.� ' . n.T.1!..r••;� �r.- ^-, . , i. .. _.__' . _.. . .. {. --..
<br /> I.. . •
<br /> .�� � Yt'�..� _
<br /> .
<br />._ : � �. " . ' .r'l� .. .. ..__-_�c'_..__-__ ____-
<br /> y� � r .'��» ..-_ - __ .. ..___.._.____-_ __ __ _'._ _. . .—_—_- — ._. .
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<br /> ____ .._.__ . .__.__ ____.. ______.._ . .___. -._ .
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<br /> "' eaviqw =y" ' "�+�ij�c�i�Ai'".�w�as'ti"'�#s��f�sl�.�s�ttwef slt5�!�wy tn i.endes • moi�xstuuetludt�_ _..---__
<br /> �ne af 1MNrl��e iasurance ptemium being paid by Hoaawer when tha lnsurance coverage Mgsad of oea+�Cf to
<br /> -- _---_—_— ba in ei ���wlQ.b�e and retatn thsse Paymente 8s�e toss reservo in Ileu ot mortgage insu�ance. Lass res�lve
<br /> '�...�,.,i.:L:!�-.,,� PnYnxnt msiy u� anger he rec�uired,nt the option of i,ender.if mongnge lnhurance coveruge(in the nmount cuid for th�period --
<br /> thnt LenQer requires)provtded My an insueer npproved by L.ender oguin bccomes uvuilable artd 1s obtnined. IIorro�ver�hall pay
<br /> � the premiums rcquirad to mnintaln mortgoge insurunce in effect, or t�prmvido a l�ss reserve,unt{I the re�uircment for mortgage
<br /> inAUrance ends in xcardAnco w[th nny wrttten agreement between 8orrower and Lender or�pplicnble isw.
<br /> 9.Inspectlon. Lendcr or its agentmny mnlce�eas�nable entdes upon und ins�e�tians af the Property.Lender shall give
<br /> Sorrower notice at the dme of or prlor to an iaspection 6pecifying reasonuble cuuso fo�r the insgectiva,
<br /> �� 10. COl1dC911118t1011. The rocads of eny award or clalm for daa�ages, dit+r.ct ar consequentinl. in oonnection wtth any
<br /> _ -`�_----, condemaation or uther wking o�any part of the Property.or for conveyunw in lteu of wndemnation.are hcmby.asslgne�and �
<br /> ehall be patd to i.ender.
<br /> In the evcnt of u totel tnking of the Property,the proceeda shull be applied to the suma 6ecured by this SecurIty lnatrument.
<br /> v�hether or not then due, wlth any excess patd to 8orrower. !n the event of a partial takin� of the Property in which the fair
<br /> market v�luc of the Property immediately befare the taking ls equal to or greater than die atnount of the sums secured by this
<br /> Secudty Instcument tmmediately befor+e the taking.uniess BoROwer and I.ender othenvise agree in writing,the sums secu�ed by
<br /> th{y Seruriry Insmunent sholi be r�uced by che amount of the praceeds multipiied by the following fraction: (a)the total
<br /> �:� amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b)the fair market vatue of the Property immediately
<br /> before thc taking.Any balencs shull be paid to Borrowcr. In the event of a partial tsking of the Property in which the fair m-
<br />-�i market value of tho Property immediutely before the taking is l�ss than the amount af We sums secured immediately before the
<br /> % tak[ng.unless Borrowor and I..e�tder otherwisB agree M writ�ng or unless applicabte law otherwise prov[des,the ptnce.eds shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by thia Secuc�ry Insuument whether or aot the awns are then due.
<br /> If the Prolxxrty is abandone¢by Borrower.or If,after nottce by l,ender to Borrower thut tho condemnor offere to make an __
<br /> award or settle u claun for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender wIthin 30 days after the date the natice is �ivcn. _
<br /> Lender is aeithorized w coUert und apply the proceeds,at its option.either to restoratio�►or npAir af the Property or to the sus►�s
<br /> secured by tl�ls Securlty Instntment,whether or not theq due. � � �
<br /> ' ,.,; � Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwjse agree in wdtiag. any application of proceeds w principal sha!! not extead or
<br /> � � .• postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta referned to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> ! '•"'''``°"'�'' 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By Lender Noi a WNver.Bxtension of the Wne for payment ar modification
<br /> +�.; ;:., =
<br /> of amortizatlon of the sums secured by this Securlty Insuument granted by I.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shal
<br /> not operate to release the liability of the ofiginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lender shall not be required ta -
<br /> ; � •�'. commence proceedings a�tJnst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise matlify amortixatlon _
<br /> ',`._-�';�3ti���fi� of the sums secured by this Serudry Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orlginal Borrowcr or Borrower's --
<br /> ', ;; g;"�;' suca;ssora in intemst. Any forbe�uance by L.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver af or preclude the —�.
