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<br /> ,, TUtil?7'HBR WITH nll tha In�proeements now on c�rc:aftcr orccted an�hc dperty. nnd eu � , urtcnaRCC9.
<br /> � und flxtures nnw on c�nafter a part of the property. All ra�lacemcnte ui�d nddltiuus nhcdi also bo c�vcrcd by tf�is Sccurity
<br /> _ inatn:ment. All of tha foregaln�iR rcfc�red to in thfy Securlty lnstrument ug tho"f'ro�crty."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrowtr is tnwPully selsed of thte cstatG hce+eby conveyed and hns tho dght to pjront
<br /> � and convey the Fr4perty end thut the Property is uttencumbered,excopt fur cncu�nDrAnccs of record. Borrower wnrcant�.and
<br /> wiU defend generally the tiQe to the Peuperty againat ali cldms and demu�d�.eubjcet to any encambrances of recatd.
<br /> _,,,____ _ _ __ � T1iiS 3EC[3Rl'I'Y iNSTRUMENT combinee uniform cavenunta far natianal uso and non-uniform covenants wIth
<br /> - lim{ted varlatIona by jurlsdicdon to conatitute n uNform securlry inFtmrrt�nt coverin8 teul pmpeny �
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNAN7'�. Borrower and I.emlet covenant und ugt+ee ua follows:
<br /> - l. P�ymen�t o!Princip�l�utd Interrstf�1PpY�nt and Late Ctuega. Harrowcr ehnll promptly pny when due the
<br /> �- princtpnl of snd inteteat on thc dcbt evidcnced by the Nate und any prepayment und luto chargea dua under the Notc.
<br />-� 2. �n�s for'll�xe�wid Iasurana. Subject to upplicable!aw or to a wrltten wniver by[.ender.Bormwer shaA pay to
<br /> ^� l.endes on the day monthly payments are due under the Notc.untU the Note la puid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for.(o)yearly
<br />- taxes nad u�,ssssnaeats which may attatn prlarIry over tMs Ser.urlty insuument as a lien on the Property;(b)yesirly leasehold ___
<br /> �_' puymenta or ground rents on the Peoperty. if any: (c)Yearly hazer�d ar properiy insurance prr�cemiums: (d) Yearly tiood
<br />;f�: insurauce premiumg. if any;te) y�ly ano�gage inaw�aace pmmiums. if any; and(�any sums puyuble by Borrower to
<br /> [.ender.ln accordance with the prnvistoas of paragraph S, in Ueu af thepayment of mart�ag,e lnsurauce premiwns. Theae
<br /> iteuts�are ecilIed"Escmw it�ms." Leader mtty.at any dme,collect nnd hold P�utds in aa amoumt nat to exceed the mnximum
<br /> e mi
<br /> amount,a lender for a fe�tally nei:ued mortgage loan may require for Botrower's escraw account under the fedtral�Reai
<br /> Fstate Settlement Procedunts Act of 1974 as amended fibm time to tIme. 12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA").ualess anoffiar
<br /> •`. law that nppties to the Funds sets a lesser amounG If so,Lender mssy.at any time,coAecc aad hold Funds In rw amount not to
<br /> excee� the lesser amonn� Lender may estimate the amount of f5�uds due on the bas�s of cwTent dntu and reasonable -
<br />_ � esdmates of expenditums of fuwre Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance wlth applicable law. -
<br /> Ttte Fundn shaU be held in an institution whose deposits are[nsured by a fedeml agency, tnsavmentality.ar endty
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such un it�sdtudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall upply the Funds to pay �-,�._.
