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<br /> at-
<br /> ,a • 17.Transfer ot the r'ro�erey os u 8encflctal Intere.st tn Borrower.If all ar uny p.:rt�the Property or uny interest in It
<br /> � �^--�-��,�,� • is snld nr transferrcd(or if a btneflcful interest in Barrower Is �ald ar trnnsfctrcd and Barr�wer ia nat e natur�l persan)wlthnut __
<br />- _ Lcndcr's prior wrfttcn cnnsent, I.ender may. ut its aption, r..quire immediate pnymcnt In full of ull sums securcd 6y thla
<br /> -- 5ccurity Instrument. H�wevcr.thiti aption xhull not tse cxcrcised by l.cnder if excrcisc ix prahibitcd by federul luw av of thc dute
<br /> _ -- of this Secueiry Instrument.
<br /> 1f l.cnder cxercises this option,Lertder Fhall give Aarrower nodce of nccelerntlan.Thc natice Rhull Provide u psdad aF not
<br /> less thnn 30 daya iram tl�e dute the notice is delivcred or mailed within which Barrower must pay ull sums secured by this
<br /> Security Inatrument. If B�nawer fuiis to pay dmse sums prior to the expiratian of this period. Lendcr muy invakc uny remedie4
<br /> - ----_,_,�..o,,..... p�rmitted by thls 5ccu�lty�Instrumcnt withaut further notice or demnncl�n R+mower. �----
<br /> • — 18. Ib�rower�s Itfght to,Rclnstate. If Barrowcr mcet� cenuin �onditionti. Bormwcr shail have thc right to havc
<br /> -� enibrcement of thie Security I��strument discontinued at uny time prior ta the eurtier of:(a) S dnys (ar such other pCriod ug
<br /> appiicable luw may speclfy far�einstatement) before �le of the Propeny pursuunt to any power of Rale cuntuined in thiR
<br /> Secu�ity Insttument:or(b)entry of n judgment enfarcing thiR Security In�trument.Those conditiuns ure thut Borrower:(o)pays
<br /> I.ender ell �;uma wh(ch then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Nuto aA if na uccelerntton had�ncurred; Zb) _
<br /> ';,_ cures uny default of uny ather covenanGg or ngreement�: (c1 puys all expenses incurred in enforcing thia Securtry Instcument, —
<br /> ,;, lncluding,but not Iimittx!w, reasonable attomeys' Yees: und(d>tnkes such action uc Lender may rcutionably require to assure �,_
<br /> -,;; . that the lien of thls 5erurity Instniment, i.ender's righ�s in the Property and Horrowcr's abiigutlon iu puy Uio sum�securcd by _
<br /> - this Secudty Instniment shall continuc unchnnged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secarity lnstrument and the
<br /> i: obligadons secured hereby shal!remnin fully effective as if na nccelemtian had accuered. Hawevor,this right to refnstate shull
<br /> not a p1 in the case of accelerntian under aru rn h 17.
<br /> P Y A S P
<br /> 19. Sale o! Note; Change ot I.oaa Servicer. The Notc or a paaial interest in the Nate(together with this Security ---
<br /> Instrument)may be sald one ar mor�times without prtor natice ta Horrower.A sale may re.cult in e change in the entity(known
<br /> ,,-r as the"Loan Servicer")that collects manthiy payment�due under the Nate und this Securlty Instrument.There afso may be one -�
<br /> or more chwi�ea uP U�e i.owi Servicec unretated eo a sate of the Note.If thcre is a change of the Loan Servtcer,Barrower wff!be --
<br /> �'��`-•' :�• given wr�tten notice of the change in necordance wlth psuugrnph 14 ubove und uppltcuble law. The notice wtp state the ncime and �-
<br /> - . �,�;� address of the rtew Loan ServIcer and the uddress to which payments should be mndc. The nottce will�Iso contain any other r„�
<br /> �'" ' �`'`'`��' i n fo r m a t i o n r e q u i r e d b y a p p l i c a b l e l u w.
<br /> � •c:�.q:.'�-:�,.cri �. .,,,-.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substaitces. Horrower shall not cnuse ar permit the presence, use,dlsposal, storage,or release of nny ��
<br /> �. ;•f„ �'�,';�,", Huzardou5 Subswnces on or in the Property. Barmwer shali not do. nor ultaw anyane else to do. anything affectin� the �:.
<br /> 4 � ' ` �: Pmperty that is in violation of any Hnvironmental Law. The precaiing two sentences shail not u ply to the pmsence, use, or �_-
<br /> � �r:_�.��..
<br /> ,,'`#-',•.r..,.� �t•,. stora$e on the Pro erty of small quanttttes of Hau►rdaus Substances thut are generally reco�ai to be appropriate to normal r�.
