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<br /> _ _ 7H1$A831tiNMENT OF EiENTB RfOE A Is nttde�nd exo+�utr�d 10�la 27r.h .?une���Q9p ��,fs��a "
<br /> _ , h� Incnt�or�led Inio an�1 ehail I�o tlee�oU loamonil nnd r�i�i�f�l�r�ttaioe tBso Mo�l c► n nr�qnF�nl Yruat,horolnnlAUr relerred t�a$ti�a
<br /> "6ecurlty Inetrumem"� ot Ihs eame�lAle p�ven uy tt�n uacErors��yR�d, Norotlisl`nr.rnlnrrad tu ae� Ih���f�arrova�r"� ta��aurr -
<br /> "•_—_—� �otrowar'�Indsbtedneos�herein�lbr retarrud to r�it3�n"PICt�",to�nicod N�br,�nlcb Dank
<br /> (iRAND 131.AND�h�r�inalt��nl�rr�d to u tfa��t�n�t�r,°;al tl�o r�m�d�ls�n�l eovminp Ihn prop�rty d�aardb�q In Ih�Siecur�ity
<br /> �._ — Infirum�n�nnd�oa�tt�d d:
<br /> 908 Aedwood Road� Gxn�d Island, N�br�akA GF1803 �
<br /> ' � -
<br /> �- -- __ � (p�aparly AdUr�ea)
<br /> —�---..,�—: _
<br /> WJTNH88ETH:
<br />= WHERF.�18�tlorrowu and 1.mdat hav��p�potl�tha!ong renis and profits �►ti►lbutable lo Ihs propetiy�houtd coa�ptut�
<br /> .�, ,
<br /> additlon�l Aecurity to!he Lend�r for lhe paympr►6�f tf�o fVol�;
<br /> :-�•� NOW.THEREFORB,it ls agreed ttwt the��ourdty#E4nlrument ehatl l.+e pr�rtclBd haroby�d���!!a f:s�ssGN i�w tait�w�n� --
<br />_'� � provl0tons:
<br />�� .
<br />��•: 1. Bealnnment ot ReMa and Leq��gg��4�i ugg6ton Rt�J�Barrower herepy absolutoly and u�concllifonalty eaeiflne all
<br /> rents, isaues and protits ot the pro��erly 14.E�uneflalnry. I.ender Bl�all have tl�e �ipl�t, powe� end aulhority durtnp the
<br />_ oontinuanaa oi u�e security I�sirumen t to callnat Ihe renta,issuos end prolile•ot�lha property and ol any personal property
<br /> :� Ioaaleci Il�ereon wlll�or wllhout taking pusqeoslon of the property allected hareUy. Lender,hawevot� Itffreby consants to
<br /> Borrowet'e colleaqon and retentlon a1 suah_rante3,lusuea and prolile as thay aaarue and bacome pa�abla,rto lonQ ea Borrawar
<br />- le noi�at auch Ume,In delautt with reapea t lo payment ot any Md�btedne88 seaured hereby,or in the pertormanoe of eny
<br />- egreement hereunder.
<br /> :t.: • Z. 8nnolntmont ol RAaaiver. If any eua�it ot defaull In�eapect to tlie Seaurlty Inslrumenl ehell havc�occur�ed aud be -
<br /> �' ������`' continuing,Lender,as a metter o/dp�ttandw111iout notice to Bor�ower or anyone ataiming under 8orcower�and w{thout �
<br /> , } t tepard to ihe vatue af the trust eatate on th� Intorest ot tNe Bor�owe�therein,shall�have lhe rtflht to apply to any court having =-
<br /> • Jutisdlotiqn to appolnt e reaelver ot Ihe�prmperly. -
<br /> 3. 81ph1 ta Possesslon �n oase af�!e(autt In the payment oi tha sald prinalpal�Note or intereat.or any pert thereof�as It �--
<br /> �- shatl mature,or�n tlie aase of latturetan•Neep or pertorm any of the aovonanis or aqreements containad In the 8eaurity Inst�u•
<br /> - " `-� �5," menl� thao tAe Lender, Ita suaaeseor� oa aaetgnu,ahatl be aad is I�ereby authaflied aad empowerad to take Immedlate �""
<br /> ���'�'� pasaeaafon of the said promisee theiein.dea�dUed and to colteal ttre renis lheretrom,and to apply the proceeds thereof ta tha �r'���
<br />� ;r:�,:,:. i�e,en—T
<br /> b `��',�1;� peyment of Ihe Note.
