.._:.� . 1 ...,.�,.,.�wmw>:�.. �w.�...++y ` �� ^ �ypRP;s� .. . .. . ._ .. _ _. . .. ���. _ ..
<br /> ' nna ipth�x�( ' ;-:t.
<br /> • .,.-, .
<br /> ` �� � ' --- ---� - — — — — -
<br /> � ... .
<br /> -� ..._y.�s ' - _ _w._��� `
<br /> _ _ _ ----- ---- _ - - - __
<br /> - - -
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<br /> ��'' � 1�:�'�S
<br /> 7.ProaWto+�of trnd�r•�Rblft+�tn 11� �opw�r. a samoxw w�w a anaFn awi oo.w��.:������►-- --
<br /> Mf��awR�r kat�w�nt.or tAwu M e Mat proo�nq M�t m�y �a+MbenM►�Nro!LanAw�rqhb N Eh�Prop�rb�woh �o+�poo�N�q M
<br /> ��Y.D��tor oocfdMSr►�tton or bA�INn a to�rs�)ooa kwt a nauM�tos��tlwn L�de rr�y do�n4 D4'ta wMN►w M neoN�rlr
<br /> . to grat+at ttM vat�v ct tM Prap�Ay�nd I.sRM�r�phts h tAa Prap�:ty. M►ttdei'�aGtlon�nu�� ItcAtd� P�Y�QI�l� d►Kns e�c:urM by�INct
<br /> ' M�'r.�. ... . whloh lras p�rlhr owr thy 8�curA/Inytnxn�nt��pp�Anp In oouR�MY�'��bf��ttomhr's kM�rtd nnurkp on fM Wop�tY to miice
<br /> .3:` np�b. ARAa�9U L�nd�te�y t�eotion undlr thY P�Oi�Ph 7.tM�tNt dOM twl hetw ta do so.
<br /> My rnOiM�q dflbtxMd b�r 6�nd1r und�r Mit p�rr,prph 7 tiW WOOnN�d�dlbn�l d�bt ol eeerowiv aound by tt�t�6awtf ImlrunMnl.
<br /> Unf�ss BarOwer and LtedM'IprM to olMt brtrNi o4 WyirNnb tfNw�niot�l��h�il bi�hMru!Aom th� dd�01 dNburnn�nl�t th�NON .
<br /> ," nta M�d MY b p�y�M�wllA hMrNf.
<br /> ..r:� d.Mattg/a�ID�LtIMQ�. It �rsqut�d moRp� Nw�n¢a����dKiOn f0 rntkhp tt�t bm NCUnd by MN BrCUrl,r
<br /> ��
<br /> Nfttnxn�nf.tortowrr tf W P�9�O�M n4�+MW to m�hith tlw malp�p�htuplf�a b Nho�M►k►YtY rMton.1M morlp�a bsur� � --
<br /> � � covrlip� tiquYyd by Undu Mpsa or aasM to b� M NNot, 8arow�►sh�N pty 11N On�nk��WMci W oEptb oovKp�wb�MrMYM
<br /> � �..:�r.�; ' _ �quwatint to tM maq�p�In:utina�P�w�+sy M MM�at,u a aoa�waranu.y.�+�e eo nw eoat co eofroww a a�.�+a�o�o•h.wmo.
