , oat ne the due date of the montht ments raferred to in ara ca hs 1 and 2 or chan e the amount of such a merats.
<br /> , ��"i, 21. Borrower Not Released;�orbearunce Sy I,eader Not a Waiver.�xtenaion o(the time for payment or modification
<br /> �' ;>>,+� of emortization of the sums secured by this Security Insuument g�anted by I.�nder to any successor in interest of Borrower shall _
<br /> ,;5+�, not operate to release the liabiltty of the original Borrower or Borrower's succ�sors in interest. Lendcr shell not be nequireti to
<br /> wmmence procecdings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or atherwise rnodify amortizution
<br /> of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the originat Borrower or Bonower's
<br /> - successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender ln exercising any right or remedy sfiall not be o wuiver of or preclude the
<br /> ` ° exercise of any ribhf or rcnioxiy.
<br /> 12. Succe.ssors ond Asstgnx Bound;J�int and Severnl Liabilttyi Co-slgaers. Thc covenams und agrcementK uf this
<br /> � Security Instrument shatl bind und bcnefit the successnrs su�d atisigns of I.endcr and Bnrrower, nubJect to thc pravisians af
<br /> purngrnph l7. Borrower's covenants und ugreements shnll be joint und severAl. Any Bo�rowcr wha cu-signs this Scxurfty
<br /> Instn�ment bot do�not execute the Note: (u) is co-signing this Securlty Instrument�nly to martguse. grant und convey that
<br /> Borrower's intenwt in the Property under the terms of this Securjty Instrument:(b)is not pcnanally obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument:nnd(c)a�rees that[.ender and any othcr Borrower may ugrec to extend,modify, forbrar ar
<br /> make any uccommodations wIth regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bc�rrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Ct�arges.If the loan secured by this Secudry Instrument is subject to a luw which sets mrueimum loan charges. =r�
<br /> end that law is finally interpreted sa that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connecdon wlth the �`°'-
<br /> loan exceed the permitte�limits,then:(a)any such loun charge shul! be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the chnrge ��
<br /> � ' � to the permitted Ilmit;and(b)any sums nlready collected from Borrower which exceeded permitte�l limits will be refunded ta �-'fi°'�`
<br /> - '�� Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a dicect ���,
<br /> , ...;�s;�.,�^•" " , payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated ns a partiul prepayment without any :�;,
<br /> �.� �•�::;��+1�•��i" '4'�1;� prepayment charge under the Note. ='`-`
<br /> .: ;��v;�{`!•:•, �. • "_}��:
<br /> � ���t- ,:.;.�•.�,f 14. Notic�.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shnU be given by deliverin�it or by mailin�
<br /> �.�i:�•.. ,..:.,..
<br /> • ' � '••,4.ik,,-;� '� it by fir�t class ma�l unless applicable law reyuires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> ' "w"�'��:;.` "�`•:�.:'` or any attiec address Borrower designates by nottce to I.ender. Any notice to [.ender shall be given by first class maii to
<br /> .,,S ��� ��'
<br />_ '`';i'r=4:',.::.�, Lendor'c address stated herein or any other address I.ender designates by natice to Borrower. Any notice providecl for in this +,�'�
<br /> ' °'" � ' 3ecurit Instrument shail be deemed to have bcen rven to Borrowcr or Lender when �vcn as rovidcd in this arn ra h ' '
<br /> '.• f_:.,.: � .� y S� b� P P B P •
<br /> . •� �° iS. Governing I.ew; Severabtlity. This Security Instrument shall be Sovemed by federa� law and the Iaw of the
<br /> '�,;.:,1::��� '.•�.
<br /> �.�• . jurisdictian in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security instrument or the Note
<br /> _ �"�''+K�,�;': " conflicts with appllcable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument ar the Note which ran be
<br /> ` .�'4,;'�i. ..-
<br /> ..� . . given effect without the rnnflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security fnstrument and the Note are declared
<br /> �:�:�..: _::. . � . ..
<br /> '���� �•�.. ` to be severable.
<br /> . ;�t-,°: .�,:�?:_,.�"�. 16. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
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