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� .,.- . . . . :�' :: <br /> . . . . ,_ �. <br /> . <br /> . . .. — <br /> .• � �q,,,s,,r,�,�.;,�..s•,r. . .. _ .... -------- -- <br /> ,.., <br /> .,• . . . •e__..ti-��.., .....__ , <br /> �� . ,�. _ •---- - -�- <br /> -� __--� ?1 -- - --_ <br /> 1'OtIE'1'HPR WITH all thc f�nprovcments now an c�rcafter crected on the property.and94cusc��lf,����Mances.und <br /> fixturew now nr herenfter u part af tNo propeny. All replucements und ndditions shall nlso bc covcred by thiR Secur�ty <br />_T-������m-� lnstrument. All nf thc fnrc�oin�f�refcrrcd to in this Sezurity In�;trumcnt a�d►e"Prope�y." <br /> ------- l30RROWF.R CQVF.NANTS titnt Barrower is Ic►wfully rcltsd of the estnto hercby caoveycd und hns the right tn brunt und °`"� <br /> -- convey tho Property and thut tho Propeny ia unencumbered.exee�pt for encumbranres of rccurd. Nurrawer wurrnnts and will — <br /> � �- defcnd genendly the titic to the Pmpeny n�ainst nil clnims und dcmandx.hubJect tc�uny cncumbrunccw of rccard. <br /> 7'HIS 58CURITY INSTRUMBNT cumbin�s unifarm cnvenuntx fur nutiuiiui u�+e und non-unifi�rm covenunte with limitad <br /> varintians by jur�sdiction to constituto u unifarm�ecurity instrumcnt covering real praperty. <br /> - ---- ------ UNIPORM COVBNANTS.Borrower nnd I.�n�ler c��vennnt nnd n�rer eti followx: �-- <br /> _-�; 1. Payment o! Principat an�[nterast= Prcpayment and [.atc CharR�. Barrowcr ehull promptly puy whan duc thc <br /> priacipal of und interest on the debt�vidcrrccd by the Nate nnd ony prepuyment nnd lutc chargcw due under the Nate. <br /> Z. Funds[or Tuxes und Insurttnce. Subjcct to upplicuble law or ta u wristcn wnivcr by Lendcr. Burrowcr shull pay ta <br /> ''� Lender on the duy monthly pnyments arc duc under the Notc. until the Natc le pnld in futl,u sum l"Funds")far: lu)yciuly tnxes <br /> �� and ussessment�which msiy nttuin prioriry over this Security[nstrument ug u lien an tl�c Propc:rty;(b)yeurly Ieusehald paymente =_ <br /> `��� or ground rents on the Praperty.if any;{c)yenrly hay.nM or pm}utty insurunce premiums;(d)yearly(laad insurance premtums, L_ . <br /> =v+. if uny: (e)yearly mortguge insurance premiums, if any;and (�uny sums paynble by Hamawer to Lender. in accordunce with <br />'� . thz,provisfons of parn�qrnph 8, in lieu af the payment of mortgnge insurartce premiums. These items are called"Escraw Items." — <br /> Lender mny. �t su►y timc. rnllect And hold Funds in un umoant not ta exceccl the miximum amount a Icnder for a federuily �-�- <br /> related mortgage loa��may requfre for Borrower's escrow account under the federut Rc.�l Estnte Seutement Procedures Act of °�-; <br /> 1974 as ameoded from timu to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless s�nother law thut applies to the Funds _---- <br /> sets a lesser amount. If sa. L.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in rin Arrtaunt not ta exceed the Iesser amount. ='- <br /> Lender mny esrimate the amount of Funds due on the ba,is of current daw uitJ reusonabfe esdmates ot expenditures of futurc `'"`� <br /> Escrow Items or otherwlse in accordance with applicable Inw. ��� <br /> F`•.� . The Funds sfinll be held !n un institution whose depasits ure insurai by a federul ugency, instrumentality. or rntity �`� <br /> �f .. i�_,��t� � <br /> '"' � (lncludins L.ender,if L.ender is such an instiriition)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. L.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> .�........:... . ... Fscrow Items.Lender muy not charge Borrower Por holding and apptytng the Funds,unnually unalyzin�the escrow�ccount,or � <br /> " r, �,. :.��.+ <br /> verifylns the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower intemst on the Funds and applicuble law permits Lender to make such _M`t 4�-�• <br /> +�K"�4�ti.'"- <br /> �, '� -'����•:��„ a char�e.However. I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-tirne chur�e for un independent rea!��state tnx repocting scrvice .,�:, <br /> �i?�,;,.+�1�'i�*;Sy�:` r�;� <br /> . usQCi by Lender in connecdon with this loan, unless applicuble law provides otherwise. Unless an agrecment is made or =`,�, <br /> � �� ' ���- '��'� licuble luw r uires fntesest to be aid. Lender sh�ll nat be re uired to a Borrower an intcrest or camin �on the�unds. ; <br /> 1 � �,�,�..�'� �•;.,,;� aPP e9 P 9 P Y Y 8� .�M�: <br /> , ^��,.