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<br /> —' 'lYIl3ATHER WITH�II tho improvement�no�r ar benafter erocsed on the pinpecty.aad all caiemente.spp�cten�noa.ad
<br /> flxtures nnw nn c�m�ftcr n p1rt of the praperty. A!! rcglac�ment� nnd additions Rh�tl also �c c�vcmf by �hls Secu�ity T_
<br />� i�i.trvntc�it. All of tt�c fnr��oinp Itti rcfcrred tc�in thi9 S��urity iust�Umcnt ay ihc'Property."
<br /> li(IIti�Q1A►sR COVG�NANTS that L3�rrawer is IawfhlPy rr_ined af thc cstaic hercby convcycd n�x!fiu9 tlu:rigtct to grant and
<br /> — canvey the Prnperty and that tha Prapeny is uncncumtxrr.d.cx�ceps fur encumbranccs of rccord. Horrower warran�c and wiil
<br /> deicrvl gencraliy the dtlo ta tha Property ag4inst all claima and dcmards,subJect to any encumbranccs of recard.
<br /> 'i'H!S SECUkITY INSTRUMENT combin�unlform cnverunta for natyanal usc and non-uniforn�covenantF with lin�ltal
<br /> . vAriatlnnv by judndtction to ca�nsdtute a unifarm secudty instnsment covering rral pmperty.
<br /> - �- - - UNlI�ORM COV�NAI'3T�.Borrowcrurut T.esuS�r wvenv�t and agrec as foltaws:
<br /> — ---- - �
<br /> 1. Htyment at Princtpa�l and interes� Pe+ep�ymtat and Late Charga. Horrower sha(1 pmm�xly pay when duo the
<br /> princirA!of and intemt on tho debt evldenoed by the Nate nnd any prepnymsnt and Inte charges due urtder th@ Nate.
<br /> , 2.F'ands for Taxcs and Insunnea Subjoct to sippllr,able Inw or to u wdtte�►waiver by Lendcr. Borrowor shatt ps►y tn
<br /> _ = I.ender on tha duy monthiy puyments are due under the Note.until tltc Note Is paId ln full,A sum("Funds"3 for:(a)yaarly taxes
<br /> nnd asscssmenss which may attnin priodty aver this Sacutity Instruatent ns A lien wn Ute PropeRy;(b)ycarly leasehold payments
<br />-_ _ —�_�--� or gruund rents on the Aroperty.if any;(c)Ycarly hamrd or prop�rty iasurance premimns;td)Yearly flaad Insuiaisrs pnaaiams.
<br /> ii any�(e)yeariy mortgage insurunce pcemiums, if any:and(� uny sums payablc by Borrowcr to Lender. in aocotdancc with
<br /> l. tho pravis9ons of paragraph 8.in lieu of the puyment of mortgage insumnce premiums.These items are called'Escrow Ieems."
<br /> � LenStAr mgy. at any time. cotlect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the mwtimum amount a lender for a foderally
<br /> relatod mortgage loun may requit+e for Barrower's escrow account under the federol Reat Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> - - 1974 as amended from time to dme. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('ItESPA'),unless another Iaw thnt applies to ihe Funds
<br />-- sets a l�sscr nmount.If so, I ender may.at any tlme. cotlect and hold Funds in aa amount nat to exceed the lesser mnouat.
<br />_ ---___ - --
<br />` I.ender may estImstte the amaunt of I�Lnda due on the basis of cument data nnd reasonable estimates of expendit�ues of future �
<br /> Bscraa Items or otherwise in accondar�e with eppNcab[e taw.
<br /> The Funds shs�lll ba held in an insdtution whoss deposits ere insured by a federai agency. inswmentality. or en6ty
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an inuttutIon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L.ender shall apply the Funds to pay tit�
<br /> Essmw Items. Lender may nnt charge Borrower for holding und applying the Fwnds,ennually analyztng the escrow u�oum.or
<br /> vo�ifying the Es�row Items,unless Lender pays Borrower trtteeest on the Funds and applicable law pemtits I.ender tn make such
<br /> _° a charga. However. Lender muy mquire Borrower to pay a oae-time charge far un independent real astate tax reporting servlcc
<br /> usad by Lender in connection with this loan, unless uppiicable taw prov[des otherwise. Untess an agreement is made ar
<br /> appficable law requims intemst to be paid,Lender sha11 not be rBquired to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> - Botmwer und I.ender may a�mc in writing, however. that intemst shall tse paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Bomnwer.
