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<br /> - ---� . � . ' l��t1�NM�1�R 0!�'lll[q1'i INQE!! --• - ��w�� � —
<br /> " ' THI8 A881QN�iEN7 pF R�NTB RlOEA Is m�aefd�xaouted thl� �4TM.,_.day of ��N�- ---�—,19�� „.,��d Is .
<br /> Inoa'porttsr!Intp�nd ahdl b�rJMm�Q to�qrt�nd��sd sup�l�rni thel4hrt��or Dss�7 af Truet,heratnsttfr r�iwrnei to a�ttts
<br /> �- � "&�curfty In�trurrwnt", of t�� rYme tlata otven by Ihu unclerotp�sd,taereln�tter relerrati tu�a the•'E�orroW�t", to uecure '--
<br /> "'�'��"°' Barrn�r�r'e Endi'�t�rt�a�e,hsrs#n�fQ�r raP�rrad to sa tP►e"Nt�te",to PiOME PECERAL 9AVINQ3 A�t0.L0AN ASSOC1A710N OF
<br /> � (iiiAND 18!`ANd�Iwntn�ftsr►�i�rrsd to as th�"L�nd�r"�of ihs�am�dat�and cov�rtrtp the praperty desoribud in t#t�decurity —
<br /> In�trurr�nt and tocat�d at:
<br /> 328 N GRACE, GitANQ ISLANO, NEBRASKA 68803
<br /> _ �-_--- - -- �--'_"�" (ProG'rty Ad6n.�?! � � --
<br /> -� w�rN�s��rH:
<br /> - WHEREAB,Borrowsr Qnd Lender h�w apreed thst any rente and proflte �tt►lbutabte to the propeRy ehould eonatitute .
<br /> additiona!esaurliy to the Lender for ths pay�ment of the Note;
<br /> ti 6 NOW,YHEREFORE,It la aqreed thet the Seourity inetrument ehail be amsnded hereby and deemed to Inoluds the fotlowinp •
<br /> - "-- provlsione: . °` `
<br /> �1' 1. �4eelanmenL4iRents o�d Lende�R[�ntet Colteoxlon Rinhte.8orrower hereby abaolutely a�rtd uncondltlonaliy asatpna ati� '
<br /> rente, taeues and profits of the proRaRy to Benefielary. Lend�r ahail have the ripht, power and authority during tha�:
<br /> contlnuance ot the Seourlty Inatrument to eolleet the rents,Isaues end profits of the property and of any peraonai proper�+/�
<br /> locat�d thereon with ar without takinp posaeaslon of the property afiectad hereby.Lende�,however.hereby conaents.t�a
<br /> 8ortower'a colleotlon and�e4ention of auah renta,lssuea and profits aa they accrue and become payable,eo lonp aa 8orrow$n
<br /> fe not�at st�uh t{ma�in detauit with respeot ta payrrtent ot any indobtednos�s�curcd heraby,ot in the pertormancs ot a+�y� •.
<br /> apreereent hereunder.
<br /> , • 2, Qppotntjnent of RRC�ver, It any event ot default In respecl to the Soouriry Inst�ument shail have oceurred aqd itq __
<br /> � .., .,.;.. ..,.::..�::,. _
<br /> � .�,acpntinuinp� Londer,�s a muttor of dpht and witt�o�2 notlae to Boaower or anyona ctalmir+�under Bo►r�wer�and withouh "P--'
<br /> �" 'r^ � c�s�ard to the value of tha Yrc�at eatate or the Interosl of 4he 8orrower thereln�sh�fl��ve tt�e d3 ht:o qp ry�o amr court haviri ta;
<br /> �_��� : . . � � _P .,� � �:::.
<br /> �*�" i:' jurl�dictlon to eppalnt a reaetvar ot the property. • ����:-•
<br /> � �� • �����:
<br /> �t� ��;c 3. ht 4o posseseloe.ln case ot default in the paym8r►t o�th�aA1d Drincipal Note qT:it�lerest,or any p8rt thereot,ae-fG �..,�--
<br /> ,.;,,. ;tv; N``�'"-
<br /> �"r'�`` • �i�•j:;�f shall matere,or In the aaae ot tailuee to keep or pertorm any oq the�avenants or agreemants contained in tho Security Instru•• -�:.
