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<br /> pryrr�e�Ns m�y eu lae�ex bc r�quirod.ac t}re vpt�an af C.Kixla,if emKgage inauranoe caver�e tin the amouat�nd tcx tbe pniod
<br /> t1uK L.Kn�er r�quires)Provtdal by en�t�surcr ap�xa•red by Gendec again bocamee availuble and ts ot►winod.�c►nower shdl prY
<br /> tix preiniuma roquirod ta m:�iutwin martga�a i►�surance i�cftect,ar t�Etrovi�o v luss rese:va,unti! tt►�reyuircx���t fur�iwct�{e
<br /> i�wucuKx encis ia xeot+Jaqca with uny writtG��ogrstnxn�lxtween�rroevar anc!I.end=r or upplicable I�w.
<br /> !.I�t�ctlawt. Lender or it�aqeM m�y make r�onw6le enMes upon encf insp�ctlans of the Pe+upaty. l.endes ahall�tve
<br /> Borrnwet rwtice at ihe time af or pdur to an i��spocti�n spoclfying r�aso�uble c�use for the inspoction.
<br /> 1�. Go�da�tlon. The pmcerds of any awud or claim for dan�tgea, dimt or conaequantl�l. ln ootu�ectkm witb+wy
<br /> � , condemnstinn or other tnlcjng of any part of dtc Proptrty,ot for oonveyance dn iteu of condemnatlan. ure hereby ais9ig�d and _
<br /> stwll be p�ld to[,ender.
<br /> [n the event of a total taking of the Propetty.tbe pracecds shaU be oppli�d to the sums secured by this 3ecurlry Inw�umau,
<br /> whitther or�tot then due. wlth nny ezcess pald to Rarrawer.In tha eveat of u partjal taking of thc Property ln whlch t�o fiir
<br /> cr�atket value of the Property immediately befare tl�o teking ia equal to or gceater than the amainc of the sums s�cumd by thia
<br /> Sacuriry Instrun�ent�nmodiately before the taking.unless Bomnwer aud Lendsr o�herwise agrae in writing,the sums sec:s�nd by
<br /> _ thIa Securiry lnstsumeat shalt tse n�duced by the amount of the prooceds mnIBplIed by the failowing fraction: (a)the Wtel
<br /> ewount of the sums securoat immedtately'before the taking,divIded by(b)the fair raarket velue of tE�e P'roperty imroedIAtely
<br />_ — before tha tc�kking. My balance s6aU bc paid to.Borrower. In the eveat of a partial teking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> market valuc of the Property immaliately before the talciag is less than the amount of the sums secvc�d immediauly befara che
<br /> taking,unless Borcower and L,ender otherwise ugeea In writing or unless appl�cablc iaw othenvise provides, the procoEds shall
<br /> be applied to the sutas secured by this Socurlty lacuwaem wdether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is nbandoaed by Bornuwer,or i�',after aotice by Leader to Borrower that the condemnor affers to malce an
<br /> �—�- � semrd or �e a claiut for daaages. Bomo��er falls to cespQnd to Ixnder Svithia 30 dxys aRer the dste the notkx i,glvea, . _
<br /> ° Leuder ia uuthorized to wilect and apply the pmceeds.at its optIon,either ta reswration or repair of th�e Property or w the sums
<br /> secured by thla Sec�r�ty Instnuneat.whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless [.ender and Borrower otkerwise ag�see in wrIting, any applica6on of procea�s W principal shall aot extend or
<br /> postpoae the duc date of the montlilly paymenis refemed to ia patagtaphs 1 and 2 or change thY aux�w►t uf nuch payraents.
<br /> - _— 11.Bonower Not Refeased;Forbearanoe I3y Ia�nder Not a Waiver.EAtension o1F t4�e time for payment or modifica�ioa
<br />= of amoctizution of ttte sums secwed by this Se�:urity Iasmunent granted by Lender to aay successor ia intaest of Borrowr.r shaU
<br />- not operate to releuse the Iiability of the ori�inul Borrower or Borrawer's successom in interesc.Lender shall aot be �quirod to
<br />- oommence proceedLigs aga�nst any successor in interest or refiase to extend tlme for pa��wt or otherwise modify amorti�atIon
<br /> - of the sums securrid by this Security Instcument by reason of any demar►d made by the orlglnal Dorrower or Borrower's
<br /> _ � successors in iaterest. Any forbeuraace by Lender In exerc3stng aay right or re�y s�all not be a waiver of or proclude the
<br /> : - - - �m�of any riglu Qr'�y. �
<br />- 12. Successors aad Asstgnis Bouad; JoIn4 and Several LiebWty; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this
<br />- Securaty Instiument shall bind and benefit the successozs and assigns of Lender and�orrower. subject to the prtrvisions of
<br /> -� pamg�ph 17. Bosower's «�venants ertd agreeuients shail be joiat and seveial. Any �orrower who co-signs tl�is Security
<br />-- Iastrument but does not esecute the Nate: (a)is co-signing tQ�s Securlty Instrument an4y to mortgage,gisnt and wav�y thut
<br /> : Borrower's interest In the Propcsrty under the terms of this Security Instnurnent:(6)is aot personsilly obligate�to pay the sums - _
<br /> secured by this Security Instnurteut;and(c)agrees that L.eader and any ot4�r Borrower may agree to extend.modify.for6ear or -�
<br /> make any accommadations with regard to the terms of this Security Insmimeat or the Note without that Borrower's oonseat. -
<br /> t3.Loau Charges.If thc loan secured by this Security Insuuraent is subject to a law which sets maxlmum loan charges, F:°-
<br /> Y- and.ita�t!aw ia funally interpret�d so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to�ie collected ln connection with the ��
<br /> " loa.n exceed the permltted Hcaits. thea: (a)any such loan charge shalt be reduced by the amount necessacy to reduce the charge
<br /> to the permitted limit;and(b)tu►y sums already oojltxtcd from Borrower which exceeded permitted l'cmiis will be refunded to =-
<br /> � Borrnw�c. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the prirtcipal owed under the Note or by making a direGt
<br />"' paymsc4 to Bomower. if a refund c+educes principal. the reduction wfll be treated as a partial pmpayment vrricz�ut nny
<br /> ' prepayment charge under the Note. -
<br /> 14.Noticev.Any rtotice to Borrower pmvtde�for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> it by first class msiil uNess applicable law r�quires use of another method. 14�e nodae shail be directe�to the Property Addtess
<br /> or any other address Bnrrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Leuder ahaU be given by ferst class mail to
<br /> - Lender's addmss stated herein or nny other address I.ender designates by notice to Burrower. Any notice providad for in this
<br /> -� Sec+�riry Instwnent shall be deemed to have bcen given to Bomower or Len�er when given as provided in this parngcaph.
<br />' 15.Governing Luw; Severnbility. This Secudty Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and thc law of the
<br /> I
<br /> � jurisdIctIon in which the Property is located.In the event that any provision or clause of thls Securiry Instniment or the Note
<br /> � conflicts with applicable luw,suc6 contlict sh�ll not affect other provisions of this Security InstTUment or the Note which can be
<br /> �iven effect without ttie cuaflicting pmvision.To this end the provistons of this Security Insuument and the Note are declured
<br /> to be sevemble.
<br /> . 16.Borrower's Copy.Horrower shall ba given one conformed wpy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> Form 3028 8190
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