_`�� �• , � �.._ `=
<br /> . ....-
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<br /> ,. � . _ __
<br /> ...— ' .'� ' ._
<br /> _ ._ _ � - --- -�, - . _ _ _.-
<br /> _. - --. ,.._ ,
<br /> � ; ;; � i: � . ��/,U..�tr�� :
<br /> . , „ � „ .. ... � ,
<br /> D�EFU �F R��f9NVi�Yd1MC�ANQ/iEd.L'A�Ol� , � `..
<br /> .___�_�,� - w���,��r��c�������,����s �,4-- �,�D��
<br /> THAT WHEREAS�ay re�son p9thepaymentvi the indabtedne3sse�ured by(1)OeAd otTru�dexecuisd
<br /> � Davi4 �. Lareson and Ca�tharf.n�,M. Lareon,�huebaxuY ar.�i wi.fe _ ._ _ __
<br /> - t-- � ia�f avorot Fir�fler Ba�k,Netianal Asao�iatton.Omaha,td�brga�ta(herei►tatter�etevred te HA Fit�lTf�e'�nk)a� �_
<br /> T r u s t a e!o r t i t e b e n e t i t o f�i r s l i e r�a t a�l c�t h e B e n e t l c i a ry n a m�d t h e r e i n�d a t e d 1z-z1-92 �
<br /> �and recarded in the oN�ce o9 ihe�1e�,9�ter oi Deeds oi Hall Courtty�IV�x�lca,
<br /> Martgege Record.8aok l4�L� #ss�ioo�.6z , ,and(2�theAssign�t�ent ot Lea�s and R�n#s�
<br />;y made by ��+' �,- L�BQn g Cath�irse M. z8rson, huaband ana wife _, in favar oi Fir�lte►r Bemk,
<br /> - in N9ongage R�ord Book ��rrr �93-1Q0163 , FirsTier Benk, ihe 8snefiaisry, hes
<br /> _- requested in writing that this[3ee�3 ot Reconveyance and Release of Assignment ot Loe�e�and R�'ttn t�
<br /> executed and detivered as aoniirmed by its ondorsement below: � .
<br />' NOW,THEREFOA�, in consideration of such peyment end in accorilance with the re�quwt af the
<br />� Benetfclary. Firslfe� Bank, as T�ustee under the eforaeaid Oead of T�uat and ea Asai�nee und�r the
<br /> ato►esald Assignme�nt ot Leasea and Ranta�does by these prese�co� gran��emias.�eQease,end reconvey
<br /> to ihe peraon o�,pe�sons entitied thereto all of the inta�est and �s�ate derFved to e+6dd �irsllsr 8enk e�
<br /> Trustee,F3eneticiary�and Assig�ee by or through sald Deed oi Trust and Aasi�nment oi Leasss and Rer�te
<br /> � ` � In the�iollowing described premisog but only as to such premises:
<br /> Loes Fifteon (15), Sixteen (16), a.�id Seventee:a (17), Coach P2ace
<br /> Subdivision, aa addition to the City of Gxanfl =slan8, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br />`.: - _ _ '
<br /> together w�tt�a11 buitdings,fixtures,improvements and appurtenances belonging�o suctt premises.
<br /> IN tESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Firs'Rer Barok aa�d Firslier Bank T�ustee ha� caused th.ese
<br /> � presence to be ex�cuted by its �xc� Pres. and its corpara4e snai affixed hereto thts 28th d�y�pf • �
<br />:�� _...�. June , 19 4� . ' _ -
<br /> Firs�fer Bank,Natfonal Associatfon FirsTier�ank,National Assoctatfon
<br /> Omaha,N brask Omahe� braska,T
<br /> ., gy � � gy �� -
<br />� - D ck D. t Dzc . e -
<br /> Attest: AttesC -
<br />,.,; This is to certlty that FirsTter 8ank,7rustee,has been requested in writing to execute ihe toreg�lr�g -
<br />��� Deed of Reconveyance and its action fn doing so is ratii8ed and confir�ed in aU�espeats. �,
<br /> Fi�s'�er 8ank,Natfonai Assaciation
<br /> Omaha.N�braska
<br /> �
<br /> Beneflciary
<br /> - By :'�
<br /> ti.
<br /> Vlce Presldent
<br /> � STATE OF NEBAASKA ) �
<br /> ��! � q '
<br />� courvnr oF x��� j ss i,
<br /> ::
<br />• ^p» � On this �ath day vf June � 19 94 ,beb�e me the undersig�aed.a tVotary l `
<br /> � •- Fublic duly comrni�sfoned and qualiffed for said County personally came na�u n. N±et�e , �
<br /> , ' :� to me known to be a �?rp QrP�{�Qn* of F1rsTier 8ank. as Trustee,a�d who acknowiedged
<br /> execution thert3of to be his voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and deed of Firslier eank,as �
<br /> 7rustee. I
<br />-. My Commissfon expires _��rl�, 19 �6 . �sn�-G i��nl�.
<br /> ,�:�, � . �
<br />- ��� o Notary Pubiic
<br /> = - - ,� ..�, ,
<br /> �`' '" '�= STATE OF NEBRASKA l .�,n....,...��... �
<br /> '�: .m..�
<br /> ) SS ......�..www�,�.w.� -
<br /> � .' � courvrv oF H��� � �►a�°�c�
<br /> On this 28tih day of June � 1994 ,before me the undersigned�a Notary :
<br /> Public duiy commissioned and qualified tor safd County personally came Dick A. Nietfeld ,
<br /> to me known to be a v�.ce President ot FirsTier Bank. as Trustee,and who acknowledged ,..
<br /> � r•;�. �� execution tt�ereot to be his vvluntary act�nd deed and the voluntery act and deed of Firslier Bank.
<br /> -! �p «.f4•x4 �p�a
<br /> N�;a7:_��r.:.:1�` � ( ��j ,
<br /> .�� "' �"` My Commiggion explres ��_, 19 �� . � `-T _
<br /> Notary Pukx'
<br /> x io�e eies tr .
<br /> ..,,E . .,, ���1A�,�{tllMMlk�sq
<br /> �' t�ry Comta f�0.Aub 16.1998
<br /> . .. . .
<br /> ..
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<br />