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<br /> 17.Tra�s�er oY the Property or a Beneflcial Interest in Borrnwer.If ull ar any putx af thc Pr�per�f'c�`u�n���t�st in it �.��
<br /> �� — is xald or transferred(or if a bene�iclal interest in Burra�ver is sntd or tmntifcrrcd und flar���wcr is rnn u n+uurul pertinn)without �:��
<br /> "' • Lender's prior wdtten c�nsent. I.einler rnay, ut its ��pti�n, require innnecilute puy�ucnt l�t fuU af ull +um�: +ecurcrl by this
<br /> ?���'�. Security Instrument.Hawevec,this aption shuU nut be exercised by I..�:nder if rxcrcix�i,��mi►fbited by federul luw uti of'the date
<br /> � �`"- af this Security Instrument.
<br /> _:r If I..ender cxcnises thia nptiun,I.cndcr�huii give Burruwcr n��ticc uf iicccicrutl�m.Thc noRicc.rhuU pr�widc n{scrfial of nat
<br /> - Icws than 3Q dayc+fram thc dutc tho notirc i.ti dclivcrcd c►r m�ila4 within whirh f��rr�war ncv.r•t pny ull swns�c�urcci I�y this
<br /> _ Securlty lnstrumQnt. If�onowcr fafb eo puy thesc sums prlc�r to ih�:cxpirution uf thi:►periad• i-cnder muy invakc uny rcmcdfc�
<br /> � � permitte�i by this Security Inttrumcnt withaut furthcr nuticc o�acmattd un&+rrowcr,
<br /> - '�i°"�- ' '�" l8. 8orrntiver's [ti�hY te Reiresinte. If E��rrowcr nxctc ccrtnin cnnditian.�. eurruwcr tihull huv� thc riHht tu huvc ,
<br /> :�� enfnrcement af this Security Instrumern di�rnntinucd at uny tin�r priur to the curlier��f; tu) S duy� lor tiurh u►hcr periud u.s
<br /> ;, ; applicublc !aw muy spc�lfy fi�t �cin�t�temcnt) before sulc of thr Propcny purouunt t�+ �inv {��wcr of sulc contnincJ in this
<br /> ,� . ,.:�^•• Securiry Instrument:ur(b)entry uf u juJSment enfarcing thls Secu�•ity Instrument. Tha.�e cunclitfuny ure that l3urmwer,(:i)puy+
<br /> Lender all sums which then wauld be due under this Socuriry In��.rument and the Nc►te�.�li nu accelerutiun hud orcurred; (b)
<br /> �`':'�-,' cures any defuult af uny ather covenants ar vgreements:(c)pays all expenties incurrcd in enfi�rcing thiti Sccurity In�trument,
<br /> .: ` `d including, but not limlted to,reasonable uttorneys' fees; und(d)takes such ucuon a� I.���dcr may reusonubly rcyui�c to ussurc
<br /> - thet the lien of thls Security Tnstrument,I,ender'c rf�hts in the Propcny unJ Borrower'�;nbl�' ttian tn�ay the tium4 +ccural by
<br /> -�� this Security Instcument shull continue unchnnged. Upon retnstutement by Surruwcr, tla(.ti Sccurity Instrument und thc •� ,,
<br /> _� obligations secured hereby shall remltn fully effective as if na acreleratiun hud uccur�w�d. finv���'er,this n�;ht to reinxtute yhall ;;��
<br /> a'�, not apply in the case of acceleration under paragrnph 17. �I
<br /> "' �.A 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note nr u partiul intere.tit in thG iNote (t��gether with this Securlty
<br /> � s?-�.;w Instrument)may be sold one ar more times withaut prior notice tn Borrower. A�uic muy rctiutt in a chunge in the cntity(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly puyments due under the Note nnd thi::Securitr Itutrument.There ulsu may be��ne ��;,_
<br /> or more changes of the Loun Servicer unrelnted to a sale af the IVote. [f chere is a chun�e Qf thu L.�an Servicer. Burrc�wcr will be
<br /> �n� �_" " �" given w�7tten notIce of the chsu�ge in accordance with parsgraph t4 uhove and uppli��tble iaw. The�wtice will�tnte the nume:►nd
<br /> "1r:��`Y�Ci•�
<br /> •° .. address of the new Laan Servicer and the address tu which payments shouW be made. The nutire will ultio conwin any�ther
<br /> � .t, �}:.���:� Information required by applicable law.
<br /> � 20. Hazerdous Substance�. Borrower shall not rause or permit the presencc, use, diypou�l, storagc, or rcica,c of uny
<br /> � w�` �'"• Hazardous Substances on or in the Propecty. Borrower shall not do, nor •rllow unyonc clse to do, unything uffecti�g the
<br /> n; �'.
