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<br /> - a licable low mny spccify for reinstnument)bcfon ealc oi the Pitoperty pu�auoni to qn��owni of s�e con�ned in this
<br />'"�'� � Sr,surily[nawment;m(b)entry of a judgm�nt enforcing�his�Serurity Instruuien� ThosG condIdon9 r�uc thHt 13ort�weec (a) —
<br /> � pays I.ender all Rums which then would be due under this Secudty Instrument cuid tde Note na ig no accelerudon had
<br /> occumd;(b)curea sny default of any other covcx�anta or agreements:(c)payY+all e�cpeRSea incurred in entoreing thia Sosudty
<br /> iastrumen� includi�g.but not limited to.reasoa�able attarneys'fte»;and(d)takes auch action ua Lender may t�issonably
<br /> roquue w axsucc th�t the licn of d�Ia SesurIty It►swment,L.endor�dghta in the Property and Horrowor's obllgation to p►y tha
<br /> aums �xured by thls 5edUdty Instmment shedt condnue unchenged. Upon reinstatement by Bnxrower. Wie Securlty
<br /> �-_---- - - -, Ittsttumr.At au$the oblign�:ons secnncA heseby�ahall remaln fully effacdve as if no ucceleraHon hud uccutred. Howev�r. this
<br /> d�ht to�ctnsyta 4�u+ll not epply ia ttFe case of ac�eleration under parugraph 17. �
<br /> 19. S�e o[Nate;Chu�e ot I�o�ut Servtcer. 'IUe Noto or a partisl irterest in the Note(eogether w[th thls Sccudry
<br /> Iastiumene)may bt�nld one or more tlznes wIthout prior nodce w Horrower. A sele may result in a change in tha endty
<br /> (k"n�wtx us tha"L.nan Servicar")that collecla monthly payruent�@uo under tbe Note and tDis Sccuiiry Inswment. Thero also
<br /> mit�'de one o'r Wore chaugeg�of the Loan ServIcor unrelateA w a sale of 1he No*.e. If there ie a change of tha Loaa Setviar.
<br /> Borcower wiU be glvea wcltten notise of the change in accordance wlth parngmph 14 ubove nnd applIcahle law. The nodea
<br /> ---�-�-- wfli swtc the narua nnd addnss of the asw Loan Servlcer aud the address to which paymenta should be made. The nodce will
<br /> also contain eny othex lnforination reguired by applicable Inw.
<br /> 20 H�rtlous Substapces. Borrower shall nat cause or pemnit the pa�eseace.use,disposel,swrage.or releassa af any
<br /> — Hazardaus Substeaces on or ia the Property. Bortov�ar shall not do,aor allow a�iyone else to do,anythiag aifecdng tha
<br /> _ Property that is in vIoladon of any Environmenta!Law. Tha pneceding two sentencea shall aot Apply ta the presence,use.or
<br /> - -�_ atorage on tha Prnperty of smaU quantiNes of Haa,erdoua Substauoes that ara generatly recogaized to be appropriatr�to normai
<br /> - = resldenHa!uses and w maintenence of tt�e P�operty.
<br /> Born�wer shaU pmtt�tly give L.ender writcen notice of any investigation,claim.demand,lawault or other acdon by any
<br /> -- -- -- govemmentnl or regWatory egency or ptivate pany tuvolviag the Property aud any Hazardous Substr�ttce or BuvU�onweutal -
<br /> -- Luw of whicb Boirower has acwal laiowledge. If Borrower learns, or Is noti&ed by nny govemmental or regule�tory
<br />�,�,,,�-,,�-,,� autttority,that any removal or other ret,nediatioa of eny Hazardous Substance uf�ecdng the Properiy is aecessary,Bomawer
<br /> _— sdaU pmmpdy take all necessary remedinl acHoas in accoidance wtth Environmentel x.aw.