<br /> ��.;'-,. ...
<br /> � :,, t;:•:� . p
<br /> ; �...,;. ';�•,,; restdential uses and to maintenance oF the Propeny. ��
<br /> ' • � � • ' Borrower shall promptly give i.ender written nottce of any investigation. claim,demand, lawsuit or other actian by any t
<br /> ��'d�".' '���';'.'�'. governmental ar re�ulatory agency or pdvute party involving the Aroperty and any Hawrdous Substanee or Environmental Law ��",�
<br /> ��'�,�•h`��` "` '' �• of whlch Borrower has actual knnwledge. If Barrower leurns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulntory authority,that
<br /> .,:,,.,:.,�•.
<br /> '' •'-�::�`�'�'-:� �r�'" �• eny removul ar other remedtation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is nece�sary, Borrower shall pramptly take '
<br /> , , t, . ,
<br /> -" �� �r;:;r .,•'`' uiI neeessary cemaiiai aciiun�in u�tiunIw�cc wiiii Euviruwue�iiui L.aw. _,
<br /> � � •�•�' As used in this pui�agraph 2Q, "Hw.ardaus Substances" are thase substancea defined ac toxic or h�uardous substances by �'�;r;
<br /> '%'+�"; , � • Envlronmental Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flammuble or toxic petraleum pralucts, toxic
<br /> , �';� .. pestictdes and herbicides,volutile snlvents, materials containing�.sbestos or formaldehyde,und rudiaactivc materials. As used in ���
<br /> ;�'..r.'�..;, � ,.:;,,4 thts.paragraph 2U, "Environmental Law" means ferleral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locuted that
<br /> �:;�• ' , , • relate to health,safety or environmenta!protection.
<br /> . •,<i��%,''.` 1�ICEN•UNIFORM COV&NANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree us falluws:
<br /> ,;;,�,; .,��;.;i,�,,,,� ,;� Zl.Acceleratton;Remedi�.I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceferatlon following Borrower's breach �
<br /> ��,�;;,.: ��',',. . ot any rnvenant or ugreement in thts Securlty Instrument (but not priur to acceleration underpa ragraph 17 unless
<br /> ,.�,,., T�,�f�,; ,.��;, applIcable law pt�nvide�otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the nction required to cure the defaultt
<br /> „t,� ,.:.,.,4. .; ,...,. (c)a date,not less than 30 days from the dsite the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> ��:-�� �'�r �; - • (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date s tfted in the notice ma result fn acceletation of the sums
<br /> L�y f,..�:�,:;..�,. . . x� r
<br /> •••• ,.• �•,.•�.,��. •,�� secured by this Secu�ity Instrument and sale of the Property. The �otice shaQ further inform Borrower nf the right to
<br /> , ��s�;:�.,,,•:..,,.,... .._.:
<br /> ,=,y�,�;;,,. reinstate after accelerntion and the ri�ht to bring a court action to a�.sert the non-ext�stence of a ctefuult or any othe�
<br /> ,,.;�.;;��,..;:..., .. defense of Borra�ver to acceleraBon snd sale. If the default is not cured an or before the date specifted in the nottce.
<br /> ,,,,�„� ,�,. : „ ��� Lender, at its option, may require immedlate payment in tt�ll of nll sums sccured by this Serurity Instrument without
<br /> ' '�� � �-� further demand and muy invake the power of ssale and any other remedies permitted by applicaBle law. Lender shap be
<br /> '�I''���`_ . ': entitte�to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedtes provided M thts pnragraph Zl.inctudin�.but not limited
<br /> �r t�r:&`'..�;;' , to,reasanable attorneys'Pees and costs of tttle evidence.
<br /> :;�:',�`.�°"'`, . If thepower of sale ts invoked, Trustee shall record a nottce oP default in each county in which any part of the '
<br /> • ;,�.-�. . �• •� Property is l�cated and shall mail coptes of auch notice in the manner prescribed by appiicuble luw to Borrower and tu •
<br /> '�:�• . : .. the ather persons prescribed by applicable law.After the time required by appliceble law.Trustee shall�ive publtc notice
<br /> '�•- «'� of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrow•er.shall sell
<br /> ' ° � the Pmperty at publtc auction to the hiRhest Bidder at the time end place and under the te�ms designated in the nottce of
<br /> � sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or nny parcel of the =:
<br /> . , Property by publta announcement at the dme and place ot any previously uheduled sule. Lender or its designee may •"�;
<br /> .z:
<br /> . „ purchase the Property pt any sale. �
<br /> �,...' , . .
<br /> �= ' .
<br /> . ;; Form 3028 9190
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