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<br /> - � --� "" � Nutiman and Fo►tan 8 Wo1L Wa(ton.M!.11�1E1
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<br /> Ly:+a�i�:^� • DE�D O�TId,UBT
<br /> - +'di:t - . ':f�t�l �:�.'."
<br /> �"'� �� THI�J DE�D OF TRUST�ie mada ae of cho�_day uf��� , 10�.4_.bY and aui�ng =
<br /> ..� ._�---
<br /> 'h�t
<br /> 'tt F.dw�rA Koiar 820 W. lith Street <"�etor")��v}xqae maitine a�drees ie _
<br /> y.L� _
<br /> Orartd ieland, NE 68801 ��y.�d������vhoso�uiUng address {e
<br /> � :. . •..�..° TRW Titie Inr�rance Oampaay __
<br /> `; � -- •r ,�w�� 113 W. 2nS 8�. �F3ild I618ridi NE 6a801�� �. ' �
<br /> � `_�,'�;`=!.�'t��'}. and ( Beneficiary )whusa mailine addreee !e
<br /> � ;:.,:.. . ._ ..�v Rudolg F. Piate 2608 W. o�.a Fai.r Road ,
<br /> �� '�',� ,� "' . F'aA VALUABLE CONSIDER�TIOIY��uetior i�rr�vasc8a61y traaefere.conveya and asei8ae to Truetee�IN ---
<br /> � �' .,.•. ' T1tU$T,WITH POWER OF SAL�,for the benefit and securtty of Beneflciary,under aud eubjecE to tbe terme _-
<br /> � ,. r�,�a,�� County of -....._.
<br /> :,�,- ',.:•�- �` .j,.:: endconditloneoftLieDeedof7'ruet,therealprapertylocatedintheGYtyof_.iis�� � ---
<br /> �.,.. .::... . .�' �.. Hall State of Nebraeka�and legally d�scdbed aa followA(the"PraP�Y"): � �'"�-x�
<br /> /� �'��•�� "' ' '�� �- Lot Sev�en (7), Hlock Forty–Five (45) in Russeii Whealese Sut�division ta the ==—
<br /> / �'�'�� �' ".. �- . ;;. City of Grantl I�lar�8• Hail Caunty� Nebraska. � �����
<br /> •• . • I 1.�,t',.r
<br /> �� ., 1'U(3ETHER WITH. ail rente�ees�uxents,appurtenanoes.hm�ediCamente� intereste in ad)oining roads, � --
<br /> • � .... , etseeteandalleYe,imPmvementsandbuildingsofany3dndaituatedt�ereonandallpereonalpmpeitythatmaY � .'`•,t
<br /> . " ;' be or hereaflter beoome att integral part of at�ch buildings and ixnprovements�all cropa raised thereon.and alt I
<br /> .. �,_ ., "�N - wc~ter rights. �
<br /> � � .. ' p���T�{he�tProper�Y and ihe entire eatate and intereat oonveyed to the T�ustee are referred tfl collective�y►as the ..
<br /> • �Y} � �i L�Y04 L'��,�� I ..
<br /> ,� � . ; FOR THE PURPOSE OF 3ECURING: �
<br /> - " • ,�;;`.=h" a Pa1►ment of indebtness in the total principal amount of$ g.cmo_nn ,a�Ith intereHt
<br /> � thereon, ae evldenoed by tbat certain Prnmissoi7' note of even date(the"Note'7 wtth a matu�dty date af � .
<br /> �� „ May 13. 1995 �executed by Trustor,which has been delivered and is payuble to the order of ..
<br /> .. .,. • Beneficters►�and which by this reference 3s hereby made a part hereo�and atu►and all mudificatdone,exten• i
<br /> .. -� .. . , .
<br /> ,. .
<br /> efoae t�nd renewals thereo�and i; '..
<br /> „'_ „ ' , b.Peyraent of au sua�«dv�iced by I3�nsficiary ta pmtcct ihs'l4vst Estat�.wtth in��t thereon at erate
<br /> � ;
<br /> of.�� Percent( �n �'�)Per annwn. �1
<br /> Thia Deed of Truet,the Note,and any other instrument�iven tc�evldence or furthersecure the payment and ,
<br /> � .. . ` performanae of any obligstion secured hereby are referred to oollectavely as the"Loan Inatruments". i. .
<br /> �� � " 1. PAYMENT OF'INDEBTEDNESS. Trustor ahall pay when due the principal of,und the intereat on,the ' �
<br /> � '° ittdebtedneee evidenced by the Note,charges,fees and all other eume ae provlded in the I.aan Inetrumente. �
<br /> 2. TAXES.Trueto:ahallpayeachinatallmer►tofalltaxeaandapectala�sesamentsufeverykind,uoworhereafter ��
<br /> � levied ageinst the Tcuet Estate or any part thereof,before delinquency,without ttotice or�emand,and ehall pmvide �i
<br /> � " . Beneficiary witl�evidence otthe paymentof same.Truator ehall pay all taxes snd assesamente which mey be le�-ied
<br /> ^ �� � upoaBoneSciary'siatereathereinoruponthisDeedufl�ustorthedebtsecuredhereby,withoutregardtoanylawtDaat �
<br /> • . may be enaMed imposinS paYment of the whole or any part thereof upon the Benefic{nry. � ,
<br /> ° 3. INSURANCE AND REPAIRS.T'ruetor ehall matnlatn fire and notextended covera�eineuranceinsuring the �
<br /> . .. i
<br /> • improvemente and buildings conatitutinq part of the Tniet Estnte for an amount no lesa than the araount of the , .
