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<br /> 17.T�►nsfcr of�hP Prnperty or o&netictal iate�+csi In Borty►wer.IP ull nr any part of th�Pro�ny ur any intcrest in it
<br /> ;-: ---------- � ia r,rald af tmnsfurrcd(ar if u bci�cliclal intcrest in Aormwcr is nr�ld ur tm�isfcrrcxf nnd Borro�vice is not a nntu�l per�on)withuut
<br /> - L,endcr'� pr���r writtsn c�m�:cnt. [.cnder may, ut itx uptl�►u, rc��nirc immcJinte pnymcnt in full af uli r.umx sccurcil hy thi�► -----
<br /> - Sccurity Ins�tntment. Hawevcr,thili optlan�hall nut bc exerciFC�f hy I.ender ii'escrcise is prohibitcd I�y fed�mf Inw us�if'the dnt� _
<br /> of thjs Seaurlty Inrtrument.
<br /> If Lendor uxorcises ti�is npU�n,l.cndcr hhnli gl�e li�rr��wcr nodcc�f ncrcicrutian.Thz naticc shuU pruvide u peri�xl of n�v
<br /> -= tesv thnn 30 dnyn fr�m thc dntc tl�c nntfcc is dclivcrcd ar muitcd withln which Bnnowcr must puy ull sumg r�ccurcd hy this
<br /> Securiry Insintmant. If Bnrrnwee fa11s to puy thcse sums prior tn thc cxpfrutian of this peHad,I.cndcr muy invakc uny remc�iics
<br /> _ _________ "!►� permitted by thie 9e:curlty h�slrun�cnt without furthcr nuticc or Qcmund��a anrrowcr. ,
<br /> - — i8. Aarna�t�nr's Rlgi�t to Kein.SWte. 1f Narrnwer mects certain cunditians. Borrower shnil huve the right ta hnve
<br /> enPorcemsnt of tNix Sccurlry.Instrunxnt discantinued at uny time priar tu the cnrlier of: (u) S duye (ar such athcr peri�xl us
<br /> -;�i' applicnble luw muy specify for relnsimtement� Gefor+� rale uf thc Araperty pur:sunnt to any power of sute cuntuincd in thiw
<br /> `•9 Security lnstn�mcnt:ar(b)entry��f a judgment enforcing thia Security instrument.Those randitlans arc that Sorrowcr:lu)�ays
<br />'_�.°; Lcndar nll sums which then would bc due under thfs Securiry instrument und the Note as if�o uccelerntion had occurred;(b)
<br />;:� cu�uny dafault of nny ather ravennnta or agceements: (c)pays;ill expens� incurred in enforcing this Security Instniment.
<br /> includlnII�but nat limited to,rea.�oru�ble ntt�meys'fec5;and(d)tukes such actian us I.ender may reasonably requi�ta assure
<br /> - thnt tho Iton af thia Securiry Instrument,Lender's dghtc in the Property und 8arrawer's abligution t�pay the sums secured tsy "
<br /> ' lhis Secut�ty Instrument shall rontlnue unchnn€ed. Upan eeinstatement by Borrower. this Scxuriry Insuument and the
<br />- ' obllgadons sacured hereby shalt remain fully eff�ctive as if no acceleration had occurmd. However,this right to reinstate shnll
<br />"� ' not apply in tha cur�e af accelemtion under puragraph 17. -
<br /> � 19. �uuto af Nntej Chunge af I.aan Servicer. The Note or u partiol intcrest in the [Vote (toged�er with this Secudty °
<br /> In.strumentl may be sold one or more times withaut priar nottcx to Borrawer. A sule may result in a chan�e fn the entEty lknown ---
<br /> as the'Laim Sarvicer")that collect�monthly payments due under the Note und this Security Instni�tent.There alsa may be ane -.---.
<br /> or moro e.h�n��s of the Lann Servicer unreluted to a s:ile of the Notc.If there is a change of the Laan Servioer,Borrower will be __
<br /> � ' given written natice of the change in acrnrclance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The nodce w�ll stnte the name iind �r_;,
<br />. t address of thc naw Loan Servioer and thc address ro which payments should be made.The notice will ulso rnntain�ny other -__
<br /> ;t_,•;;,•``��; : ',�}, information�quircd bY aPPlicuble luw. . '�`r,
<br /> l0. Nttverdous 3ubstano�. 8�rrower shtill not cause ur permit thc pmsence, use. disposal, storage. or release of any s.y�
<br /> .c;, ., „ Hnzardaus Substances on or in the Properry. Barrower shall nut do, nor �llow anyane else to do, anythin� af'fecting the �'=
<br /> E.,.,._ =;.:.
<br /> �•'"x•�•�'��•�- ••-ri Property that in in viotation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two senten¢es shall nos apply to the presencc, use,or '_:;:.
<br /> ,� � r starago on tha Pmperty of small quantides of Hazurduus Substances that are generally recog�ized to be appropriute to normal :�:;;.,
<br /> � r-- ':. .,•.:�..