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not charse Boirower fur holding and applyins the P1�nds,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> account,or verifying the Escrnw Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Plmds and applfcuble law pormiLc �
<br /> Lcader ro make suc6 a charge. However.Lender may mquire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for aa independeat real _
<br /> estate tax reporting serv[ce used by Lender in cannecpon with tttts loan,ualess uppllcable Iaw provides otherwlse. Ualess an _
<br /> a�me�ment is mede or appUcable Isw requiros interest w be paid.Lender stwll not be required to puy Barrower aay luterest or �
<br /> eamings on the Fuads. Borrower aad Lencler may agree in writins.however.that interest shali be paid on the Funds. Lender "'•°°
<br /> - shall give to Borrower.wittrout charge,an annual accauating of the Phnds.showing credits and debits to the Fltnds and the =—
<br /> , A putpose for which each debit to the Fl�nds was mada. The Funds are pledged as addidonal security for all sums secured by �-_-
<br /> ` __ ' ,. ' _ , this Security las�ument
<br />:.,. � If the Fi�nds he2ti by Lender exceed the amouats permitted to be held by applicable law, l.ender shali account to
<br /> Aorrower for the excass Fwads in accotdaace with the requirementa of applicable law. If ihe amount of We Ftmds held by
<br /> Lender at any dqna is not sufficient to pay the F.sc.7+nw Items whe�n due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wridng.end 1p =____
<br /> suoh cuse Botrower shall puy to Lendar the bmount necessary to make up the�leficiency. Borrower shall make up tha j•r,:
<br /> m
<br /> d�ficieney in ao rnore than twelve moatlily payments,at Lender's sole discreflon. ��+'�
<br /> •,` Upoa paypLent ia full of a1I sums secured by this Seciuity Instrumen�Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any �i:�'
<br /> Funds held by l.ender. If.under para ph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Properry,Lender,prlor to the acquisidon or ° _
<br />= sala�of�the Propeny.shall upply any�nds held by L.ender at the time of acquisldon or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> secured by this Securlty Insua�aan� �:�_'
<br />- 3. AppllcsQon ot Rtynaents. Unless appllcable law provides othen�ise, aU puymenu received by Lender u�der _
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be appHed:ttrst,to fu►y prepuyment charses due under the Note;second,to amounts}�xyable under :
<br />_•`�' patagreph 2;third,to iaterest dae;fouith.to principal due;and last.to any late chnrses due under the Note. _
<br />-.�;• 4. CiQaeges{ I.teav. Borrower sl�aU pay all taxcs. assessmants.charges,fines and imposiflons attrlbutable to the ,.�:. .
<br /> � Pmperty which may attain priority over this Security Inswmen�and leasehold paymenGS or ground rents.if any. Borrowar ,
<br /> sshall pay these o6ligattans in the manner provided in para�raph 2.or if nnt paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on - .
<br /> � as�:... time direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender siU nodces of amounts ta be paid under •^
<br /> • � • this paragraph. If Boriower makes these payments direcdy.Borrower shali promptly furnlah to Lender recelpts evidencing
<br /> "'; :t�.�:�;. the payments. '.
<br />�� r �?;'��.� Bon+uwer shal!prompdy discharge su�y lien which has priorlty over this Security Insuument unless Borrower.(a)agrees _
<br /> -."�s=�;, ;: in weidng to the payment of the obligation secuued by the lien in a manner acceptable to L.ender,(b)contests in good faith the �::
<br /> 1�L�`.
<br />_ _ � ��;;;�_ Ilen by.or defends against enforcement of the IIen in,legal proceediags which in the l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the �;,.�
<br /> - ;-�� enforcement of the Uen;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agr�eement sausfactory to I.ender subordinuting the lien ""
<br /> � , ���''�� to this Securi Instrument If Lender d�tera�ines that aa a�t of the Property is sub'ect to a lien which ma attain dorI
<br /> �.::;.r. : ry Y P ,1 Y P tl' ,
<br />- -������ over tius SecurIty instrument,Lender may�ive Borrower a nodce 3dentifying the lien. Bocrower shaU satisfy the lien or talce
<br /> oae or more of the acdons set foith above wlthin 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> �� . "�' S. Hamrd or Property Inswrance. Borrower ahall keep the improvements now exisdng or hereafter erected on the t
<br /> ���r.. .rr°.,. ,. .'.. �� r,i"t7
<br /> , y.:: Propeitry inaured agaiast loss by fire.hazards included wlthin the term extended coverage"and any other hazards.includiag ,�
<br /> �t' � `���' floods or tloadln , for w�ich Lender nires insurance. This insurance shall be maintaiRed In the amounts and fnr the ��`,;;..
<br /> .,;^,:,'�. 8 �4 ,�,�,
<br /> .,�. ,;�
<br /> .,,,..,
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