<br /> r, � . , �� t����,>. ' "_ __ . _ ..
<br /> ,• , , : � �; «z�.. - _
<br /> ' r� i `»%�'�^. ` . _��„ _ ...__ _.
<br /> ,;.:�. ,1 •. � ��
<br /> .:��:.,. ��._ �t�.:�
<br /> -.�'.�r!'�'- �il��ir�;�_'•_ ,y_.. ----
<br /> -� , �,�ISGl�g ..
<br /> �'
<br /> ;,, = condemnntion orathcr taktng of any part uf Ihc 1't�pe�y.ot for ronvcyuncU I��licu�+9��udeu�nulluu,arc hrncby uy�4�ia��1 tind
<br /> slinll be paid to Lcndce.
<br /> - In t6ie evcnt af u taiul tnking of the Prnperty.tltc pr�xcedv aht�tl ix eppll�:d t��Ilio Htunr nttutt�l hy la�lr ,tir.s.ttrUy _
<br /> - Insuumcnt,whethcr or not then duc,witi�uny uxcc�y�rald tc�NuKi�wcG IO II10 CVCIII lt�N�H1SIIKI tMklll�IIY(Ii4`I�I►�1L•d,Y ht
<br /> which tha fatr markct vnluo af thc properry immcdiKt�ly tiefi►ro tico tnkfi2g 19 cyu�!�o ur yreNter lh�ai lhn ruw wnt ul'�I►�Num, —
<br /> � securcd by this Socurity in�aumcrit immcd{utcly fx�fun��Irc Iuking,unlcas[�urruwcrnud I�cnckr utt�r.twiw wg►�c In wdtinr,
<br /> ttte Rvma Fecured by thia Sccurity insttutnrnt eAall bo reduced by tha xntatnl+�t!he x�Ke�le muNlplkvl b tl�p ts►tl�zwin�
<br />_ — - -- ---� fra�:iton: (a)thc tatal nmount of thc sums�ccurcd Immcdlutcly bcfuro tt�c tnking,itivl��d hy Ih)Uw lulr�nMr�el�ali�ud 1hn
<br /> -- Property immediately Mfom thc wking. Any buleu�co xhult bo puid ta N���rcuwrr. In�ho cvcm ut n{�ttiMl tMAiu�p��i'ti�a
<br />_,:� � property in which th�iair market vnluo of the E�mpeny immedlatsly hefnre tho lakln�I�laxw Ihr+�the enN�un1 nf Ih��um+
<br /> " secumd immediataly befare the taking, unlesa [inrrowcr nnd l.cnder nthcrwino uKrce la wrUh�K��r unlc�� n�+llcahlu INw
<br />:{;,�� mtherwise providcs.the procceds Rhall bc applicd ro thc Kums accured by thtx Sccurity I�t�lnun�n�w9wti�r or n�A db ti�ie���uro
<br /> �� •� then due.
<br /> __,:� If the Property ia ubundoned by Ba�rower.or if.�Rer notice by I.cnder tu lforruwer ttnn ihe can�kmni►r oiic�h t�i u�wka
<br /> '��":� un nwnrd or r,ettie a cinim for domnge�.8or�nwer fuila tn rcspand tu l.ender wfthin 3D ciaye aticr tlto datu Ih�inHlc�y Ir�Iven, _—
<br /> =="`�' Lender is authorized ro collect and upply thc pmcceAs.m i�s aption.ctth�r tn restnrattan ar rrpair ul'tfw Iti�upeny e�r to tho
<br /> 'r'' sumR scxuwd by thts Secudty Instrument.whcther ar not ihen due.