<br /> � ' ' unpatdprincipalbalunceoftheNote(ewinsurancenotexceeding80�16permltted).3uchinaurancepolicyshallcontain •
<br /> ' ;.,:�:.;. astandardmortgapleclauseinft�vorofBeneficisryandslxallnntbecancellable,terminubleormodi�ablewithoutten �
<br /> (10)daye prior wrttteq aotice to Beneficiary. Trustor shell promptly repair,maintain�nd replace the Trust Estate or
<br /> � �� any parb thereof eo that,except for ordlnary wear and tetu,thoTrust Eetateehall notdeterlorate.In noevent ahall the ,
<br /> � ;;,-sii,•.: Truetor commit waete oa or to the Truat Eetate. I .,
<br /> ' � 4. ACTIONS AFFECTING TRUST ESTATE. Trustor ahnll uppear in and conteat any uction or procceding �
<br /> � � � �,• . . purporttpg to affect the eecurity hereof or the rlRhis or powere of Beneficiary or Truetea,and ahall pay all coats snd
<br /> � expe�esea�iacluding coatof evidence of title and attorney's feea.{n any auch action or proceeding in which Benefioiary �
<br /> �;� „ � or Truatee mny appear. 8hould'l�ustor fail to make any paymeat or to do any act as snd in the manner provided in � .
<br /> " �ty of the Iaan Inetruarente,Beneficiary and/orTruetee.each ln its own discretlon,withou!obligntion so to do and
<br /> • " w i t hou t no t ioe t o or dem a n d u p o n T r u s t o r a n d w t t h o u t r e loasin g Trneior from an y obltgation,may make or do.the �
<br /> e�ne in euch manner and to such extent as either mny deem necesesry to protect the aecurity hereof. Truator ahaU, ,
<br /> �� immediately upon demend thesafor by Beneficisey,pay all coste and expensea incurred by Beneficiary in rnnnection I
<br /> .���,��,p e:A..�iRp by beneficiary of the foreaoina��thte,inctuding vvithout limitatton coste of evidence of title,c4urt
<br />- coata�appYeisels,atuveye and attorney's feea. Any auch coeta and expensea not paid witnin cen�i�i days oi wriiiea . � –
<br />. �� �� demaad ehell draw intereat at the default rate provided in the Note. • ;
<br /> � � 6. EMINENT DOMAIN. 91�ouid the Truee Eatate,or c►�y part thereof or iat�.n+es!tlierein,be taken or daaiaged by �
<br /> r r�on of any yublfe im�rovetttent or oondemnatioa proceedin8�or in ar�y other manner including deed in Ueu of Condem• � �
<br /> ' � � natdun("CondamnaHon7,�ehould'CtveLorreclveanynoticeorotherinformaHonregardingeuchproceedine,Truetorsholl
<br /> } give prampt written aotice thereof to BeneBdary. Benefidary ehall be entided to all compensation,awards and other pay.
<br /> ` � mcnte or rulieYt#serefor.aad ehell be entttled at ite option to commence,appe er in aad proaecute in ite own nume a�y action � I
<br /> os prooeediqge, $�soAdery ehsll tilso be entitled to make tiny comproiniae�settlement in rnnnertion witEt euch toking or I
<br /> ae...od. All m�nh rnm�fanandmt sWt�edB_�HL�8�0&1�QI118 Of action and vroceeds awarded to'huator tthe"Proaeeds")are � ,
<br /> -- ---�--�– ---------- --�
<br /> hereby aeaignal to HeaefiderY and 1Yuetor e�nees to execute auch further aselgnmenta of the Proceeds as Beneaciary or � . -
<br /> .. � '- Truetee�aay tequire. �
<br /> � 8. APPOINI'MENT OF BUCCE990R TRUSTEE. Beneficiary m�y,from time to time,by a written inetrument �
<br /> executed end aclmowledged by BcmefidaYy,mailed to'l�ustor and Recorded tn the County in which the Trust Estate is
<br /> ' ' located end by othervrisecomplytn�with the provieions of the upplicable law of the 3tete of Nebreaka eubslitute a eucoessor •
<br /> ° � .. or eucoeeeore to the Trustee named herein or ncttng hereunder.
<br /> ' 7. SUCCEBSOR&AND ASSIt�N$. This D¢ed of Truet applies to,inures to the benelft of and b{nde all parties hereto,
<br /> ' � tJzcir heire,legateee,devtoees,pe:sonal representativea,suocessoss and as9igne. The tcma"Benefictary"shaU meari the
<br /> • owner and holdar of the Note,whether or nnt named ao BeneHciary herein. ,
<br /> " -u ° 8. IN$PEGTIONB.Benefidery�or ita agente,representatives or workmen,are authorized to enter at any reasonable
<br /> ' , ' � t�me ypon or W any patt of the ZS�ust Estate for the purpuse of inepecting the eame and for the purpose of performing any of
<br /> me
<br /> � ' " . the ecte it ie anthoiiaed to nerfor�under the berms of any of the Loan In�lrumente. '
<br />