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<br /> � .�a - , ACI�NOWL�DQEMEWT OF DEED OF�'�9���» ��t�
<br /> �;x;��:.c+: TRUSTOR READ THIS 9EFOR�SI(iNiNG: ���=°=
<br /> Teu�tor undrr�tir►d�th�t th�doa�+�+t thet Ta�ta h aboat to�xwut�i•�OM4 01 Tni��md nq�,�maKp��d��PP��
<br /> of aM provid�d ta h tM OM4 0!Trti�t provldM aub�tantisN�r difBK�nt ripht�w�d obl�Qatiom Co Tru�tql itiqan.�moAO+��in the�v�nt o!
<br /> � �r ' 1 �� •dMauit or brNOh of oblipKioe undM tM9Md of Trusi,indudhp,6ut not kmitd to,tfi�L�nr,�u'o�iphj;Oq her�th�Ro�tY wid dV tM
<br /> — T�wtM witiiout�n�judioi�l proo�sdina.Tn+�ta tp��nU�nd wwrmt�tteet thMr�akrwwi�dp�rn�nt wq�s,e,x�tsd b�Ttwta bdon th�
<br /> .;a�-;...,�r_>:- -• .:�. �oc�oution of t1s�DNd ot YN�t. . L''--r"
<br /> � • •-"t. JO�i NIC WIINRtC TFt4k9fiAR �-
<br /> � ,��.�,. . (•�;u:r-
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<br /> '�:.;. "' �`�':. �� HOHN71 871itTOH WllNfOR Tit�1dB�TAA� ry w
<br /> �� '�s,
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<br /> - �� .,. - oEEO oF TQ;.��T �aTr! �_���Ae��.s���� �s�.�,�=
<br /> '�F' '" Ju .1824_.by.nd.rr�onp f' ".�:
<br /> �� . TNIS DCED OF TRUST.is mb��e of ths 5th day of lv 24 -:`=
<br /> • �i�:.� . ; . ,�.j_
<br /> th�Trustor. JOHti MICHl1EL WIINEIC snd BONNA B7►ATOH WIlNElC. HUBH�{I1A A�l� ��,� .
<br /> •:��''.. ° �� whoa�m�l'np aidma is 1414 ST1�SiECOACA RD tiR1�NA ISLAA�A �i�t�ibti�"�atot,'wheth�r ons�i mor�l. �
<br /> r� : th�Tpp�tM. ' ` .
<br /> , ' �' �, � ., whos�meNna addrost Es P O BOX 790 tiRANi) 2SLAt�Il� NR 6_ �tQ� _ therain'T�usta'1.md
<br /> tt»B�t�ficf�ry. THE OVBRL7�Hm N!►TIONl1L 8�—QA rsia►Hn ISLAND • ,
<br /> wha�ma�inp�ddn��is P O BOX 1688 GR�IND IBLAh`�„N� 6_ ��0? lMr�in'L�ir'}.
<br /> � FQR VAI.UA81E CONSIDERATION,irtoludinp Lander'e extension of credit idantitbd hbn+t�to JO ICHIIEI�S�/AH�It „
<br /> � ' BONN71 H11RTaH W!lL�TS1C � :
<br /> .� (Mratn"Bo►�owa'.whatl�en or+a o►mrxe)and tho trust her�in crwt�d,�s �
<br /> , , n�:E of which b Mnby�aknowtedped,Tnato�henby irtevooably annts,transfan,conv4Ns and,aaolQr►e to T�ustee,IN TRUST,W17Fi �.
<br /> __ , i��8�613i�.for ti»o�nfiE�n3 s�curitcr vf L«iriih,u�.#s:&id�ta!!tt l�ss�sss�!aondlif�►1�harainsfter e�t fa4h.1fi�raal
<br /> _ j '
<br /> , Pmv�rttl.dara�ed as f41bw�: i •
<br /> , �70UN'1'Y► HEBIi7l8RlU i
<br /> ��;�.;,
<br /> .. ; :.,�.c.� � .
