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<br /> - 17.Transfer oP tke Fro rty or a&rietklAl Inter�s in Barrnv�er.If all or uny pnrt r.1f thc Property ur Any interest in it
<br /> �°`°°" fe sald or teansfcrrcd(or if A ti ne eiieial i�atcri�vt in Bor�awcr is s:ald pr trnn�,fcercd and Q��rrnw�r iK nnt u natuml��ennn)withaut
<br /> .y
<br /> �= � l.endcr's prinr �vtitten consent. Lert�!�:t� may, iit itw �ptl�m, �quirc i�innediate payment in full nf ult sum�; securcd by thie _�
<br /> Sccurity Instrumettt.Hc�wever.this c�ptl�n slt�ll nat be exeeci��c�1 hy Lcrt�lcr if cxctcisc is prohibited by fi�tro��il la�v.►s of the dute
<br /> of thig Security Instrument.
<br /> - If I.ender exercis�thia optiort, tander xhnil givc Bormwr.r natlre uf ucccicaiti�m.Thc r►utire�halt prc+vidc n pericxi�f n�t
<br /> --- Icss thnn 30 duye from thc datc thc nutice ix deUvcrr•d or mnitud witl�in wl�icl� Borcuwcr must puy c►11 tium� hcrurcd by �his
<br /> Sccudty Instnimcni.If&�rrowcr Puilw to pay thcxc��+ume prlar la Ihe uxpirnti�n of Ihis�x;ri�xt.l.cndcr mny invokc uny rcmcdies
<br /> — -=-- permitted by thig Secu�ity ln:ttrument without further nntice ar dumiutd�m Dnrrower.
<br /> �--_---` - � IS. Batmwer'� �tl{sflt tu I�ei�ttr. If Bu�•ruwe�• uiatttt, cit►uin couJitlun:,. ii�i�ruwer �,f�all h•rt�e thc rlght tu huvc
<br /> cnforcement of thia Suucity Inaaument discontinued nt uny Hme prlar tu thc cAriicr uf: (u!3 �y�+ (ur�;uch i�ther pericxt u.w L
<br /> npplicable Inw may sFecifj+ for reinstatement) befare sale �f Ihc Property pursuunt to uny p��wer e�f sate contuirtai in thia
<br />- Sr..curlty Instrument;art�b)entry of a judgment enforcing ti►ie l4ecurlty iimtrument.Those condi�luns ure that B�rmu�er:(u)pays
<br />- - Lender all sums whi¢te:thRm wouid be due under thix Secudty. lnstrument und the Note us if aa uccelerntian had aacurred;(b)
<br /> "�;' cures nny defnult af:tny ot7h�r co�-enantg ar ogreemenis: (a)paye nll expenses lncurrcd in enforcing thi, 5�tiurity Instrument. __
<br />_�= including, but nnt limit�cd to.re�sonable uttumc�s' fce.9:unA(d)takes such :u�tlnn as Lcndcr may rec�sonably requir�to utisur+e
<br />- tilut th�tten uf Q�is Stxurity tru;trutttcnt. Lc:ndcr s dght�in thu Prapcny and Borrawcr's abilgution tu pa, Q�e tams sccured by =- --
<br /> - this Secur�ty Instcuntanc shali continue unchanged. Upnn roinxt�tement by Borcower. this Security Inwtrument iutd the
<br /> ,':�� obligatIons secur�f,ItQt+eby shuU rem�in fully etfective u»if na accelerntion had occurred. Hawever,thix right to refnstute shn:l
<br /> . nat apply in the cat�oP accelerution under paragrnph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of N¢Ua; C@nnge of Laan Servicer. The Nota ar a partial inter�st in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instcument)muy be snt�orte or more times wlthout prior notica tn Barrower. A sale mny result in a change in the entlty(known
<br /> as the"Laun Serv�uer")that collecGg monthly paymenGS due undac the Note and thls Serurity Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> or more changes c�fl 13tc LAUn Servicer unretuted ta a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the G�an Servicer,8orrower will be
<br /> � � given wdtten nouae of the chnnge in acwrdance with paragrapb 14 ubove and npplicubte law.'fhe notice will state the name and =_=
<br /> address of the new•Loun Servicer end the address to which payment� shauld be made. The natfce wlll nlso cantnin s►ny other �'-' -
<br /> ,. -.:� . informatian roquirGd try upplicable law. -=-
<br /> � 20. Hnzacdaua SuQstattces. Borrower shall not cauFO or pernuc the presence. use. disposal. stornge,or releaso of any ��� ,
<br /> H za __
<br /> ��,' Hazardous Subswnaes on or in thc Property. Borrower shall not do. nor apow anyone else to do, ttnythin� affecting the =-
<br /> Property chat is in•violation of any Environmental Luw. 'fhe preceding two sentences shall not:ipply ta the presence, use,or
<br /> storage on the I�noFPrty of small quantities of Hazardous Subatances thot ure generully reca�njced to be approp r iate to no m�a l ��'��`
<br />- residentiul usee and to maic�tenance of the Property. !i�'.