<br /> �+,s,��� .: or«tou+h in.Ibo�ran�n tN«n�M maq�h.w�►�oarowa or t�ndK. R wbsantt.y.wM.Mnt nw�ow�tisurM+a oowrw. N ea
<br /> •.� �: �T::���.. � awYbM� 8arowrr ihaN pliy to W►drr Moh tnoaM a W�n �qual to on�twMth of th� r�aty mortplp� bKK� prMMrn O�InO Wb 4y
<br /> • � `-��''�""� BarowM whM� th�hctx�� cawreQ�Ups�d or C�at10 t�4�it MNoL I.snd�r wiN aoop�u��nd nWn th�N WY�� a a bss
<br /> . , �, ..;
<br /> .. s.�:-�r:,� � wm�x �y no �o�r e.n�,rao
<br /> �.� �,.,�, n�otws h t�u ot hsur�. Losa rosava .u Me oQtion W t�dr�II aaAOq� hs�r+na _._.._...-
<br /> / ���a�. Rowrap�(1t tiw vraunt lutd ter tM P�d thtt L�nd�r nqut�) Provld�d by an inwnr approwd Or Undsr�MCOrtiM wWbM rtd N
<br /> _J .'�j�.`�'j'�,;`•t��:;r�`'j obtaMd. Borrow�t shW ptr tA�pranbnn nquY'rd lo tmhtah mottp�p� bwnno� b �t(�ai� or to provtd� a bu niw�. unU tM
<br /> � - �{f=:::i; .,�:,:,-�r: t�ukwnMtt tor moApp�hwntnc��nda B aCCOrd�nC�wRt��ny wrRtMt tprMe�nt bMwNn BonqwM�nd L.ai4er at�OPNCabN Ilw.
<br /> ��,:.`•,,`, °„�4 8.In�pQCt�On. tand�.or b a�nt nuy m�lcs n�sombr�ntrMs upcn and htp�cttons of tn�Proprty. L�ndrr�haN yN�Bortowar
<br /> .r�����'�`h.i�..i`�`w�::' n�10. CO d0ltldatl011.�Th� DrocMds=���ward or aYtm ta�•d+m�pa� dKat or cons�4��ti� In eonn�etion wN �nY
<br /> ;'";iC�ti;; ..�:.;". `'�., oondMmatton or oth�r tikin0 ot anr Part ot tM P►op�ty.or ta conveyanes M IMu of oondannntbn.�nt h�nbr assipMd�nd�hal b�W1d
<br /> '1..;`:: .: . � .' � to LM�dK '
<br /> ,. ''r::>``�"`:' a�. In th�w+wit oP�4oW Lktp of!h�PropAy.ths ProoMds shtt b�apPbd to tM sums s�oured by thb 3�curRy Insttum�n�wMtMr or
<br /> �><� � -
<br /> • not th�n due,wkA�n�r ac�st piW to 8orrqwer. In the went at�partist qkMp of the Property In which the kY m�AcM vaUs of Ns P�op�A�r —
<br /> �' .•:'..' �, :�'_':��.. M�d7�bt�►bNan!h� t�cinp ta�qwl to or qnater than tM�mount ot th�wms�acund bY tbb Socur(hr Instrurtwnt tnc�dtatoy bNon tM Cif�,�_�
<br /> ' � • W�t�p.unlqs Bortaw��nd tand�oth�rwtp aprN b rrtthp.th�tums s�ound by thl�Srowkf►�n�trum�nt ihat b�oduc�d by ttN amourtt
<br /> ot ttt�proc�muRbW�by tM tobwbp lraotbn:(a)the toLtt amoant of th�eums pcured Imrnedlatel�bolora ths taitbp�dirFd�d bp(D)tAY ����`�='
<br /> , ' . kt mok�t veys o!thr Propwt�r km�fyWy betore ths qkinp.My bsW«e ehM bs ps�id to Bortov►w.tn the sva�►t of s WrtW qkM�p ot ct� �a.
<br /> ., Property b whbh tht falr muk�t vaU� of th6 Propemj irm�ed(naly bafora the takhp Is kas thu�the amount ot ths sums s�oured t�r�i�r Qi:��=
<br /> . bofon d►s Wcinp. unieae Borrower u►d�endx othenvisa sgree in writt►O or unteas applbabk taw otheewise providss�the procoads stu!bs e.<•.
