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<br /> 'rOIlBT7�lF�t al1'rft RIl�be irtipro'varietMr�tchr ne he��+llot e�eeb�ai'tbe�pety�Jed dl ewl�rrel�,app�l�+�t+rd
<br /> Btttures t�aw cx liere�lla � part of the pnop�rty. All ropboeataiq mtd �� �h�dt �a be aavarod #� tbG 'J�o�eib'' .
<br /> �n;u[urnnt.All af the turcg�ln�i�rtfened tn in thif Socurity Inatr�.�mait aa thG"P�npccrty " .
<br /> _ Y3(?RIt�WER CCIVI3NAl�l'CS tliat 13arr�►wer is tawfully cr.�se+1 otthr ect�►.e tKret,y ec�ttveyed errd hss the right t�gr�nt�eed
<br /> — convey thc Property and that thc i'r��erty is unencurn�tred,exc�t for encumbr�uica o�'r�trcd. Aott+�wer r�r,rrants and wi11 '
<br /> ckfa�d�ne[�ity��he t1Ue to the Prnpe�tY a�imt dl clainm�nd dertwrtl�.aubject w�ny a�umbr�noeb o�'necaR+�,
<br /> THI5 SECUt�ITY iNSTRUMENT canbtnes uniform oovenims foK natiau�i aae ad non-wdfam cx►v�nta wlth lieniMd �,
<br /> varl,e�aru t►�jurledtc�►c�a co�wiwec a y}tiform�eatrity i�trurnent�valr�r�l ptopErty. . .
<br /> -,�.— - _ _ ____ -.�—
<br /> UNIE O1�tM COV�NANTS.!loirower and I.a�der oovenani uxi yra�e a�tollowc
<br /> �.lr'arwllile uQ F�cbiC��Aii�&iifi`'s�ii;Fiqiii�uiEiit iiW'�Il»i� ��'.�Y�:« T.t3Pi.D::i;3 Lh�11�1+OA2�`-�Y F1Y t-�.'"-� rM:��ir. •
<br /> principrt of end[nteres�on itw debc evida,ced by�he Nae and�u►Y PnP+�Yma�e ud�ace ch�c�a due under�ba�dae. ,
<br /> 2.E�unds[or Taxa and i�us�nee.SubJoct ta eppliablo la�v or to a wdt2en w�iver by Lender� BMmwa alpll f�r+o '„
<br /> i.ender oac the day montt�tY peymaus�u�e c�ue undec�the Nou.undl the Note is paid in fult.a aum('Funds")fp�:(a�Y�Y�
<br /> and�sessment�which mzy attain priar�ty over this Secudty insaumait a�a licn an tl�e Pmpnty;(b)Yarly la�aid piymaMs
<br /> ar grow�d anu on the Prt+perty.If any:(c?Y�Y��'P�Y�ur�oe pcemiun�:(dJ Y�Y tivdd imwridba pnaniu��
<br /> _ iF sugr:(e)Yea�iY nwrtgxge I��s�ca�we�ren�iuu�s, If a.ay;ar�d(�?�Y wnss payahle by Bomou�u w I.a�des.in aecox�cr.�ritb
<br /> the pnnvistoas of paragr�h 8,in lieu o�ttie p�ymrnt of mortga�ge insurance praniums.These itm�s ue cailed"Escr'a�'1�."
<br /> I.eMer may. at any time,colloct arid hold Funds w aa amount not tn exceed tbe m�zimum artw�nt a lerader for a fada�lty
<br /> reluod martgage t�►an rnay rcquire for Homower's cscmw awount ander she federat Reai Fst�to Settkment Freceduira Ac�uf
<br /> l974 as amended frora time to time. 12 U.S.C.S�xxlon Zb01 et se�p.("�CPA").unless anotha lsw tluit qapliea tu the Fuaas .
<br /> -_= sets a lesser ainonnt. Yf so. Lenrier may.at any time.coi[ta and hold Hlmds in an an�outK not to exoe�od the leater u�.
<br /> _�T � Len�ler may esti�nate the amount of FmWs due on the basjs of arrent dam and rea�anible estian�a of expetditura ot iwure .
<br /> - — — Fscmw Items ar othenu�s�ia a000ndana with appltcable law.
