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<br /> 17.TrangPer o�the Propert or a Benetictal intcrest in&�rmwer.If�II or any psut of the Proper�y or any intc�est in It
<br /> �S SOId O!•tra�sfcrrod (or if n bene�ciat jntci�est in IIonowcr ig sald ar trnnsferred and Borrower ia not u n��turul persqn)wltliout
<br /> .�:��,��;f"""� Lcndcr's pr�ar written rnnsent, I.endcr may, ut its opiian. require immediute paymenl in full af nll sums sccurod by tt�is �,_
<br /> � Security Instruarent. However.this aptfan shall rtat be excnjscd by I.ender if cxercise le prahibited by fadcrnt law us af the ciute
<br /> - — �`— of this Serurit;�Instramcnt.
<br /> if[.ender exercises this aption.Lender shnll give Borrower notice af accelerntion.The notice ahAll prc�vide a pedad of not
<br /> � ���. less than 30 days from the date the notice i�delivered or rnail�d wtthin which Horrower must pay ull sums securad by this
<br /> Security Inshwnent. If Bonower feils to pay these sums prlor to the expirntion of ttsis perlod. Ixndcr may invoke uny,rem�xllea
<br /> -�-----��- permitted by this Sacurity Instcu�►ent without further nnttce or demus�d on Bormwer.
<br /> ------------ - ..—
<br /> '"""�'—"--=-� �Si. t�unowce's litght to Iteia.��tate. If Borrower meets cert�in condlti�n5. &,c�ower shall havc the ri�ht W uve
<br /> enforcemena af this Secudry Insuument discontinued at any time prior to the carlier af: (a) 5 days (or such cthslr pcdad a� �
<br /> •"'� applicnble law may specify Por reinstatement) before sale of the Property purFUnnt to uny power of s:�le contaj�i in this �
<br /> . .�r Security Instrument;or(b)entry af a Judgment enforcinB this Securfty Instrument.Those condttions am thtat Barrower:(II�pAy&
<br /> : [.ender all sums which then would be due under this Secartty Instrument and the Note us if no acceleratian had acFUrr��;,(b)
<br /> • cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; tc)pays all expenses tncurred in enforcing this Saurity 1n�r�ptxeGpt�
<br /> �i including,but not limited to. reasoneble attorneys' fees;and(d)takes such uction as Lender muy reasonstbly requ�Rp to�t��sur�.
<br /> = that the lien of thts Security Instrucnent. Lender's ri�hts in the Property and Aorrower's obll�ation to pay the sums secur�d by, __
<br /> � thIs Security Instrument shall continue�unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this SecurIry Jastrumenc,and the
<br />-1 obligudons sQCUred hereby shall remain fully effective ns if no ac:celeratIon had occurred. However, this right to reln5tat,e.sh�lt.
<br /> not upply in the cuse of acceleretion under paragraph 17. _
<br /> � . 19.Sule of Notei Change oP Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in tha Note (tageth�:r with this Security, r�_
<br /> Insuument)may be sold one or more times wlthout prtor notice to Borrower. A sale muy result in a chang�.in the entity(knAwn
<br /> as the"Loun Servicer")that callects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.Ti�ere alsa m�y be one
<br /> j , or mc�ne changes of the Loaa Servlcer unreluted to a sale of the Note.If there is a change af the I.oan Servi�:er,Bormwar wi61 t�e -_
<br /> } ,z:�, given wri[ten notice of the change in uccurJurice with parasraph t4 abovc and applirabie faw.The notice�+ill stare the name and ___
<br /> ' �� address of the new Lonn Servicer and the address to which paymenu should be mude. The nottce will also contain any ather -�
<br /> ,}-,�, .(,..,,,_..: iaformation required bY apPlicable law. — -
<br /> Z0.Narardous Substances. Bonower shall not cause or permit the presence. use. dtapasal, storx�e,or relcass of any ��;_
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow unyone else to do, unything afft�ctiag the
<br /> ' ''• Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The precedin� two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or �=--
<br /> '� i�ks�;,,�,��. storage an the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Su6stances that ere generally recogni�ed to be appropriate to normal '�"'_
<br /> • �'-���•�•^:= residential uses and to maintenence of the Propetty. --
<br /> . t-"jfv �7- �-
<br /> � , a�•P.x� Borrower sh�ll promptly give I.ender written notice of any investi�ation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other nctioa by any