<br /> -a'�te7.�'.� .
<br /> ., , Topslha with all buildhp�,improvem�nts,fixtu�es,etraets.elteys. Deasapawoyx.easarv�.mte.riphta.Pdvilepse artd eppuKenance� i
<br /> loo�t�d therwe or in anyw(e�paufnlnp thereto,end tMs rante,lsauoa end profite,tevatetom and.ramelnden tharsot,end aueh p�rsond
<br /> propwty du�t is attaohad to the improv�nents eo es to aonstitute a tixture,includinp,but not 1'unitad to.heatinp and coolinp equipmant; j
<br /> • and topstha with th�bomesteed o�m�rltal intereste,if any,whioh htaesta ere heNeby relaaaeA end weiv�d;aii�f whkh. inatudirtp
<br /> r�p{�cwnrnts and:dditions thxsto,i�hereby deafarod to bs e part of ths roaf estata seourod by tho Iien of this Desd ot Trust end ali of ;
<br />- . the fiapoinp b�inp n}�ad to heean ss th�'Proparty'. �
<br /> , Thv Dwd of Trust shdl s�aun(e)ths paymant of tha arincipa!sum and a�Raeat wFdertaed by e pramissory note or credit
<br /> � <� ..
<br /> aptMm�nt dat�d A7/05/:,�_ ,hwk+p s metutity dtIIe of 07/Oi/04 . ;
<br /> . U � ,
<br /> in tM aiyiml principtl amouM of 0 ��e Fpee_e ,and any er+d aU moditfaations,extansior�a�ed mrowds
<br /> • '� th�►�ef or tt�KO and mY en�all futur�advanca�and►e�dvance�to Bortowar lon enY of etnm!t more th�n onel henundK puieuant to � �
<br /> ono or moro promitsory notes o�ot�dit eproemante lNerein caNed�Nots"!:lb)the peymerei.af othor sunis e3vraiced by lender to proteot
<br /> tM s�ourity of th�Note;to1 the p�eformancs of etl covenents end apreeman2e of Trustm�st fottf+hareln;end(d1 ail prosant end tuturs
<br /> i�d�bt�dnM� arrd o4liIIetime of BorrowK(or any of tl►am if n+o»thr�one)to lendar arhethet direct.indireat,absolute or cantinpant
<br /> ', and wh�thw�inp by note,puamty,ovardraft or otherwiae.The Noto,thin Dood of Truat and ony end el!other documente that e�cu�e �
<br /> ° " tM Note or othMwia emeuted tn eonnsotto�thmewitfi,Gecludlnp withaut limit+xtia►flunranteea,sax+rity epreanents�nd nssipnments .
<br /> . ' • � o!Is�rM�nd rw�t�,dull be ref�n�d to hes�fn es ths'loan Instrumente'.
<br /> Trustar cor�mnb and epnss with Lenda as fallow�:
<br /> � t.P�m�nt of tnd�bt�dnw.All indebtedness acurod hereb�ahelt be peid nrhm duo.
<br /> �.TitN.Tncstor is ths ownm of tP�s Propsit�l,ha M��Ipht and euthority to canvey the P�opmty,and warro�ts that the lien created
<br /> ; . U herobY Ia a fiM and ptbr ihn an ths Propmty,excep!to�liam end enaumbranaet�set forth by Trustor in writinp end doliverod to Landar ,
<br /> �` befots aocacuttort o!this Oeed of Trust, and the euecutto� end delivery of th�s Doed of tn�et doea not vlotate any aontreet or other
<br /> ` � , o4fipaticn to whioM Trusto�ia au�j�at.
<br /> 3.Taxw A�b.To pay befote delinqtnnaY aIl tmces,special a�se�mrtents or=a d9 othe�dierpes aQeinst the property now or
<br /> ��:.�.c;r' h�aaftK Isvied.
