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<br /> .._.-- 1�1{il7111C1�1 YP•t'I�f�t�tOYKR ..._. � - i�vi.rriy'sR-.� � � • --
<br /> � THt9 A8t3IaNM�NT OF RENTS RIDBR is m�d�and�xsautod thla 2�S'� d�y ot �UNE ,t994 ,�nd Is
<br /> Inoorporsted Into�nd eh�ft be deemed to amend ana supplsment ths(Wvrtpape or need of 7rus1,Aerel�after r�teored ta as th� �
<br /> '"�"'�`""'"""'"� � "8acurity Instrument", of the aeme� d�ta fliven by the undereiqned, herelnaiter reterred to ae the"Borrower", to eecure
<br /> �,... _.t•_��.,
<br /> 8nrrdwePe indebtednaae,herotnefta�retarr�sd ta se the"Note",to HOME FEDEFiAI,8AVfNQS/4ND L(EAN ASSOCIATtON OF -
<br /> "` (iRAt�iD i$LANO,herNn�iter rofm�ed to as the"Lender",of ths same da�te and ooverinp tha pro�aerty deaarlbed In the Sea�ar{ty
<br /> • inetrument and loc�t�d a�
<br /> - � (PrAperty Addrenel
<br /> -...--- ---
<br /> _- - _-__—_-__-� WITNE88E7M:
<br />�-�
<br /> � WMEREAB� Borrowe►and Lander heve a�yreed that any renta�nd protite attrlbutable to the property ahould conatitute
<br />_.
<br /> additlon�l eeaurlty to ths Lender tor tha payment of the Nota;
<br />.;•,�, N�W,THEREFOFIE,it le epreecl that tne Security Ustrument iahall be amended hereby anddeemed.to Inalude the fotlowinp -
<br /> proviainne:
<br />�7�
<br />=� 1. Asefanment ct Renta and Le de Rental Coltention Atp�Borrower hareby abaolutely and uncondlttonaily aasipna all
<br /> renta. lasues and profits of the property to Beneticlary. Lendar ahall have the rl0ht, power and authorlty dudnp the
<br /> continuance of the 8ecurfty Instrument to coHeat the rents,lasues and profite of the property and of any persanal m�party
<br /> � IocaSed thereon with or without takinp poaeeaelon of the praperty affeated hereby. Lender, however.h�reDy cpnsente to
<br /> B��ower's co�leotlon a�retentlon ot suah renta,fssues and profite as they�ccnie and become payaUte�,so lonp as�orrower
<br /> is not.st�¢�ch tima,ln d$fa�lt with res�eot to paymv�nt ot any indebtedrt��e saaured hermby.or M tha partormsnas ot any
<br /> , � �. epreeme��t t�neune9er. � .:
<br />= 2. eeafr►tmeM of Si��aly�ar If any event of Eafauft in re3�xect to tho 5��udry Instrumont ehall hsve oCCU►ted.aMl be
<br /> :.'sk '�,•: :�-:•�:•;,,•. aonti�ulnq,Lender�eu3 8 mat�er o1 riph2 and�rJtP���u't notiCe to Borr6war o7 anyone olaiming under Borrawer.and wilh0ut
<br /> reqerd to ths value ot tPae truat estete or the Inte►�as4 bT tha Borrower thereln,shall have the rlyht to apply�to any court h�vin�
<br /> ,,: • „ _ Jurlsdiotlon to appoint A rece►ver of th�a property.
<br /> 3. �(pht to Poasesalon.lo case otdatault In the payment of the seid principal Note cr interest,or any part theremTT ea It
<br /> -,f�'' ahall mature,or In the ease of faiiure to heep or perform any o}the covenants or apreemente contalned in tha Se4urlt�►Inatru•
<br /> , �r,,„ << :;;#,;. ment. then the Lsnder. Ite auc�easora or aesigna, sh�ll be and le heroby euthorized and empowered.:to take Immedlate
<br />, j�"�� �-���� oaeesalon ot the said remisea the�ein described and to aotteat the re�te therefrom,artd to epply the proceeds tf�ereof to the
<br />�, ,. ,.�•:..,.e� P P
<br /> %� . �;:-,���:�•��;;• . payment of the Note.
