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_ .� ' p _F 1 w4�j'��yP'w+� f� ' kYr:y.ylY'dnttr<n.�--..-��,n..�•' . . : ! _ir:�,r.:,ru:.n� <br /> ��., 1� .!�1 ���1� �[''.�M1'{:.r`S�11tlY�r.�.� .1+rJli�lll��i:�l° •i�,.,�_.,�aSy.....=-. „t i�ri- _ ..s..�v r� ._ �o -Zf.: <br /> '�. _ --_...W.. L. _" S -- _ _�__--- _ _ - <br /> ritlfJr <br /> , . . � 9�" so��„3� .�. <br /> 1�.Succeaaar��ad Aea�l�as HotenB;Joiat aad Seva�rd Llability;Co-Si=nere.The covenante 8ad egramcnte o! -- <br />-� - tliIs Securlty Inatrumont ehall biad and banmfit the euccessare and a�oigne of Lender �d Borrower. eubjxt to the -- <br /> provi�IonP ot psrngraph 9.b,Borrower's cavonsnts snd e�reemonta ehalt be joint and Beveral.Any Horrowar who co sl�na <br /> . _ = thte SeouriEy IAatrument but doce nnt eYeauu the 1Noto:ts)ie oo slgn3ng t�to Securlty Iugtrumont onl to mortga�s,grant <br /> _ — and convdy that Homower'e intet�at in the Pro under the tarme oi this Soaurity Inetrumant;�b)Ie not por�sonelly <br /> obli�atad W pay the eums eecut+ed by thie SacurHy�n�meas;and (c)8groea shst Laadar aad aay other Bon�oaer may <br /> agree to extend�modifq�forbeac or make any accommodntioae wlth regard to the torme oi thls Seour�ty Inatsvmeat or <br /> — - --- — theI�TotowIthouet�atBorrower'sconsent. �_-- <br /> 13. Noticee.Any aot�ce w Horroaar provIded for ia thie Seaurlty lnstrumesushall be gtven by daliverlag it or by <br /> mailiag it by first alese meil nnlcss appliceble Isw requires use of aaother nnethod.The aottce slull be diroctad to the <br /> � Ptoperty Address or any othor address Horrowor deslgaates by notice to Leader.Any notice to Leader etu�ll ba given by <br /> f�ret alasa meil to L,ander'a addres�atated herein or euy addrese Lender designates by aotice w Borrowar.Any nodoe <br /> - - - prov�dcd tor in this Securtty Instru�ent ehell be dcesmed to have been givan to Borrawe�or Lender when givcn as . <br /> _ ���� provided tn this P&'aB�Ph• � <br /> i. <br /> 14, t�overnin=Law;Sovorability.'fhis Soowity tnc3trument eha11 ba govBraod by federal lae anrl ttie law af tho -- <br /> juriediction ia wbich tho Property is lacated.I�tho oveat that eay provistoa oT olause oi this Securitq Inauument at the —" <br /> Note conilicts wlth agplicebt�s lnw�soch conilact ehall aot atioct other rovisioaa oi this Sxuritq Ineirument or tbe Note <br /> p a <br /> whtch caa ba givea�eitect wttlaout tho c�niltcting provieloa.To thls end the provisimna oi thie Securlty I�strumont ai�d the <br /> Note ara dealared to be severabte. �_ <br /> ��' ,;" ;'s�� �:?t� � — <br /> � .�,�� ,,�{� � 1 S.Honowar's Copy. Borrower shall be gtvea ona contormed capy of this Security Inswmeat. ' � <br /> "�}+i,.•..11`�1::'.:. :::. , � <br /> ;;�.',_:. �:�� � � ea:i:�. <br /> - ' �;:::`��"'k�'+� 16.Aasigameat of Reuts. Borrnwsr uacoadittoaally aseI$as end transfers to Lender all the reats aad raveaues oi - <br /> ,-,,.��'�'�"'�;�;';:,`.��•, tfha Property.Borrower authorizes Leader or Leader's ageata ta cotlect tha reats ead raveaues and heteby dire�ts eaah �r;:. <br /> �^�F i•�,'�;,�y;�"r;;; tenent of tha Froperty w pay tha rente to Lec�der or Lender's agente.Hoaever,prIor to Lender's notica to Horrower of '_�'!'+- <br /> � .�: <br /> � �?�'"�`�:- •� Horroa4r's breach of aay covenant or agreement in the Se�urity Instivmeat,Borrower shall collect and receive ell renta -- <br /> .',�`Ff'':�:;.�"':�:�:=.. and revenues of the Pcoperty►as trustee for the benofit oi Leader aad Borrower.Thie assigament oi rente coastitutes aa "�'�" <br /> •z`.:.':�. . '� , .'r abeolute aseigament aad not an eseIgnment for additional security only. �:�- <br /> ti�r:..'�' �-'• ;;��� — <br /> �f.,- � �. • Ii Lender gIves aotica of breach to Bosrower.(a)all rente received by Borrower ahall be held by Borrower as truatee w.�-== <br /> { ��r'''.; r �or benefit of Leader ba applicd to the sume se�ured by tha Securfty Instrumeat;(b)I,ender shall ba entiiled to ° <br /> :� . �-°: <br /> - r.