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<br /> ��Ti'A.QOK 340`s F��
<br />_-�.�; o�,a� 6aio3 DEED OF TRUST �b10 ���S� -
<br /> AnN: UUR1E MARnNa
<br />• � -
<br /> — �c�
<br /> - .. , THIS DEED OF TRURT("Secudty Iasuument")is mada on Jutie 1S, 1994 .The wstor is `
<br /> • Lora Mae Findley. a single pe�cson • _�
<br /> -------- ' ("Hormwer").Td�e tnnszt�e is Norwee�t Bank Nebraska,.Nati.onal Assoaiat�.on ' . --
<br /> ':� ..
<br />_ �e�� �� '
<br />- ("Tcustee').The beneflclary la Narwest Bank Nebraska� Natioual Aeao�iat3on
<br />= - _�---- •
<br /> which is otgani�t and existing undar the laws uf The Un�.ted States of America .und whose
<br /> - • ?�!�!�j� 242 �?��t '!'htr� �CtraP�, Grand Islaud, Nebraska
<br /> ('L.ender").Horrower owea i..ender the principal sum of '
<br /> Nine Thoueand Nina Hundred and no/100ehs---------�-----�Doitan�(U.S.S 9.900.00�** ).
<br /> Thls debt is evidtnced by 8orrower's note clatod the some date ux this Secur�ty Instrument t"Note").which provtdes for
<br /> monthly pnymcntx,with thc tLll debt.if not p�id earNcr,duc and payabla on June 1 S, 1999 •
<br /> ThIR Security Instntment sccures to Lendet:(u)th�repaym�nt of thc debt cvldettsod by the Note.with intercst.and all rcncwals. �:;�
<br /> extenstona und modificutions of the Note; (b)the payment ni cdl uther sumv. with interest, udvanced under pcirugraph 7 to _
<br /> __ protcet thc saurity of this Se�writy Instrument: and (c) the performunoe of Borrawer's covenar►ts and ngreements. Far this �_-__
<br /> purposo. 80ifOWCf IrtCVUCAbIY B�ltB QJId C4flVC}IB t0 TNR[!E,in tnist,with pawer of sale. the following describod property �r.,t,.
<br /> locntod in Hal� County,Nebraska: �-_
<br /> �:`.
<br /> �:
<br />- �r
<br /> Lot 9. Block 3, Bonnie Brae Addition. Ci ty of Grand Island, rie��
<br /> aall County, Nebraska. ��
<br /> �_
<br /> ��=
<br /> ��jZ�
<br /> _ Q`�1�
<br />- �i�� ' �.
<br /> �r�; (Strcet,City],
<br /> ,,� j � wh4ch t�as the nddras of '1408 W. 5th St. Grand Island
<br /> Nebraska 688Q1 ("Property Address"):
<br />, [Zip CadeJ
<br /> >;�� TOt3HTHER WITH all the impmvements now or hemaRer erected on the property,and atl eusements, appurtenances.and
<br />- fizturea rtow or hereafter a part of tho propercy. All replaoements and additions shsiil silso be covered by this Securlty
<br /> Inssn�rttent.All of the foresoing is refernd to i n this Security i n suumenf as t he"Property."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfitlly seIsed of the estate hereby rnnveyed and has the right to grant and
<br /> _ convey the Property and that the Pruperty is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. Borrower wArrunts tutd will
<br /> i.� defend genernlly the citle to the Prope�ty a�;uipst�ll cisims and demands.aubJext to an,y encumbrnnces of record.
<br /> THIS SBCURITY INSTRUMBNT combines uniform covenan�s for national use and non-uniform rnvenants with tim{tod �
<br /> variut[ons by Jurisdiction to cronstitute a uniform security instrument covertng real property. '
<br />,;,... ' � � UIVIFORM COVBNA.NTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and a�ree os foltows:
<br /> �- l. Payment o! iMnc3pal und Intwesti �PaY�ent and Late Charges. Sorrower sh�il pmmptiy pay when due the
<br />;-;; , i ��':'- ! � ': princi�al of nnd interest on the debt evidencYd by the Note und any prepayment and Inte churges duc under the Note.
<br /> �� �n`.�:. _..a r�...o....e a,�.:�r..o.,.,li�ahiw Iaur nr tn a mr[iten waives hv Irnder. Rnrmwcr chall ntiv to
<br /> - o. rauna sva .onsn...... ...o...�..�.. ��.� Tr�'._-' '-' - --�
<br /> Lender oa the day monthly payments ere due under the Note.untjl the Note is pald in futl.a sum("Funds') for:(a)yearly tuxes
<br /> and assessments which may attain priority over this Secur[ty Instsvment as a lie�on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payrs►ents
<br /> - or ground renu on the Property.if eny;(c)�+early hu�rd or property insurruice prem{ums:(d)yesuly flood insurance prcmiums.•
<br /> ��.'� if any;(e)yeurly mortgage insurance psemiwns,if any:and(� any sums payable by Born�wer to Lender. in nccorcionce with
<br /> t,t, ,T the pmviaions of parngraph 8, in lieu of the�aytnent of mortgaIIe insurance premiums.These iteans are called"Escrow Items." °
<br /> �;?::,
<br /> Lender may.at any time. wllect and hold Funds in an amount not to exc�ed the maximum ucnount u lendcr for a feder.slly
<br />�;�;'�F' related mortguge loan may reqidr� �or Bonower's escrc�w account under the foderal Reu] �state Settlement Pmcedur�es Act of
<br />".i�s;,� lgi4 us nmended frotxt tlme to tune, 12 U.S.C. Secuon .2bUi et seq. ("RESPA"), uniess another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> •'.°�' sets a�iesser amoum. If,so, Lender may,at any time. collect and hold Funds in an nmount not to ezc�i the lesser amount.
<br /> ��};'� Lendcr may estimate the amou�t af Punds dus on the basis of cnssent data and reasonuble estimat�s of expenditums of future _..
<br /> Pscrow Ttems or otherwlso in accardance with applIcahle law.
<br /> �� NEBRA8KA•SlnAte FamqyFannM MNlFreddl�Mao UNIFOARA INSTRUMEMT Form 3028 8/90
<br /> � _. .. �(W��87�'(Q VMP MORTAAp�PORMB•1]t 31383�8100•(800182t.7491 pege 1 of 4 Qmendod 8/81 �
<br /> o . .. , �
<br /> i
<br /> �, �.•
<br /> w_d ._ e_. ... . _ . ._...._ .. . _ .__ __ .—_ ._ .
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