<br /> c;�,' ....,..r,.::•c��':�.
<br /> �:�':f���_��?: !.s:;;,,�- 4. Aoailoation ot Rents.lasuea and Profite.AO reMs collocted by Lender or the recetver shall be appited tirst tA payment
<br /> _,�. a�.�i�r T•� ot the ooate oi manayerrient ofi the propertp and coiieo�ibn ui rnn4s,i�tr�iudi��,bui titit iifiSisd ta,:scsSvst'a ts�d,ps'�t�ils�t's=ZOSS °
<br /> ��:�� ^ • receiver's bonda and reesonable attorney's fees,and then to the suma secured by the Security Instrument.Lender.and the
<br /> �' `" ��`'�`'`"'�'''`�' receiver ahall be liabie to account oniy tor those rents aotuaity received.
<br /> ,ti. ,..��,.;: .;_,
<br /> "1{:..'r 'l •�:d„-;;{,;.. �:i �
<br /> '�%����'{a- ��••K • • 6. Conatruotion ot Provisione.Eaah ot the provislona contafned in thia Aasignment of ReMs Rider an�the 8ecurlty�natru•
<br />� �t;�t;�':;�;,�:�.:,` �a:.;' � ment shatl,unless otherwise speotfloaliy required, be conatrubd tn accordaaoe with Nebraska taw.ahd'in the�veht �ny
<br />�'�� '• • ��=�`�L' provislon herein or therein eontalned ahall be determined by a cou�t ot competent Judsdlctlon to be uneniorceabte,th�sartee
<br /> `��' �f'���"•."'�''� `�'""' shatl be conatrued as though suah uneniorceabte proviafon we�e not a part horeaf or thereof. •�
<br /> ,S ;,,�.�ry:�,
<br />= ���,;:,�...�.{,�:,�; 8. �feot of Rider.Faccept as speolticatiy modifled by or incona ent with this Asalgnment of ReMg Rider or by any othar
<br />__ ;,�r,,,,,,,�, applicabte rider,all of the terms and provislons contained In the e urlry Instrument shaU continue tn luil torce and eHeat
<br /> ' ,�� • ^t!�("^.��'`h!. .
<br />�?, � �-�t�A N�3.:;•,''.;�.-,'� I N W I T N E S S W H E R E O F,B o�r o w e r h a s e x e c u t e d t h i a A s a l g n e of nts er t da f t noted above.
<br /> . ; �.- � . ,
<br /> � ,µ^� =±.r:t�ii� � DAUI L NOL eorrowe/^r �
<br /> .`aMV�+R wr•-r...�.7�.i � � . ,
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<br /> >s�'`P'"� - , m RI YN S ARN rrower
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<br /> ` , '� 3TATE OF NEBRA3KA)
<br /> 1 Y
<br /> -- '' : �, (98:
<br /> � • � ' COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> �,�',:.r: � . , qualifled tor se d county pereonallyu ame bA������RtI�OID eANOe�RRIl.YNBS� RRNO�D Pubitc duty commiseloned and
<br /> � � �, HUSBAND AND WIFE .to be the Identlaai pereon(s)wAose neme(s)Islare suhscrlbed �
<br /> � .. to the toregoing Inatrument.and helehelthey acknowiedge the executton thereof to be hlslheNthetr votuntary aot and deed. —
<br /> ° � -�-� �- Yditness my hand and Notarlai Seat at '
<br /> � ,�-,., • in sald aount the date atoresatd.
<br /> ' ��' �l�11AA11�Spb d Mdtuka ���� �• ��ae.�,Q.A..t�
<br />- 4 ` '�$��K�� NOtary Publlo
<br /> _ . �"�, ` •• . �•:. bNt OIe.29.1q96
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