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<br /> . v v c ln IieuuPco��nn�foU�arc hercTi ns9i r.ed and ' —
<br /> condemnatir�nor othcr tnkin��tif imy pntt af thc�roperty.or farc�n cy.� c q� Y 8
<br /> =?�`# r�hail ho pnt�ro 1.�c�idcr. -
<br /> - : -�. dn tric event of� tAtal iaking af t�c {'roperty,tho procccds shall ha np�lled to thc sumy ;sccurcd by ihts Security
<br /> �-�— InFtn►ment. whether or not then duc.with any cxcess�aid ta Aarrawcr. In tho event af u puriia.) tuking nf thc Pro�ccty in
<br /> which,tho falr market value of thc Property irrxnxdiateiy bcfora thc toking ia equui to or grcatcr thun the amount af t(x num�
<br /> �ecuc+cd by thia Security insuument immed{utcly befaec ths tnl�Ing,unless Borrower and I.ender,ptherwisc agrcc in writing,
<br /> the sums ses4rod by this�erudty lnstmment R6d1 be reduced by tho amount af tho pracceds multiplied by the follawtng
<br /> _ __ � fractioq: (n)the 4otn1 nronunt oF Ihc sums secur�d immediately befote tha tnking.divIded by(b�the fuir market value of the
<br /> Propertyr immcdlauly t�efaro thc tuking. A(Ij� bA�WICC AhAII be paid to Borrowrr. I�t the evunt of u pKriial Wki��g ut'tt�c
<br /> __ _ Property in whi�h the fair murkct valuo of thc Property immedlately bcfore the taking ia less than thc amount of the sums
<br />-_ - � secured immediotety before the tuking, unless Borrower�nd I.ender othcrwise a�ree in wrtxing or unless r�ppUcable lew
<br />_=`- � otherwisc pmvWcs,the proce�d�shull bc upplied to the sums c�xumd by this SecurIty instrum�nt whether or rtoa the sums are
<br /> ,��
<br />-Y�,'� thcn due.
<br /> IP thc Property la ubnadoned by Borrowcr.or if,after nodce by Lcnder to Borrowcr that the condemnar affcrn to makc
<br /> � un uward nr settle u cloim fae dacr►ages,Botrawer fails to respond to Lender withict 30 dayA qfter tho date the notice is given�
<br /> •�• � Lender is authorized to collect and appty the proceeds.ut i4s option,either ro restoration ar,t+epair of the Property ar tn ihe -
<br /> �;�' ' sums secured by this Security Insttumeat.whether or not then due.
<br />`'''"' � Unless Lender and Bormwer�otherwlse ugree in writing,any applicaaon of proceeds,to prinC�pal stwll not extend or
<br />;�' ; postpone zhe due date of the monthly payments refernd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaN�nt,pf Fuch paymenu.
<br /> � fl. Borrovver Not Rclensed; Forbearance By I.ender Not a Watvcr. Extensfon of.thp time for payment or
<br /> mod�cution of amortlzutton of the sums secured by this Security Inst�ument gmnted by I,ender to,�tty successor in intcrest -
<br /> ., of Bomnwcr shall not operatc to releuse the liability of the odgina!Horrower or Botrower's succ.essvt�in intenest. Lender
<br /> �. ; shall aot be requleed to commence proeeedlt�gs egainst any wcces.cor in incer�est or refuse to extend,�me for payment or _
<br /> � otherwise modify amortlzallon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any dexntutd,made by th�or��inul �
<br />� Bom�wer or Bornawer's suocessors in�nteres� Any forbearnnce by Lender in exercising any r��htnr,remedy shall not be u
<br /> `i waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 1�. Surcessors and Assigns Bound;Joint and 5everal Liability;Co-signers. The covenant�and agreement�of this
<br /> � Secarlty Inswment shall bind and beaefit the successors und assigns of Lender and�orrower.sut�je�t to the provisions of
<br /> ti paragraph 17. Borrower's covenanu nnd u�reememts shull be joint and severnl. My Barrower wba aa�signs this Securiry
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only�to mort�ag0.�am and convey that
<br /> Bomower's interegt�n the Property under the terms of this Security Insuumen� (b)is not personally obligsted to pny the sums
<br /> i aecured by this Sccurity Instrument;and(c)ugrees thnt ixnderand any other Borrower may agree to,vxtend.madify.farbeur
