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<br /> i �;:,�tt n.� � - ' —_-
<br />—„ t. :.:•i� . �----_-
<br /> ' " Rt�fs�Mo=tg�i�mtemd Ento bitw�en•�r8t3 Christesnsen a»�1 �q�!ise Chr(t�tans�n. hURaen� ��-�•--� _,,,�..^,.
<br /> ..�� . (heeeln"Mort��or")md ,:�,k
<br /> ��F-• „ �' �'!ve Polnt� Ban � Nebre�ka E�^,oratinn --(INrein"Morip�n"). : ^ ;.-':�;.`'-�"
<br /> :.ii�.�;;`��
<br /> ' 4.078.50 � � • .
<br /> �;.' . 1[oet�n!i�lnd�bttd to Mort�r�ee in th�pilnctpl �um oi i —�------.�vldm�d bY 9VIo�t/„�vr'�nate . . ; . . ,..,
<br /> �' ;iM�`;�,ik
<br /> ' ' • 6ate6_..lur�R�. �As�—!�—�-Ik=�`�uoto")�viA1nQ fot�aymenta of pifacipsl�nd lntrre�t.a16h the batance af the - . °�``•
<br /> J; „ ' ���.?.•:.',_
<br /> iadebtednei+r it aaf rooau paid�due aad pUrabla on �•�.. �..!r_�. t 494�. ,, '
<br /> � ' ' 11okc+�=e tAe�yme�t of!he Note.Mlth Inkre�t�psoti►Ided thecain�the p�yraent of vt otker suma�atth intoreat, � .°:.
<br /> , . � ��dr�nced�by�T .��Wned henin,t Mort�or doe herebY m�C��aned coav�to M.ort(y�eeeWe t Uovrl�mdescstbed • ,. • �.
<br /> / . V��3'locate�! in 1�e!� Couaty, Neb�sln: , ....
<br /> 1�� " Lot Twenty (ZO) Blnck Ptve (5), Morria Third Additton to the city of Crand
<br /> � lslend, Hall Coanty, Nebraska. ° ��
<br /> ,
<br /> ; . . „ • .
<br /> '. . ' � .
<br /> . � ,.
<br /> �, � :,'
<br /> .. . . �.
<br /> .r: Q
<br /> . ••• ,
<br /> = —_— -- — tj�p�e�tvY W���iUA��!!ljT2Yl9i!!!L�!!�y�Rt11lEBr Btt'EBfBt 9II@�8.D�ss�iN�aYa. e�sements,efghts,Privlleges u►d _
<br /> Y
<br /> appyrteputces locakd thereon or in anywlse pertttninQ thereW,�nd the teata,isaues and proflts,rev,eesianp and remataders
<br /> � theteol.iududing,Dut aot Iltalted to,hesW�;mx�d cooling equipatent and such peisoual propertY thnt ts attached to We
<br /> improvements ao au to constitut�►a tixture;�11 of which,iacluding mplacemenfa aad add[Nons thereto,ia hereby declued ; .. ' ' 4.
<br /> tn be�part ot the xx�i estate seeuced by!he Iten oi thts Mort�e and a�l oi tbe toregoing belag referced W hereln as We : ,
<br /> �� , ,fr.; �
<br /> ,, ud,..,e� � , .. r,�%i, _
<br /> s..+�
<br /> � MortQagor tarther cor�enaats uid�graes,with Mort�ee�as followa: r • ; �,�'•�
<br /> � i,pryrneas. To pay t6e indebtedness and the inisreat thereon na provided[n this Mortgage end the Note. ��
<br /> : . 8.TIUz.•i��l:�agot ta We owaer ot t4e ProVertY. L�►ihe d�t aad uuili4ti:y.k...,uc4��v i�.a Fmyeri.y,uud
<br /> � , ,t.
<br /> ! warranb theL the lien created hereby ts a tirst and p�to:lien on the Properiy.except es mny othe�ise be set forth hemia. ,.� ,.
<br /> � s
<br /> � t$17�o I'roperty fs subJect tva Mortgage�vherei�► Princie�al RestdentiaLMort�afl!►- Inc. , ,
<br /> . c� , Hatl Couuty, '
<br /> ' ' t�tTte Mort�gee,secorded at Book__—..►g+Be----of the MortQage Itecosds Qf ,
<br /> �, .' ' Neb�slu,Rtttch 1Hortg�ge is a llen Pno:to the iten cieated heceDy.
