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<br /> OSED Oa 4RU8T , � � � � r
<br /> � Thte Deea og TrueL rade tb�e 30th Qay of Juna, 199�, by:
<br /> } <� 4RU8TOR6: JennSte= 3,- lta�euahi, a aingle pnraon �
<br /> t„-{�,, , _
<br /> • `.1"7;< N� , _
<br /> ;zl�rjlt�C'44;a: J1DDR888= 919 BouCh �Aa�� 8tseet .
<br /> r .., ,�ir:i •
<br /> �`Y ;,.+„ ' }• ' ; ' �
<br /> �;� 4:,��;i,r'� BEti81ICf11RYs City a� �cisan!! Taisnd, 11 Nunioipal Co=posation
<br /> �,�;,,. Q, �.
<br /> ADDRSSBt 100 Eaet I�rt SEseet, Osand T�land, NE
<br /> TRUBTils City 1lttosney of the Clty ot asanA Iniana \�0
<br /> � �, ,:,. ,,,; UDURBB81 100 Yae� 18� BCYeet, opand isl�na, H� \ �
<br /> . �,"`►i.'.:�.:..'.
<br /> ^�e valuaple aooAideration• Tcustos is•s�vocably granta, eonveys, sed as�iqe�
<br /> • ' '��r��" Eo Teuntee, IN lRUfiT, NtTN DON�R Os OJ1LE, !or the benellt aaa eecurity ot
<br /> .�.,�c "� benelloi�sy unEeY enQ eub�aat to th� siqhts !er*e anE aonditiona ot this DoeO
<br /> ?;'•r.�!!��'',?��. o! Teuet, t�o lolLo�lop ae�arlbed eeal psop�rEy located !� H11bL COUN?Y,
<br /> ' r� � NRBR118KJIt _
<br /> lSy�,►.`,'• . �.,�r
<br /> . ' 4ot 13, Bloek �, Hottet Hoiee 8ubdlvlelon� GYand ia�ana, Hsil County,
<br /> ', ...f... , . NeDYaeka
<br /> IHeselnsftes cal]ed Ehe P[ewieea)
<br /> �� , � togethes vith �11 buildinga anE lspsoveaenta nov os hereagter esecte8 upon the
<br /> pre�leeei all renta, profita, royAltfea, lnao�e and other benefita dec�ved fro�n
<br /> the ptet�ieees :all eaeemante= liceneea, riqhte_of vay nov os hereaEter accruing
<br /> - ` " ` to the preeieeaj enC any ana a11 avaras iade tot the tAking by e�inenE dowein,
<br /> lncludinq proceede of any agseement aade in 1leu thereofj and,
<br /> 1►11 ere eollectivoiy en11eA tDe 8ecurlty.
<br /> • • BOR THS PUR808D OP 98CllR2NOt
<br /> � �a) The pnymenE of the Qabt to the 8enefieiary evidenaed by the Trueto:'e note
<br /> 04 thls aase date !n the prineip2e au� of Trentv �ousand � No/S00 Doiiare.
<br /> t92o.000f. vith no intereat, and npon the tesn�s provlded in the Hotee an8 eny
<br /> . � and all renevala, modifications and exEe�aions of the Notes=
<br /> ,p �. tb1 The parYotmance ofs each agseontent betveen the Truator and aeneEiciasy=
<br /> �;,. tho covenants of the Trurstor !n thia Deed oE T=ustj
<br /> ,'�•'".'. �� (c) The payment oE any aum or aums vith inteseet tbeseon vhich may late= o=Lae
<br /> . • � , under the tetma of thl� Oeed of Truat oz may be advanced to be eecured by thie
<br /> � Deed oi Tsust. 8utu=e aav&ncemente may not excee8 a eum equal to thsee ti�ea
<br /> � .. . the origfnal pifnelpal awonet of the above-recitad notee.
<br /> " . � I1GRE88 AB 90LLOM8:
<br /> � 1. obilgatinn. Tsuotor ehali proeptly pay vhen Aue the pzi�cipal of the
<br /> lndebtedneas evidonce0 by the Notee, and ali other cherges and fees p:ovSEed !n
<br /> the Notes os aeeusod by thia DeeA of ?rust, and the prSnciQal of and ln+tetea4 on -
<br /> any iutuee advancee secured by this Deed of Tsuat not to exceed thcee times the
<br /> " osigfnal ptinafpai amount oi the above-recited notes.
<br /> , Z. wa:ranty of TStle.
<br /> Z.1 Trustox 1a larlully eeizefl and poaseeaed of good and indefeesible title
<br /> �' „ • and estate to the property heceby conveyed and haa the right to qrant and convey _
<br /> .. the prope:ty. .
<br /> • . � Y.2 The psopezty Se fseo and clea: of.ail 1lens end encumbraneee except -
<br /> :• , ios NoN� . _
<br /> , .. 3. Mainten�nce of the 8ecurlty. •
<br /> 3.1 Tsuetax ahall keep the eecu=!ty in good conditlo� and repairj ahell not -
<br /> �.,.�� �,..;;:,�;,, commlt or aultet waate; ehall not do or allov anything Eo be Aone vhich vlll
<br /> . lncrease the xiak of Eire o= other caeualty to the p:emisea or diminiah the
<br /> . value of !he aeou:ity except reasonable vear and tear� and, ehall not alter the .
<br /> �� design or structural cha=ter o! an,y bnilding or adQ any buildinq vithin the
<br /> � eecusity vfthout the vriEten consent oE tho Senefteiasy.
<br /> f 3.1 I! the aeaurity or any past thoreof is 8anageE by iire or other cauee
<br /> •1 i�cluding condo�nnation, TrunLor ohall glve lnmedlate vtitten notice of the event
<br /> � to the 8onefieiosy. Truntos oha1Y urse eny proeee8e o! co�npeneation for the
<br /> �, -� damaged £rom tho lnoucance, condemnation avard or othetvise to seatose or
<br /> ;. {. .. teplace the proaeedo Eo the 8enaficiary at Ehe option o� the 8eneficiary. If
<br /> �[ ., purt oE the eeeurity !s domagad, the Truator ehall reatore, repai:, or alter the
<br />--.�� romnininn eronestv in e mannea aatiafactory �f the Seneficiasy.
<br /> ' 3.3 Rhe Boneficiasy os it's repteeentative 1s hereby authoalzad to mnke or
<br /> � : ��_ cauoe to be maEe rcuaanable entrlea upon anQ inepeeLions of the p:emiaea.
<br /> j ' � .. 3./ The Truatee ahali pcompBly comply wlth all p=esent and future lava,
<br /> ' , ordinaacee, rules and rogulatione og any governmental authority alfecting the
<br /> • premiaea or any pact thoseol. Thix shail epply to any conatructioa upon the
<br /> • p:emleee ea vell as !ho opesation of any bueineae upon tha premiees.
<br /> , ' �
<br /> _ �'.! ,\,'�u
<br /> . ' . i,
<br /> �� � ,t . �
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