<br />_ or make any uccommodations with regard to the teims of this Secunty Instrument pr the Nota wlthout that Bomnwer�s
<br /> ^ consen�
<br /> 1 13. Loan C6argea If the losin secuned by this Securiry Instrument Is subject to u luw wbIah seta mtucimum loan
<br /> char�es.8nd tttat iaw i�Ctnully uite[p�icd nu fDta{i�id idt2f2Si i�a�ili2C Ta3Ii Cltatg�&C81�^�IC�nT ia�LxiIICCtCd�A CO�liOS! ,
<br /> j wfth the loan exceed the permitted llmiGc.then: (u)any such loan charge shull be reduued by th�ampunt necessary to reduce -
<br /> the c�hazge t�the peimitted limi4 and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded petmitteci limits w[II be —
<br /> �,yra refunded to Borrower. lxnder may choose ta make thls refuind by reducing the principni ovred under tha Note or by making n ___
<br /> �+ ,k t,, direct payment to Bomower. If a refund��ces princip�l,the reduction will be a�euutad as a partjal pmpayment without any -
<br />� r� ,?;��;�•• � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Nottces. Any notIce to Bomower ps�vided for in this Security Instrumertt shuU be given by delivering it or by � =
<br /> • mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law nequims use of another methad.Tha notice shall ba diracted to the Propesy �_-
<br /> � Address or any other address Borrower desi�nates by notice �o Lender. Any nodca to i.ender shall bo�iven by flrst class L�,w�
<br /> moil¢�T.ender�s address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notic;a W Bomower. Any nadce provided for ��,.;.
<br />"�; . ,s; in this Secutity Insuument shnll be deemed to havc been given to Barrawer or t..ender when Le'rven as provlded in this �::�-
<br />,�� h r
<br /> p�l S Governing Law;Severnbiltty. T4tis Security Inshument shail bc govamed by federul law artd the Iaw of the ��r�`
<br /> Jurisdictlon in whtch the Property is IocaDed. In the event that any provision or clauae of this Security Instn�ment or the Note f.�:•
<br />_ . ' confFicxs with appticable law.sucl�conflict shall not uffect other ptovisions of this Security Inswm�nt or the Note which can `
<br /> ,� i� be gc'v�en effact without the contticqing provision. 'Ib this and the proviaions of this Security Ins►tument an�ihe I�Sc►ce are �..��"'
<br /> 3, decl�md to 68 severable. �:��:
<br /> 16. Sormwer's Copy. Bamower shsill be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiaj 3nsuument. ;�:;;
<br /> 17. 7Yaasfer ot the Propecty or a Benet9dal Interest in Borrower. If all�n uny part of the Proparty or any intec+est in `_
<br /> it is sold ar oransFemed(or if a bcaeficiul interest in Borrower is sold or tranaferrcd s�nd Bormwer is not a natuial person) �
<br />:- without Lender�s prior written consent,I.ender may,at its option.requine immecilete payment in fuli of all surns se�ured by -�`'�
<br /> ��-=?^ °'-;�;i this Security Insteument However.thIs option shall not be exercised by Lendec if oxercise is protdbited by federal law as of '
<br />' r� the date of thts Security Instmment
<br />,' ' t�� ' •
<br /> i If Lender exercises this option.Lender shali�tve Bomower eotice of acceteration. The notic�shall pmvide a period of
<br /> � not less than 30 days from the dstte the natIce is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this • ,.
<br />'' " Security Iusuument If Bomower fails to pay these sums prior to the exp'uuion of this period,ixnder may invoke nny t�
<br /> ` remedies pemiiva!by this Security Inswment wir�wt funher notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> ' 1& Borrower's Rig6t to iteittstata If Burrower meets certain condidons, Boirower shuU have the dght to have ..
<br /> enforcemeat of this Security lnsuument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days tor such other period es •
<br /> � Singte rsunily»Fannb NLdFlrtddie Mnc UN[F'ORM INSTltUMEIVT-•Unifortn Corenants 9/90 fpcRe 4 oJb pages)
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