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<br /> - ���-----� WppllrabW luw�i�a}+ qpeclfy fnr rins�atcnnnt)t►cfor f;:�lc af tl?c Praptrty pm'enaut tn w�y(aowcr of R;dc containc�i in this ,
<br /> Sa;ur�5x Inxtrumtne;vr(b)cntry of a judg��ent cnfoni�ig this Securlty Instrument `[t�osc candittons arc that Bom�wer: (n)
<br /> = � p�y� L,encke all euma whfch ttien w�ald be duo utxkr this Security Inatrument and the Nou: as lf no eccelendan h�d
<br /> - cxcurtM;(b)ruc+e9 eu►y defautt af any osher cvvments ar e�rcert�n�i;ic)paya dl expenses lncum�d ia enfoming thls Security
<br /> t�� ipcludinR.but noc limited to, newr�lble attosneys'fees; and(d)�akes such c+ction a.c Le�zder muy rcasonxbly
<br /> roqufee tu�.�tsure thit tM lien of tt�ie Socurity Insttvmen�Lender�a dQhta in the Properiy and Bom�wer'a obli�uion co pay 1he
<br /> -- - ___ _ � Furm �!tcared by this Security InsUument s6a11 continue unchanged. Upn� reiastatemen�by Borrower, this Security _
<br /> Inatrument aad t�e obllgAtlons secuned Ixc+eby sha11 rcmain fulIy effxtiva as if na acceleratton had occurrrd. However,this •
<br /> rlght to ninstatc ahalt not apply in the cas�cf acceleraitoa uncier paragraph 17. �
<br /> �l�, Sde o[Nat�i C6ange or I,oan 5ervtce�: The Nota or a pardal interest in the Note(tngether with thle Security ,
<br /> Tnstnunent) r�u►y be soLd one or ma+e dme9 wlthout prior r�ndce w Boaower. A sale may result�n a chunge in tlto enriry -
<br />-° — (Iuwwn os the"Loan Servlcer")that collxts mont6ly paymeats duc under the Note and this Sauriry instrument There also
<br /> may be one or more changes of rlte Loan Suvicer unrelated to a sale of the Not@. U there is a change of the Loan Servicxr.
<br /> - Botrower will be given written nolice of the changa in accordance wlth paragraph 14 above and applicable Inw. The notice __
<br /> - _- �vUl state the uamo and ald�ess of the new I.oan Servicer and the address W which payments should be mnde. The natice wW
<br /> aiso�contnin any other infotmadoa mquirat by npplicable law.
<br /> - � Z0. Haz�rdoua Substsence�. Borrower ahall not cause or permit the preseuce.use,disposal.storage,or release of eny
<br /> �' Hazardfloa Substances an or in the�ic+operty. Borrower shali not do.nar allow anyone else to do.anythlag uffectic� the
<br /> -� Property that Is in violadon of any Eavlronmental Law. The pnezeding tvio sentences shuU not eppDy to tbe presence,use.or
<br /> stutage on tlte Properiy of smalf quantities of He►zatdous Substances that ere geneially reco�rtized w be appropriate to normal
<br />- c+es;dentia(uses and to ma[ntenance of t�e Property.
<br /> - - Hormwer si�a11 pmmptty give Lender wrlttcn naticc of any invesdgation,claim,demand,lawsu�t or other action by any _ --
<br />-'' govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous 5ubstance or Eavlronmental
<br /> ;a - Law of which Borrower hras actual knowledge. If Botrower leams, or is notlfied by any govemmencsl or regulatory
<br /> = authority,that uny removal or other rea�ediadon of any Hazardous Substance a��eting the Pcoperty!s aecessary,Bomower
<br />-"� -• shsilt yromptly take all necessury remedinl actions in accordence with Eavironmen¢al Law.
