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<br /> - -- ,� ��.._ ' . e. 1wwaFEA aF�e�Hrv:��ar�.e.N or.ry v.rt a a+.�ap.ny o�w,�..w�a�.r.wsr soa.aw+."I�.a w ',
<br /> ' ��n'�t,`h(, o1M++eM�conwy�d by Tn�tar wMhout B�n�IfeMiY'�p�krr wrkMn oonMnt,wcdudMp (aJ ti�aat�al o N�n a�xnbr�na
<br /> � � z, subQn&nW to thr Re�d a1 Yru�b(b)lh�ctstWn ot�gurchaso mansy aecur+ty rntrtrtt tor houRahokt r,pAlt�urp�(c)�t;�n�1M+tsy —
<br /> •"���',�� �� d�v1N�dndK►t ar by a�utlon a1 law uA�tM d�Mh of a�okM t«t�:t or(�tha pr�sN of��ry I�hold kNers�tM 1htM y�n a i�
<br /> �,otoonrr,�r,a.n opuon a a��,wa�.aw�w�a..oha�.or»�+.�x.�+a�+.�o+en�►r..e eM+s�a�w�t•cvwa+.a�owr.
<br /> , ,. , N tha eune�..a,nd b�r 1M.owe ot Trwt+o a Nrrtwdlwh aw rna vbt*bM. «c�w.u�hww a�w a notic�ot dsia��t.
<br /> ,r,�. B�kAr�v�h�N h�w�lu�d.ueh oplon lo�w H,Prior eo tl+.sw,tramaet d oanvw.rta.�B�rwlk,i�►�nd ih.wnon b �
<br /> ` wharn tl�p►oy�t1Y k b b��otd a tnt�rnd rNOh a�rwn�M k►wrMlno ItW MN a�+�dR Mwxh P�r�on b�MM�oleiY IP��ll'�ir
<br /> • ,� . ' �nd th�tlh�k�w19�YRbM on th�sum�seaind b�r d�w DMd of Tru�!�h�ll b��taud�aM MlIM�Ik'rWY�hd nqwd. �
<br />- ' `:�...�.. ��� �.,
<br /> -�. , �� 0. AGCELEAATION UPQN OEFAULT:REwAEDiEB;9ALE.'Ih�1rM�n b�t 1lNT�uMot b nMks�rrf►P�fnn��t a b PN�^�^1►a
<br /> p':'.".1..{'.al.. I'�, NN timr snd oondltlor�d qt�Not�.a�ny r�wYr.modMcWlat�a adKnionttbuw'1,or tlN p�Yrt�d M�nY aIM►��+ w
<br /> �t.:':�y� aarad h�nby a In th�p�lorm�of�ny o1 tM oowrtanb or�p►�tNrYb Mnundw sh�b��br�b o�tl�is�ptNfn�nt a�d th�
<br /> %`°, � ;``'� .. B�d�ry may d�Lr��dNwR wnd m�r d�eir�Y sums Mew�d M►�bf►Ynn+�dM�►dw�nd p�y�hN wnd tP�wn�N�M
<br /> � .<
<br /> • ,.,t':;�':,''" ;, . , ;..�,,, tfiNwpoll b�ooms dW�rld pa�laEl�wilhocR qMNitnlMt.d�muid.ProM�t a noflor ot+lt�y Wnd.ThIKNMt.B�n�lci�rY�11 d��
<br /> ;:.." �.., . —
<br /> .� . _ . .;�. to TntqN�w�n d�el1►t�tlon af dNwk�nd d�m�nd tat taM.Ttu��prw�nd t►K�bl/p��tl�M th�Tru�dW h�w tl� --
<br /> : ...�.
