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-� . �rr�►��R1p�41 1UMAr+fi�iyAA1r.W.:l_. . - <br /> , <br />_ ; . .II . � ';"�mh�g+k�.`h�•-- • __.._ - - - __ <br />- , � � � , <br /> .. i <br /> ' � ` "� ���ti` _--- <br /> . _ <br /> . -m,_� <br /> . ,..- <br /> _ ._� ,u.. �.....-.� �..��,.s __ <br /> _.!._.........._ 1!'. ..'- -- - _. <br /> . up��ll4ciblc Inw mny r�pccif'y litt rcin5t21tG11C111)I1Cf11N N(II�llf IIIL'Nft1�lCily�itl[fillUlll l0 tlDy°�i►t�'c�►f��C un e r�in lhis �;. <br /> II � .� : ��l��i : Sc�iirlty t�is��unlent:uP lh)ent�yr nf ii Judgix�ent enfarcinq thiH ticcarlty tus�n�mcnt. 'Pttiosc cmzditivix ura tt�et I��rrrov�cr: (c�) <br /> puys I.enckr nll sums whlch then would ba due under thfs Sccurity Instn�ment iind the Nc�te us jf no acceleentlon had <br /> occurrcd;(b)�un�uny deFuult of c►ny ather covennnt�ar ugreement�;(c)puyx all expenseq incumed in enforeinB this Secudty <br /> - lusuument,including. but not 8mited to,reusonnble uttomeye'fees:und(d)takev Kuch ucdnn ag I..endee mny renr,onably <br /> — c <br /> � � �_ <br />-- requine to asauro that the Iten of thls Securlty Instcument...ender a dghtx(n the Prop.rty and 8omnwee's obligatian to pay the <br /> '-` �r�-�^+ sums tiecured b thia Security Inspvment ehali continue unchanged. Upon ro�nstntement by Bomnwcr. this Securlty <br /> -� ��.:,•�:::.�:� <br /> --"r—--- -- --- - lnsuumcnt end ubligudona secarcd hcrcby shnll remuln fully effccdve�s if na ncccicrat�on b2d accurred. However. this <br /> dght w c�eiastate stwU not apply in the case of nccelerndon under paragraph 17. <br /> „ ,r.,,�,,,�,, 19. 8Ak �Note;Cfiange o!I,oan 3ervlcea Tha I�Iote or n partiul intere.9t in the Note(tagether with this Securlry <br /> Insmiment)msy be sold one or more dmes wtthout prlor nonce to Botrower. A sele may result in a change jn the entity <br /> .�;.� ,�, (known es the "Loan Setvicer")that collects montWy payments due under the Note und this Securlry InstiumenG There also <br /> , �,, ;s a., may be oncor more changes o�the Loan Servicer unrelat6d to a snle of the Note. if there is a change of the Loan Servicer. =�-_ <br /> �;����*�r� Borrower w1U be given written nottce of the change in accordeuce with paia$raph 14 ubave and applicuble law. The notice -- <br /> . r,..•..��:,�.�.� <br /> � ° , �;::�.���.�.;, will stete tbe name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. Thc notice will ��� <br /> . �y�''�'`•� '°'` also contain any other inforntation reyuired by applicable law. _ <br /> , �*��=^��•��.. '•� Z0. Aazardous Substanoes. Bormwer shaU not crsuse or permit the pmsence.use,dispoaal.atorage,or release of any _ __ <br /> R}v�•��. .•� ` EieznrdousSubstances on ar in thB Property. Boirower shaU not do,nor allow anyone else to do.anythtng affecting the ---�w <br /> � `'" '�' :f. :'• Pmperty that Is!n violation of aay Bnvironmental Law. The precedjng two sentc:nces shall not apply to the presence.use.or ��;; <br /> ��' storage on Ihe Property of small quantities of Hazardous Subatances that are generaUy recosnized to be appmpriate to normal �.;--:=' <br /> , .Yi y�,.T.�k;�'•S:�j��.� ' <br /> '�.�:o;:`;'.:';"�FF residendal uses and to maiatenancc of the Property. «_ <br /> :�'';F:�`?`:,`:"'.�'�� Borrower shall prompdy give I.ender wdtten nat�ce of any invesdgation.claim,demand lawsuit or other acdon by any �w' <br /> ��•�`�•����'•°�'•'�'��•f gov@rnraetxal or regulawry agency or private pariy involving the Property and aay Hazardous Substance or Environmepta! <br /> "�'% �� ��' "'� Law of whicl+l Borrower hes actual kaowledge. If Bormwer learns, or 1s notifled by any govemmentel or regulatary --�'= <br /> • �::: <br /> � author�ty.that any removnl or other remediallon of any Hazardous Substance affecdng the Property is necessary.Bomnwer <br /> `,�;y,*,�:;:'r',..•.•-•��;1 shall pmmpdy take a11 necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. ��__ <br /> � • Aa used in this psuagraph 20. Hazatdous Substences are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by �. <br /> i'��'1 t <br /> �t►vironmeatal Law aad the following substAnces: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toxic petsaleum products,toxic � <br /> y�":`��� ��:•.;• �. pesttctdes end herbictdes. volatile solvents. matedals containtng asbestos ar formaldehyde,and radioacdve materials. As • <br /> 1 . _ .. .,;..,•.:. , - <br /> �",,,�,.