94- 1
<br /> ptrinA�'that l.ender rcq►dres. 7t�c inaurance c�urIer pmviding tha insurainca sh�i!be c6o�kn by Elomower iwb�r�ject��i snderb
<br /> ' ' nppiy�v:�f wt�tch nha'!1 nnt be unrcusonabty wIthhc1A. If E3orreswer fnil�tn mt►(ntnin covernge dtssribed above.Ltndtr mny,nt
<br /> �.enderl�option„nbtain coveraga to protect Lenderb rights ln the F+ropccty in arca;dance with p�regraph Y.
<br /> All insurxnce Ew(3ciea and r�:mwals shell b�aoceptubla to L.ender und shpll lncludo s�wndard mortga�o ciu+�o. i.ender
<br /> sh�ll huve the dght to iwtd thc policies und a�eneWnln. If l.ender rr.quirc9,Bomower shall promptly give to Lentks all�eipt�
<br /> of p�ld premtumu and rrrkwal ttot[ces. In the event of loss. Horrawer shall givo prompt notice to t1�e bnsuru�co c�rritr and
<br /> La�der. I.ender msy m�lco proof uf los�if na made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless i,e�xler an�Aoaawer wherwlse ngree ln wrltin�,insurance pracr.eds shull ho applfed to re.9t�xatton a rep*ir of
<br /> ti�e Frc�x3�y�3Sww�ed, if t��e rastorstion oe r��x+i� is e;corw�nlcally f�,asi6to suid Lci��;.e�s �ecurriry is not tc,:cned. tf the •
<br /> r�tontton a c�ir is na economtcally f�astbla or Lender�s secudty would be lessenod, tho insurance praceedY ahall be
<br /> rpplted to the sems secund by�his Security Tnstcs�ment,whether or not tl►en dae.with any exeess pald to Buirower. If
<br /> Barower abendons the PropeYty.ar docs not answer within 30 dnys a nottce f�um l.ender thut the insurcutca carr[er h�g
<br /> offend to settie a claim.thcn i.ender may coUect the insurnncc proceeds. Lcnder mny use tho proceeds to r�e�a�r or rcstorc
<br /> the Pn±=!;ty or to pay sums secured by ihis Security Instcumenb whether or not then duo. The 30-day partod w111 Lxgiu�wden
<br /> the rtocice ia given.
<br /> Untess Lender end Borrower otherwise ngcee in wridng,any applicsidvn uf Nroceeds to principul shall not extend or
<br /> postpo�e the due date of the monthly payments nfemed to in psiragrophs I and 2 ar chango 1he amount of the payments. If
<br /> under patagraph 21 the Property is ncqufned by Lender.Honowerk right to uny insurance policies and pt+oceeds resulting
<br /> from damage w the Property pdar to the acqutsidan sht�U puss to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thls Secudty
<br /> Insuument Imjnedfauly prIor to the ucquisition.