<br />' Borrawar shall promptly glve Lender written notice of any inv�tIgntion,cluim,demund. [awsuit or other action by xny �`L�
<br /> �� ` �" '� ovemmenutt�or r ulato a enc or rivate tnvolvin tho Pm rt und an Harnrdour.Substance or Environmentsil I.aw
<br /> S �8 rY � Y P P�Y� S Pe Y Y < < ��•`
<br /> _ ;. ���� of which 6�,�vsrower has actual knowledge. If Barrower learna, or is notificd by any governmcntul or regulatory authority. that �- �-
<br /> � „ any removat•pr other remediation of any Hazardous Substanaa nffecting the Property is necessniy. Borrawer shall promptly take �"':�_
<br /> _ __ ,e � ,�a*�., , ail rtecessary remediul aationa In accordance with Environmental Law. �``=
<br /> �I ;��� � As use�in tL�ix paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances"are thase substances dehned ati toxic or hazardous substnnces by _ __
<br /> :�v.;��, , Envtronmentai�Law urtd the followin� substances: gasoline, kems;ene, other tlammable or tuxic pe[roleum �roducts. toxic „�...__.
<br /> � +`�;�ty; ' pestictdes and hBnbieides,volatile solvents, mutcrials contuining asbestos ar formaldehyde.and radioactive matenals. As used in �,=_
<br /> . Yi� i this patagra[►It 14, "Environmental Law" mrans federal luws and lu�vs uf the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> _� ' relate to haplth.safety or environmenuil rotection. ��,�
<br /> �P Il�`"=
<br />�` r;;4���.�� NON-iJiJIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender ilirther covena�it and abree as follows: ,
<br />�� y :; . 21.Aeeeter�don;Remedies. Lender shall�ive notice tu Bon�ower prior to acceleratio¢�follawin�Borrower's breach .�°;
<br /> of eny cuvetwnt or agreement in thfs Security In�trument (but not prfor to uccelerntI��n under puraAraph 17 unless '�~ ;
<br /> - ! appl[cabts 1�►w provtdes otlterwise).The nodce shull specit'y: la)the defaulh. (b)the aMton required to cure the default; ,;;,;;
<br /> I (c)a date,noC less than 30 d�ys from the dute the notico is givc�a to Borrower. by whicli the default must be cured;and
<br />=_« (d)thnt faiture w cuee the default on or before the data specit'ied tn the notice moy re.rult In acceleration of the swns ''.-
<br /> ,•k secured by tE�fe Security Instrument and sale af the Property. The nottce shall further t�form Borrower of the right to
<br /> reiastate aftar uceelerntton and the right to bring a caurt uctton to n.csert the non-exfstence of a default or any other '=•+
<br /> defense oi Htsrcower to acceleration and sale. If the default Lc not cured on or before the date specified in the noNce, ��`^
<br />= I.et�der,at ito o�ttion. muy require immedlate payment in full of ull sums secured by dhis Seeurity Instrument without .�:;
<br />-• i further demwtd artd mey invoke the power of salc and any other remedies permitted to�v upplicable law. Lender s1ia11 be _.
<br />- entiUed to crtRl�ct alt expenses incurred in pursuMA the remedies prmided in thts parapraph 21,including,but not iimited
<br /> . to,reasonubYo af3mrn�ys'fees and costs of title evfdea¢e. ;.
<br /> � Ii the gower af sale is invoked.Trustee shall record a natice of afiefbult in each county in whtch any part of the
<br /> � �'� '':.`: Property i�iacutad and shall mnil copfes of such noticQ ia the mnnner�rescHbed by upplicuble law to Borrower and to , :
<br /> �° '' the other srsona rescribed b a licable Inw.AtYer the time re uired b e 1lcuble IAw.Trustee shAll ive abitc notice '
<br /> �, .
<br /> ;''�= D P Y PP 9 Y PP � q �
<br />• ;;,, ' of snle ta tRe�tersons und tn the manner prnscribed by appltcabic law.Trnstee, withuut demand on Borrower.shall rell �•
<br /> ° - 'r,4�-y, the Property at�ublic auction to the highest bidder at tho time end place und untler the terms designated in the not[ce of ..
<br /> •� �� °••y��`�'• st�le in one ar more Q►arcela and in uny order Trustee detorm[nes. Trustee mAy po�t¢unc salc of all or any parcel of the . »
<br />; `�},-.,,,':,�;, Property by BuislEc armouncement at the time and ptuce of any nrnviously uhedulcd awle. Lender a�r its designee may
<br /> �r,"`��;� i purchase the lsro�terty at nny sale. �,
<br />' , ��'s�i,,�..,,;,,: � :'."`
<br />: �.�',.fr;,� �
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