<br /> — As used in thia paragraph 20."Hazardoua Subatances"are those substances detTaed es toxic or haasrdous su6staaces by
<br /> --- EnvIronmental Law and the following substances: gasolfae.kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxio
<br /> �-�-� pesdcides and herbicidea. volallle solvents,materials containing asbeatos or formaldchyde,and radioactive materials. As °
<br /> ---=-- - used in ttds paragraPh 10."Eavironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdictlon where the I�ropesiy is lacate�t =.-
<br /> -- that relate to health,safety or envlronmeatal protecdon. ---
<br /> - = NON-UN�ORM COVENANT3. Bottower end Lender further covenant and agree c�s follows:
<br /> _ 21. Acceleradon;Remediea Lender sWill glve not�ce�W Borrower prfor to accelerAtion foUowiag Borrower's
<br /> �,�w�� breach oi auy oovenaat or agrePment in t6Ls Securtty Iastrument(but not prior to acce[eratloa under paregrapL 1�'
<br /> °" nnlesv nppltrable Ixw.provldes otAervvlse). 'flie notice etwll st�city: (a)the defaultt(b)the adiou required to cnre the
<br /> ---.:,,-�---
<br /> ddaul�(c)a ditt�ndt less th�w 3Q daya[ro�the rlate tha notice ts given to Borrower,by which the default most be �
<br /> cured;Amd(d)t6at[ailure w cure Y6e alefault on or before the datc apectfted in We notice may result in acceleradon of
<br /> ��•� the sums secured by thls Securtty Inst�ument and sate of We Pe�operty. The nottce sLall lhrther tnform Borrower of
<br /> ��' the rfght to reinstate�tter acceleraHon amd the rig,�t to bring a court action to assert the wor,��exfstence of a defxWt or
<br /> an,y other defease ot Bosrower to acceteratlo�n an�#sale. V We ddault Is noi cured on or before We date speci�ed tn
<br /> ttie notice,I.ender at its osption m�y requ[re immodiatc paymeat in fl�il of All sums secwed by thls Sec�rlty Instcument �
<br /> wtthont fi�rthes demand and may Wvoke We power ot sWe nnd eny other remedtes permitted by epplka�6le law w,
<br /> I.ender sball be eutiflsd w collect ell expensee iacurred in pursaing the remedtes proatded ia this para�ph 21,
<br /> tncluding,but not limibed to,e+easonable attorneys'fees and casfa of tlUe evidence.
<br /> It the power of ssle ie invoked,'lhv.gtce sLell record a notWe of defeult in each county tn whlch eny part of the
<br /> Property Ls located and shall mall ooptes of such aotice in We manner prescrtbed by appUcable law W Horrower ead to ,�:__;
<br /> the other persons prescrl6ed by sppUcable law Aiter the Wne reqnie�e�i by epplicable Iaw, 7Yvstec e6all give publle ks..
<br /> aotice ot sale to the perso�aad in the manaer prescr[bed by Appllcable lew. 'lYustee,wtthout demand on Borrower, __
<br />_ shsll sell tlte Property at public auctEon w the t�ttg6est bidder at the time and place and uader the terms desigru�ted in =
<br /> -- the nottce of sale in one or more parcels and Qn eny order 1lruatee determines. 'lt�ustee may postpone sale of all or aay —
<br /> parrel of t6e Property by public announcement at the time end plaze of any prevtously schedWed eale. I.euder or Its
<br /> d�i�ee ma9 Pntrhase tlha Psoperty at any sade.
<br /> Upon radpt oi peyment of We price bid,llrustee shall deqver to We�w�chsser'IFu�stee's deed conveying the _
<br /> Property. The recitds tn the'Itustce's deed slwG oe prima facte evideaee of tha truth of the stetemeMs�aade therein.
<br /> 'itivatee s6a11 apply the proceeds of the s�le in the following order: (a)to a!I costs end�xpe�es ot exercising the powes -
<br /> -- o:.
<br />: � u�
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