� '?•'�r '�°'� „;t
<br /> . . . ...c., ,... : __..
<br /> . ., rrt:,. s�t ;.�.- .. ,. .:�'I, � _ . .._ . .
<br /> . '
<br /> �..� ;.., : . .� {4 ' - '•-. . . . . . _ _ . .
<br /> -__y= . �>� � : , ... . _. .
<br /> t:� r n: ... - __._.
<br /> ._ r ��,.,,: — _____-- • ' :_r„__�._ ..— — �--: - ____.
<br /> �� ���..,'a. " . �_�
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<br /> wblt�nti�ll?ka�nla�-�t.11�He ineuraq�cavu�tga is�►pL��v�irable�FPorrowec ihal���Lmder�oriion�h"i'�Wn eqwl w
<br /> � u�►e-�w�{Po,oP che yau7y��i�A�uc��P��r��wr� �.,��--..�w="-�"'„Q,`--lr,r"-'-rl-ne�wid:t�..-.-- �--
<br /> � be In effe►x.Lerder wilf aoc�t. ute urd�n th�a�x►,ym�'ste+m a faes ceserve in lieu of mortgige inautyu�ot. ldoss reservo
<br /> p�,yments may no langer he requirodt at die option of s1,cn�lt.x.tf mortgage insurance coversgo(in the am�ount and for Ux:{xriod
<br /> ��� tltGt Gtttdcr ru�uires)provid�d by nn insurer a�prav�v!6��,T.etxt�r again besornc9 nv�llable and ls abtained. Eiormw�r shnit pny �4
<br />_=. ��-s- , the premiumv rcqu3red to maintain mortg,3gc Insut�►ncc.in e,ff��.or to�rovfde u loss reservc<umit the cequit�enKrit for��wrtgage
<br /> insuranco ends in accordence with any written agreame.nt betwren Hurrawer und Lender or upplicable Qow.
<br /> 9. In�tptctl,oa. I.ender or its agent may mak�e rea5nnab��ontrics upon nnd laspoctions ot the Pra�rty. l.cndcr Rhnli giv�
<br /> Aorrower teotice at thQ tin�c of or priar to nn Ins�xxdon s(�e�i.�li�,p;ttas4nuble cause for the inspertion.
<br /> 10, Co�We�ntitbp. The procaad�of any award aT cdel�st,�4Dr demages. dinxt or conscquential. in rnnnectton with any
<br /> condemnation�r other taking af aary purt of tha PrAperty,.ar Cpn�n��Ya��n lieu of condemnt�tion.ure hereby assigned and _
<br /> - �--- -— - --' ahaq E+a paid w Lender. `
<br /> - -- in the event of a total taking of ttw Prope�cty.the praGCeds�lu��bo�pp�ied to dte swns savred by this Secur�ty tn.ununent,
<br /> whether or nat then due. wlth any exc�ss paid t4�orrowec�.In�ihe cvent of a partittl taking of the Property in whtch tho feir
<br /> � market valae of tbe Property imrpedtately beforc tha tt�rang �s�,gual to or greatcr than the su►wuat of the sums r�ecured by this
<br />=s�: SGCUrity Instiument immediately befone the taking.untess 8ntr�'a+er and Lender othenxise agree in wreting the sums secured by
<br /> ,`�' this yecnrity Instcument shall be red�iced by the amouat a�f thu�praceeds multipliod by the following �ractio��: (o) the total
<br /> - ��auat of Wa sums secured irnmodlatety befona tha taklt�g.dl�tided by(b)thz fair market value of the Property jmmedi�tely
<br /> - befo�the tHictng.My balancv shall I�e�aid to�orcower. In t���t of a partial teklu�of the Property in which the fair __ ___
<br /> ' c
<br />_�.�� m.-uicet vatue of the Prope�ty im�c�ediai�ly befaas tha takiag is 12ss than the amount of the suma secured�mmediutely before the
<br /> takir�,ualess Borrower and Lender cttherwisc agcr.e In writi.ng,c►r utiless applicable law ottierwise pmvides.tha proce�ds ehal�
<br /> • be applied to tha sum�secured by th3s Securicy Itutn�mruut arhar.4►er or not the sums are then due.
<br /> • If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if.aftar nniice by Lender to Barrower thut the oondemnar offen:w make an
<br /> award or settle a claim for darnages. Botmwer falls to res�a�xxi to Lender within 30 days after tha date the notice is given.
<br /> Lender is authorized to cottect and apply tho pmceeds,at ius�o�iian,either to restoration or repair of the Penperty or to the sums
<br /> secured by this Serura+ty Insttument.whether or rtot th�n duc�.�
<br /> � Unless Lersder and Borrower othenvisa aigtee in wriein�, anY eFPliastiuu uf pir�ds to principa! shatt nat exte� or •
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly.payments refamed ta in paragrapl�s 1 and 2 or change tho amount of such payments.
