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<br /> TOG113THL'R WI'['�1 alt�hc impmvement�now or I�rcaftcc crectai on the propeRy,and a11 cascment+.wppunte�w�e�,�nd
<br /> _ Y__� flxtures �iuw or henaftcr u past of thc propeny. All rcplaccmcnc, und :►dditiansi shall niso tTC cnvcrtA hy tY,iti Ssct�rity
<br /> -- _- li�shzirncnt.All nf tl�e forcg��ing is r�efcrred tu in[hf�; 5ccurity Insr�umcnt as thc"lTrup.ny."
<br /> -------° lbURROWB[2 COVE?NANTS that f3orruwcr Is lawfully sciscd of thc est�te htrchy camcyc�l and I�av thc right to grunt anA
<br /> - cunvey ihe Praperty anct thut the Ptoperty i� u��encunibered,except for encumbrunces of recard. Hanower warrahts pn�wi(1
<br /> --- defend genett�lly the tidc ro thc Pcnperty aguirnt all�:laims nnd demunds.subject to uny encuml�rancr+af record.
<br /> - THI3 S�CURITX INSTltUMENT combines untfonn wvenun��far natIon�!uz�e nnd.non-uniform cavenw��.� with limitod�
<br /> _ _ —_=� vartatlons by,iurisdictivn ta caistitute a unifarn�ucudty instn►ment cavering reul property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVFNANTS.Borrower und I.endcr cavennnt and agree us faN�ws:
<br /> 1. Peyment ot Principtl and lnterest; Prepayment and Lat�e Charges. Borrower �h�l! Qromptly pay when due the
<br /> principai oi'and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepnymcnt artd lute charges due urtcier the Note.
<br /> 2. Funds tor Texes and Insuratece.Suttject to applicable�uw or to a wdtten wajvcr by Lender,Borrawer shall pay to
<br /> -�;r.�' Le�tder an the day monthly payments are due under tltc Note.untii the Note is p�(d in full.A sqm,(,",6unds")far:ta)yearly tuxes
<br /> - t�nd assessmenta whIch mny uttein priadty over this Secudty Insttu�rtent aa u It�a an tha Property: (b�ycarly leas�hald paymoats
<br /> F:w.s.
<br />-_= ' or grournl rents pn the Pmperty,if any;(c)yeariy hawrd or ptaperty insurancR pre�,iq�ts;,�(d)yaariy fl�wd iusur�uice premiums.., -
<br />.,A,j�; if uny:(e)Y�arly mortgpge itisuranc�Pnemiums.if any:and(�anY sums payabl�bY��tiqwet�to i..ender.in uccordance with.,,,
<br /> _� ',. the provislpns of par,�g�ph 8.in If��e of the�xayment of mortgqge.insura�►cs,premiums,.Thes��i{ezps are cailed 'Escrow Item�.,;.
<br /> � Lender may, at aPy�tlme,collect,and hold IFunds in an amount.nAt t4 exceed the ma�cimum amount u lender for a federnliy
<br /> ,. related mortgag�louu.may re9wre Fnr�omqw;er's�scraw �ccount uRde�Rhe•federnl Real Estate SetUement Procedures Act of
<br />- 1974 es amended Prom ume ta time. 12 U.S.C. Secuon 2601 ei seq.,�"P,�SPA").unless anather law that applies to the Far�ds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, i.ender may, at any dme, collect and.huld.�'unds!n an acnaunt no� to exoeed the lesser amount. _
<br /> ' Lender may estimate the amount of Fun�s due on the basis of curmr�t datn sind reasonable estlmates of expenditures of fumre
<br /> Esrraw Items or otherwise ln accordunce witb applleable law.
