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<br /> -_ — 3. Hau►cd or Property Insur�rtce. Bonawer shnll ke�p the improvements now existtng o�ereaftcr errceed on the
<br /> - �.. �� Praperty insured ngalnst la€s by fire. hoztud.s lncluded within the term"extendcd covemge"nnd nny other hnzurds. including _
<br /> _ floaia ar flaading, for which Lendcr rcquires insurunce.Thia insuranr.e shull be maintuined in the nmounts and ior the�rEods
<br /> thnt Lender cequirev.The insursnce carrier providing the insurr�nce shali be cho.sen by Burrawer subject ta Lender's approvnl
<br /> which shall not be unrrasonably w(thheld. If[ionower fulls to maintnin cavcruge descrfbed ubovc. Lcnder may, at i.cnder'K
<br /> optlon,obtain coveragc to proteci I.ender'a d�hts in tho Property in uccordunoc with purAgruph 7.
<br /> All insurnnce policles und cenewuls shull be acceptable ta Lender and shali tncludo u atendnrd mnrtguge ciause. Lender
<br /> ---° =---� shall havc the tight to hold the policies anc!renewnls.if[.ender requircw,Borrower sh�ell promptly pive to Lendcr all receipts of
<br /> - �--- _.. -
<br />_ - pa�d premiums und renewnl nutices.In the�vent af lo�s,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance cmrier and I.ender. r
<br /> � Lender muy muke pmof uf luss ii not made pramptly by Horrower.
<br /> .�� — Unless L,ender and Bcinawcr otherwlsc Agree in wrlting,insurunce pracceds ahall be applied to restoratjon ar reps�r of the
<br /> ;,= Pmperty damaged. If the restoratian or repaic is economically feasible and L.ender's secudty i�not lessenad.Tf the restoration or
<br /> :er�; repuir 1R not econamicnlly feasible or I.endcr's security would be lessened.the insutance praceeds shull be applled to the sums �
<br /> "��!�!► _ secured by th1.5 5eeurity Instniment. whethar or not then due, wtth any excess paid ta Borrower. If Borrower abandons the ___.
<br /> _ Property. or does nat answer within 30 duys a notice fram Lender that the insurance carrter has offered to settle a claim.then `-
<br /> r�. Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use tha proceedx to repair or restore tha Property or to pay sums
<br /> secumd b this Secudt Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-duy pedod will begin when d�e notice is gFven.
<br /> Y Y
<br /> = Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrce in writing.any appllcation of proceeds ta prIncipal shall not extend or __
<br /> postpone the duo date of the monthly payments reforred tc� in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of the payments. If "—"
<br /> under paragruph 21 the Property is acquired by LendBr,Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resuldn�from
<br /> damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall puss to I..ender to the extent of the sums secur�d by this Socurity lnstrument `---
<br /> • " ' immediately prior ta the acquisi[ian. --
<br /> ' 6.Occupancy, Preservation,Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrnwer's Laen Appllcatlon;[.easeholds. _
<br /> Barn,wer shall accupy. establish,and usc the Property as Barrower's principal residence within sixty duys after the execution of ih:�`"
<br /> this Security Instrurnent and shall continue to occupy the Property as Barrawer's princlpal residence for at lea.st one yeur efter
<br /> �� '"°'-
<br /> the date of accupancy. unless Lender otherwise agrecs in writing,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless �;�;
<br /> .�<
<br /> ;>.p extenuating circumstnnces exist which are beyond Borrower's cantrol. Horrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the ��
<br /> Property. allow the Property to deteriaratc, ar commtt wnste an the Property. Bortower shall be in default if nny fortelture �`'�;,,
<br /> ��tt�V;. action or roceedin ,whether civil or criminal,is be un that in I.ender's ood faith'ud ment could result in fadeiture of the ` •
<br /> ,tir�,;, P 8 � B J S i?;S.
<br /> , �, Propecty or othenvise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest.Borrower muy �.:
<br /> -' cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph t 8,by causin�the action or proceeding ta be dismissed with a rulin� �x ..:
<br /> - : , - that. ill I.CtttICC a�at� �atil�tlClc'iliililnii�3li, (3ic't:Iiit�ZS fOl'f�ItUi2 6f i}iC�OtC6iiCi�S 1ii2tiCSi tii iltC PiOFCTiy or osher matcris! • _.
<br /> � ':` jmpairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrawer shall also be M default if � `°
<br /> Borrower.during the loan�pplication procas,gave muteriully false or inaccurnte information or stutements to L.en der(ar fu i l e d �`'_"�
<br /> to provide I.ender with any matedal infortnntion)in connection with the laan evidenced by the Note, including. but not llmiced -�"
<br /> •. ���. to.representattons conceming Borrower's occupancy of the P�perty As u principat residence.If this Security Instn�ment is on a ;^e�_
<br /> . � leasehotd. Borrower shall camply with all the provisIons of the lcasc. If Borr�wer ucquires fce title to the Property, the _
<br /> f leasehold und the fee tttle shull not merge unless Lender ugrees to the merger in writing. �
<br /> � i� 7.Proteetion of Lender's Rtghts in the Property.If Borcower failc to perform the covenants and agreements contained in 1�''�.
<br /> _ h " this Securiry Insuument,or there is a legal proceeding that may significandy affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> - proceeding in bunkcuptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture ur to enforce Iaws or regulatians), then L.ender may do and •
<br /> ;�• ,,., pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Praperty and C.ender's rights in the Proparty. Lender's acttons may '
<br /> r'. include payjng eny sums secured by u tian which has priority over this 5ecurity Instrument, appearin� in coua, paying
<br /> "_ reasonable uttorneys'fees and entering on the Propetty to make repairs.Although Lcnder mny talcc uction under d�is parugraph
<br /> 7.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> �_�• Any aznounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shull become additional debt of Borrower s�cured by this
<br /> . � ,1.��, Securiry Instrument.Unless Bnrrower and Lender agrec to other terms of payment,these tunounts shciil bear intercst from the
<br /> • ���,�.�;�v' dute of dlsbursement at the Note rate and shaii be psiyAble,with interest, upon notice from Lender to Barrower requesting
<br /> �:;.:w.t�.�}
<br /> ,.��. Ersyment.
<br />_ 4�.��:�;:'�`' 8.A�IorJgage Insurance.If Lender required mongage insurance as u condition of muking the loun secured by this Security
<br />-�=r �; -1- Instrument, Borrower shail pay the premiums required to maintain the mort�age insurnnce in cffect. If, for any reason, the „
<br /> ��`�'���., mortgage insurance co�•era�e required by Lender lap.ses or cea.ses to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums requirr.d t�
<br /> , .•..�,:•,.;.
<br /> �;:,:;,,;:,..•;�
<br /> �„,r�;;;i� obtain covernge substantiully equivalent to the mortgu�e insurance previously jn effect,at a cost substnntially equivalent to the � �
<br /> • ���„;.`�{.�" cost to Borrower of the mortguge insumnce previously in effect, from;u�ultematc mortgage insurer approved by Lender. [f
<br /> �"'�;�`'�' substantiall uivalent mort a e insurance covera e is not uvailable, Borrower sh�ll u to Lender each month a sum ual to
<br /> ,_..,�..•:....., Y e9 8 � g P Y �1
<br /> �`�'-����.�= one-twelfth of the yeurly mortgage Insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> "�'��"'; be in effect.Lender wil!ncrept. use and retain these payments as a toss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. I.oss reserve
<br /> ..�.�,�,(�.;,.,.
<br /> �,J.�f`',;�� Form 3028 8/90 ,
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