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<br /> � ���` +�w�aili 1 11 I �.r2«�..,{'r:`� Jt,.. , �.r ' - '��-
<br /> T' I �odw�.a..r,..-- .. � . . . . .. .
<br /> � .
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<br /> .
<br /> '� {. _e�� ' ._. .._
<br /> � . ___._ '�'� �-"-- _ __- _ -- .- .
<br /> • � �s�w�Nr o��r�s�o�� 9��" �.Q�"s8'�..?, •, ..
<br /> . THIS/lSSIdNMENT OF RCNTS RIDER Is m�td�artti�xACUtad thla �� day of JUNE _,_,,19..�.4..�..and la
<br /> Incorporated Into�nd eh�11�p deamed to amand and eupptemsnt the Mortqapa or�esc1 at Yrust,heref natter ref,erred to ae tl'se
<br /> ,� - � • "Seaurlty Instrur��nY',09 tlse same date piven t►y the unclersla�efl, herolnattar ro9erruci to a:a tha °i3�urrower", to sesutc� - -
<br /> ' 8orrowar�a lndebtedrs�ea.Ptsralnaiter reterred to ae the"Nate",to NOME FEOERAL BAViNOS AriO LOAN AS�OGIaTION OF .
<br /> .��..r QRAN018UND,her�lnafter ret�rred to r+s ths"Lender"�of ths esms dats and coverinq the property deaerlbsd In the 6scarity
<br /> inatrument and IooRtsd at:
<br /> � 1115 WEST 1Q4�N, GRAND ISLANa NE 68807
<br /> - ----
<br /> - ---- —
<br /> ��f� — (Propnrty Ad�rene) �_ _
<br /> -------- - WITNESSETH:
<br /> „ WMEREIlS,Borrower end Lender have apreed that any rente and proiite attrfbutable to the pro�erty should constitute
<br /> , additlonal aacwlty to the L�ender for the payrrsent of the Note; -
<br /> �. NOW.THEREFORE,it ia agreed that the 3ecuHty instrument shatl be amendec!hereby artd deemed to include the fottowinp �__
<br /> -- --- � - pravisla�ss: ��
<br /> !3: ` ' �
<br /> ;� : < <;ti...,_:. _ 1. �salonrt�ent of Renta and Lender R�ata1 Co11p,�j,r�„p.gJp�,Bor�ower herebr abaoluteiy and unconditionally asstgns ail `__
<br /> *��,.� rente, lsaue� and profita ot the proporty to Banaticlary. Lender ahatl have the right, power and authoriry during the ,._
<br /> continuance of the Security instrument to coltect the rente,Issues and profits ot the property and of any personal properiy r•�.=::
<br />' j��y,-�.r . —
<br /> �r�� Ixated thsreon wltA or without taking poasesafon of the properly aftected heraby. Lender,however. hereby conaents to _
<br /> -.���, Borrower's collection and retention ot such renta,issues and profitA as they accrue and become payable,oo Iong ae Bcrrawer ____
<br /> �-}z;t�;;�_.,;�,,,� is nat,at such tims,tn dafaWt with ros{:aet to pt►ymont of ony indebtedrtess secured hereby,or In tAe pertormA�ce of any =;
<br /> �.''� �,h apreement hereunde�. v��
<br /> i.; :�'4,�_ -=.
<br /> �� �•�• 2. Aoaofntmen of ecelrer. If an event of default irt res ect to the Securit Instrua�ont shatt have ocaurred and be
<br /> • �. � � E_B Y P Y ir� :
<br /> •+,a�,��j` ;y�s, aon4inuing� Lender.as a matter of right and without rtotice to Borrower or anyone clAiming under Borrower,and without
<br /> �.:=
<br /> . • ..r•w�..., regard to the value ot the truet estate or tha interest of the Bonower therein,shall have the right to apply to any court having ��
<br /> .� Jurisdiction to appofnt a recetver of the property. �r `
<br /> " �t' ' • • ' ` �� 3. qj�ht to Possesaion.in case of defauit in the payment of the said principal Note or interest,or any part thereot.as it "�t`?,�-.
