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<br /> 'ft)f}Ei7fiER WlTH a11 tho improvetncnu t�e►w o�h�eraaRor erocted nn tha prnpettY.«nd�it aw�ane�N�.appuAai�iar.�nd .
<br /> fixtu�te!► t�►w er tKre�sfter a �M of thc hn�lerty. All n�l�nentM �nA �klUi��nr �11 �l�� 1� rnvcrod by tAli �erurity
<br /> --- - -r-,�,xc� Gttitru��tcnt. AU nf titr.toraKninR iy r�fi•if(YI Rf1 IIl(Ilj!1 4:S�Itlly I111tYU11iL'IU P.V lI1C"Pro��cri�.°
<br /> Y.~.. — 4i0tiHt)WF?R('�VPbVAI�f'Pg lhet�rraswcr ly lawl'ully hclscd aF il�e esUate t►er+elsy cunvcycd uixl G�v ttis��fght tu�ra��c�ic�1
<br /> � — convay the Pre�►erty�►nd tityt tho�ropeety ie ut�cncu�r�beral. exce�t `i�r c�xun�brKnccy af re�c+ir�. [ioua�u�er war�xu+tR ui�d will
<br /> defend gcnrmliy Ehe UQe to the Pcoperty ago+nst all cluim�ancl demarWy.nubj�t tm ony eacumbrancrs af rtc�rd•
<br /> Tt![S SECUR[TY INSTRUMENT c�mbl�x.w uniform covenants fbr natlon�J usc and non-unifc►rm covenants witt� limitod
<br /> variotians by jud�.tiMfan toconsdtuta a uniform secudry instrument oovering re�l pmperty.
<br /> -�---.-- --- - -� UNt�(?RM COVENMNTS.Borrower euM Lender coven.�r►t and aqreo as fallows:
<br /> -- ------�
<br /> 1. e�yma��� t�rtna��a tncere� r�.y�e��ana �ce ct�r��. Borrowcr shall pmmptly PaY when due tl�c
<br /> ' principal af and interest on�he debt evidenced by the Note und uny preguyment und late chuges due under the Now.
<br />_ S 2.d�lunds for T�xes and Insurance.Subject to ap�liatble Iaw or to a wdtten waiver by Lender. Borrower shall puy to
<br /> � ixnder on the daty monthly payments ure due under the Note,until the Note is paId in full.a sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly taxes
<br /> aad assessments which may auain priority uver this Security Instrument us a lien un the Property:(u)y�ly leusehold paym�ents
<br /> - — or Rraund rents on th�Property.if anY:tc)year�y he�anl or property insurance prertilums:(d)yc�rly flood insuronce pnemium9.
<br /> � . if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurnnse psr.rruiuma. tf uny; aad(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. In a000rdance with.
<br />� ,:� the provinions of Qaragragfi►S. in fieu af the payment of raortgage insurance premiums• 7't►►ese items are called "Escrow Items.'
<br /> �"` '� Lender may,at any cime. ooll:ri and hold Fund� ia an amount not to exeeed the macimum tunaunt a lender for a federally
<br />�:.' �� celated mortgage ioan ma�require for Borrower's escrow account ucider the federal Real Estnto Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> _ .� t974 ag amended fmm ttme ta tim�. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA').unless another Iow that appliea to ttte Funds
<br /> �e sets a lesser amaunt. if sa.Le.nde�maY,at any tlme,collect and hold Funds in un nmount not w exceed tlw,lesser amvunt.
<br />_� ,i1� L,ender may estimate thi aam.nmt vf Funds due un the basis of currcnt data and reasonQble estimates of es�t:ncliture.a of future �
<br /> �. i�l� �,�w Items or othenvisr�in a000rdanoe wIth applicable law.
<br />`Y � The Funds shall be held ia an instinstion whose deposits ara insured by a federul agency. instrwa►vntalitY. or entitS►
<br /> -., ; (iincluding Lender,tf L.ender is such an nnstitudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L.ender shall upply tha Funda to pay tRe
<br /> Bscrc�w It�ms.Lensier may not charge�orrower fur halding and applying the Fun�is,ennaaity smalyzinB the escrow a�ec�ount�or . _ _
<br />- '` ''� verifyin�L^he Bscrow Items,unless I.ens�er pays Borrower interest an the Funds and appltcablo!uw pemtits Lender to make such
<br /> � i; �charge: However� L.ea�l�r may requIre Borrower to pay a one•time charge for an independent real esu►tc tnx teporting servEce
<br /> �+��. ; usai by L.ender in oon�aaian with thfs loan, unless applicable law provides atherwise. Unless an agreemont is mude or
<br />�'+ � � � applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall �ot be requlred to puy 8arrower any in4erest or earningx on the Furds.
