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<br /> QMAHI�NE 68103 �u`d.
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<br />-°_ I1TTN: LAURIE MARTlNEZ _
<br />- THIS AB�D OF TRUST("Security InatrumenY)is ma�ie an Mey 26, 1994 .TD�e uustor is
<br /> Stuart L. Bndor� and Barbara L. Hndorf, husbend and wife ae joiut tenaata
<br /> ; ("Borrower").The trustee ia Narwest Bank Nebraska. National Asso��ation '
<br /> ("Trustee").The bene6ciary is Norwest Bank Nebraska, Naticnal Aseociation
<br /> _ �
<br /> whlch is organized sud e�iating under the laws of The Anited Statoe of America .aad whose
<br /> address ls Z!!2 �Ic�t Third 3tr�t. �rsttd Z�Z�a�, I.'�br ^k�� �g8�1
<br /> °�' l (�e"�dei�. Bamower owes i.ender the pdncipal sum of �
<br /> TeII Thoueand Ni�xe Hundred �ienty-six az�d 65/100ehs-------Bollars(U.S.SI0�926.65�+�� )• --
<br />- This debt is evldenood by Borrower's note dated the samc dato as thls Securlty Insnument("Note"),which provtdes for -
<br /> — --- monthly payments.with the full debt,iF not pa�d earlier.due and payable on June 10. 1999 • �-
<br /> Thla Security�nt secures to I.ender:(a)the repayment of the debt evidencod by the Note.with intcrest,nnd aU renewals, --
<br /> extensions and modificattons of the Notc; (b) the payment of all other sums. with interest. advanced under paragrnph 7 to =='-
<br /> protect the secudry of this Security Instrument; and(c) the pedomuuice of Bomower's covenunts and ogreements. For this �`�'-�T�
<br /> putpose, Borrower irrevocably granu and conveys to Trustee. fn tcust.with power of sale, the foltowing described property �:;:.
<br /> - located in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />.Y� `y'.
<br /> , Lot 8, Slock 18, Charles Wasmer's Addition. City of Grand Island� Hall ��.���
<br /> _ �
<br />_`<< County, Nebraska. ....,�.,,
<br /> r r.�- , �� R � �
<br /> .� }.
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<br /> _ �_���� C/0 COMP '�'"'`;
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<br /> -- - L�(�;^L�"' ' �CAiV F1! .
<br /> W_ _.�6,�--
<br />;,�,•. �I ` vv�y� which has the nddress of 1912 West Charlec� St. � Grand Island [sm�t,cs�y�. .
<br /> r. . L
<br /> Nebtaska . Pro Address •
<br /> 68803 � PertY >�
<br /> t;~ (Zip(1odeJ
<br /> ti
<br /> 'I'OC}ETHER WITH all the impmvements now or herafter erected on tlue property. and all ease►nents.appurtenances,and
<br /> • . fiatures now or hereafter a part of the property. AIl replacements end addittons shall also be covered by this Security
<br />- +� '�� Instrument.AI!of the fo:+egoing is referred to in this Security Instrucnent as the "Property." .
<br /> � � BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is IawfWty seised of the estate hereby oonveyed and hac the r�gfit to grant and '��
<br /> � • � � wnvey the Property and that the Pcoperty is unencumbered, eacept for encumbrances of rernrd. Borrower warrants and will }'�
<br /> defend genesaily tlie dde to the Property ageinst all clalms xnd demands.subject to any encumbrnnces of record.
<br /> 'FHIS SECURITY INSTRiJM6NT combines unifocm covenants for nationnl use and non-uniform mvenants with limited
<br />- • variatlons by jurisdicKion to constitute a uniform security instrument covering reai property.
<br /> �. '�� ':;�::�;,.� UMFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follov+�s:
<br /> _ �I��%Z�"°"=-,�, 1. P�ytnent oi Pcincipal t�ttd Intwest; Prepayement ond Lute Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br />-= ' �=�•=:'. princlpal of and inierest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepuyment and tate charges due under the Note.
<br /> _ `"`? :'� }•{'�'� 2.Flundv for Taxe9 nad t.+���,�..�+_Subicrt to a�licuble!flw or to n wriuen waiver bv Lender.Bnrrower shaU nav to
<br />' �M�t�:..��.�t�r Lender on the duy monthly payments are due under the 1Vote.undl the Note!s paid ia futl,a sum("Funds') for. (a)yearly tnxes
<br /> � � �n�vM=,� f � and ossessments which mny aitain priority over this Security Insmiment as a lien on thc Pcoperty;(b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> ' '' "" `��' or gronnd rents on the Property,if any; (c)yearly heuud or ���y su�mnce premiums:(d)Yearly flood insurance premiums.
<br /> if sury:(e)yearly mortgage msurance premiums, if any; payable by Borrower to Lender. in accord;uice with
<br /> ' .��„ the provtsions of paragruph 8.in tieu of the payment of moKgags insurunce premiums.These items are calted"Es�:row Items." .
<br /> Lender may, at any titne,cullect and hold �unds in an cunount not tn excced the maximum ;unount u lender for a federatly
<br /> �;r related mortgage loan may re�uire for Borrower's escrow nrcount under tite federni R�al Estate Setdement Procedures Act of
<br /> ' 1974 ns amended frnm time to time. 12 U.S.C. Sectian 2b01 er seq. ("FtESPA"1. unless another law that appItes ta the Funds
<br /> sets n lesscr amount. (f so. Lender muy.at any time. rnllett nnd hold Funds in an annount not to exoced the (esser mnount.
<br /> ,. . - Lender may estimate the antount of�unds due on the b,ACis of cument dutn vtd tcasonable cstimates of expenditures of future � .,
<br /> ° Escrow Ttems or othenvise in nccordance with applicable Iuw. .
<br />� NEORABKA•S{ngle femtly�Fxm�MatlFr�di�Mao UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 8180
<br /> ,,ti„_, , ,� �N��'n87�(� VMP MORTQA�E F08M9•13131703-8100•18001621�7�91 vpap 1 of 4 AmaMtd 618t �
<br /> �
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