<br /> _'�� As used m t)ris paragaph 20."Hazerdous Substances"are those substauces defined as touic or hazandous substaaces by
<br /> — - — $nvimnmcnta!Law and the foAowing substances: gasuline.kemsene,other flammable or toxIc petroleum products,toxic
<br />�;� �� pessicides and herbicldcs.volsitile solveats,materials containipg asbestos or forntaldehyde, aad radioact�ve materials. As —
<br /> : use�in this patagraph Z0."Environmental Law"means federal Iaws and laws of Hie jurlsdtction whene the Property is located
<br /> -:, that relate to health,safety or env�ronmental pmtecdon.
<br /> - __ NON-UNIFORM COVENMITS. Bonower and I.eader futther coveaant and agree as foUows:
<br /> - 21. Acceleration;Remedies. Lender ehall give aotice to Borrower pdor W acoeteratlon following Borrower's
<br /> _..
<br /> :o�'� . breach of any oovenant or xgreement fA thls Securlty Insfrument(but noi prtor to acceleratton under paragraplt 17
<br /> - - .
<br /> �� nnk�opplk�ide la�providea otderwise). ifie notice sba�i speci�y: ta)the defauit;fi3�dne uciion requGc.i ta i��a °
<br /> . , . default;(c)a dste,abt less than 30 dxya frnm t6e datc the notice ts givea to Borrower,bq which We default must be `__
<br /> ,t' '��+ cured;and(d)t6at[allue+e tv cure the default on or befure We date specSfleiD l�u the noYlce may res�ilt in acceleraqon oi
<br /> tDe sum�secured by this Secur[ty Insaaiment and sale of tlte Property. The notioe s6al1 further infofm Borrower of �
<br /> the eight to reirutate atter scaleration and the r(giit to bring a aourt action to assert the non-extstence of a dafault or ::�.;:.
<br /> - �• any ot6er defense ot Borrower to�eieratton and s�te. U the defauit ts nat cun�on or before the date specified in u;:;�_
<br /> _ �'' '�°I�i I��i,u the nofiice.Lender at its optton�y require immediate payment in full of ell sums secured by t6f.g Security Listrument =_
<br /> _ , I without l�tther demand and may invoke We power of safe and euy oWer remedies germitted by applicable law.
<br /> Lender shali be ea�tkd to collect sU expenses incurred in pursuing the reu:edtes prndded in this P�li�Ph Zl, -_^
<br />-° "" � ia(uding,t�wt aot ILnited to,reasonable attoraeys'fee.c aad costs af title evIdence.
<br /> - If the power ot saLe is invoked,Tru�ee shatl recortl a nottoe of default in each wunty in whicb aay pact of the -
<br /> '°� pi,opeKy is Jocetted und sball mail wpies of such n�otice in the manner prescribcd by appIIcable iaw to Borrower end to
<br /> �.� t6e other petso�prescribed by applicable law Atter the time t+equired by appllcable luw,llrustee shall give publEc
<br /> nottoe of sak to the persons end in the maoner prescdbed by appHcable iaw 1lrustee,without demand oa Borrower, �'`��-
<br /> ' � '�'. shalt seU t6e Propeisy at publlc auctlon to We l�ighest bidder at the time an�pisce end under the terms destgnated in . �
<br />,�, We notkC uf ssle tn one or morc parcels snd in any order'hvstce determine,q. 'ilr�stee mey postpoae sale ot all or any .
<br /> parael of the Property by publle waouncement at We time and place of eny previously scheduted sala I.ender or its
<br /> - desi�tee maty pnrcbase the Property at sny sale. :
<br /> - �, ;,?! Upon reoeipt oP paymeat of the grIce bid,llruatee s6aU deliver to the purcheser'ltustee's deed convcying the
<br /> " ��"�'�t� Property. The redtats In the'Iin�stee's deed shall be prttna facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> r,<�..:•,
<br /> r���'�� 'iicustee sha11 appty t1►e proceeds of the saie fn the following orderz (a)to all costs and expenses af exerctsing tlte power
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