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<br /> — --- ACKI�lOW4�QGEAAI�NT CR O��D OF Y'!!til�l' ����° ,�����
<br /> - TRUSYQR R�THIA BEFOFiS E31t�NiNO: '
<br /> - — — YruNorur�nW`d�th�tet►�ctooum�MthrtTruNOrl��bartta�aut�Ir�DrrdQl�'ruNandndamatp�indlhMti�rpow�r
<br /> of�at�pravkNd tvr tA tM t7r�f at Tn�st provida wbaanti�lfy difNnM dphb and ob�lOtGan�b Truqo�MMn�m�xpp�M 1�ewMM
<br /> of a d�NwR or brNCh ol obllp��on undK tM DNd ot TrwL inaludinp,but not Itmihd 10,tM L�ndsi'�rlphtlo f►�w tIw P�woid �
<br /> by ths Tru�witl�cut�ny t�dlol�i pracMdinp.TFwlor r��nh�nd warn 1hN Ihi��ak wrs�xrouyd bf►
<br /> - �-=-__-_-_—� Tru:.�G:t�rc tf��c:::.�ut:�n�t th�D_=d ct Ttust �-
<br /> - - J C Po�hlor 7rwtor Sie�l� P�rson
<br /> ,:;
<br /> �„
<br /> �. ,
<br />:ue:�
<br />�,. � . Yl'W10!
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<br /> j'�� ��C�i��r�����
<br /> ,i� • -
<br />�;;: �rR'e'�'rA�'e Yt3 NfiRiZUL4Sl�,.
<br />-J:;.. � COMPLE?E thl�puRlon ONLY it th�real propsrly descrtbsd
<br />-;
<br /> . it appNaa�bis,comptet�ONLY ONE elther A.8.or C:
<br /> Trustor ackrtowtsdpsu thatTrustor Is about to ezeaute Me toilowinp Deed af Tiu�t upon th4 Property.Tivaor,and each ot�hern
<br /> ii morR than ona.hereby disefaima lYuetor'a�1pht to d�lgnete a homestead on eatd roal estate.No part oT Tn�aLOr'e homnfesd b
<br /> =.. �� pre�sntty or wlil in the tuture ba aituated upnn sald real estate.Trustor undflretanda that ii Trustor estabiishea e hameatea0 on any
<br /> ;i'� -�'•;�:t; part of N�id real estate duriny thetime the Doc�d a!Tiust�emaina unaatic�t�rEl and a Ilen upon aaid real e�t�te,thero shall b�no�(nht to �,'.
<br />=;`� '-:i��i��; make a desfgnat�on of homestead in the ev�rn:�ot a torectosure or tru�toa's sale with reapeot to eaf�Deed of Truat _
<br />;;,.;, .$y,,, . • .
<br /> :��'� '`fftu"s O Q.WAIVER OF RItiHT"f'0 DESI�NATE HpMESTFASD: •�� . � --
<br />=i�:+, �;{cf?;:�; Tiustoracknawiedgealhat0'rs�Loriaebouttoexeoute��efo11ow1n��edoltniatupontheProperty.Trustor.��ndesohotthem _
<br />-� � ���z'�i°' ��moro tfinn one.hereby waler�e 4aaaler'a right to design8te a Aoment�acl on eaid real estate.Truator unde�elanda�h�t Truator has •
<br /> ii;'. y
<br /> ;;;�:,,.1, Hqht Lo make e desipnarioA A9 h�t�estead and th$t by execudng thie wAlver,Trustor te walving dphta othsrwiae.aveftsble tot tlie
<br />�E,.;,: � ,pu.rpoae ot attor�ling tha�i��'dppc►t�ni�r tu rotein Trustvr'e hcmestead in the svent of a detault upon the Oeed ot Truat _.
<br /> ��� .
<br /> 4i r• ti i ri�'i.t:,,, � --- ' � . . _
<br /> ,�},+,�;-°- . ,�,,��=c, : • �C.Of�((3NA7 fUi�i t3P tiG`u�u�?�6►i3.
<br />_��:1 ,,,,; Puredant to the Farrt Homestead Protectlon Act(Section 78•t801 et seq.Rovised Statutes of the 5tata of Nebraake),Trustor
<br /> • {;,s', hereby deatgnQtes the resi eatate descdbod in the"Doslg�aUon of Homestend" ttaahed hereto artd in orporated herein by thla
<br /> f818i8nC9. ��C%/��
<br /> / �
<br />_,;
<br /> '� Jo Po�h1�r Truator Siaql� Per�on
<br />� . `
<br /> - T�wtor
<br />,, .
