� � ��'1oSs�89 ,, �
<br /> Tt3DE'PH�R WITkI nll the improvement�now or heraufter erecced on ti►e pmperty,and ull easemente,nppurtena.accso
<br /> - --- und fixlums now ar ltere�ttcr a p;ut of d�c property. AU replazcment� and�ddidons shall�►1so bc covcrad by this Sccudty
<br /> InsWnient. AI!of the far�egoing is refcrred to In tbis Secur�ty Instrumcnt as thc"Pcaperty."
<br /> 1�ORROWER COVBN�0.I3TS thst Borrower i�lawttilly seisesd of tbe estate hereby convayed und h�.s the dght W gcant
<br /> and canvcy the Praperty und�h�t the Piopeuty ia unencumbered.except far ensumbranses of tcxord Borrower warrarits and
<br /> wi}1 defead genarally thC title to tho Frope�qr agaiast uU claims aad deraands�eubject to any encumbras�ces of aecor�;
<br />- ,----- �- - - - --.
<br /> THIS SHCLtRT1'Y INS'1'�UMBIdT combines anifarm covenants for national use and non•uniform covenanES with
<br /> Itmited vortationa by jwlsdiction ro consdtuw u unif'orn�r,ecurlry insuuatent coveria�m ptoporty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'fS. Borrowar and Lcnder covenattt and e�rce as foAo�vs:
<br /> - - f. Pnyment oi Prindpa�and Interesti Prep�ymbnt and I.Ate Charges. Soaower shall prompdY Pay when daa the —
<br /> principal.of and iniereat on the debt evidenced by the Note apd any prepayment and late charges due uader,We Note.
<br />—° - Z. Funds foc'lf�cea ond Imur�aee• Subject to applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lcndor,Bonower shall pay to
<br />--- Lender on she day monthly payments are due uader tho Note.undl the Note is paid in full,a sum("Plu►ds")for.(a)yeurly
<br /> taxes and�assessments whlch may Attain prtority over thL9 Securlty IasGrumeat as a llea oa the Property:(b)Yearly leaset�ald
<br />� --- — paymar�ss aa ground rents on the Prap�rty,iY uay: (c) Yearly Qazard or property insurancx premiums;(� Year1,Y flood _
<br /> inauraacc premiums.if er►Y: (e)Yearly martgage iasuranca Premiums.if any:end(fj any sums payabla 6y Bormwor w
<br />— - Ixnder.in accordance with the provlsiana of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payrnent of ranrtgage insuranco pzemiums. Tbese
<br /> � Items are called"Sscmw Ioen�a." i.ender may,tu.any t1me�coUect and hold P►inds i.n an amaunt not to exceed the maximum
<br />:. amavnt a lender for n fed$r�illy related mortgage loan may require for Borrawer's escraw uccouni under tho fedarnl Real
<br /> Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amettded from rime to time,12 U.S.C. §2601 et seq.("RESPA"),ualess anather
<br /> law that applles to ttse Funds sets a lesser amount If so,Lender may,at az►y dine,coUect and hold Funda in an ainount nat to
<br />� excced tde �esser emossn� Lender may esti�nete the amount of Fuod.a due on the basis of cwrent data aad reavonable �_.