<br /> 6. Uscuptncy, Prrservatiat�, 1Vl�atenance ond Protection of the Property; Borrower's La�n AppllatHon;
<br /> Le�tseho{da. Sorrower shal!occupy.establish,rind use the Pr+operty�.g Borrower's prIncipal residence withIn s3xty days after
<br /> the ezecudon of thig Sesurity Instrument and shall continue to ocCUpy the Property as Bomowerk princfpnl tcstdence for nt
<br /> least one ywr nfler the date of occupancy, unless Lertder otherwise agrees in wddn�, which consent atwll not be
<br /> nnreasonably wIthheld,or unless eatenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Banrowerk contml. Bormwer shap aot
<br /> destroy,damage or impair the Property,allow the Properiy to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Ptoperty. Borrower shaU
<br /> be In defauit if any forfeiture uctlon or proceeding, whether ctvil or cdminul.ls begun that in Lenderk good faith judgment
<br /> could resWt in forfeiture of the Propertyr or otherwise materially impair the lien created by tLis Secudty Insttument or
<br /> Lendcr`s security intems� Bomower may cure such a default and retnstnte,sis provided in pncagraph 18,by causIn�the action
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed with a rulin�thnt,in Lender's good faith detem�inatlon,pre�ludes forfeiture of the Bomnwer�s
<br /> inzerest in the Property or other material impairment of the Ilen creuted by this Security Instrvrtent or Lender�securhy
<br /> interes� Borrower shsill also be in default if Borrower, during the loan appl3catlon pracess,gave materially fnlse or
<br /> inascurate information or statements to L.ereder(or falled to provide Lender wlth i+ny materlal infoanadon)�n connecdon with
<br /> tke loan evtdenced by We Note. includin�,but not lim{ted to. representations concemins Brnrower�s occupancy of the
<br /> RropeRy ns u piirtcipal resIdencs. If this Secutlty Inswment is on u Icasehold.Hormwer shail comply with ull the provisions
<br /> af t!�3r..�c. If Borrawar zrqair�fce tislc ta she Prapecsy.she les,elxsld snd she f�e sisle sbe!!ssot merge unl�ss Lend�r agnees ,
<br /> to the merger in writins.
<br /> 7. Protectbn of I.end�r's Rights in t6e Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and �greements
<br /> . contained in this Security Inswment,or there is n legal praceeding that may significently affect I.ender's rights fn the
<br /> Pnoperty(such us a proceedIng tn bankruptcy,pmbate,fo:condemnation or forfeltute or to enforce laws or regulatlons),then
<br /> Lender may do nnd puy for whutever is necessary to protect the value of the Property und Lender�rights in tho Property.
<br /> L.srtder�s actions may iaclude puyIng any sums secured by a lien whIch has prioriry over this Secudty Instrument,appesuing _.
<br /> in cauct.payIng reasonabie attameys'fees and entering an the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may tnke action
<br /> under this para�aph 7,Lender does not hsve to do so.
<br /> My amounts dlsbursed by Lender under this para�raph 7 shall become uddition�l debt nf Borrower secured by this
<br /> S�curity Irtstn�ment. Unless Bomower und I.ender a�ree to other terms of payment,these amounts shsill beaz interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall ba payable, with interesG upon notice from ixnrkr to Borrower requesting
<br /> puyment.
<br /> S. Mortgage Wsuritnce. If Lender nquired mortgage insurnnce as a condItlon of mnking the loan secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrumen�8orrower shaq puy the premiums required to maintain the mortguge inswnnce in effect. If, for any
<br /> ceuson. the mortgage insurance coveruge required by I,ender lapses ar ceases to be M effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> premiums requIred to obtain covernge subslantiaUy equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in eHect,ut a cost
<br /> substandally equIvalent to the cost w Borrower of the mort�age insurance pc�eviously in effecG frorn an alternar�mort�age =
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substuntlally equivalent mortgege insurance coverage is not avnilable.Borrower shall pay to =
<br /> I.ender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yesrly mortbage insuronce premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> insuia�tce covernge I�psed or cec�ed to be in effect. I.ender wili uccept,use and retaIn these payments as u loss reserve in lieu =
<br /> of mortguge insurance. Loss reserve paymenGs may no lon�er be required at the option of Lender,if mortguse insurnnce =
<br /> c�vera�e(in the amotu►t and for the period that L.ender requims)provtded by an insurer approved by Lender ugain becomes _
<br /> avniIablv and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premtuma required to mainutin mortga�o insurance in effect.ar to provtde a -
<br /> loss resen�e,undl the requirement for mon�age insurunce ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower i:_
<br /> and Lendcr or applicable law. �
<br /> 9. Inspectton. Lender or its ugent may muke reusonuble entries upon und inspecdons of the Property. Lender shall ""
<br /> �ive Borower notice ai the time of or prior to nn inspection specifyins resisonable cause for the inspection. �;.
<br /> • 10. Condemnution. The praceeds of any award or cla�im for damages,direct or consequenttnl,in connecdon wlth nny ;�
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