<br /> "' '• The Funds shu11.he held in an insatution whose deposiu are insurcd by a federal agency, insuvmentality. or entity
<br /> (including Lender. if Lender is such an insdtution)c�r in any Federnl Home Laan Hank•L.ender shaU apply the Funds to pay the �-
<br /> Escrow Items.Lertder may nat charge Borrower for holding and applyin�the Funds,annually analyting the escrow account. or
<br /> �?:, vertfying the Escrow Items, unless L.ender pays Borrower interest on the�unds and applicable law permits I.ender to malce such -
<br /> a charga.l�owever.Lender may requit�Borrower to pay a one•time charge for an independent real estnte tnx reportin�servece
<br /> • '' ,�.i?•.r used by l.ender in connection with this loun. unless applicable law provIdes othenvisc. Unless an u�ceement !s made or =-
<br /> . ;;�Y�,�,.; appticxible law requires interest ta be paid,l.ender sball not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Furtds. ___
<br />,;, . ..�. c,.u�„
<br /> ... �,�•{, _�.t Borrower and I.ender may agree in writins, hawever, chat intenst shall be paId on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. -
<br /> __ _�:•� -'�-`f�'�=���`Y . w;t�tm�t charve: an annual accoundne of the Funds,showinu credits und debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each -
<br /> ws+�n�rNa,a,r�: �- — ��--
<br /> s�-':��,y,,',�n:_;�,;�:��,:. debit to the Funds wes mude.The Funds are ptedged as additional security for aU sums secured by this Security fnstrurnent. •_
<br /> � ��;�,i�47++�4n;":��'.. If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitteJ co be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to Borrower --
<br /> � ,��:��`r���•A w:•:%�c.�•;_ for the excess Funds in ascordance with the requirements of applicuble law. If che amount of the Funds held by I.ertder at any
<br /> �;;;'}'r•j::�t:�,: •:;t tiine is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so nodf�Bonower in writing,and,in such case Borrower �-�_
<br /> � '`��""'���� • shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to malre up the deficiency. Borrower shall rnake up the deficiency in no more than ���-_-,_
<br /> � Aw-.^,..�•...:�� '{1 �=
<br /> �y` ""'�'"�'� '� ` twelve monthly payments,at L.ender'ssoledixre�ion. ^'
<br /> �_ �,,.�
<br />_ '"�'b"�`'r.-�►. `"""`'"'.°f4 Upon payment in tull uf all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. Lender shs�ll promptly mfuml to Borrow•er any �-�
<br /> '�'�''�'.�`=j'r'"' `�' Furtds held by Lender. Tf,under parngraph 21, Lender shall acquire or seU the Property, Lender,prior ro the:�cquisition or sale �'�=�
<br /> '`'�'K"`'*'�� of the Pro e shull 1 an Funds held b Lender at the time of ac uisition or sale us a credit a sinst the sums secured b �-�
<br /> '�a�r«a�.r�.-�..:,.�.b. P nY• � 3PP Y Y Y 9 �" Y
<br /> _: � '��.;;, ;.. • - �,,
<br /> - ;,�e,.,i.,, ..r,, ,.;• this Security [nstrument. ,
<br /> %�� '`""""`� "'`'"r 3.A licatton of Pa nents.Unless a Itcable law rovides othenvise,uU a mcnts rcxeived b Lender under ara ta hs .u.',�
<br /> �r;,4eit�exn r-•:.� PP Sl PP� P P Y Y P � P
<br /> - '!�"�. ''��"• ��. 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note;serond, to amounts payuble under parugraph 2; '.'��'.
<br /> � 'k""'-"'°�""'""' `'"` �` third,to i�tereat duc;fourth,to principal due:and l:�st, to any late char�es due under thc Note. -�•
<br /> . ��rs"`"'°���� �°� 4.Charges; Llens.Borrower shall pay ull tax�s, wsessments, charges. fines and impositinns attributable to the Property ��°•
<br /> .'_^r::.,��
<br /> �-•-�,.::�.w-- �="_ which may attnin priority over this Securiry Insuurnent,and Ieasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> ' �5�'� .' ��,.�,.� these oblig�tions in the manner provided in parag�rph 2,or if nat paid in that m;uincr,Bormwcr Shall pay them on tirne directiy .
<br /> . i��:-- W the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lcnder aU notic��r uf umounts to he p:iid under chis paragraph.
<br /> - If Bc�rmwer rnnkes these payments directly,Bormwer shall prompdy furniah ta I.�:ader receipt�evidencing the payments.
<br /> ` Bonower shall prompNy dischurge:my lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument unless Borro�vcr: la)a�rees in
<br />-: ��. .. . .
<br />' . ` "r' writin�to the payment of the obligation sa:ured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Ixnder,(b1 runtests in gcx�d faith the lien
<br /> ' N ' ' by, or defends a�:unst enforcement of the lien in. iegal pmceeciings whirl� in the Lender's �pinion opemte to pmvent the
<br /> , ,�t .. ` enforcement of ihe licn;or(c)secures from thc hoider af thc lien an agr��cment satisfactoq•to LcnJer wbordinating the lien to
<br /> ti,y.j�•..•� y., � , this Securiry Instntment. If Lcnder determines that :u►y part of the Property is subject to u lien which may::sta�r. p:iar.t,ave; '
<br /> ; - this Security Instrument, Lender may give Bocrc�wer u noticc identifying the licn. Bormwer shall satish�thc licn or t:�kc one ar
<br /> . more of the�ctions set forth ubove within IU dny�of thc giving of nntire.
<br /> � � � Form 3028 9/SO
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