<br /> a=�x;t' ' Y 4. A�c+14�ai�o�e f�gnls lss���o;�,A!f rar:ts cattaciaif ur Lm,dar ur.ii�e reoeiver shaii be applteu tiret to payment
<br /> �''�''�''•�'•'•.�..�' ot thd cosla of mana ement ot illa� ro erl a��d aol�eatli>n o(renia,InoluUlnp,Uul�not Itmlted lo,reaeiver'a tees�ptemlums on
<br /> �••�' z �7 ���ry 8 A (� Y
<br /> �, .ii��y;��±�o��'���:�� recelver's bonds and reasanaUle atror�ey's feee�a�ct Ihen to Ihe suma seCU�Qd b lhe Secutlt Inslrument.Lender and the ;;�=_
<br /> . �`7':,��y1'��'`•.'�a:�'.. �ecelver she0 be�lable to aoaount�an�y tor those�ente eatually�eceived. y y
<br /> ;.�s�`e�t4.;.! , :,•,: ". -_
<br /> � �..,,;���;���.d;s 5. �onst�uc��on of Proviglona �aah ot the provlsfons contalned in tNls Aaslgmnent ol Aents Rider and the Security Instru• �"��-�
<br /> � ���` ment shatt,unless olherwlae speaHluel�y r4qutteJ,be construed In aaaordanoe w�th Nebraska law,a�d In th� evo�t any ;.!"
<br /> �!t! �..n:tJ�..-,�.•_•y•,
<br />- �� .�:;,,;su:n�?���yr••, provlslon hecel�or therein contetnedehatl beuetormi�ed by a cour4 0!competent�urladiction to be unenforceabfe.tho eams
<br /> "'""" '"� ' shalt be canetrued as thouph suali-unenforaeable proviafon were not a pert hereo!or thereof. ' ,�
<br /> r � -k.�.�:,:�a:,�, 8. ",. -
<br />_ �1(eot o(Rider.Exaept ee spaaltttsetiv modltiecl by mr inconsistent with Ih18 Asslgnment ot Rents Rlder or by any otl�er
<br /> - . ''��'`� appltoa4le tlder.alt ol the tetma.a�d rqvlalona coniab�od in U�e Seaurity instrument shall conllaue In full forae and etieot.
<br /> ` A�::�,-i��-... �; P r.
<br /> • 'i� •f��f,.iA'�..�y. . .�.. .
<br /> �r..ka IN WITNE88 WHEREOF�8nrt4tverhae eaieouted thle A gnmont of Rents Hiqer on the date first noted above. �A
<br />- .�:f�;,.v�••��,,;, .�Y.
<br /> i..
<br />_ '"��",?�.�;,, Ger ld Woodgate :rower '�
<br /> - " F"'j;%:�_="ri"?�_ � .
<br /> � r��.�91:��•�'i��+'�ri��� '
<br /> :''h"•'":� Michelle Woodgat@furower _
<br /> �' �
<br /> - ''"' �' � 8TATE OF NBgRASK.4)
<br /> _-; ;,::
<br />-�` ._ (sa: •
<br />- - ' � .. :;� " COUNTY OF WALL ) .
<br /> .�'• � �'-;�,-�� • On thla day of; t y�tor m the uci� , Note p Ilc dul commiestoned and
<br /> ,�x,• "��;� ' quaHNad tor satd county.Pereonatlyaa�ne ��@r�� Wooc�ga�� an��i���g���Wob�g��, y �hr,.,
<br /> e �;,;
<br /> ��'�"`'`�` � . ;;y'
<br /> _ �r;� ,�.� �to be Ihe Ider+11aa1 paraon(s�whoae name(s)telare subscribed
<br />- , '_ � ,;�,_4;.: . .;,,:.t,"� to tho lore�oing Instrument�apU h�lehelthey eakno�viedge the exeoutlon lheteot�to be hislherfthelr voluntery act enc9 dedd. �
<br /> ��I '" Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> '�° ' ;�•...�„ � � +� Wltness my hend end Noterlat�S�al at `
<br /> - - '.'`, ��; ;:.� in d edat t•
<br /> - ? .: �'..,r:r;rs;• cti
<br /> �`, .
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