<br /> The Funds shall 6e held in an institudon whose deposits an insured by a foder�l �enc.y. iasa�umawlley. oc eatety
<br /> (incl�tding Leatder.if Lender is su¢h an Ia�tttutIon)or in any RAdcrel Hom Loact Bank.Lender s�ll ap�ply thC Punda tp py d�e
<br /> �scrow Itea�s.l..encler may not charge BflrroMrer for hoiding and agply[ag We Fund9.ana�slly aa�ly7iag the eacmvr aooauut�or
<br />- - vedfying the Fscmw Items.unless Lender paye Borrmwer inu�st ow t6e Funds and appUcable law pieimits I.end�.�r to mak�e auch' .
<br /> a charga Howevu.Lerwler may rtlquire Borrower to pay a a�-Hme chaige for an i�t�oal astyte tu c�epordoE savi�e
<br /> -- used by Lender in conc�ectlon witb this loan, unless applicable law pmvides otherwise. Ualas an ap�eanau ia mwdc o�'
<br />- aPPI[cabte tuw requires imenest to be pat6.I.ender sdall nat be c�quirrd w pay Bormwer s�ny interest or eatnings oa the Y=undf.
<br /> Borro�ver end Let►dar may agree in writing. however.that interest shall 6n paid on We Funda. I.ender s�l!give W'Bonuwer.
<br />_� without chtr�e, an nnnual aornunting of the Funds, showie�g c�dits and debies to the�unds and tlie puepose for which ach '
<br /> debit to the Funds was m�de.'lt�e Fw�ds are pledged as addidoaeal sewdty far all sums secuned by thia Sewrity Insuument.
<br />�. If the Funds held by T,ender exaed the sunounts pennitted to be held by uppticable taw.t.cnder s�sii acawnt co 8orivwer' "
<br />;.� for the e�cess Fvnds in accoidauce with the requirements of appi[rable law. If the artwunt of the Fuuds held by L�end�er at any
<br />_ dme is no�suffictent to pay t!►e Esc�nw Items when due.Ixnder may so notify Bormwer in writing, and,in setcb case Bor�ower
<br /> , shall pciy tQ Lender the amount necessacy to malce up the defieteney.Bosower shaU malce up du defielenc.y in no mote t6an
<br /> twelve momthly payments,at LeiMer's sole discretion.
<br /> Upan payment in fiill of sill sums secured by this Sewrity IInstrument. [.ender shall promptly refund to Borrowca�any
<br /> Funds[xld hy L.ender. If.under�amg��h 21.f xnder shaU eoquine or sell the Property.L�nder.prior w d�e aoquIsidon or sole
<br /> of the Property,sdall app[y any Fwids held by Ixnder at the time�nf aoqutsition or sale as a credit agaiast the sums securod by
<br /> this Seturity Insuument.
<br />-� 3.A�plkation o!Pnyments.Unless applicabte law pTOrides otherwise.all payrnents received by I.ender w�der paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 s7►aU be applIed:first.to any prepayc�nt c�arges due un�Pr the Note;second.to amounts payttble under pamgraph 2;
<br /> - tlurd.to imterat due;fourth,w principal dne:und(ast.to ariy Sate ctiarges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Ci�rges;LIens.Bornower shall pay alt taues,assessments.charges. fines and imposItions ataibutabie to the Pruperty
<br />'� whIch may attain priority over this Securiry Inswment. au�d Icasehold payments or ground rems. if any. Borruwer shalt pay
<br /> m
<br />, these obllgadons in the m3nner provided in para�raph 2.or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> w the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly fumish to L.ender all not�oes of amounts W be Paid under this paragraph.
<br />- . r If Hocrower makes these paymenu directly,Bortower shall pmrnptSy fumish to Lender receipts ev�dencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharg�ssny lien�vhich has prioriry over this Security[nstn�ment unless Bomower: (a)ag�ees in
<br /> -- writi�w the payment of tlie obligadon secured by the lien ia a manner acceptable to L.ender.(b)oontests in good faith the lien
<br />- by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proac�iings which in the I.erider's opiruon opernte to prevent tlte
<br />.- enforaement of the iien;or(c)secures from the holder of the tien an egc+eement satIsfactory to Lender subordinating the l[en to
<br /> this Secu�ty Inst�ument.If I.ender detertnines that uny part o�the Properry is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br />- this Security Insuuroent.Lender may give Borrower a notice Identifying the Ucn. Bomuwer shall satisfy the Iten or take one or
<br /> more of the nalans set forth above within 10 days crF the givin�of norice.
<br /> Fam 3028 9/fl0
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