��,{-:`_••�". Borrower and Ixnder may u�ree in writing,however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr shall give to Borrower. -�- <br /> � ���`� r�;�;' ��, without chur e. an annual accountin of the Funds, showin credits and debits to the Funds and the u se for which each '''�i` <br /> � � g _ � S P Tu. c•�,.: <br /> ��: " ` '���: r��,,�"= deuit co che Funcis was�mdc.Ti�r Fuu�is arc pi�xigcxt an udditionai sc�ariiy far ait suctis�-ui'cd tsy iltis Szcttriip Insttusttcssi. .._ <br /> ° ` If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicuble luw.Lender st�all account tn Bormwer E <br /> ' f ��I�F r.l(v}rt.-,r• 6-.--L <br /> if'�' � � • � for the excess Funds in accordance with the r uimments of A licable law.If the amount of the Funds held b I.ender ut an �;„=s=. <br /> � .�t�f,,:,::;��.:.�•_;,�:��, '. �9 � PP Y Y � i_, <br />,,;;:�, � 1�`:4c�r��j`.;-���?�-; tlme is not sutftcicnt to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in such case Borrower ;_ <br />-t�:',> �• �f���, .;;:::•;:'.r,:, shatl puy to Lender tho amount nea�sary to make up the deficiency. Barrower shall make up the deCciency in no mare than �}�QY;- <br />•�`�," i�' '��f�jtF.;,;,�,:•;-�'� twelve monthly payments,at Lxnder's sole discretion. "��. '� <br /> ?+ �����'':�'•:�+• • '��' Upon payment in fuil af all sums secumd by this Security instrument. I.ender �hall promptly rcfund to Borrower uny _ <br /> � ` %�''� ���' FUnds hold b Lender.If.under aragraph 2l,Lender shaU ac u�re or sell the Pro I.ender, rior to the ac uisition or sale '� <br />_ �x� „ ,s�.� Y P 9 � P��Y� p q <br /> ' of the Property. shall appiy any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale:u n credit against the sums secured by <br /> M �.• ' �.�•+���. this Security Insnvment. <br /> ,1 ' � �'?���?���r�` 3.AppUcatton of Payments.Unless applirnble law provides otherwisc,aU payments reccived by Lcnder undcr paragrnphs <br /> � '��^� 1 and 2 shall be applied: any prepayment char�es due under the Note; second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2: � �. . <br /> . •�'�r"�� third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:and lxst,to any late churges due under the Note. <br /> {.rY:'� M� . <br /> - �,,.•..,..;.�tiY, 4.Chsi;rges;Liens.Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments.char�es, fines und impositions attributable to the Properry <br />- .''�."'..• . -, <br /> ,�r..••;•.•,;:� which may attain priority over this Securiry Instrument, t►nd lcasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shali pay <br />= r��•;, ...�'. ;yti! these obligations in the manner provided in parusrnph 2,or if not puld in that manncr, Aorrower shall pay them on timc direcdy <br /> '••��:~..� '.;�,;�;�"' ' to the person owed payment. Borrower shaU prompdy fumish to ixnder nll notices of nmounts to be paid under this paragrnph. <br /> T'��t�'���:`��`:'� If Borrower mukes these payments direaly,Borrower shull promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the pa}�ments. "•'�'� <br /> _ �,}•;f,�, r„�.::tx1.;� °�,';�::�.. <br /> =��:; �iy���;y4tft .r.,;;:x,�� Borrower shall promptly dlschar�e any lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Bocrower:(a)agrees in �,..:�:>. <br /> _- ,.�:.�i�:,;��;S ):,�,, <br /> ;��;�;;�!,f�,;b� wrhing to the payment of die obligation secured by the ticn in a munner acceptuble to Lender;(b)contests in guod faith the tien ��7,, <br /> � m;:1.�.,r}�,�.� by. or defends :igainst enforcement of the lien in, le�al praceedings which in the L.ender's opi�ion operate tu prevent the . ". <br /> x•,�.... ;�. ' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secums from the holder of the lien�n ugreenxnt satisfuctory to I..ender subordinating the lien to ��c�� <br /> �..,.r. <br /> �y��.''�'�-��' this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a [ien which may attain priority over ��;� <br /> •..:�.'.j..;. �;;,. . this Security Insttument. Leader may give Borrower n notice identifyin�the lien. Borrower shall�tisfy thc licn or take one or <br /> •i��=° '���'�;�•". more of the accions set forth above within 10 days of the�iving of notice. <br /> � 'iy. Form 3028 8180 <br /> �:��' . . <br /> , ',y�� �- . �:;�; Pepo 3 oi s <br /> � }'�r_ . <br />-_ �,g�S;F"=;��.2j� <br /> ,'�W:�C.`:`'r`�S. <br /> �r_. .... <br />- � . ..._ .. . •- - . :... ...._._..,...... . .. . �•�. . . --- . --•- •- <br /> ::,;�; _ .. . . -- - • � ��.; , = - � - - -- - <br /> , . • <� � <br /> .. • _ ., <br /> , -,---- L- --- -- - ------=---- ---- ------�-�-- ------------- �--_- - - --- <br /> -- - - - - - - <br /> , ,- -- . - -- -- - - - - . - - -- - - <br /> .. --- - --- --- - -_- <br /> - .--- -- - -:-_�- <br /> .. _. -. <br /> _ . . � .. , t.. ' � • . U _ .. � <br /> . , t; ` �.; , .. � ., , - . " <br />= ''��. �:, . . . .. . 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