<br /> �E �` residentisl u�aa and to maintenance af the Property. "�;,
<br /> r
<br /> ��````' Bormwer shall promptly sive Lcnder wntten notice of:u�y investigation.claim,demand.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> S.'. '-,. =�
<br /> ��: �, `�, 8 �5' 8 Y P P Y 8 P Y Y t=�_
<br /> i� ;-�u':,.��:;� governmcntul or ra ulato a enc ur rivate urt involvin the Pro ert And an Ha�ardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> . '^:Y�.�'s.�,� • -• ••• of which Bomowor has actual knowlc:dge. If Borro�ver learns. <,r is notifiai by any �avernmental or regulatary authority. Uiut '. „
<br /> ':L���uti�',��,;;;,�,• ,'.:`�;� any removAbor other mmediation of uny Huzardous Substnnce uffecting the Property is necessary.Borrower�hall promptly take '
<br /> - �rr �_�;.� �,�µ�'F'° �!!sttYrss�'mltte�iR4�otion�in accordance with Envirantnental I.[tw. ;�
<br /> �� �.y ,, M r:� As usod in this parngraph 20, "Hauudous Subsiances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazurdaus substanres by ���-
<br /> ' . , ` ' " Environmem�! L.a�v And thc follo�vins subswnc�: gasoli��e, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum praducts, toxic �?'?
<br /> �' 'i�`�t``�",•' `'��'�'�• pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents. materinls containing asbestos or farmaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in '�"�
<br /> '�'ty���{�''��' ��� '� "Environmental Luw" means federal Iaws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny is located that
<br /> , �,t,t�-� �;:;•.�; this paragmph 20. �`�.
<br /> :��.;.,.,,�,. :• ;w<.
<br /> relate ta healtb.safety or enviranmental protection. •
<br /> ,.�-,�.�.. ,_::�.>:'-:� �.t .
<br /> • ,....:_.,,,:_:._.. '-� NON•UNiFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further cu��enant and agree as fallows:
<br /> '"��'�```` �' "ti;' 21. Aecelaration; Remedies.Lender skall f,�ive notice to Barrower prior to acceleration foliowing Borrower's breuch �
<br /> = �� '+J"'�"�� •: of any covena�rt ar aqreement in this Securtty Instrument (but not prior to acceleratton under paragraph 17 unless =
<br /> -.�•, �.y rk"4,'S�r;,�:�. applicablo law provides athenvise). The noUce shail speciPy: (a)the default; (b) the aMi�n reyuired to cure the defuult;
<br /> �S,' '+�s-'+°tA; (c)a date�not Ic�s than 30 days fram the date the nottce is given to Borrower�by ahich the default must be cured;and
<br /> ' " �'"" (d) t6et fellures to cure the default on or before the date specified in the rtotice may resWt in aceeleration of the sums
<br />- �:,�_.
<br />_�+;�;?: '- �� .��j 4;y,� secured by thiA Security Instn�ment and sale of t�e Property. The notice shaU further inform Borro�er�r of the right tu
<br /> '• ceSastste atter accaleration and tNc� right to bring a court uction to assert ¢Er� non-existence of a defwult or auy other
<br />�����! „'�'!'"`�R defense of Borro�ver to acceleradon nnd sale. If the default is not cured on or beforn the date speciPied in the natice,
<br />_ �� "� , Lender, �t its option, may requira immedlate payment in fulB of all sums secured by th8s Security Instrument witlhout
<br /> ��"'•►""R"'� further dtannnd and may invoke the power of�le and any other remedies permitted by�npplicable law.Lender shail be
<br /> �Y¢�;,x;�:� ',�;�* ; entttled to eollcxt aU expens�.w incurred in pnrsutnR the remedies prnvided in this paragraph 21,including,but not Itmtted
<br /> ;�,:�...�.._��:_ to.reasonabfe attorneys'fees and cost�of tftle evlcl�nce.
<br /> ,rr^?•; �., If the power of sale is invoked,Tr�stee shuUl record a nottce of default in cach county in whic9�any part nf the
<br /> - -- - �r:•.! property is Ibruted und shall malt wples of such taotice tn tde manner prescribed by appllcable law to Borrower and to
<br />- ��� �r'�;�,�'' the other pe�sons prescribed by eppticuble Iaw.Ai'ter the time required by appliqble law.Trustee shall�ive publtc not[ce •
<br />- � of salo to tho prasonsf and tn the manner prescribed by applicuA►le law.Trustee, w(thout demend on Uorrower. shaU sell
<br /> � ''' � ':Ek � the Propttdy at pubitc auctfon to the bighest bidder ut the Nme and ptuce and under ihe terms designated in the notEce of
<br /> ' -`-`'i'•:��'� sale in ono or moro parcele an�l in any oeder Trustce determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcci of the
<br /> *� Y'roperty by publte announcement nt the time and ptace of any previously scheduled sule. I.ender or its desi�nee may
<br /> � ,,�`.;�7������' purrhnse the Property at any s�te.
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