<br /> il.Bormwer Not Released;Forb�arence By I.enih:r ATot a Wsiver.Extension of thc dme for payment or moditicatiou
<br /> ', �"�'' of nntortlzadon of the sua�s secuced sy this Serurity inst�urr�ent gronted by I.ender to ar�y successor!n interest of Borrower shall —�--
<br /> not operate to release the liability of the or�giaal Borcower or Borrower s suixessors in lnterest. Lender shall not be t�equlred to
<br /> . ,,,,�.��,:.:, oommence pmreedings a�aiast any successor in intcxest ar refuse to extend time for gayment or otherwlse modify amortizadon
<br /> of the sums secured by th�s S�urity Ins�um�nt by reason of any decnand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> ' ' eucoessors in iaterest. Aay forbearsnce by I.endes in axeraising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> . •;,,';�:�- eaercise of any right or remedy. __
<br /> � 1Z,Snootssors and Ass�igns Boun� Joint �nd.9e�2rrtl Liability; Co-sfgaers. The mvenanu and agreemeuts of this
<br /> � • u:�.,•r`� Security Insuument shall biad artd benefit the successars artd �sslgns of L,ender and Borrower. subject to tke pmvisions of _
<br /> ' L.�z� Y'"'i,' paragraph 17. Bomower's covenants and agrcerr�nu eha�1 be joint and several. My Bocrower who co-signs this Securtty —�-
<br /> f�f%,� � -�c=; Iasuument but does nob execute tha Note: (a) js casignutg this Security Insmiment only to mortgage, grant and wnvey that --�-
<br /> ---
<br /> .w . '��`�'`�' � Bosower's interest in ttie PropeRy urtder the terme of this:Secunry lnsuument;(b�is noc personaity obiibata!tv ymy tft�su�s _�
<br /> .�� -�.,.; ►�. •.,
<br /> .� secured by thls Secun"ty Instnunent;and(c)agrees that Lensler and any other Borrower may agree to eatend.modify,forbear or --
<br /> `���,` ����;�; make any axommadattons with re�ard ro the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note vuithout that Borrower s consent. ____
<br /> : �tr c,-:.,aix:. �=,'
<br /> �,s'.�'��+�:ir�,�,:� . 13.L.oan Charges. If the lo�n securod by this Secueity Instn►ment is subject to a law which sets maxlmum loan chatges, �,„_.
<br /> E,'�� ���� and that luw is fiaally interpreted �o that We interest ar other loan charges collected or to be coilected in connection with the �:;�;�;
<br /> j��'`���` '"'`' � �.�� l o a n e x c e e d t h e p e m v.n e d l i m i t s,t�s e n. (a)a n y s u r�lo a u char�e shalt be reduozd b y the nmount necessary to reduce tha charge .
<br /> .:.�,;:�.�.:
<br />- :��'. r}.,:'%,:�':�:�i; to the pem�itted lI�nt;and(b> any�sums alread9 oollacted from Borrower which excceded permitted timiss�vill be �funded to _-
<br /> ' '�,�r` Borrosver. Lender may choose to ms�lce tt�is refund by��educing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> ..,,�.�%:�t.�r'.' ':_ pay�r�eae to Borrower. If a refund neducee princlpal,,the red�crion will be tmated as o partial prepayment without any
<br /> • � a' F�Y�nt charge under the Note. � -
<br /> ` ' "�1?��''r,K*. 14.Notices.Any not�ce to Horrowar provided for in this Securiry Insnument shall be given by delivedng it orbg mailing �.�
<br /> :.'y}�. L., �.,„`_
<br /> '.3�1 ;�j�4a`'� it b y first cisus mail unless e p plicuble luw requires usa of another method.'IhP notice shall be directed to the Propetty Address .. . •
<br /> or any aher address 8orrower deslgnatcs by notiae w Lender. Any nocice to I.ender shall be given by t'irst class mttil to
<br /> � ;, �,_ �,Y;, ,A` . [.ender's address stated herein or any oth�r address Lender designates by nodce to Bonower. Any notice provIdod for in this �,"
<br /> •� �,�.a, Securiry Insuument shall be deemed to have been given to Bomower or I.ender when siven as providad in this parct�rnph. ,__
<br /> �•y�;�a�� 15.Governing Law; Seversbfltty. This Security [nstrument shall be governed by federal law and the taw of the
<br /> .«. •. ,
<br /> .,�- '^r°-=. '_�;�„ jurisdtction in which ti'►e Property is iarnted. In tho•ovent that any provision or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note ,-;+�"+
<br /> :��--. cantlicts with applicAbie law,such conflict shall nai eiffect other prov�sions of this Securtty Instrument ur the Note which cnn be S,�
<br /> �;:�;,._
<br /> • '�-''�'' `� given effect without the oonflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Imtcument and the Note are declared �s'..,
<br /> ` -���• to be severable.