<br /> TMIS pEEO OF TRU9T,is made aa of the�SZb�day M Jui. ,18�4.by and anfonp
<br /> ;r. Me 7ruator. Joha C PoehlQr . eingle aereon .
<br />'� Y ..�:� .:;,; whoae matting addreas�a ��� N iSOth Rd Csiro (herein~Truet��',whether ons or moro),
<br />� �� ;.;
<br /> . ;�i�.:w Five Pointe Bsak► a Hebraeka Corporation `
<br /> �'�" the Truatee.
<br /> = '. Y�'�=..: '� ' P.O. Box 1507 Grand Ielnnd, NE 68802 •
<br />--�, �._;'.�'-' ' whoae malitng addresa Is (Aereio"Trustee'�,an�b
<br /> "�y "��`� .. the Benericiary. Five Polate Bank •
<br /> . ;,
<br /> ''��'T " � 20LS !i. Broad�ell (irend island. ltfi. 68802-1507 =
<br /> �•; « (herein"Lendat'�.
<br /> •�.� • �� whose mailinp address Is
<br /> � `4"�t����''%•� FOA VAWABI.H CON8IDERATION,inciudtng Lender's extensdon ot credit idanUfled herein to
<br /> ° ��?���:� John C Poedler (herefn"Borrower,"whether one or more)and the trust heretn created. _
<br /> � f�,':r�� •. .: the roceipt of which la hereby aoknowledped,Trustor hereby Irrevocabiy grenta.trang[ere,corne�a and eseigne to Truatee.IN =:
<br /> ' ' TRUST,WITH POWER OF 6ALE.for the benetit and security of Lender,urtder and aubteet to Mo terma end condiNona herelnafter set
<br /> s+ � torfh.the real properly,desc�ibed as toitowa
<br /> ��, • � . . o =
<br /> ' �ii,?:��:._Y.;.� .. SEE AT1'ACH6D EKHIBIT 'A'
<br /> ';z:• F- .
<br /> .� ' Topether with ail buildinga,ImArovemente,ilxtures,streets,alieys,passegewaya easements,righta,pdvUegea artd apparte-
<br /> � ;• ��� � ° - nancsa loc8tcd lhorCOn or in anywlee pertafn4np thereto,and the�eMa,issues and protita,reverelons and remalnders thereof,c�+d
<br /> _ -:; _,---.--- --- - �"_`_ ._.._�____.
<br /> .r�...���..........ua.e e aw...e IM��YIIM w��►nntltmMarl tn hmNne nnd
<br /> ; � suC►�peraon8i proper"ry inai is acwarmu�v a�o..���.....m�.o�..o o..oo..........�.�..�.....►.�.•••�•��•••o.--'..-.......'__'_•. __. � _ _
<br /> " , cooting equtpmenx andtogether wtth the homestead or mnNtal Intereata.it any.whlah interests ere hereby reieased end waived;atl ,
<br />- ;.�.• �� ot wh1oA,inaluding replacementeand additlona thereto,Is hereby deciered to be a pert ot the reai estate secure�by4he Ilen of this
<br /> r)���; � Oeed oi Truat a�d all ot the foregoing being referred to herein as the"Properf/".
<br /> r.. �i''� . �
<br /> s�.`., '� • This peod o}Truet sha�l secure(e�the payment of the principal sum and interest evldenced by a promfssory note or credlt
<br />�,;,� . _ .
<br /> ` ,4���,, . � � egreenjent dated 'Wt-�v�-�QQ�4 ,havMg a matuNty date oi MARCH 21ST. 1995 ,
<br /> I ; a,�, . a ,,
<br />� �; +�fr��� In the odpinal prinalpai emoLnt ct S S S�Q38.50 .and any and au modNteationa extenntons and renewais i
<br /> ., therenf or thereto and any and alt future�jve�t$hd readvaneea to Borrower(or any nf them t4 crtare than orte)hereurtder
<br /> .,�,,. •� �,, purauant to one or more promlaaory natos or oredlt a�reements(hereln cailed"Note'�:(b)the payrrt�nZ of other sume advanced by ,
<br />- .�
<br />_ ,l�• .
<br /> M�C it67(A�riadurd D�qRw.tO/M ,
<br /> ,. � , ' O1��x�nwedadoae�tru�a�noes�nro�n+�o�ac�UrcaaN�eru�u ,
<br /> �:
<br /> '�, , .
<br /> - ' 'L---- - �'- - -
<br /> - - - --
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<br /> _ '
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