�lle.^.t ead recsive a!!Qi ihs rent�of the PropRsty;an�(c}e��h trnan*of±hR Pro�rtp�h911�y e]!rent$�Lu,en���n�id tn � �- <br /> ,�,*f'` � , ;- Leader or Leader's agei�t oa I.ender's wrItten demaad to the tsneut. e -- <br /> r,�5,,,�tr '��� �� Aorrower hea aot executed any prIor assigament of the rents and has nat and will aot pertorm any aot that would �` -� <br /> . ; ,, .,,� � ':�;;i<,°�� � prevent T.eader irom esercieing ita righte under this P�'88�Ph 16. .�.�s: <br /> ' ' '�`�i` ' Lender sheU not ba required to enter upon,take coatrol of or meiatata the Pmperty befora or a�ter�Iving aotice of <br /> ��. . •�,. `��.;,,�. . � <br /> :l . •�� -,iv�;��.�, • ' �.�.r. <br /> :��� �, breach to Borrower,However,I.ender or a judicielly appoiated receiver may do so at aay time there is a breaah.Any <br /> ���� epplication of rents ehell aot cura or waive any default or invalidate any otl�er right or remedq of Lender.This essigameat <br /> ^:., , .�',.,_ : ;:.,..' . : .: � <br /> ,'�;,F'1'..,,,f�-`;i:.. >:: of teata of the Ptopertq ehall termiaate when the debt secured bp tho Socurltq Inetrumeat is paid in full. . <br /> � �� - ���•: I�TON-IJNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Lender further covesiant end agree ea followa: <br /> :�`, � <br /> �� �- � 17.Poreelosure Procedure.If X.eader requires{mmediate p�y ment�n full uader paragraph 9�Leader may <br /> ��'�:°r��>�;���:�:;.: .., iavoke the ower o4 eala aad any other remedies eru�itted b a lic�ble Inw. Lendar ehall be eatitled to <br /> �J�.,-i,-.;-:'�:_'.;;'. • •- <br /> ,T� � Y� coltect all e ppes�s�s incurced in pursuiag the reme dies un der t his pirpagrap h 1 7�i nc lu d iag,bot not l imtte d to, <br /> �'a���� ,'` '•:�';;'���1,:', re�soa�blo sttoraeqa'fees and costa of 4itle evidenee. . <br /> ''•''��t;'�'� ' If the power of eale ie invoked.Ttnatee ahall record a aotice of deiault in each couaty in which aay part of • <br /> �''�°��� � the Proporty is locsted oad shall m4i1 coples of such aotice ia the manaer prescribed by npplicable law to <br /> . ,� <br /> , Borrowar aad to the other persoas preseribed by applicable law_ Aiter the time required by applicable law� � <br /> _ Y• ,p.;: ; Trustee shall givo publtc notico oi asle to the parsons aad in the maanar ptescribed by applicable law.Tre�stee� <br /> ��,� �,,:, wtthout demand oa Borrower.shall sell the Property at public euctioa to the highest bidder at the time nad <br /> ���� plico aad under the ter:ns dasignated ia the aoticx of sale ia one or nnore parcale and in eay ordar Trvstee <br /> ' �"����' � " dotermiaos.Trustee may poatpoae sale of el!or aay parcel of the Property by public aanouacement at the <br /> �:." time and place of eay pr�viously scheduled sale. Lender or ita designee may purch�se the Proparty at aay <br /> , ., sale. � <br /> :>.�,,.+ , .. , <br /> � � .�:;�' Upoa receipt of paymen4 oi the price bid. Trustee ehill daliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> ��,,:,..r� <br /> , , , <br /> . Pr�. -. _.+qt <br />� � � ' � ��{(Nq tO2tti Pq�8 e!6 .. <br /> �'. Initi�if: <br /> �`i . <br /> .C;. ;:t'1`Ir; <br /> .. �v�*�S ::i�'-(t�'••I/ <br /> n ``,�r,\J,' - �.�__-•._T- . .—.�._� ^ ----'--'�"—".—"-- •, - _ <br /> i ' <br /> �1 � ..._ . , t - � �-r <br /> f• ,.� . - ...,..'., �- �� � � � o <br /> . � , 1 , <br /> �. . .,.. _ .. . . t S: . _ }A.F . tl� .. _ . <br /> _,1�+� � --_ —._— . .____` ._ . __�_`' '. ,�_ __ - A _ _ -_ _ __c1, _— .. � .� . ... <br /> _ _-_ __.-_ , _-__ - _ _ ___ - ___ — — _ __ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> r. __. .__.� _..______-,__,,.��_` __.__- __. .- _ .• . ____ -._:._ ._ -_�___ ._-_- __. ___.__ __.___- ___.___ _—.-_-_ .. __-„_ -___ __ ___._ .... .___ <br /> l „ • U • <br /> _ .. . . . . . � .. . .. . �- � . � . � .' 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