<br /> ,_ : ,O Oiher pdoi Uena or eneumbrances:
<br /> ` ,
<br /> i spect�l essessments and t11 other charges apatinst the Aroperty ,
<br /> ? ., .. 8.7°�xea„Ar�er�menfa. 7b piy when due aU taxea� .
<br /> ` " � and,upon vrtittca demwd by Mort�gee,to add euch Wce�s,eissesstneab o other�chuu�a theydbecome duec•h atnount as
<br /> � . to�y be wtttclent te en�ble tlte Mort�gee to paY �
<br /> � ;
<br /> ; ' � 4, Inswcance. To keep the improvemepks noa o:Aetestter locited on the real estate deac�dbed hereSn inanred
<br /> � ` � �dn�!damote by�e'�nd such outei h�tds as M�tt�agee maY te9uSt�e►1n amounts tnd wtth cotapaniea acceptnble to the j
<br /> Mort�t;ee�aad vrtth la� p�yable to the Mortg�gee. In case of las�under such polides the Mort$tgoe is autEorfzed to �
<br /> . ��,coilect and compromSae.�tb dfsmettoa.alt oLlrae Lhereunder at its sole option. authoelzed to either apply the I
<br /> � ptoixeda to the rettoYation of th�Froperty or nPw►the indebtedneas eecured hereDy,but piymenfa hereuade:sh�t con• i
<br /> ' ` � tinue�untU the aums c�ci�red hereby are paid in tull. ,,, '
<br /> � . . . t4•::r '�;F-• '� " I
<br /> � hs 8 and 4 hereof W Che
<br /> � b. �Fsaow For'l�es wd Inwnaoe.Notwlthal�ndNi�it►YM[tf�ti�4tNned W pa�P �
<br /> . , � contrntY.MartBa�Or eiull psy to t�e Mortg�ee et tAe t�m�f�l��F�'...M�@.',�i���l��nts of pzlndpat andia�bsest, i
<br /> .. ' � • one�iweltth of Ne yeuiy taxes.a�es4menb�h�zard insurarice P:emiume�and g[ouad r8n4s(it any)whtcb may setatn a �
<br /> peto�ity over thts Mon�age,di as reasonibly esHmated�rom lime to t[me by the Mortgagee.7fie smounfs so pald shall be •
<br /> �
<br /> __�.._...�.. ..�...a��..tno e.,,mnac nt the ttema tn rennect to aWch such etnounls were �
<br /> - � ' . .
<br /> ...-. . -••_ IIEiO Oy y�a1Vti�i6tc wsww.....o....�..�—rr----- -- r--.-�- - F-�� -
<br /> : �� � , deposited.Z1►e sums paid to Mortga8�e heeeunder aee pledged�s addtUonel cecueity to:�e tndebtednesa secuted by thls
<br /> ,� •' ltiort�e.Mortp�orehaU pry to Mo�ee tite�mount ot any defictency beiween tlie actud tnaea�assessments,iasunwce
<br /> 1 premtums and�ound sents and the depaite heeeuader wttbin 10 d�,ys after deeund le made upon Mortgtgur req�uesting i
<br /> � �, .. p�pmeni the�eot.
<br /> � �. 8. Repal:�M�Sntens�ace and Use. R'o ptomptly repair,tesWre ot eebuUd u►y�uttdinp or impxoveaaente now or �
<br /> �� deredter on tAe Pcoperty;te keeP tke PcoPe�lY tn good con�fNoa wd rap�tr,witbout w�te�and ik�ee frotn mecllaenic•s ot �
<br /> �( ' " ofheriteffi aoi expnKSly snboidlwdefl to the tfen henof;not to make,eutier or pormi6 any nutstnce to eaist,aor to dimfa• ;
<br /> I fah or tmpslr tbe�alue of the Ptoperty by any rct or o�lssion to ect;�nd to comply atth a!I requteements of taa with ;
<br /> . 1j .. ' reapect to t6e F��erty. �
<br /> .� ;
<br /> .r � f
<br /> w `r
<br />