<br />�'��a�' Unless l.onder nnd Borrowes othenvfse agree in wdting,uny a plirution aF pnx:ccdy �u prl�ulpal Khel!iH►t eKtcm.l ut
<br /> st.r:� —
<br /> -;.±r�, postpone tho due date af the monthly paymcnte refetred to 1n pum�p s 1 artd 2 or chnnga Ihc nmm�nl�+/r�u�:it puyumnty.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Releassd; Forbearance By Lender Not W Wxi�cr. �ztcndun uf' tlie Unm f��r p;�yntrnt ar
<br /> modlfication af amortization of the sums F�curcd by thlA Security Instrununt gainted t�y l.cndcr�c�uny nuc�i+tiur lu Intct�st
<br /> y`a:'� � of Borrower sh�l! �ot opemte to relea4e thc tiubiliry af thc odginul Bnmowcr or 8orruwcrl:xucecstiare in Intcre�l. I.rrnkr
<br /> � `"�''"�� al�atl not be requ[red to comrncnco procccdings uAainst uny su�:cexsor in ittterew! ur refuw� tu c•xte��d lint+�li►r paynuiu ur
<br /> ;:r�' ��.' :�.�...,9
<br /> f otherwise modify amortizadon of tho sums secured by thix Security in5trumcnt by t�ag�n ot any demund ntnde Ny Iho orlKl�w�l
<br /> " Borrower or�orrnwerk successors in interest. Any forbeumnce by Lcnder in exer+ciqiag uny dght��r rcu�edy r+tmll niu Y+�n
<br /> '° waiver of or preclude the exerci�of nny dght ar rcmedy. —
<br /> . 12. Successssora und Assi s Hound;Jotnt and Severnl Liabllityi Laslgnere� "i'lio�ovemu�tx nnd ugrcemrntr af Ihl�
<br /> o ga
<br /> ' � Security Instiument shnll bSnd and 6enefit the succewsurv and usgigns af Lender und Bom+wer,�ub)ect to tho provl5tunv of
<br /> u
<br /> �'�,� �`:'�,;�' -� paraguph 17. Borrower�covenants and agrcemems shaii bc juiut uuJ ,CV��ai. Aily �Ofiulliit WNil Cii-ni�ns i!s{;tik-sutlty �—
<br /> instrument but dces not execute the Note: (u)is ca•signing this Senudty Instmment only to mnrtgabe,gmnt nnd cunvey thal __
<br /> � ! �� ���:i��,, Borrowerh interest in the Propecty under the terms nf this Sccurity Instrumenr. (b)ix not pcn�onnlly uhtignted tn puy ihe tiwn+ —`-
<br />='`�;�" ' � �' secured by this Securiry Insqument;und(c)ugreeti thut Lender und uny other Borcc�wer may ugrcc to rxtend.m�xiily,fi�rhtar -----
<br />-� �:.�� :,, �, or make uny uccommodutions with regard ta the terms af this Sccurity Instn�ment ur thc Nutc with�►ut ihiu !lutn�weti+ �_,
<br /> T t 1 .: x• }� aY_�:-
<br /> �, n,, � .;: • consen�
<br /> ':��".' ...=�
<br /> ��„__ �ety�i``;;_��� , ,,, 13. Loan Chnrses. If the loun secured by thic Securfry Instrument i�subject to u tuw which sely m�+xfmum U�an _
<br /> .�, .�. , ,`�'' ;, �F`�' charges,and Ihnt Inw ia final{y interpreted so that the�nterest or other lonn charges raiiccteci ar tu bc�viiccicd iii i���ib� _
<br /> r .,s,,:,,;�
<br /> _ �,��,.:�;;,.{, with the loun exceed the pertnitted limtts,them (n)+uty such luan rharge shull be redured by the wnuunt necr+sciry ti�re�uce _
<br /> � A.� ��,�:•;,:. the eharge to the pertnitted limit;and lb)any xums ufm.ndy callected from Borrower whtch exceeded pertnitteit limity wlll he _
<br /> :.: �� .�tl.�..,�4` ,..., � «
<br /> ;;.;; �,�;}.,.;;,SaF}��LR �4�t; rofunded to Elorrower. Lender muy chaose tu malce thts refund by�educing the priRCipal oa•ed under the Nrnr or By mc�king n `-___�
<br /> , �;; �K,�,r., �4 ,;,v direct puyment to Borrower. If n refund reduces principal,the reduction wiil be tr+eate�i a+u paniul prcp�yment wiUtaut�my ';;
<br /> �, � �ti�{ ' preps►yment charge under the Nnte. ' '�
<br /> �,tir1•��;:�•�*•:;' >;;it'.- 14. AIottces. Any not[ce to Bormwer providcd for in this S«urity Iu.truutcnt .hWi be given by cktivcring it ur hy ;�
<br />.:{is _: .a �. F c-.:.