<br /> :y`�------- •—°� Qa�xsr ot sml.�tds ProgeA�r ead H H�ry dkfd..n�.Prep.eq+t�oo b..oid r.h.ti drpo�R wNA Trua�.lhJ�DNd W Tru�t =
<br /> - - ,.�. _ th�NoM ar r�oLa and�ny od�dacum�r►b widrncMp acpM+dxutr�s�eu»d Mnby,and sluA d�Ywr ta 7tuM��wr�r�� �_-
<br /> . �� .. . �....� t dd�uR�nd N�etion to�wu tIN Prop�rt�►to b��o�d.and TruaG�:�n tum.�haN pro�►n�sYn9�r naUa In d�tbrm n4uM�d b!I�.
<br /> II� . .-: - , . whkh sh W E�duy 6Nd tor neord by Tru�bo.
<br /> . �`a.�- • (�}Atler th�Iapw of such Nm�u may b!nq��Wd►b!1!aw taNpNrfrt�tt�noord�Rbn of Notios of Whail�endl�tWfo�of 0�iatalt �
<br /> m
<br /> �nd t�lofk�of 8aN hakp bNn 9Mn a�rpukRd by I�w.T��wNhaut d�mand on TruMor.�h�Y tM tl»PropMty in an�
<br /> '.r .� . . tx morr patab ar�d h weh ordK�Ttwtar n�y dtMtmin�on fM d�N and fM tim�and pl�dMiprwMd b s�f6 Nodc� �
<br /> . �.:..�',,. ot 6�N�d publia watbn to tl»hiphM!bldd�r.tM purcbw pfia psY�M h c�eh h I�wAd mawll of tM UniMd 8W��t ----
<br /> � ' . Uw ii�rw af�.Tf�a�ran�0 tlea ea.�may,tar r�+Y e�ses M��hw dMmt�xP�d�M.Pos�orN Ih��ai�tmm�, --.
<br /> � tim9 W tim�un61��haN bR wmpi�bd�nd.In�wry eudr aw.natia af pwtpor�d sM�N b�piwn by puMfe d�NraMort �
<br /> ' ' • th�no!by suaM pMSOn�t th�qm�ar�d pt�a!nt appok�t«!ior tl��aM;povfd�d.Mtlt�uN i�patpotNd lor laqa lh�n ._
<br /> ons(1)d�r b�yortd tM day do�fpnabd in th�Notbe of 8d�.ootb�tl�root ah�N b�yh�n In tM�am�mtnnK es th� �.''=
<br /> � _�• , otipinel fW2ic�o18aM.TruttM sh�H�x�cut�end d�to tl n pureh�sar ib OMd o o n v a y i n p!h�Pro�Ay so wid.but
<br /> i - . � wihout any oownant ot wartantp.�rne•Ot In1pB�d.TM weit�b b tM DN�!of attyt m�nM»ot iChOS��t tlN s�l�. ��
<br /> • proof of th�huMtuqf�a th�rsof.My pnoon,Ind�MMp wiMrout IimldNon B�rwRefy►a Tni�.mrY P� ?".
<br /> „ (b) Whm 1tusM pNs punuant to th�po�es MnN.Tr�sba th�li+ippl�tM proowd�of th�s�M to paym�nt of tM awb `.'tt
<br /> �� ., and�nsN at ucsrdtinp th�pow�r of wM and of fhs�aM.indudkp vrithout Iimit�tioo,th�paym�nt of Tnt�'s F� .
<br /> . inourr�d�whkh TrustNO F�a sheN�ot In 1M apanpat�aowd th�foAawN�p�rnount�b�s�d upon tM amount aeund .
<br /> .. � .. h�nby�nd nmeininp unp�id:6 pKCynE�m on tM bdnna th�»ot,ena ttnn to tM bms In subp�nOnpA(o)in fh�oM�r ,
<br /> '� _ thtt��d. , .