<br /> '' 16.Bon+ower's Copy.BQrrower shutl be gi��en one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. ��,'�
<br /> ''` �' '��''`"' "'" 17.Traacfer oi the Property or s►Iicnciicia!Interest in Borrower.If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it
<br />- .,a;r.:��.r . �
<br /> ' � is sold or vsu�sfem�d(or if a beneficial interast in Borrower is w(d or trnnsferred and Borrower is rtot u natural person)without
<br /> ' �j ' � I.ender's prior written consent. Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> t,Y' � � � Securlty[nsuument. However.this optioa shW!nut be exercised by Lender if exercise is ptohibited by fe�eral law sis of the date
<br /> ,, :,;�:;;•� • of this Security Instrument.
<br /> �., .� 'T� . If Lendet eaercises this option,i.�ender shalb glve Borrower nottce of acceleration.T9te notice shall provide a period of not ,
<br /> •:t:-,;� � ..»-��'` less than 30 dsiys from the date the notio� ts delivered or mailed witt"n which Borrower must pay al! sums serured by chis
<br /> ;_.�:_� ,�• Security Inst�ument. If Borrower fuils w psy tha�c sums prior to the expiradon of this period,Lender may invoke any remedies
<br /> �� ' ' " �vermitted by tl�is Security Instrument�vithmut futther nodce or demnnd on Bbmower.
<br /> "�•�',� �. ������� 18. BornoRe�''s W�6t to Reinstate. If Bomower meets certain conditIons, Borrower shall huve the ri�ht to have
<br /> r-'� '•" •�- �'_� enfaroement of this Secunry inswment dis�ontinued at any time prior to the earlier af: (a)5 days (or such other period as
<br /> �`�;+:A,�,ti;, appliarble law mny specify far reinstetemenq before sale of die Property pursuant to any power of sale containad in this
<br /> �w � Seeuri;y Instnunent;or(b)entry of v judgmtat enforcing this Securiry Instnunent.Those c�nditions are that Bormwer:(a)pays
<br /> - �3-Y'�'�'``;;"�" Lender all sutps which then would be du�untbzr thfs Securiry Instturttent and the Note us if no aoceteration had occurred;(b)
<br /> . .'�\F..'.. .�....
<br /> o . cures any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c)pays nll eapenses incurred in enforcing this Serurity Instrument,
<br /> irnluding. but aot limited to. masonable tttomsys•' fees: and (d)takes such nction as I.ender may reasonably roqu�re to uUUre
<br /> -•r; .Y....- _ ••- tt�t the lien of this Security Insuatment.Lenct�r's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> ' ' this Securiry Instrument shall contonee unchcinged. Upon neinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instru�tt�nt und thc
<br /> ..ut..o.:.,...��.....a! F�„al..r�}.nA eti�mtiin fiiliu effective:LC if nn ncreleration Itud oCCUCTCtI. Ho�vever, this rieht to ra:instnte shaU �
<br /> ;. ,,. � ,.....�...,.._..____���. --------- --.., _.
<br /> - noi apply in the casQ of acceleration�der pnr.rs�rnph l7. �
<br /> ' � 19. Sale ot Note; �hange ot Loa�S�v[cer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(tugeth�r with this Scxurity �
<br />' �,.�:�-" Instntment)rt�ay be sold one or nwro 4imed�viUPraut prior notice to Bomowe�r. A sale may result in a change in thc entity(known �
<br /> ' '" , as the"Loan Setvicer")that colle�ts rnoal2hlp paymettts due uceder the Note and this Security Instrument.Thece ulx�may br one
<br /> ` _':•:�"° nr moce changes of the Loan Servicer untelat�•d to u sale of the Note.If thcte is a chun�e of the L.oan Servicer.Bom+wer�viil be
<br /> . -'' �`•. �• ' given wriren nodoe of the change in accordancc with parasvaph i4 above and applicable luw.'fhe noti�r will state the name and �
<br /> �� d`' �" uddress of the new Loan Servicer urtd the address to�vhich payments should be made. The rtoti�r will :ilso��ntuin uny other
<br /> - ••� •• - information rcquired by applicable law. I
<br /> • ,�.,N .. Zfi, Ht�nt�dut�5ubstuna�.Burtuwcr yhall not rsuse or permit the presence, u�e, disposal. �tnr.►ge, or rcic:uc ��i anp '
<br /> ,,. ;. ; Hazardcw.c Substancev �m nt in the Pm�eqy. Anmiwer .rhull not dn, nur altow ;uiyone else to du, unything affecting the �
<br /> � . " .:�,' Property that is in violatton Q�f uny Environmentul Luw. Thc pmcaiing two,entermes sh:ill nnt apply to the pre.en�r, u�e, ur I
<br /> � ��.' stomge on t6e Property of small yuantiticr•uf N:u•.uniuus Substam�es that arc gerterally recognizal to bc uppmpriate to nnrmal �
<br /> � ,�-_;; . t restdemial us�v and to mainterwnce of the Property.
<br /> ,. �;v�.a•Z;.
<br /> i - ve�o 3 0�4 FGtrtt 3028 9/90
<br /> ���. . . . .. . . _ _ _.. _. _.. __
<br />