<br /> 4.Inwrana�.To keq Ms Properiy insurad ap�inst damepo by tin,ho.�ards,included within the term 'extmded covenps'.end ,
<br /> • • au�othar ha�rds�s Landr may roqu@s.in rnowne end wiM eompenle�ecooPtebie to Lendm.naninp lender es en edditiond named
<br /> � � ' insnsd,witA Waa par�bl�to Ms Lander.In cass of loss under sucfi polictoa.the lender is euthorimd to sdjuat,co!!xt end comyramias.
<br /> ° eG e�ias theraundar ered ehaU hevs the opUon of apptyinp atl or pert of tho.�aurmeo praceeda 11 to any Indebtednaca a�wred hereby
<br /> end b aud�ord�as Landr m�y d�tertnine,1i�1 to the Trustm to be used for tha�eoa�r or restomtion of the Propert�r or(��far any other
<br /> ,° '„ �� purposs o�ob;eot eatiafsetory to lmder without ef4`actinp the tien ot thia Dood af Tniat fo�the tuD emount eecurad hersby bbtars such
<br /> ; �, __ __ _ __� paYmant ev�c took pl�.Any�pp&eation of procssda to indabtedrtes�ehall rtot tsYtand ot poatRono me dua d�o of my paymento under
<br /> --- � - -- -.s ` _) ths Rote.or curo mry defwtt thereur�der ar haeundar. - -
<br /> ` ;, • •• 5.Esaaw.Upor►writt�n dama�d by Lander.Trustor st�sl!pa1►to l.ander.in aud+marmer na Lendar reesy des6gnete,suff[eEent eume
<br /> � ' to enrbU L�ndr to p�l a�Ns�r brsame due on�ar mo»of th�foUowin�c ti� nll texas.asseeamenta and othet charQcsa aQainst tho
<br /> �, ` Proy�rty.In�th�pr�miums on th�pro�rtll insuranc�roqttired ha�uesder.and fiiit ths prerttiurrta an eny rtsortQups inaurence�equired by
<br /> lenda.
<br /> .i�• 6.IM�trit�nanea 6t��ed Coe�a with LeMR Tnista eheil kwp ths Pro�rty in qood condition and ropair:chap promOth
<br /> � rp�.or apf��t+y improv�ant wbld�rt�ay b�dartap�d o►destrored:�t+�lt not commit o�permit eny waste or deterioration of the
<br /> ,• Prcputy;ehdl rtot romov�,denolah er esuDstentitlty dte►enY of th�ir�sprovumante an tht F�oFerty;ehall not commit,suHer or permit
<br /> � • eny sa!4o b�datw in or upon ths Property in vialatian of en�law,ordinertco,or repulrtian;urtd eha11 pay ered promptty dFaherqe et •
<br /> TnntaPs cost end axpene�e0 lians.oncumbroncna end cherpea tevied.imposod o�assesaad egain�t ths Propsrty o�eny part theraof.
<br /> I� �.<' 7. Emh�nt Dorn�in. lartder t� here0y essiy�ed ell compeneation.ow�uda.demeQes ond athe� psttmente or retiet (hereinefter
<br /> 'P►ooNds')�+corr►aatjon with cundemnation or othm tekirsg of f}r Petawtti a�p«t tharsot.o�f or conveyance n 8eu of condamrtation.
<br /> .� , �' Ls�dM eh�(I bs�ntitlsd at ite option to comm�nce.epPeu in�nd p��+ts in Ih��eme eny ection o►procesdirtQ�.and ahaU elso bs
<br /> � , entitlsd to mab any canyromiss or setttament in cor�sceatfon with sueh tekinp os d�ersaQe.tn the event any ponion of ths Propaty is so
<br /> , eae sa�t aaa,4�crw o..m asv.�mas
<br /> ., .. O 19S�N�ay 8�af Caem�o Tnat�d`3ari�Aa�ttrlOA UnCri N�rfa ,
<br /> �`
<br />