<br /> . .. ' (o) AMr paYin9 ths iams sp�dif�d in subP��NI�M th�sab 1�by TrusbM� a th�prop�r court and otlwr oosN ot �
<br /> - : . � . foncfo�ut�and sei�rf th�oal�n pursumt to jud'iasi tvrsdvsur..ti�.s�ra�3a c!�s�m!!��h 4lsa o�es att�s! ,
<br /> , b�1ow to th�paym�M OL
<br /> (1)Anomeya fe�s end cab ot coM�olbn:
<br /> ' (2)Caat of any wid�no�ottitl�prowtmd u�oonn�ctlon w�'�such eaNd.^id of mqv m�nw nqulnd to M(pald:
<br /> , � � (S�AU obMIIattons s�wnd Ey this Tnatdwd: �
<br /> , (4)71t�ntnaind�t.N nny.to th�p�raon tapdy mtitl�d tteer�to. �
<br /> ' � ' t. ADDITIONAL 3ECURITY�NSTRUMENT&Tn�ator,a!ib�xpms�,wifl ex�end d�Ovar to th�Ben�tieidy.prompW upert �}
<br /> d�mand.such ucurib U�atrumtMs at may b�r�s�nd by B�t�ticiery.in fonn and substano�salMsctory to B�nalh�arf►.oov�rinp t
<br /> � ' enr of th�Prop�Ay�amray�d by thb QNd of TneaL wfikh t�atrih instrurtww shnll b�addidone!srcunly for Truttot�taitldul j
<br /> '' prtotmana ot all th�Um».cownanb end oond�iotn of thts DNd of Tru�t.th�promiaory nob�wwnd h�»by.and any oth�r �
<br /> ,•, ' .. �e�riqr instrum�t�b�x�eutsd In cortneation wRh this hansactioa,Bueh tnstrumsnb eheli b�reoord�d or fi►ed at Tru�Dots�ns�. (
<br /> i
<br /> � 8. APPQIN7MENT OF BUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Bon�f'+dary mnY.Uom dms to tlm�•bY a wrebn indrum�nt aecut�d end I
<br /> !' -, +, � • arJmowt�dp�d by 8�n�fklery.maibd to Truttor eitd rowrd�d In t1w aounry ot aourntet m whieh th�Prop�rly b beaWd and by �
<br /> oth�rwla oomPyinp wRt►th�proviabns of th�appiicahb laws of!hs Stab of NoErroke eubniNte e auoaasor or auaatsoro to th� �
<br /> , I
<br /> � Tru�naumd h�rafi or aotlnp M»und�r. '
<br /> ' `' ' 9. INSPCOTIONS.Bsn�fid�y.or its ab�nb.rspnserRetina or vrorkm�n.ers eutho��d to eriter et nny reasonmbla dms uport !
<br /> � ar b�r part of Ms Prop�dy for M�purposs of in�p tho eem�and for th�purposs of p�rlorminp nny otM�nets it b authorteed ;
<br /> ;
<br /> . � to perlorm under th�Urms ot4h�OMd of Trust ,
<br /> ' ' • t O. OPTfON TO FOAECLCSE.Upon th�oaa+rrone�of ary bnaeh and upors th�d�elaratbn of dstauh h�reund�r,Ben�fiefaiy
<br /> ehNt havs ths optlon to tonclos�thb ONd of Tnnt fn thw mann�t provfd�d by I�r for th�fot�dosun of mortyeQ�on nel propMy. .
<br /> � � 11. FOREBEAFtANCE BY BENBFICIARY OR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER. My ta�b�uana by Bon�fldnry or Trusteo�n
<br /> , � � exarclaing any ripM or rcm�dy htr�n�ndor,or othmwh�allorded by appticebf�law. nhell�ro!b�a wniwr of or pndude fhe axerdae '
<br /> ' of a�►y ateeh ripht or nmsdy heroun�er.Likowia,th�waiwr by B�natfefery or TnaatN of a�ry defauk ot Truator under thte Oeed at �
<br /> � , Trust N+NI not b�ds�mad to b�a wafwr ot eny other or simUar d�teuMt subssquer►tly oecurrinp.