<br /> 1�,��"�''�"�' exercise of any rlght or remedy. `
<br /> f;.,-�::,, ;�. .•. �9�;.
<br /> �'k��a{��.�� • ; IZ. Suooeswrs and Asslgns Bound;Jolat end Several LiabNty; Co-signers. The covenants and a�reements af this
<br /> ��';a`��,:�- � •• • y' Securlty Inss�ument shall birtd and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender iu►d Borrower. subject to the provlsions of �_
<br /> .,-ti:.:,_ � •• . ? paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agrcements shall be joint and several. Any Barrower who casi$ns this Security
<br /> ` '." Insintst�st bss! dc�es ttRt a.sect�te L6e Note: (s) is!�-�ignin£this Security Instrument.o n ly to mort$age.grau t un d c o n v e y t h a t �
<br /> .-- - -� ,.��.�_,�f.,,,,-h_� �.--..^�:_ ..
<br /> ; � .,,..�. Borrower's interest in the Property under the tetms of this Secudty Instrument;(b)is not personalty obligated to pay the sums
<br /> ��:y;� � , r�: -. secured by this Secur�ty Instrument;and(c)ngrees that L.ender and any other Borrower may a$ree to extend.modify.forbear or ,�
<br /> �� ""� ' � �' �'�` make any acrnmmodacIons with regard ta the terms of this Securiry Instrument or the Note w�thaut that Borrower's consent. �+"'
<br /> �'{'� � �'`''•�� 13.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is sub'ect to a law which sets maximum laan cbar es,
<br /> •. , .� <.. • � �'-;_;
<br />_ ?��.;�. ; � and that law is finally interpreted so that the Interest ar other loan charges co�lected or to be collected in connection wlth the ��
<br /> loan eaceed t6e permitted limits. then: (a)any such loan char e shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the cherge
<br /> f. ''��v � ��`�•��~ to tde pern►ittad limir.aad(b)any sum�alteady collected fmm Bonower which exceedeA permltted limits will be refunded to �:
<br /> `.r,'� ;
<br /> '�';�+ac;•�r•;:_~''' ,'ii'a,�. Borrower. I.ender may choo,e to make thia refuRd by reducing ttie princtpal uwai under the Note or by making a direct •�?'
<br />- �`�' '� payment to Borrowqr. If a refund reduces princip�l, the reductIon wtll be treated s+s u panIal prepayment without cu�y
<br /> �••:�..,: : . ,_,;•.•. . .. .
<br /> ,.y�.`; .,,., .:,+":'� ."• prepayment charge udder the Note. ' :.
<br /> ?r' ' ' '"'t'� 14.Nodces.My notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrurnent shall be given by delivering It or by mailin� �,.
<br /> �� „ ";�;,�.:� .•, ��'����., it by tirst cless mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address xi;
<br /> �;.�:�j�+.�:F��.�:;a::;::.: . or eny other address Horrower deslgnates by notica to Lender. Any notice to L,ender shall be given by first class maii to
<br /> ��,��4'd�w1J�;f};�:�'-�� �der's eddress stated herein or any ather address I.ender designates by nottce to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> , (.�v�
<br />` ��"'�^`�"""'"i1"':''�'"' Security Instrument shu!!be deemed to have been given to Homower or i.ender when given es provided in this paragraph. .
<br /> 'F',"'��'�"".:''.���•`'�� 15.Goveantng Law; Severabtlity. This 5ecurlry Instrument shall be govemed by federel luw und the law of the
<br /> ;�:^;;'.;:, ' "i� jurisdiction in which the Property!s located. In the event that any provision or ctausa of this Security Insuument or the Note �
<br />• ;�,�,: . �_' confltcts with applicable law. such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be ,+
<br /> ��• .•�;�:�� ' �iven effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note are declare� a�,
<br /> �,����::^:_ :� •� . to be severable. -
<br />_. , �-;;.5; .