<br /> � �_-
<br /> appHed t0 tM aurta aacurod by this Secudly Instrument whether or not ths sums are then due. �gt;
<br /> �,
<br /> : H tho Propwl�►b abuedoned by 6orrower,or Y,atter notice by lender to Borrovrar tt►at tho oondomnor ottere to mthe m�ward or a41tM %�•.x
<br /> � a ot4im tor dem�Qe�.BorrowYr ffilis tD respond to Lender withh 30 daye efter the daie tho noNCO is pNeo�L�ender is autho�d to colte�!a�� ~'��:
<br /> ._ , '�:,.
<br /> ; appy!M procMds�at ks opNon� eRber to reatmatkn w�epat ot the Properly or to the sums seowed Dy Nb Seeur�f► tnauum�nL whoir►� �,�F,:
<br /> ' � a not tMn dw. w'�-�
<br /> � ' � Unless 6sndir�rtd BarowK otherwise apree h wrkhp, anv appGaatbn ot procoeds to prtnoipat shaN not eodend or past�a»ttw d�a ��
<br /> date of ths moethy payrrnr►te reterred to h p�raqrapha /uid Y or ohmpe the artaun!of suoA paymaits. ��`��'
<br /> - , 11. Borrower Not Releaaed:Forbaarane�By Lender Not a Waiver. �menaan o� tne �rme to► vayment or �����,:
<br /> . � modYicatbn o!�maAi�tbn ot tho suma seourod by thls Seeurily Instrumant Qraniod by Lender to eny succoa�or N htereat o!8aroww�shall
<br /> eot op�rat�to reloasa lhe qnbASy ot the orlghal8amower or Borrowers euooessoro in hteroa� Lender shn0 not be requYeA to con�co
<br /> - prooevd'r�pa aQahat any succeseor h Mterest or retuse M e�dend ttne for payment or othawise modfy a�reattratbn ot the sums teouretl by � '�•
<br /> • thb SecurMy instrumw+t by reaao�ot anY demand made by tho alpinal Borrower or 8orrowars succesaors M hterest. Any torbeerance by
<br /> �;„ .. Laedr h a�wrobinp�ny�ht or►enady ahaN not be a wahrer ot or pr�olude tlw exenaise ot eny dpht or reewdy. .� .
<br /> " is. Suecesaon and Asatgaa Bound; Jo1M and Severel Ltabfitt� Co-aignera rne aovenan�s and ay�cs of
<br /> L :,,
<br /> • ° • thb S�ourtqr Instrummt shaM bad md baiet�the suce�sso�s and aseipna ot Lender and Bormwer. subjeot to the provisbns of pua�h
<br /> " ., 17. 8arov+�s eovan�nts and apreemente shaH be Joht end several. Any Bortower who aastpns this SocurR�r Inebument but doe� not
<br /> � � �� ewcui�ths Not� p)b Co�slpnM►�thb Eeaurit�r tnsWmont ony to mortQape.grant,end oonvey that Borrowers interest in the Propert�►under
<br /> �. � th�tams o}this S�air4y Inetrume�(b)is not peiaonaly oblipated to pay tho sums secured by this Seeurity Insbumen�and(o)a�ress thet
<br /> `r ` � " L�end�r�nd�ny otMr Bonower mty epreo to extend. modHy,forbear or make eny accommodatbns wkh repard to terms o}this Seourky �
<br /> �•. " �nalNrrqnt ot tM Not� wiMout thet BomOwers Consen�
<br /> I . �:�`:
<br /> ":�" 13. �oan Cher�ea It the ban sea�ared by thb Security Instruument is subjeot to a�aw which sets maximum ban ohsrQes,and th3t �
<br /> : � I�w b fhay h�ed so that tlre htereat or othgr ban oharqes ooUeated or to be oolleated k► conneallon wkh the toan excood tAe f� '7�.i�.
<br /> �" ppmltt�d I�nRe�then;(o)any suoh ban oh ye�mftted pmiG ertd �t�'�•'t
<br /> aryes shatt be reduced by the amount necessary to reduee the aharpe to the �ri��"�'
<br /> • (b)eny sums akeady coUeoted trom dorrower whfoh exceeded permttted Itmke witl be retunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make
<br /> ', � thia refund by reduohp the prNctpei owed under the Note or by making a direct paymont to Borrower. !t a reWnd reduaes prUOtpal,the I
<br /> reduotlon wW be tr�e�ted as s peRlal prepnyment wfthout any prepayment ahergo under the Note.