<br /> .=:,, �w�}!��';:, ma�ling it by ftr�t ciuss mail u�tess nppl�cuble Inw reyuirea use of another method.71ic notic��hall!x�direi:trd tu the 1'n�{�eny _ �
<br />_". � . ��t(����`°�: Address or any other uddress Borrawer designates by notice to I.ender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by firtit cln►s +:
<br /> ,: r ,,��;;.
<br /> �-�: ' � mail to L.ender's address stated hereln or an athcr uddress Lcnder desi nutcs b noticc W Barrower. An noticc jiwi@cd for
<br /> �:� . �f�:�•. . ' y 8 Y y p. ..�
<br /> ���;�'��;'�° n'^ in this Secudty Insuument xhall be deemed to huve becn given to Borrower or Lendcr whcn given ati provided in Ihir
<br /> �:'.r; �,.::.� .�r ;;�►�
<br /> .,i:K,.7�:� ���;:�;�.�i Iu+mBraPh.
<br /> 's','� �"�' '`��"�� 15. Governing Luw; Severubllity. This Securiry Instrument sh:itl be guvemed by federal law nnd the Inw of thc
<br /> ,;�Yi��.
<br /> , . ,�''�;`;r.; jurisdicuon in which the Pcopeny is located. in the event thnt uny pmvision or cl�usr of this Security instrument ur thv Nute
<br /> -- � k":y conflicts with applicublo Inw.such contlict shnll not uffect other provisions of this Security Insteument ur the Nnte which cvt
<br /> = �� '�?':�'��c, � ,, �s:,', be given effect without the conflictins provision. '[b tAiti end the provisions uf this Security Im;trument unJ the Nute urc
<br /> "�,�;; .�::.����2,'�;,��"r �' declnred to be severnble.
<br /> � '•t �'���'��' . �+ `� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given une confarmed copy oY the Note und ot thfx Se�:urlty lnstrument.
<br /> ,�.'1�����. f�S�: .
<br /> }r`�' �.�.1�4;��j`�>'�i�{:� 17. 1lrnnsfe�of the Property or u BenefYciul Interest tn Bormwer. If ull or any part of thc Propcny or uny intrm+t In
<br /> - '�"� �;,,,,, it{s sold or uansfecred(or if u benefclul interest in Borrower is sold or trunsferned and Borrower is nut u nutuml pcnunl
<br /> '�" � � �������''�1��'•��:: without Lender�prior wrltten consent,Lender muy.at its nptiun,reyuire immediute payment in full uf ull�►um�necund by
<br /> � �" � �°' �''�rb.'G`"��^t`� this Sec�uity Instrument. However,this option shull not be exercised by Lendcr if exercise is pmhibitcd by fcderul law urof
<br /> 't .. t:y,�i•.�"r r�}�.r�;.,.
<br /> � ,��r i��;�;;;tz,!y'�-; the date of this Security Insqument.
<br /> ;�„Y��'",•:,�;.y;;'r„�. If Lender exerctses this opt[on,Lender sha!!glve Borrower notice of uccetersQun. The notire shnll provide a pertnd of
<br /> �• '��<,s�:� •��,�•.,,.,�,., not less than 30 dAys from the date the�odce ix dclivcred or muiled within which Bomc�wcr must pay ull nums�reutud by thiw
<br /> : '.���y'f�.i<<?�`:�!`t`.4:.'��:,:: Securiry Instn�ment. If Borrower fnils to pay these sums prior to the expimtion oP this period, Lendcr mny invukr any
<br /> '��.'�� p�, , . remedies permitted by thia Securiry Instrument without fu►thcr notice or demattd on Borrower.
<br /> ;.,;.7��+,,. .)�ss;;,�;;+� 18. Borrower's Rfght to Reinstate. If 8orrower meets certnin conditions,Borruwer shult iiuve ihe �I�ht tu have
<br /> � ";.;i�����,.:;;tt%i:�+;��;t enfonement of this Securiry Instrument discontinued at uny time pdor to the eurlicr of: (u)S dayx(nr surh other peri��f us
<br /> TM;:^;;'.�:r�:a'�"1�'•f''% . SfngleFnmlly•-PannleMaelblYddteMacUN1E�ORMINS7'RUM�NT--Uni[��miCovcnants 9W0 l�niNidujA�muu
<br /> ...i: " �-ih''i[:;�i':
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