<br />.` ' 12. TRUSTOR NOT R0.EA8ED.6cbn�bn of M�tln»tor paym�nt or mod�,Rcatlon or amoR�floa ot th}a�tma seeund by tl�b
<br /> Deod ot Ttw!ptaribd�y BeneRclnry to eny wooessor In lnbrat olTruetor ahNl no2 opemts to nMese,in any meQrt�r.tlu IW4Uity of
<br /> ; the orlgfnet Trustor and Trustor'e suoo�ssor fn Intemat. Benefldnry shdl not b�requtred to oomm�na proe�edings apehiat eueh
<br /> ¢ , ' succ�stor or ntua to u�Und t�rw tor paym�nt or otl�eiwis�modi�r amortlzatlon ot th�eume eeeurod by tMi�Deed of Truat by • .
<br /> reason ot eny d�mand mad�by th�orqind Trustar and Tn,otm's sucaasoro in Y�e»st.
<br /> � 13. BENERCUIHY'8 POWER8.Without af(�eting a reMeaing th�Ilebility of th�Truttor ot any othsr peBOn Uable tor d�e
<br /> . . • peynrtmt of any obliQatfon ht»In mtMionad,nnd without aH�alh�Q��Ii�n or chnrq�of this ONd ot Tntat upon any portlon of the �
<br /> • Proy�Ap nn th�n or th�r�toton nt�asod ae security tor tM fuU nmount of aU unpaid oblgatlona Benafldary may,from tlms to Umo
<br /> ! and without notia�Y�s roqu¢et ot one or moro Truetors n roleeae any porson eo Ifable.N)axhnd rn ronsw ths mnturily or aiter any
<br /> of the tetm�of any cucfi obligaUona(f�grant other indulgencoe.(iv)reloase or recomrey,or cnuao to be reteasnd or recomreyed at
<br /> any time nt Beneuc�ary's oWUons any psr�ai,porfar+or efi ot Utt Rropsriy.(v)teim or rekeae eny oUfet or nddtbonal aecurtry for nny
<br /> . �� obligaUon h�refn m�nrioned, Cn)mnke aompoaidons or othet nrranQomento wflh dabiaB h rolarion thsreto. A�Trustoro ehaq be
<br /> --"- . - �OIfIt1y Ntd GOV�iBIfy ObfiQ�MA Mtl DOUrta Dy Qt0 EC40tte ot9fv tferte0cCm7ry or nrryvusior aa i�mm siaiad.
<br /> �` �� 14. ATTORNEY FEE8,CO3T8 AND qfPENSE8.lf tA�8�rteti�ary of this Osod of Truct b e bank ns d�flmd by Nsbraaka Inw,
<br /> � f any eimom�e►t��d in any oth�r as:tlon of thfs dMd noiwlhn�nding.ths B�n�fictmy shaN not bs�ntltl�d to neeiw or tnke and
<br /> d�Etor ahall no2 b�obtia�d to pay ot 9iw:eny aor�etston o!�udpmsM,pow�t of attomey to wMsss iudpm�M,power of attomsy to
<br /> '.1 ��• ' eppaar tot a bortow�r in e�udklel proossdlnp a epn�m�nt to pay th�ootb ot aoA�tton or th�ettom�ys'f�s,unlass tha irnerost
<br /> g payabN�by th�bmt�of!h�NoU wfert�d to In thb dNd h/696 p�r annum or bss.orlh�rtat�rot�rrod to in thb desd Is ropayabls tn
<br /> { twn ar mon pusl or un�quel inateWm�nb and ov��n p�rbd ot mon than on�huadr�d forytfiw(14B)mo�hs.Provid�d.hovnver,
<br /> � ;. Ihnt tlus�eetlon don not epPN to lfis trustN tN�rr�d to tn Pnrayreph 6.8(b).Provfd�d tudher thnt thhs Pnregreph 8.14 shNl not
<br /> � eppty to thb De�d of Trutt M tho BeneliWry h�nln ts not a bank
<br /> OlrfitNAL(11
<br /> • . ' co�qs+aEV.�a N.cnsu BtitiROWEq COPV(t) oorsx
<br /> RHTENTION COP�t(1►
<br />