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<br /> appSicablc lnvr ae�y egecifj+for reins�wtement)b�fore�ale of tho Praperty purisua�t to cu�y power a r�e onteSned in this _
<br /> - Security lns�iumcz�t;ar(b)entry of a jud�ment cnforcing thig Sccurity Uistswncnt. Thase conditic�ny ure 4hat Hnrra�wer. (n) _
<br /> pays I.cndex ail sums widch then would bc due under thIs Sccudty insuument and the Nae ax ii no accel�rution hud
<br /> occwned;(b)cures euy defnult oYany otherc�venants or agoecments:(e)pays uil expenses Incurred in cnfarcing�hi�Secudty
<br /> tasuumenw ineluding.but not Wmlud to.rzasomublu attoraey$ fets:and(d)takes auch oction as l.ender cnAy rcasonably
<br /> �eyuite to assure therthe liea of this 9ecw�iry iastrument,Leader'�righta in the Ptaperty und Borcoweri�abfigation to pay the+
<br /> sums secuned by ttde Sec�dty Instru�ent s3�tt1 continue uncbangal. Upon aInstaumcnt by Bortower� this Secur[ty
<br /> _ _,_,___ ___ _____ ___� Instrument und the obligations sccumd Ix�reby shnll remuin fully affeetiv�ns if rto hcceleraflon had orcunred. Nowever.this
<br /> - -----�--- rigi�t w reiacwte ctwlt not apply in t2ie case af sxceieradon unrkr paragraph 17. `--
<br /> • I!-Sak d'Note;Cd�y�e af L.an Serrloer. The Note ot a paNal inunst in the IVoto(togstfier with thtK Secuctty
<br /> Inst�a,ment) may be sold one or more times wIthout p�Ior eoflce W Homow�r. A sele may result in a chenge in the endty
<br /> (kcwvvn,av the"L.asn Seavic�r")that collects�aroathly payments dua uader the Note na�i this Savriry Iasuumen� There also
<br /> ri�ay be oAe o:mon changcs of tlie Loan Servicer unrelated to n sale of tha Nou. ff then is a change of tho Loan ServIcer.
<br /> Horrower will ba given written aetice of the chnnge ia uccordaace with p'�mgraph l4 above and applicuble law. Tha nodce
<br /> w1U state the naa�and address of the new Laan ServIcer nnd the address to which payments sheuld be made. Thv notice will
<br /> also contain any other informadon t+equiced by applIcable law. --
<br />� ?A. Hazardous 8abstamxs. Bor[ower shall not causo or pern►it the presence,use,disposal,storage.or release of nny
<br /> — Hazerdous Substances on or ia the Fmperiy. Botrower shnll not do,nor allow anyone else w do,anyibing affecdng ths —
<br /> � Propesty that Is!rr vIalatioa of any Environmental Law. The p�ceding two sentences shall not apply to ihe pt�esence,use,or
<br /> storage on the Pcoperty of small quautities of Hazatdous Substances that t�e generally recognized to be appmpriate to rtomtal
<br /> res[denflal uses end ta maintenance of the Ptoperty.
<br />- Horrower shall prnmptly give Lender wrluen aodce of any iavestignflon.claim.demaad,lawsuit or ather actton by nay
<br /> , gavemsftcat3l or nequlatory agency nr privete party lnvolvIng the Property end any Ha���us Subctance or Envirnnrnentril .__
<br /> La�v nf ahich Homower has actnal knowledge. If Borrowcr leams, or is notified by auy goveraraental or regutatory
<br /> autbority,that any remova!or other mmediatian of any Hazardous Substauce affecting the Property Is aecessary.Bormwer
<br /> shall prompily tnke all neceasary remedial actions in nccondance wIW Bnvimnmental Law.
