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<br /> • h�sayt p4w Comttrrdtt Fcdmt!Bsrtk e Falere!&�e Bank(C�rda! kdeml�a rnortpt�e ot the tollovNnp preperty: �"°=
<br /> TN1� s�� A �T�y�n�ae�V 1,,.�c�:.
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<br /> � k,t 1.�-n S. �t. � H moce Mun one psrson aigns thia mortgape the word'1'ft19lfla tiNO.' `i��cr•�'
<br /> � �=` .,,... Thts martpsp�nwre�a iwn made by Cammeraiat fedarai.A note dated tttoaeme date af thia matgape Sona�ina tho tarma tar repaymont of that losn.if thAt �i;:it;�-
<br /> _ '=�..,a:.: noti ia erer ehm�ed a roptaced by a new note,it wili be securod by thl�mortgage• ,�
<br /> ,e ,� ....
<br /> � � ...��;��i-#r,. (p11p111fA01}����OYV�flQ tit�flQi: �r,'
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<br /> ti rS'=VI G� 1.Alt pa�m�snb on�r►y�ote or othx debt soeured by this mortasgs will be paid wha+dua ��`"'
<br /> 1.�•���N�.�, 1 i
<br /> ' � , L
<br /> � y' � ,��,�T_� {�� 2.M fnaurancs poiloyfa fi�s and extended cwaraps will be kept in fa�e on the ptoperty in an art�a+nt at least oqual to tho debte saeurad by thle .7r ,,.
<br /> `�i.y �' . mortaqe plus any oLhet mortQapes tistsd in Rmagroph 8.The insurance compan�must be aatiataetory to Cemmmciai Fodorai.end Commerciat y�:.
<br /> �y�;4.',�. :b fed�s�!!�a a nass�d i�stt�r!ass l3se palicy. ..
<br /> � �'f • .�14 ," 9.All wtes and attstemsnis an the propxty wfU be peld betoro they 6ecome ddinquent ��} ;
<br /> : ,ty �' ,.�_ ' 4. NO wiste Wili bs eOtnmiltAd wt ths prOpeetyr,and it wlli be kept U good repdir. �rr� r
<br /> �, ,�� ,.-
<br /> .':? �y(��'"�':`�;; '�3.�. 6. Ths ptoperty wiil not be aotd(irteludinp by I�nd contraot).teaaed,and rto intereat N it wili be eaefgnad in �ny way.
<br /> �.��` ;��':�. . - r. : .
<br /> _.� �4�,�"�I �, • 9. t wMt the propxty tree and dear o!eny other mortgagea a eneumbranoea IXCEPi' �'' �;.' :
<br /> :�.�..[. � ��+� ':_�vi• ..
<br /> L,';:y;�a.:ti;,;6�`
<br />- ' �,� 7. No oTher matp�pe or�ien on the property will ever be altorued to be in defauit or ba foroaiosed.
<br />- ;��r�.,:;=.t+Ryi4...
<br /> 3:ysv�-*y+�.M�^:,i<+ Henyot thets promtssf are not kopt then Canmerola�Fede�a�can doc�eio uU ot thedebt immediately duo and payabtowiffiout advanca notlui.The
<br />- �y.,�,,,� � intamet wte will inerea:s to 18.0096 ar any groatar rote albwableby Iaw at th�t tima, and thia mortgage can be foroelased.li tho debt ia aeeoterated,than 1
<br /> ii_r': .5�4+,����r'.•�r�•;•_r+h'1:rLM aisa ms(pn eny rant a other income from tho PropenY to CommereiaS�cdereL .
<br /> : t•':�r`�, ;t-, . Ca�tdn�nau�ts esn be paid by CommerciY Federai�nd eddedto the debt aecured by thia mortgsga Thoy ero emr tozm or inaurence 1 havasgresd to
<br /> - ���r•.e.>,..��'�:�:_..
<br /> -1 ,�„�.,,.,.• Y,�f• p ry bue tail to,an y attorrt e y tess qr eourt expenees Commareiat Fadaral paya it it ta made a pariy at uny tegal aotion brought by saraone Nee eonoeming the
<br /> l.� �. tit . propwty.and arry�ttomey fess a eaurt expenaa which ths lew miQht ailow if Commsroi�Federai hes ro po to courtr�painat mo to aotlaot t he d e bt a
<br />-- .��t M�.�.'�e.+.�r:s�• faecfw�tlus moKQ+i{w N u�y of thet�thinps h�ppen.then the add�dooal debt will accsue inte�t at tfio aamo rate ss tho roat ot tho debt md mwt be paid
<br /> •� .'.�{t!�?!�;+�M.s,-i�:+�9in irtYnl1dktNy.
<br /> ,-�- _' y+���,t+�.;�, M�,�„ If ffiis property ii ever ca�demned undx ths power ot eminent domain or any simiter method ot taidng property fa pub�ie use any prooeed�o!1ho wkinp
<br />__ «�_ wiU bo p�id W Cammeroiat Federat up to ffie tuil emount ot the dobt aeeured.
<br /> ��,'oj`"- -,ti.�" `:i:,�,
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<br /> _ 's*�.- . �'' On this�day o! �T� .19�,befote me,e notory publie in and for eaid eounty,pereandty eamr
<br /> ;_�.;..
<br /> c,r^. • • • '1'F�X� l� �7ll�Lt�i - to me knowe to be tho tdontical person wperaona whoso .
<br /> �'r � � name b or e�s�xed to the above matpepe and they.he a ehe eevernlly eeknowledged the seid inatrumont and tho exeeution thareot to be thdr vatuntu}r
<br /> ,j ,;'_,: � . ect a�d dMd.
<br /> � - '�;::•.•'. .
<br />- '' UYITNESS rtry h�nd and rtotedal aeal tho day and yaar�aat writron abovo. /�
<br /> _� w�'�T � - �`: ','�, My cammiaston expftee:
<br /> �'. . ''.r; .'°'a°•`: Nolaiy lic'e&igneture '
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