<br /> . ��°:-t.. �
<br /> ' r;t�, ment, then the Usnder.ita succesaora or aesigna,shall Oe and io hereby autt�orized an� empowered to take ImmediaM t����:�
<br /> � �r•>� posseselop ai the aald premisea thereln deaoribed and to colleCt the�ents therefrom,and to$pply the proceeda thereof to tlte
<br /> ,'.1`•;
<br /> , ;...: payment ot the Note. �
<br /> ' • �'�����'- 4, Anollcatlan at Rente.tssues and Protfte.Ail rents collented by Lender a�the reeefver shal)be app�led fl�st to paymsnt --�
<br /> oi the ooste of inens�enlent of the property end cotleetlon of rents,inatuding,but not timlted to,receiver'e fees.premiums�n ,-
<br /> y .; reeeive►'e bonda and re�nonabte attorney's tees,and then to the sums socurad by the 3eourity Inatrument.Lender artd tha __ _
<br /> rscelver ehall be Iiabte to account on�y for thoae rents aotualty reoelved.
<br /> , '� S. COtlatruetl0i101QfOY141Qf10.E�oh of the provisiona contained In thfaAealpnment of Aents Rlder and the8ecurity tnstru•� «'�:-;.
<br /> ,,=-
<br /> +., ment ah��l, unteee otherwleo apeciNaalty required,be conetrued In eccordance with Nebreaka �aw. end In the event any
<br /> pravlsion hsreln or thereln conhlned ehdl bs determinod by a aourt of compelent Jurledlction to be unentoraaabte.the seme ��'��T-
<br />_ eA+�il bs eonNruM as thoupb euah unsnforceab�e provlalon were not a part hereot or thereo'. ; =,�
<br /> 6. Elfent t� Rldar.Except ae speoltieally modifled by or inaonel�tent wlth thls Aeelgnment of Rentm Atder or by any other
<br /> applleable�Ider,�II of the terme�nd pravlelon9 eontnined in the 8eourity Inetrument shel�continue In tutt force and etfeet�
<br /> � .
<br /> IN WITNES8 WHERLOF�Borrower has executed thla Asaipnment of Rents Rider on the date first noted abore.
<br /> ��, y- _,:,� � °
<br /> , DOR THY A KO 81i ower
<br /> � .
<br /> ° �
<br /> �'��.:'�,, .:.; 8orrower '
<br /> �?.'�':.':.":.`..:. i
<br /> �,n�.i.:;:n
<br /> '``;��'� STATE OF NEBRASKA)
<br /> , �,::��; • �ss:
<br /> ��%'�s°�,;;t;:,�= COUNTY OF HEILL
<br /> _•...c;:;::v..;,,;
<br /> a... ,
<br /> ��'� �=� - On thle 24TM day of JUNE �g�befare rtle the underslgrted�a Nota�y►Pubito duly comm�ssioned aad
<br /> �:�? `'{'' �•"` bORQTHY A KOSIN�KI. AN 11NMARRIFD PE,RSON
<br /> ``s: �.,r. .�• qualifled for sald county�Dersonaliy came ,
<br /> ,.�`�. .,:.,..
<br /> �'�';;` ��;,,:,;«i;•�.'. ,to bo the identical person(s)whose name(s)islare subaoribed
<br /> r�:,�,��:�=:,`�:Q,;�° to the toregoing inat�ument,and helehelthey aoknowtedge the exeoutlon thereo}to be hislhedtheir voluntary act bnd cteed.
<br /> ,',•. ^�
<br /> ���=��^`�;�•1;��. GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br /> .�R� •�,y..:, •. Witneaa my hand and NotaNat Seal at
<br /> <<:- t�.,:: .
<br /> s:.: ° : �.• tn eaidcou�ty t e dateatoresaid. i
<br /> h�°�-'�..u`.t'°'"„.:`'.y:x ��.tJ4.�►.s o'Z• (� Q.tJ1C^ ' t�.
<br /> � � '` ���� �
<br /> . .%� -,.. ���'K�� Notary Publlo ; „
<br />- ..;: ,;, M�Os10. OM.l�1�b �
<br /> _ �����:w��:.. My Commlaefoa explres: �� �r ���L 'i ..
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