<br /> `•��� .. �;-�, governmenta!or resulatory agency ar pdvate party involving the Property and ssny Haxardous Substance c>r Environmental I.aw ��
<br /> '` � `;`'� of whlch Horrower has actual knowledge. If Boreower IeArns,or is notifled by any governmental or regulatory authority, that �:
<br /> �'=�+'� v ;�:� ��- any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affectins the Propeny is necessury. Horrawer shall promptly take �"`�'
<br /> �� , , _. _
<br /> r•l;���`-�:_�"�`< ,� �_ atl necessary remedial a�dons in accordance with Environmental L,aw. __-_
<br /> �'��:
<br /> , �t�*�!R#.�`';•�, ` As use�in this pavagraph 20. "Hazardous Sub�ttu�ce�"u�C tiyu�c�ubstances deSned as toxic ar haz:udaus�ut�tanc�Ml
<br /> .�."s�':+,�" ' Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoltne, kerosene, other flummable or toxic petraleum Qroducts. taxic _
<br /> ��,�:,:�.;,"y�l.;,;;:,.::. : pesticides and herbicIdes,volatile solv�nts, muterials containin$asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matenalc;. As used in ____
<br /> ��4z,..�;:. '.`��: .' �
<br /> ,�-�:',,.. thia paragraph 20, "�nviromnentai Law' means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Pr�ipecty is located rhat _�_�
<br /> ����f„��� ,�; •. •'-� , relate to health,snfety or environmental protection. ''"G��-
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further cover.nnt and ngree as followti: S61""-
<br /> ,�a�.:.w ` ,wj�.`
<br /> ;�. : v,1�:;, .•A:;;�;� ' 21,pacelertidon;Rentedtes. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to ucceleration following Borrowor's bneach ._
<br /> k�:__
<br /> , r -+�.�.:y�... � of any rnvenont or agrePment in this Security Lutrumeat (but not prior to accelerution uader parn�rnph I'7 um��vs �;.
<br /> ' �; '� � �� .� applicable la�v pmvides otherwlse).The notfce shall specify: (a)the defaolt; (b)the actfon required W cure the d�aSPault= s+'°7
<br /> � L '�"'� '��� ' (c)a date, not less than 30 days fmm the date the natice ts given to Borrower. by which the default must be cured:snd �`�"��
<br /> ... b�,���r. . � . .
<br /> a � �;....•:�•.M,-• ; (d)that failure to cure the default on or beforn the date specitied in the notice may result In accefetntion of the sums
<br /> ;,,�,,,,;;.:�;' stxured by this Security Instcument and sale of the Property. The not[ce shall futther inform Borro�rer of khe riAht to
<br /> � � reft�state atYer acceferatton a�sd the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a detault or any ather i
<br /> '�:� defense of Borrower to accelerntion and sule. If the default is not cured on or before the date spe.cifled In t�e amSios, '• -
<br /> .`�'�'�' r at tts o tion ma utrn immediate ayment in full uf all sums secured by this Securlty Inst rument w�dthout 't ,.
<br /> ' _ w+.:.,,�:: Lende , p ,
<br /> • ' :,.:��_.,,...e�t.,_r further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permttted by appltcable Inw. I.ender s�l be
<br /> �" :y=:'"��- '`' " enttNed to collect ull expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies pmvided in this para�raph 21,includi�.,bt�E noi limited ;�
<br /> , +'` • °;•'�• I to,reasonable attorrteys'fees raad cos�.s of title evidence. i�• _,
<br /> • �.. ir`-• ;�:�'�, ; IB Wepower of sale is imoked, Trustee shall r�cord a nottce of default in each county in which aqy p�rt af Yhe .
<br /> �;,;,� . �};. P r o p e r t y i s I r e a t e d e n d s h a l l m a i l rn p i e s o f s u c h n o t t c e i n t h e m a n n e r p re s c r i b e d b y a p p l i c abl e taw to Borrawer ae�s�io
<br /> '- j;t = the other persons prescribed by appitcnble Iaw.After the time required by applicuble lew,Trustee shatl give pubtir cac+aice N
<br /> a
<br /> �.` �� � af sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee, without demand on Borrowar,shalt sell
<br /> �`�'� the Property nt public uuction to the ht�hest bidder at the time and pince nnd under the terms desl�nate�l in the nottce of
<br /> '� �'� " sale in une or more pareeis and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sule of all or any parcel nf the
<br /> ���• Property by publtc Hnnouncement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its desi�aee m�v
<br /> � :�;. purchase tlie Pruperty at any snle.
<br /> -.��+ -� ,
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