<br /> �• withovt char�e.an annual uccounting of the Fuads,showing��redits aad debita to the Fands and the purpose for whlch each
<br /> - - - ; :
<br /> - debit to the Funds was made. "Che runds are pledged as uddiaoncii security for uii sums scxvred i�y chis Secunty nscNrr�enc. `
<br /> + � If the Funds held by Lender exaeed the amovnts permitted to be held by applicable law.Ixnder shall uccount to Bomower _
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of apptirable law. If the amount of the Funds held by i.ender at any
<br /> _ , �. tima is not sufficjent to pAy the Escrow Itcros when due.(.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in such case Horrower _—
<br /> �;;= ,., shall {tay to I.ender the umount nooe.uary to meke up the deficiency. Borrower shall mzlce up the deficiency in uo t�anre than =
<br /> „���: ---
<br /> �- t��lve�aaanthlypayments.at Lertder'ssalediscretion. ---
<br /> Upon paymeni in fult of ntl soms sefi+urc,id by this Securlty Instniment.Lender sS�a}1 prompUy rrfund to Borrower nay =
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If.under panigmph 21,Lender shull acqufre or seli the Property.Lender.prior c�o the acquisitlon or sale --
<br />- of the Properiy,shall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the tirne of aoquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by �"`
<br /> �^� this Socvrity Inmument. �"
<br /> '
<br /> 3.ApplicaUon of Payments.Unless appltcablc la�v provides othecwise,all payments receivod by Lender under parngraphs ���`�
<br />_r, i and 2 shall be appfied: first. to any prepayment churges due under ths Note;second, to amounts payabie under paragrssph 2; F='-�
<br /> third.to jnterest due;fowth, to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. ��;;;,
<br /> _ � 4.Chergesi�. Borrower shdl pay nli tax�, agsessments. charges, fines und impositions attributable to the Property �-�-'
<br />_ �A �.._
<br /> '� !(��,:#�� , r" whioh avsy attain��priority over thfs 5ecurity Instrument,ur�d Ieasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shali pay :`'"
<br /> y �j,r.,r' .w v":`;'".
<br /> . ��-,, r�i.,,�• thase n�slirsittions in the manrtcr pmvided in paragrsiph 2,or if nat paid in that manner, Barrower shall pay them on time directly • `
<br /> i
<br /> :�{,;�;,,_,,.r..,. ,Y�.
<br /> • r,,,.. ... to the person owed payment. Bon•ower shaU promptly furnish to Lender all nodces of amounts to be paid under this pttragraph. ...,-�,
<br /> ,..,,,,.,..... _
<br /> '�:,-���:�;•,-; U Bomower makes these payments direcUy,Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidencin�the payments. -
<br />�_; � t`�,�'- Borrower sh�ll promptly diacharge any lien which has priority over this S.ruriry instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrces in -
<br /> �_.�,.,�,',..
<br /> �;�"�'� wrltin to the a ment of the abl' ation securcd b the licn in a manner acce tuble to I.ender;(b)contests in ood faith the lien
<br /> , ;,...1}�,�.. 8 P Y � Y P S ,
<br /> ' �'�;�:�5'' "•. 6y. or defends ageinst enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operare to prevent the
<br /> .� {�}r 1,j�`r'
<br /> ���.^:. enforcement of the lien;or(c)securec from the holder of the lien an ugmement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to : �'��;
<br /> t;; i • this Secutiry Insttument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject io a lien which may atwin priority over
<br /> � ���a• thfs Security Insttument, Lender m�y give Barrower a notice identifying Ehe 5ien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> ='�}���;�� more of the actions set forth above within 10 duys of the giving af notice.
<br /> tii�+{� 7�.
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