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<br /> � NORYILS�L,��IK�VcaEt�51tA,���D O� '�1�L�S�'
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<br /> A'rft�l: 1�ll�Et��MARTINEZ . ,, ..: �c
<br /> _ ,�.—� TH�3 DEEL'�g TRUYF,"Sccuaty Insmimem")�is►'�tPir�ta► Juae lk. 1994 .Ttx trustor is W_.
<br /> Ja�s I!. H�x�.,, Jx. and Roberta B.. �eer�. hus�iand au� t�fe as �oislt tenants
<br />_ ('Bor%w�r°).'�r tsvstee ia T�orwest Bank Nebras?�,.3�at ional Association
<br /> - •
<br /> ('Tnutee").Tt�betto&ciury is Ha�Bt Bask I�ebraska, National Aosociation
<br />- . .
<br />- whEch is aTganiT.ed aud extsdng iander the isws o�e United State9 of Amexica •�W�O�
<br /> '__ __ ,_ , address js 202.GTest T6ird Street. Grand Island. NebYaska 68801
<br />_
<br /> ' ('Lender").Borrower owes Lender the prtnripal sura of
<br /> � 1t�entq Tttous�:d and ao/100tbs -�ollars tu.S. $20,OOQ.00*+�* �-
<br /> This debt is evi��txxd by Borrower's note d�i the same datu a.c c4is Serur�ty Instrument('Note"4.whlch provides for
<br /> monttil��t�}+ments.with tb.e full debt.if not pald eariier.due anrd payable on June I4. 1999
<br /> Thi�$ee�r�ty Gist�ument secures to I.ender.(a)tt�.uepuyment of tho debt evidenoed by the Note. with interest.and aU c�euewalb. -
<br /> extantiana and••tna�ifcations of the Noie; (b) tke�ayment of all other sums, with Interest. advanced dnttder parag[o�h 7 to
<br />_ �r, pmtcct the security of this Security Instiument� �nd(c)the perfoimance of Borrower's covenants and�meats. For this
<br /> pucQose. Boitower irnvocnbly grants and conr�to Trustee. in uust.with power of sale. the following described pmperty
<br /> taxited in Hall County.Nebraska:
<br />;., Lat 19. Westroads Hstates Pourth Subdiviaion. City of Graad Island. =
<br /> �].1 County. Nebraska. °-_
<br /> i:�:_ :.
<br /> ` I.�?i
<br /> .' b . �_
<br /> ,�` which Iws the add�ss of 3SS9 Hillaide Dr. Grand Esland [smeet,ciry�. ��''
<br /> � "': Nebrnslca 68803-6519 ("Propeny Address"): ,
<br /> <. (Z[p Code�
<br /> , �..�,., TOQETNER WITH all the improvements raw or hereafter erected on the property.and all easements,appurtenaaces,and
<br /> 6xtuies nu�v ar hereaftcr a part of the property. All replaoements and addidons shnll ulso bc wvcred by this Secur(ty
<br /> 1»airattnent.All of tho for�oing is referred to in tb�s Securiry Instn►ment us the"Property."
<br /> BOl2ROWER COVENANTS that Bomower Is lawfnlly seised of the estate hereby conveycd and hes the right to gra�►t and
<br />;,;I+ �,�� oonvey the ptopeny und thnt the Praperty is un�naumbered.except for encumbrances of recor�ci.Borrower wamacus and will �
<br /> defend generelly the tid�to dte Froperty ugainst c1l cluims and demurtds.subjoct to any enCUmbrances of reoond.
<br /> THIS SF.C[JRITY iNSTRLJNIENT oombin.s nniform wventtnts for nutional use and non-uniform rnvenants with limited
<br />� '•y�.�-d�=-�• va�riattann by urlsdlct[on to constitute a unifotcn socuriry inst�u�ent covedng mal property.
<br /> -.i ' '� '���� UNEFO�COVENANTS.Bormwer urn[I.ender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> .'.!::.::.�I.''i'.f;.:_
<br /> . ,�.� �.���IJ• .
<br />__s �: y�i��.�,:_�;;.;� 1. Pl�ym�ti qY Bclacipal aad Iata+est; I'repaymart tind Late Cha�ges. Borrower shatl promptty pay when due the
<br /> - "" , princi al of and intcrat an the debt evidenced b da.Note nnd uny prepaymc�and late charges duc under the Note.
<br /> � `^ P..s Tsvm oa�l�masou�n GD��!n nnnlirnhlo luw nr tn a tvriHnft uraivnr hv Irndrr. Rnrmwer�hall nav tn '
<br /> �- '.... . . - l..���TC���� ...-. __ --
<br /> t='?:':"-:1''--:- ' Lender on the duy montiily payments ere due wxtrr the Note.until the Note ia paid in fiiil,n sum("Funds")for.(al ye�riy taxes °
<br /> �+.t..'�=TM ' "'"'m''`-" ' and a.;xssmenta wh[cth may attuin priority over thts Security Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b) yearly leasehold payments
<br /> ��;�:r _ e�?��:�: pett5+. ' Y ( }� Y � Pe P P
<br /> . ,P� �,,, , or gmund t�tt►t�on d�o[�o �f nn ; c) earl hazEU�d or ro cty insurance remiums;(d)yearly flood insurnnce remiums,
<br /> �'�'��1�,�.�,_. If any: (e)yeur6y mneta�a insurance prert�uc�,if tiny;an (fl any sums paynble by Borrowec to Lender, in ucrnmlunce with
<br /> �-��"�� -'-• the provtsions afl purngraph 8.In lieu of the p�ym�ent of mortgage insuraitce pmmiume.These itrans ase ralled Fscr�ow Items."
<br /> ' ��'�•' Lender may.ut any timo,collect und Itold Furxla in an amount not to excced the maximum amount u Icndcr for a feder.dty
<br /> ^�,��,.�'•:,;�•-
<br /> ' �'�''"� � • retated mort e Lonn�mu uite for Borrowei s escrow aarount under the federal Re�al Estate Settlement Procedures Act of �
<br /> ,.,::�.,,.; � 8�S Y�[
<br /> �'��.�-,���c�-•• 1974 u.g amended frnm tima to timo.12 L1.S.C.Section 2601 et sey. ("RESPA"),untess unother luw thut upplies to thc Funds
<br /> "'�""�" '�' Z� sets a iesser umount. If so. Lender mny.ut uny time. collect nnd hnid Funds in isn amount not w exc�ed the tesser amount.
<br /> .�v..�.,,•;M#-��.,'r�i.
<br /> •u,� • l,ender tnay tstlrtwie the amouctt of Fur.ds due on the t�sis of current dnia and reasonubte estimates uf expenditures of future
<br />_ Escrow Items or oilc�rwise in uccottiunce with appllc:ible law.
<br /> MElRA8KA•Singie Famtty�Fanni�Ms�lRroddi�Mso UNIFOAM tNSTRUMENT Form 3028 9I90
<br /> .
<br /> • �� - . ���jT97 1�1T({ VMP MOHTOA6E fCNL1S�i1131783�8t00 �B00�621 728t Pepp t of 4 pm��g�g�
<br /> �
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