<br />-' ps used in this paragraph Z0. "Hazardous Subswnces"are those substences defined as to�ic or hazandaus substances by
<br /> — Bnvlronmeatal Law und the following substauces: gasoUae.kemsene.other flamraable or wnic petroleum praducts.toxic
<br /> pestic�des and herbicd8es.volatile solvents,aiaterials conteining asbestos or formaldehyde. and radiaactive cnaterlals. As
<br />- — used in this pazagrapb 2U,"Eavironmental Law"means federal luws and laws of the jnrisdiction whe�the Propeity is lacated
<br />_ that relau w health,safsty or envir�onmsntal pmtecdon.
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVSNTANTS. Bocrower and Lender i�rther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Acocferatlon;Remediea. Y.ender siwll sive noft�W Bore+uwer prlor W�ccelentton foltoirEag Borrosver's
<br /> 6reACh oi any ouvenant or ep+eement tn Wls Securtty Iati�truraent(but noi prtor to scoeleratlon uader para�p617
<br /> w�le,s�nppl[ca61e law prov[des ot6ervrLse). The nottoe shall specify: (a)We defaWt;(b)the actlon requtred to cup+e the
<br />. - -- de t�tnit:fc)s�avte,not iess tt�n 3i3 daya iram fi�dufa itne ui�fti�is��ia 8r,r-r{iwer,by��ttt�det�fi u�ust if2 .
<br /> cured;antl(d)thnt tltilure to car+e the detault on or before the date spc�t7e8 in the nottce tnay resutt in acoeteratfon of
<br /> �� the sums secured by this Secndty Instrument and sele of t6e Property. The notice shell further int'orm Borro�ver ai
<br /> the ri�ht to niastnte aiter acoelesxtton and�the rEght to bring a oourt acttan to assert ttne aun-extstence o�'a defa�ult or
<br /> any aWer defense of Bomower to aocelera4lon aad sa[e. V the deteult Is aot curtd on ar betore the date speciited in
<br /> the aof�e,I.ender st its opt[oa msy require Immediate payment tn tYill of al!sums secured by this Secur[ty Instrument
<br /> ♦vithout turther demend and may invoke We power oi sale and any otker remedfes Pennitt�d Iby applEcable IAw
<br /> I.ender�¢ha�l be enHtled to caUect aU expenses incun�ed W purs�iug the remedies prnvlded ia t6is paragrapb tl,
<br /> includtng,but aot lhnited to,reasonable ettoraeys'fees and casts of t[tle evidenoe.
<br /> It the power of sale fs Invoked,7�ustee s6all n�cord s nottce ot default in eac6 couaty ia wbich any part oY tt►e ��--
<br /> Property is toatted and sh�li mail copie.w at such nottce in the maaner prescdbed by appLtcable law to Borrnwer end to �-�.=-
<br />= the oWer persans prescdbed 6y eppllca6le low Atter the time reqnlned i�y applicable iaw,'Ifrustee shall g[ve pu6lic ��
<br />.- notioe of eale to the peisona and In the manner prescdbed by appllcable law 7tiustce,without demand on Bormwer, �:_
<br />- sball sefl the Pro�perty at pubUc aud[on W the highest bfdder at 4he time and plaoe and w�der the terms deslgaated tn �---
<br /> the�of sale in oue or more pArcels and in any order'1lrustee determines. ltivstee mny poetpone sole of all or any ���•
<br /> pa�rce!of the Property by pu81k announcement at the t(me and place of any previousty schedulpd sale. Lender or ita �r''�--
<br /> de�gnee mxy purchase We Properiy nt aay s4te. R�=
<br /> Upon raxipt oi psyment of tl�e pdoe bid,7lrastee shall deliver w the purc6user 7tustee's deed conveying the =---
<br /> Properiy. The re�t�is in the'huatee's deed s1aaU be prtma lacfe eWdence at the truth oi the stateaienta made Werein. �_ �
<br /> ltustee shall a�ply ttte p�a�s of the sale in the following order. (a)to ali casts and expeascs of exerctcing the power �'�^--
<br /> _ �=;t:..
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