, ,
<br /> , . . . .
<br /> . , _
<br /> .---___�-_.,'`- -
<br /> ' ` A�BKiNMEMT QF IICI�TS RIOER ��� �v�c.�+�i s �
<br /> �TH18At48113NMENT aF RENTS RIQER 1�rn�td�and�xeeuted th�� �TH d��p� 7ULY ��q 9A �����d
<br /> . Incatporsted Into�nd eAill be dwmed to amnnd and eupptement ths Mort�epe or Daed of Truei,herelnaf tar�aterrad to��the
<br /> - _ � � � "9�csurity Inat��ment", of the aame date piven by tho urtde►c�ipned, haroinalter referrfct ta ee tha"8orrower", to eecura
<br /> goP�ow�t'E Ind�bt�dn��s�hsrelnxfter�eterreci to ee the'�Noto".to HOI��FEDERAL SAVIN08 AND LOAN A8SVCiAY1pN 0�
<br /> �9RAND ISfAND.h�alrt�lU�at�rr�d to�s th�"I.�ndor",of the sams dats�nd aorarinp th�prsp�rty d�scrlbad In the B�curtty
<br /> Imtrum�nt�nd locwtrd�t:
<br /> 6Z0 E. mACARTHUR, GRAND ISLA(1A. NEBRA5KA 68901
<br /> �Properly AEdresa)
<br /> _—_- - _ _ WITN�88EYM:
<br /> {� WHER�AS�Borrow�r and Lsnder have apreed that any�ente artd protita attributable to the praperty should conetltute
<br /> a0dltlonal a�curlty to tha Lender for ths payment of ths Wote;
<br /> .,� NOW,7HHREFORE,It fa apre�sd that the 8eaurity Inetrumont ehatl ba ameRd�d hereby and deemed to Include ihe tollowinq
<br /> - provtalona: -- -
<br /> 1 ! I� 1, ���pt ot Rent an �e de ta o teatlo RI hts.Bor�ower h���by ab�plut ly aad unconditionatt asai ns etl ,
<br /> n��0 [9�n—I s I—� 0 9 Y o
<br /> � rents, Issues end profita of the propeny to Benetialary. Lender shall hav� the�,(IghE„power and autAority during the
<br /> coniinuance of the Securlty Instrument to cotleat the renta,issues and profita:pt the,ptoperty and o!any personai property -
<br /> IocatoG thar�on wfth or without takinp posaeasion of the propetty affeateQ.hQrdAy,.l.snder. howev�r. hereby conaenta ta -
<br /> 8or�owsr'�call�atlon and retention of suah rents,issuea andprofite ea they acan►q and p�aom�p4yabte.ao lanp aa 8orrowa►
<br /> Is not�at euch ttme„in default with reapact to paymant ot any indebtedneaa�eourad hQ�sby.,Or Irt the pertormanca ot any .
<br /> '..,: , epraement hereundar.
<br /> - 2. �ocolnfrt�qj,ot R�celver. If any event o!defauit in respeat to the Seaurity InetrumRpt 9��all����Qccuaed and be .
<br /> ` " �'� �� "� �� continuinp,Lender. ae a matter ot r1Aht and without notice to Borrower or anyane ciaiming urtdAt�Ppr.AV�i0.�'.and without --
<br /> ��,;`�.?�,��,t` rpard to ths ralw of tNe truat estate or the Intereat of tha 8orrawar therein.shall have tbe rt9ht to apply tp�ny aoutt hovirtp -- �
<br /> _t�.J t(`-Yl.•.. i � �ur�sdlcNon to appolnt a recetver ot the property.
<br /> .(y��y�',��;.;��?' 3. faht�o Passession.ln cese of default io the payment of the safd prinaipai Nate or Interest,or any part ther�of.as It
<br /> A�•' . ,F:..' ..