<br /> � � 14. NOtICes. My notke to Bortowor provided for in thla Secu�ity Instrum¢nt shaG be gben by delNerMg it or by ma0hp @ by M�t
<br />,f . �'.;•,�,�.;,:
<br /> } :�,,,,, oless ma11 untass applktblo Iaw req�irea une of another method. The notbe shaU be dteoted to tho Prop�ty Address op any M1►ar eddross �,,_.�_,.
<br /> • y. " 8oaow�r draipnata by eotin to lender.Any notfCe to Lender ehall be pken by first ciase maA to lendefe addresa steted Aeteh or any ;:,s,::'?'
<br /> r � , oth�addrass lsndar dosipnatcs by notM:a to 8orrower. Any noUce providod for h this SeourNy Insaument shau bo deamed to have been ,
<br /> , pMn to BOrrow�t or L�qnder whin qMen as prov]d�d b thb para�taph.
<br /> . � •- 16. GoverninA Lsw; Severabilt3y. Th(s Seour$y InsUumen!sheY bo povemed by federal fiw �nd the law of the jurbdbtbn h • .
<br /> ,.'"�:,,; whbh th�Pro
<br /> _ y�t�B tocatod. In the even!that any provbbn or otaus�of thb Seeudly �nstrumw►t ot tho Nota eonfAata wflh apPlbebte law.
<br /> - ,�� .. auoA aontlbt ahaN not W�ct othar provbbna ot thb bbcur4y Inatrumont ar ths Nots wh�t► oan be ptven eNeot withoufl the coatAOthp i�
<br /> � + • '�� , . , , pra+lsbn. To M6s«►d th�provblona of tnb Se��rity Inatn�ment end the Note are dooiared to be severabla. I
<br /> ' .• ::,� 78. BOt'IrOWePB COpy. Borrower shall be gMen one conlormed copy oi tho Note and ot this SeaurAy�nstrument. :
<br /> 17. Transhr of the Properly or e �eneflclet Interest In Bonrower. If ail or any pere af the PropeAy or any Mcm�t in
<br /> •'� ' k Is eold ot hensterted(or U a beneHalal tnterest In Botrower Is aotd or Vensforted and eortower is not rs naWtal petson)wtthout Lendere
<br /> _.. '. � � - � w�ten wwnn weu�aanf �mwer�nnu sf f�a wwHw.. .�.,...t.�r• .. �...�.......� a.�m..�un n.....e ea.udl�ur fhk Snettuilv tnaMUnwnt Hn�usvB(. !. _.
<br /> -- - � T..�.'• •�.��"�' r�...�... �. .�� .
<br /> .. �'. , thb optbn ahal no!be mrorolsed by�ender�ezeraise b prohbtted by ted�al l�w as o}tho dato ot this Securtiy InstrumeM. .
<br /> If LertdK eweroises thb optbn,Lender shaU pive Bortower notice ot acceleratbn.Tho notkv ahau provide a perfod ot not lesa Man 30
<br /> ' '. � dnys trom tho daU tht notk�b detivered or metl�d wkhh whbA thp 8orrower must pay ap eums secured by thls SecuBty Inshuman� it : �
<br /> sorrow.r t� co wr c��eums prar ro me.�rano�ot m�pe�oa.t.enaa may a►YOxe anr�c�r�ea�s pe�,�kcea br�n�s saouray�naaun,em
<br /> wkhout turtMr notic�ot damtnd on Bortower.
<br /> {�... . .
<br />"11 -
<br /> I
<br /> f � ' , - - Pap�8 ot S Po�m 0048 4JCD ;
<br /> F10p0.LMf1(61�)
<br /> .
<br /> 1
<br /> 4 I
<br />