<br /> �; Bomower and Lender may agrce in wrating. however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. landcr shatl givc to Botrower.
<br /> ' .,�
<br />-�' ; �" without charge.an annual accaun¢dng��the Funds. showIng credits and debita to the Funds and tho pur,posc for whtch euch
<br /> � �
<br /> -� _�_�`.--r - ° ctebic co�fis Funds wa�rri�iro.n�C�u��s ure piaigeC�addiiiana!secusin�for�!!sus�sezurel!hy rht�:S�zr.ry Insmiment.
<br /> �� •� If the Funds held by I.ender euoe�d the�unounts pemutteJ to be held by applicable law,I.ender shall�ccount to Borrawer
<br /> � for the exoess Funds in ecwrdnnce with the requirements of applicuble law. If the amount af the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow ltems when due. [.ender may so notify Bomower in writing.and.in suuh ca.ce Borruwer
<br />� �hall pay to Lender the amount neoessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> -� ` twelve monthly payments.at Lender's sole dtscretion. _--
<br /> - i Upon payment in full of al! sums secured by this Secudty Instrument. L.ender shall pmmptly mfund to Bormwcr any
<br /> - Fund.c held by l.ender.If. unsler paragraph 2l.Lender shall acquire or seli the Praperty.I.ender,prior ta thu uequisition or sale ___
<br />'' ` of the Property.shall apply any Fur�ds held by Lc��dcr ut thc timc of acquislcton or sale ac u rratit against ah�t eums secured by �=_
<br />� ,f this Secu�iry(nstrument. ��' �
<br /> � 3.Appltcallon af Payments.Unless upplicable Inw pmvides othenvise.all payments mceiv��ai by l..�nder c�nder pa�grnphs ei:_
<br /> 1 and 2 shail be npplied: fir�t, to any prepuyment ch:ugcs Jue u►xier the N��te:�econd, t�umnunts payafilu under pnra,�mph 2; ���_
<br /> � •j third,to interect due:fourth,to prirtcipal due;und la..t,co any late charges due under the Note. ��-�
<br /> ;� ° 4.CUa�es; Liens. Borruwer shall pay all taxes.:itiscs.�nunts,chargeti, fines and impositians att�ibut�hlo to thc Property �._-
<br /> . : -; ` .' '. which may atwln prioriry over this Security instrument.and leusehold paymen�� or�raund rent,. if c�ny. Bonnwer shWl pay �_-'
<br /> ,i ��z�:�;c`;� these obligations in the manncr provided in para�raph 2.or if nut paid in that manner.Borrower shaU pay thcm on time directly F�,;..
<br /> �,';Y���"'-��'�' to the person owed payment. Borrowet shall promptly fumish to Lender all notioe+of amount� to br pu�d undar this parugraph. -_
<br /> ......-:.:✓�._ r.r�.
<br /> - If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borcc�wer shall promptly furnish to Lender roceipts evidencin8 thet payment�.
<br /> •"�t;'�.2jr'.., -
<br />.e:.' , ��a?';,? Borrower shull promptly discharge any lien which lias priorit}•over this Security Instcumeut unless Bueruwer. ta)agnaes in
<br /> - ��� R� Y•..•.�r-. ,
<br /> - . -�•�, .,,, writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner a��ceptable to I.ender;!b1 rontetin in gond faith che lien -
<br /> '�'' ' ""�.'`��`"' by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal prcueedin�s which in the l.ender'F opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ' �'�`'��'�'��� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory u� Lender tiubordlnuting the lien to
<br /> .�.•. : ..
<br /> # . � ��'t4" this Security Instrument. If Lender detemtines that any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which muy attuin prio•rity over
<br /> ' � �i`�ri this Securiry Iasuument, Lender may�ive Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borro���er sh:�ll�tisfy the licn or take one or
<br />�t � � . more of the actions set fotth above within 10 days of the gi�•ing of noti��e.
<br /> ...��"�''9 Form 3Q28 8180
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