<br /> _,'�. .+ , • 16.Sorrower's Copy.Borrower shaU be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. .
<br /> _ 17.Transfer o!the Property or a Beneticial Interest in Borrower.If�Il or any part of the Property or any interest in it ;
<br /> "v`��;M`� ' � " is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Bnrrower is not a natural person)without :
<br /> � , ''�4�;; ,� • L.cnder's prior written wnsent, Lender may. at its option, uirc immediate payment in fuU of sil sums setured by this ?
<br /> • '���:, Secur�ry Insuument.However,this opnon shall not be exercised�y I.ender if exercise is pmhibited by fe�teral law as of 1he date �
<br /> �� ,.._: ._:.��.r;:�,;i:, c ofthisSecsuity Iastrument.
<br /> If Leader exercises th�s optton,I.ender shall give Bonower notice of accelerntion.1'he notice shall provide a periad of reot ,
<br /> ; �;;', . � less than 30 days from the date the notfce is dclivereci or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> � • ��,v�-:. " , Security Insaument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums pr�or to the exptration of this pedod,L.ender may invoke any remodies
<br /> ' '`;,.=� �� � i permitted by this Security Instiumom without funher notIce or demand an Borrower.
<br /> � "' . �!'s"•> 18. Borrower's itight to Re9nstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the ri�ht to have •�
<br />�'� '• � ��""?.•'-�i,.'+" enforcement of this Securiry Instcument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of:(a)S days (or such other perlad as
<br /> ,�:�r,. :. '�i:�.;'; �;'.•: I appiicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Prop¢rty pursunnt tn any power of sale containai in this
<br /> - 5;t,�•.;:_ Securiry lnsuument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfoning this Securiry Instn►ment.Those canditions are thut Borrower:(a)p�ys
<br /> - . ,;.�_,�;: . f- ; LendBr all suens whiah then would be due under this Securtry Instcument iu►d the Note as if na accelerauon had occurc+ad; (b) `,
<br /> cures nny default of any other covenunts or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurnad in enforcing this Secudty Instrument.
<br /> including� but not limited to. reasonabte attorneys' fees;and(d)takcs such artion as I.ender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> :,� � that the lten of this Security tnstrumont, i.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums securod by
<br /> . this Security Instrument shull continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, th�s Security Instrument snd the
<br /> _�L__�_._�_�� _._...:.,a.u..�ve...s...�ii w.e.vwtnrnNnn horl...�.���r.,ai t�inurnvPr thic rioht to reinstnie�hall
<br /> "��� ` Wll IIVtIa aq:titW ttctcV ottw� awau....... --
<br /> .. S .. , .. � 7 � v..v�.••.�...�...... ..���.�.�....�..��..���"��"'__ ' ' ' . v .
<br /> . not apply in the crose of acceleration under paragrnph i7.
<br /> 19. Snle of Nole; C6a�e of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> • � � Instrument)may be sold one or more times w[thout prlor notioe to Borrower. A sale msry result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> , - as the"Iaan Serv(cer")thet rollects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.'Chere also muy be one
<br /> '1 " � ��; � nr mote changes of the Lonn Serviccr unrelatai to a£ale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrnwer will be
<br /> ' , � , given written notice of the change in acrordance with pacagr�ph 14 above and nppticable taw.The notice will stute the name and
<br /> �- • " � address of the new Lonn Servicer und the Address to which payments should be made. The notice wilt ulso cuntuin uny other
<br />:� � � " infornusrion requim�by npplicable ia�v.
<br /> Z0. Hazardott.s 5ubstances.Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence. use,disposal, storage. or releuse ��f any
<br /> - � '� `Y` Horardous Substam� on ur in the Property. Bonowcr shal! not do, nor allow anynne else to do, unythin� :iffecting the
<br /> Property that is in vlolution of any Environmenwl Luw.The prec:eding two sentences shull noc apply to the pmsence, use, ur
<br /> � �`; �:�. � srorsge o�i the Propecty of small quunttttes of Huzctrdous Substnnres thnt are generally recognixed to be uppmprinte to normal
<br /> .� • ` -'L;:�,,�•�, residentinl uses and to mnintenance of the Propecry.
<br /> , Pago�01 A Fotm 3028 9/90 yl
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