<br /> �'h.: • �,^ ; -Y shall mature,or in the case of faiture to keep or pe�form any of the covenants or agreements contalned tn the Security Instru-
<br /> � ment,then the Lender, ite succesaors or assigns.shali be and is hereby euthorized and empowered to take immediate ���
<br /> � '" possession of the asid premises therein described and to co��ect the rents therefrom,and to appiy the proceeda thereof to the '+�'f
<br /> ' . , �,, payment of the Note. f
<br /> •t
<br /> � � - • 4. Apofication ot Rents.Issues and Profits.Alt rents coilected by I.ertder or the recelver shall be appliod first to payment �• '
<br /> of the costs ot managortsent of the property and collection ot renta,Inciuding,but not Ilmited to,�eceiver`s fees,pramiums on �`
<br /> . � ' `" receivar's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees,end then to the sums aecured by the Security Instrument. Lender and the �;, '
<br /> , ° recefver shall be tiable to account oniy for those rents actuaily recetved. ,
<br /> � ,. . ' S. Constructlon of ProvFslons.Each ot the provisions contalned in this Assfgnment of Rertts Rtder and the Security Inatru•
<br /> ,.
<br /> � ment shatl, unles8 otAerwise specificaily required,be construed in accordance with Nebraska law,and in the event any •
<br /> � � „ � provision herein or therein conteined sha�t be determfned by a court nt competent jurisdtctfon to be une�forceab�e.tho same
<br /> • ., . , shati be construed as though such unenforceable provisfon wero not a part hereof or thereof. �•�
<br /> - �� � ' �;�r:� 6. �itect of Rider.Except as specifical�y modified Dy or inconslstent with this Assignmeot of Rents flider or by any other (
<br /> - -�^•��-j � � *;+�� applicabie rider,alt ot the tertns and provislons contained fn the Security Inatrument shall continue in fult force and effect. .
<br /> •�:.ri, r-.�
<br /> '�'r''',: ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower hes executed this Assign t of Rents Rlder on t dato r noted above. ,
<br /> :��:•�.� ,+•,
<br />-.. '�Ct.;'�•f'C%a'!•k' , - '
<br /> ' "�"�'°''�'��''"`'�"�`` LAWRENCE . VEDSTED eorrower
<br />_ +1d�t;�t�-;n -;4Yr�:., I
<br /> . •t,- .
<br /> �. -f . J4S• � I
<br /> �._..:`_. .
<br /> � �`��:>����'' ' � GERTRlJDE E. UEDSTED Borrower
<br /> , .
<br /> , .5�:�. .
<br /> �.�4i•�,
<br /> - � STATE OF NEBf1ASKA) 4
<br /> .\ �;��
<br />_ � � tss: I .
<br /> � �'���' COUNTY OF HALL ) �
<br /> � � On this 3RD day of JUNE ,t9 �4 ,before me,the understgned.a Notary Publlc duly commlosioned and f
<br /> 4 „ ,.;• quslifled for satd county.personaily came � QntaFmrF R VEDSTED AND GERTRUDE E VEDSTED HUSBAND �
<br /> ����� '''' AND WIFE ,to be the identical person(s)whose name(9)islare subscribed �
<br /> I ��..• •� . to the foregoing instrument,and helshe/they acknowledge the executlon thereof to be hielheNthelr voiuntary act and deed. � .
<br /> _ � . Witness my hand and Notariat Seal at �
<br /> '; ' In safd county,the date af�resald. ,
<br />- �,
<br /> � � 'a:�' � it�t M�M�rI�rt �� a.- �''a..c1.�i�'-�-� �
<br />_ _. '.. `�'. C1111i 1.KAf�li
<br /> �Ora O�Ot3�tN1 Notary Pue
<br /> _. , t�y ComnisslQn expires: ��• Z�1., /� Y 6 '
<br /> _ . .. .. . .. .
<br /> �•�� _ � MF t030(7R71
<br /> II. .
<br /> 3 ,
<br /> �1 ,�,
<br />�' .
<br /> I •
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<br /> a .
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