<br /> estimates of expendiwres of fi�tnire Escrow Items or otherw�se in accordance wltPi�appHcable law. �
<br />'?' The Pt�ads shall be held in an insdtudon whose depasits are iasured by a federal ageacy.instrutrtentaliry, or enflty
<br /> �� (includtng Lender.if Lendcr is such nn iastiNtion)or in any Federal Home Loen Bank. L.ender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> Pz the Rscrc►w Items. Lender rnay not charge Aorrower for hoiding and apply�ng the FS�nds�anr�ually analyzing the escrow
<br />;J — — account, or ver�fyiug ihe Escrow Items, vntoss Lender gays Borrowet interest on the F�mds and applicable law parnaits _
<br /> Lender to make such a chazge. However. L.ender muy requi�Borrower to pay a one-time charge fot an independeat mal
<br />- estate tax reporting serv�ce u.xd by I.ender in conaecdon with this loan,unless applicable lav►pmvldes atherwise. Unless an
<br />=i' agc�ecment is made or applicable law rcqnines interest to be paid I.ender shall not be required to pay Borrawer any interest or
<br />- earninga on the Punds. Borrowcr uad L.eader may agree in writing,however.that interest ahaU be paid on the Fands. Lender
<br /> = shail�ive tn Bomower.wtthout charge,en annuul accounting of the Funds.showipg credits and debits to the�nds and ths
<br /> : � putpose for which each debit to the P1u►ds was made. 'llie Flu►ds are pledged as additionai secutIty for till sums secured by
<br /> ' _� this Security Instrument. —
<br />-� � ff the Funds held by l.ender exceed che amounts permiiic,i tu ba hel� by appitcabte law. I.�nder shati arcouai ta
<br /> ;'. Bonower for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requtrements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by —
<br /> I.ender at suy time is not suft'icIent to pay the Pscmw Items when due,I.eader may so notlfy Bomower in writin�.and,in -
<br />�:, such case Borrower xhall puy to Lender the amount necessary to make up ttie deficlency. Bocrower shall make up the
<br />- deficiency in no more than twelve monttily payments,at Lender's sole diacrclion.
<br /> Upoa payment in full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity Insuument,Leader shall promptly refund to Eorrower any
<br /> � Funds held by Leader. If,under para�ph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisitlon or �'_:_
<br /> y sele of the Pcoperty.shall apply any nds hcld by Leader at the dme of acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums r- �
<br /> � . secused by this Security InstrumenG ��':.:.
<br /> ',,'� 3. AppUcutton ot P�ayments. Unless applicable law provldes otherwtse. aU puymants received by Lender under C �;�
<br /> -�� paragraphs 1 and 2 shaU be applled:fvst,to uny prepayment charges due uadet the Note:second.to amounts payai�le under ►�'r�
<br /> 6.�-..
<br /> paregraph 2;third,ta intecest due;fourth,to priacipa�due:and last,to any late char�es due under the Note. �
<br /> i�. 4. Charges; Lteas. Bonower shalt pay all texes, assessments,charges, fiaes rind imposidons amlbutable to the ��-~�
<br /> - property which may attein pfioriry over this Securiry Inatrumen�and Icasettold paymeats or sround rents.�f any. Bomnwer �=
<br />'� shall pay these obligations in t�e manner pmvtded in paragtaph 2,or if not paid in thut mnnner,Borrower shall pay them on e��7=-
<br /> .�' time dtrecdy co the person ow�d payment. Borrower shell promptly furnish to Lender all nodces of amounts to be psdd under �J'`
<br />-• this paragraph. If Bonower msikes these payments dIrectly.Borrower shell prompdy furnish to I.ender ceceipts evidencing
<br /> ke
<br />_. � the payments. ,.Fw=
<br />�' • Bonawer shall prompdy dlscharge any lien which has prIorlty over this Security Insuument unless Borrower.(a)agrees R=�.
<br />_ ��. in wrlting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the
<br />°— --- lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,le�al proceedings which in the Lender's apiaion opernte to prevent the
<br /> '��""��'�"' enforcemeat of the llen;or(c) secures from the holder of the Uen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinuHag the llen "
<br /> •. � `' r to ttua Security Insuu�nent If Lender detemiines that any part of the PrapeRy is subject to a lien which may attain priority �-_�;
<br /> " �w over d�is Security Insuument,I.ender may�ive Bomnwer a notice idendfying the iien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> r.',,;*
<br /> one or more of the acuons set focth above within 10 duys of the giving of nodce. . •,
<br /> S. Ha�ard or Properly insuranoe. Borrower shall keep the improvemeats now exlstias or hereafter erected on the
<br /> • ���' Prope.tiy insured against loss by firc.hazards included within the term"cxtended coverase"and uny other har�tr�ls.includ�a� " ���
<br /> floods or flooding. for which Lender mquires insurance. This inauiance shall be maintained In the amounts and for the
<br /> = Fbitn 3028 9/90 (PaBe 2 oj6 pog�s) ' n
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