<br /> ���`��, : .., shall mature�or In the case of faiture to keep or perform any of the covenante ar agreemente aont�ined in the$acutiSy tnstru• ___
<br /> : ment�than the Lender, Its successore o�assipns,shatl be and is hereby authorized and empowered to take immedfata ___
<br /> 'k"�'•"'=' '• `� � posaeeaion at the aald premieea therein deactibed and to collect the rents therefrom.and tQ apply the procaad�,thereof to the -
<br /> �t;�jr.'-" ".` ' :f
<br /> •;�}:���� , payment of the Note. ' --
<br /> . . , �.
<br /> ,�..�.:� `' •�... 4
<br /> ° -? . �� � 4. Qpolicatlon of Rente.lssues and P�ofits.Alf rents colteated by Lender or the reoelver shall tre appltad,tirat to payment
<br /> �_ ., : • _"'
<br /> ��•�^y' '• ` � `}` of the coata of manapement of the property and couecaon ot rents,tncwdfng.but not iimited to.receiver's fisea,premiums on =-
<br /> �_f�';, . ' �• •;� �eaoivar'e bonda and reaaonabte attoroey's fees.and then to the suma seau�ed by the Seourity Inatrumen�.Lender and the
<br /> • recelver shall be Ilable to account oniy for those renta ectuafty reoelved.
<br /> ��•'� �' �`1 . S. ¢o�,ru�tlon 4f Pravisiona.Each of the provislona cv,ntaMed in thia Aestgnment of Rents Ridet and the Er curlty Ins4ru• �y..
<br /> ment aAail,unieas athenvise spacificatly required,be aonetrued in a¢aordance with Nebraska taw, and in the avent any °--
<br /> � ,� . • � . . proviston herein or tharein contetnsd ahali be determfrted by a court of competent juriedlotion to be uneniorceable,the eame F•�'�=�
<br /> �� ' sha11 be construed aa though such unenforceable prorlaton were not a pert hereof or thereot. �^:
<br /> .::.:........ � .. ..... ��{t
<br /> , „;�;: � '� 8. EHect of Rld�r.Except as speaifically modifled by or inconstatent with thls Aselpnment a!Rents Hidar pr by any ofhet
<br /> ,,:::�.e�.,• � . �„ . appliaable rider.ail of the terms and provfstons contained In the Security Inatroment ehait confinue in futt tcrce ar.d eitect.
<br /> °`~• . iN WITNE88 WHEREOF.Bonower has ezeauted this Aseipnment of ents Rider on the date tirst noted�bove.
<br /> '.. _:;.��. . �
<br /> . ;.��,: �
<br /> �'° r'�,� B rower
<br /> - •• � mICHREL L. BOCKml��VN
<br /> .-F' . � �� ..�_ � --�,,,,� ' '`:
<br /> � eorrawer
<br /> -- „ +�::
<br /> :. -� i� , . STATE af P1EBfUSKA)
<br /> � ° (as:
<br /> ,; � - ,d; �. .._ . •
<br /> •`'J On thla 5TH day at JULY �g 94�tore me.the underalpned,e Notary Pubiia duty commiesioned and
<br /> .� �:. .
<br /> � , WIFE��f or snid county.personally came �1ICHAEL L. BOCKmAN
<br /> �"� ��� i ,to be the identical pereon(s)whose name(s)Ie/are sutracrlbed
<br /> �.�• • to the forepoinp Inairument.and helshelthey aoknowledge tha execution thereot to be hislhet/thelr voluntery act end deed.
<br /> ��� ° � � '""� Witneasmyb�nd and Notarlal Seal at GRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br /> �� d county,the date t sald.
<br /> �
<br /> '�".. . ' �6f�L�iARY,Stri N N�rnh
<br /> 4 o�eoww L�ua� ot8ry Publfa i
<br /> .
<br /> - ,• �.--- My Comml�sto� ex �1f►Oemcd Exp.Ha.2�19�i
<br /> -�c ��---------- Kr�otr� I
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