<br /> �!'� • Property that is in violation of any Environment�l Law. The precedin� two sentencas�huq.not npply to the pmsenc�, uu, or
<br /> � � . '�; '� storage on the Property ot sm�ll quentities of Hazardaus Substsu�ces that aue generult�•rct��gnizui ai be appropriatc to normal �
<br /> ..����'`'����^ ''• residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> `��;�;,i..:.r.�w:, �„ Rprrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation, rlaim, deitt:�aJ, luwsuit or uther uction by any
<br /> , °� :.r, � , govemmental or resulatory agency or private party im�ulving the Property und:u�y Hiu%nrd��us Substunce ar Environmental Law • .
<br /> `�?'�:`�s � r of whicb Borrawer has actual knowkdge. If Borrowcr learns,ur is notificd by uny govammental or regutaa�ry authority, thut
<br /> .�r�:..� - � �
<br /> any removal or other remediution of any Harardous Substance atTecting the Propeny'ts n�eeatiury. Borrower shall promptly tukc
<br /> � �" �� ., '•. all necessary remedjal actions in acrnraiance with Environmental I.aw. � v `
<br /> _ �;��- .,,.,� = Aa use�i;c�d�is (�al8bi6��i �a."i tazar�au� Suh�tan:c;"ar::tl�osc:;ub�tan��:; dclin�c! � .o.ii or h�rdous�ssb_tun!•e� hy
<br /> �.,.,�. • � � Environmental Law and the foltowing substanres: gasuline, kcro.renc, other fla.mmabl4 nr tuxic petroleum Qnxiucts, toxic
<br /> :;�;n�,'• ,,,::�`, • � pesticides and herbicides,volutile sulvents,matarials wntuining a,bestos or fornialdahyde,and rudio:ictivc rnaten•rls.As used in .
<br /> .,'�,� •.: ;:,���;;;' this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federul laws and laws of thc jurisdictiora when thc Pmperty is located that
<br /> • •.;rx,;.;'_ •`. ,,:�, .� ., relate to health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> +��?r :'t ..c�,., , NODI-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l..ender funher covcnant and ugrce:u+follows:
<br /> _ ;�.:;�,;..:- . 21.Accelfrstfaa;Retnedies.Lender ahall give notice to�orrower priar t�>acaelerntion followin� Borrower'ti bmuch
<br /> ,,,y�,��.,���,;�`�;,;,� of any covenaat or agreement in thts Securl3y Iastrument Ibut not priar to ucceterntion under para�raph 17 unless
<br /> _ i���,:, ,.?., :�s:; appficable Iaw provides otherwise). Tde notice shall specify: (a)the defAUlti (bt the action required to cure the default; ,
<br /> - �;,;�,;�.�•5�:.,v:a�M' (c)a date,not les.c than 30 days from the date the notice ls given to Borrawar,b3•which the default must be cured;und
<br /> . ,�«,�+,�,,;:... ..�,, (d) ths�II failure to cure the default on or befos�e the date speciCed in the not.iar muy result in acceleration of the sums
<br /> ,r-x;M_.. secured by this Security Instrument und sale of the Property� The nottc�shnil fue�tlher inForm Borrower ot the right to
<br /> 4, k,;�., reinstate after acceleratton and the right to brin�a court action to �sert the not�-existence of a default or any other
<br /> �' defense of Borrower to acceieratton and sale. IP the default is not cuntil an ar bePore the dnte specitied in the nottce. •
<br /> �����.c' I.ender,ut tts option, may require immediate payment In full uf alt sums sesut�d by thts Security Ynstrument without
<br /> . .,'rxn�adTnar.o• �x,s}x•.
<br /> , j ,�,,,, further dkemand and may invoke the p�►wer of snle and any�ther remedicw permitt�d by Appltcable law. Lender shell be
<br /> �'����"�� �•"'"- entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedle�provided in this paraRntph 21.includin�.but not timited
<br /> 1"�:''`���� :� '-� � to,reasonable attorneys'fees snd rnsts of t6tte evidence.
<br /> `�:�is_ �. � If thepower of sate is Invoked,Tnrster shaU recard a notice uf defauls in�tech county in which any part oP the
<br /> '"•'�f�' " Property is located and shsil mall copfes of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borroa�er and to
<br /> "� � the other person.g pmscribed by applicable law.After the time r�{uired by upplicable iaw.Trustee shall�ive publir notice
<br /> �.�• • of sale to the persons and in the manner pmscrfbed by applicuble luw.Trustee, without demand on Borro�►er,shalt sell
<br /> �� '- • _ the Property at publte auction to the hi�hest bidder at the tinte and place and undle►•the terms de.si�Gnuted in the notice of
<br /> � ' � sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee m�y paa�tpone sflle oP all or any parcel of the
<br /> " w � Property by public annoancement at the time and place of iiny pnvioual,v zchedtticd�le. I,ender or its designee may
<br /> '. ' � . punhase the Property at any saYe.
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