•;. ;;y?,,;:;;;��_;. . used in thiaparagraph 20,"Enviranmental Law"means federal laws aad laws of ihe jur�sdiction where the Property Is located 'y,�,: <br /> ' � '::':�����•�� that relate w health,safery or environmental protecdon. <br /> � �'����s���`;�''.• � NON•UNIFORM CUVENMi�'S. Borrawer aad L.eader further covenant and agree as foAows: � <br /> • -�'i� . ����1"' Zl. Accelerattoa;Remedles. I.euder shaU�Ive aottce to Borrawer prior w acceteratlon following Borrower's � <br /> , ., �,, _t,.,�1 �t •l ■ <br /> '"'�'' � . breach oiany oovenant or age�eement in thTis Security Iffitrua�eat(but aot prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 � <br /> - ° , . � , � ;• �a�apy�tra�le la:�gra i�S�i aS�SC�LC�. i ss���7itssi S�S'CL'!�, S �$�Lai4 S�4S��1l�i{r?the��tlon r�uulrrecc!!o cura!h� : <br /> � � � de6aulu(c)a date�nbt less Wan 30 daya fram We date the no4tce Is given to Bora�ower,by which the default mast be �'`' <br /> rt • � curedi and(d)that failure to cure the deffault on or be[ore the dute specifled in We uoUce may result in ucceteratton of '' • <br /> � : , �' '. ' thc sums seeured by thfs Securtty Iastrumea►t aud sale of the Propecty. The nottce shall ti�rther inform Borrower of <br /> . We right to rein9tate aRer acceleratlon�We right to bring a co�u�t actfon to essert the non�existence of a defaWt or , <br /> � ° • ' any other defe�e oi Borro�rer to aoceleration end sele. It the default Is not c�red on or before We dute specitled la <br /> • Wa notioe,Lender at its optioa�may requtre immediate payment tn fuli of ap sWps secwed by thts Security Instrument <br /> •,�._,,. a . . , wtthout 4hrther demand aad may invoke the power oi sWe and aay oWer remedtes permiued by appiicable !aw , <br /> [.ender shell be entlUed W rnliect ell expenses incurred in pursuinQ the remed[es provided in tdis purap,�aph 21� <br /> ,o..�,�, , ,_ . , , ` irtcludtng,but no!Iimited to,reasonab[e ettorneys'tees nnd costs of dtle evtdence. <br /> . . .,. ., . U the power of snle is invoked.7tiustee shWl record u notice ot defoult in e:tch county tn whtch uay purt of the <br /> � �,. Property b located ettd sheU mafl copies of such aotice ln the manner preKCribed by applicable Inw to Bormwer und to <br /> � the atlier persons prescribed by nppllcable law Aner the time required by applEcable law.7Yustee shall give publte � <br /> „�;;,';:";;I's"�' ' � aottce of sde to the peisom and ta thp manner prescdbed by applicuble Inw. 'IFustec.wtthout demand on Borrower. <br /> ..}._,,,:...,, •, .. :; sl�il se11 tbe Property ut pubUc auction to t1�highest bidder at the dme and place end undee the terms designuted in <br /> �..,,..;. .,MpF,, ttte notice of snle in one or more parcels and in any order 1lrustee determines. 'lirustee mey postieone snle of oll ar any <br /> � . • parcel oi t6e Praperty by public ennountemeat at the ttme and place ot any prnvtously scheduted sale. Lender or its <br /> � � ' designee may put+ciiese the Properly at any sate. <br /> ' , e Upon t+ecetpt of payment oi We prtce bEd,7Fustee shall deUver to the pvrchaser 7Y ustea's deed rnnveyin� the <br /> ..,_.., Property.7'he recitals in the'IYustee's deed shall be pdma facie evtdence of the truth of the statements mude therein. <br /> 'iYustee shell appfy the prooeeds of the sale in the followin�order: (a)to all cosis end expenses of exercising tbe power �� <br /> � '.:�''' <br /> "h�� ... ,� <br /> � • I <br /> � <br /> _- --:�4.�-- -- =� I <br /> � �`�. . . � i <br /> r <br /> � . , �. . „ , .. . . . ., �-----------�- ,.'., <br /> �. � +� �� .. . - � - . - -- , - - � _ _ .. ,, . . • ., <br /> �_ . .. .. ... .. _ . . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> , . .. <br /> , . . : � �"�5 <br /> ...� .. . ., , . , ., . . . „ . , „ � ., <br /> �, �• � . . . <br /> ! �;,�:; � , , , , . •. <br /> . �, .. � � � �� . , <br /> ,.. : <br /> .. . .. � ,.i, . . - . . . - � ._, <br /> � 'y:SZ - . ' . <br /> � . � , . .. - - . .. . i� .• . . - . <br /> . � � :� - � ' . ., .._ ., •� . _ . . �' .. <br /> .. :�i� . . '� . � __ ,� � .. -� .. <br /> ., .. �'. . � . •• . .. . . , <br /> .z� .•� .� _ , o . • . , • .� .. . ... - ' ,.'�',}�- .°. , '— ., ... �� . .. .. <br /> ��'}O.�t�1�.�P�a, v <br /> �� � <br /> ,. . ., <br /> �� � <br /> t -� �,�� . ' . <br />