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<br /> 17.Transter ot ttte Praperty ar A Beneticl�l Interest tn Borcow¢e.If all or any part of the����it�lnterest in It
<br /> is�old ar trnnsfern�d(or if u beneficic�l interest in Borrower la sald or tmn.gferted and Borrower is not u naturul person)without
<br /> .�. i.ender's priur written consent. I.ender may, At ltx option. require immedlnte payment in fuU of ull sums secured by thiA
<br /> -, Security lnstrument. Ha�vever,thix option shnll not be exercised by l.cnder if cxcrcisc�s prohibited by fcderal law us af�he dntc -��
<br /> of tl�is Securlry Instrument.
<br /> �i I If I.eader exercises lhis aption,L.ender shull sive Borrower nodce of a�celerution.The notice sheli rovide u periad of not
<br /> ce p
<br />__ less thun 30 duyr frpm the dnte the rrotice is delivered or mailed wjthin which Barmwer must pay all sums securod by thie
<br /> Security Instrument. If Borr4wcr falla to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this perFod.I.ender mny invake any remed[es
<br /> petmitted by thia Socur[t Ins�ttment without fLtther notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />_ v ..��:�u.:.� • 18. Borrower's 1�6t i o ReinsGtte. If Barrower mcets certain condttians, Borrower shall hnve the right to have --
<br />– enfarcement af thls Seeudty strument discontinued at any time priar to the eurlier of: (a) S dsry� (or such ather per�od os `-
<br /> '' .�, applicuble law may spccify r reinstatement) before sale of the Prope�ty pursuant to any power of sale sanu►in e d �n t h is
<br /> Securlty I�utrument;ar(b)e�ry of a judgment enforcing this Securiry Insaument.Those condiuons ure thut Borrower:(a)paps
<br /> �h��z L,ender all sumg whicQ then would be due under this Security Insuument artd the Note as if no acceleration had occurred: (b)
<br /> <••�°'.�``•�* cures any defuult of any other covenanta ur a�reemonts;(c)pays ell eapenses incurred in enforcing this Security I�suument. --
<br /> ' �'`=',, ,;�'r irtcluding.but not limtted to.reasonable attome s fees:and(d>takes such action es Lercder may reasoruibly requ�re to assure --
<br /> . r �� � � � � J
<br /> . •�.`'`�`��d�:>r� . that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender s dghts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sum.g serar+ed by e
<br /> J, �� . • this Secudty Instrument shull continue unchanged. Upon retnstatement by Borrower. this Security Insuument nnd �he
<br /> ;•�},�;, .. .: abligutions secure�heneby shall remuin fully effective as tf no accelerntion had occumed. However.this dght to reinstate shall
<br /> e �--••���•?�,�;, notappiy tn thecuseafaccelerationunder paragreph 17. ____
<br /> ��a•'� �� ` 19. Sale ot Note; Chaqge of Loan Servtcer. The Nota or a partial lnterest in the Note (together with this Secu�ity —'=
<br /> �R..�....,U� . ��.
<br /> -•t Instrument)muy be sold one or more times without prlor notice to Bormwer. A sale may result in a change in the endty(known �,-
<br /> "'�!r:,t.;,�;t:;; us the"Loan Servicer")that rnllecta manttdy payments due under the Note and this Secudty Instrument.There also may be orte —__
<br /> ,�x:ti�=."�'9'� or more chenges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be —�
<br /> - •= .;� _ given written notice of the chnnge!n accordance with paragraph 14 above aad applicable law.The nottce will state the nncne ttnd
<br /> .r.. ..,- `" �-:.
<br /> ri:'� ��.. � ' address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other �.
<br /> ��`;� ` � infomuuion rcquired by applicable law.
<br /> 'w.y ,�'•' '��: 20. Htizardous Substances.Rorrower shalt not cause or p emut the presence, use,dis p osal. stora ge, or release uf an y ti.
<br /> ` �� " �' Hawcdous Substances on or in the Propecty. Borrower shall not do, nor sUow anyone else to do, anythin� affecting the �`�-,
<br /> - � �+'�r�' � Property thQt is in violation of any Environmentai Law.The prereding two sentences shall not appIy to the presence,use.or =h:;
<br /> � � ' storage on the Property of small qunntities of Naz.iudous Substances that ure geaerally recosnized to be appropriate to nornw! `''
<br /> �.�;;%�_•''. : ";',:_ '" �
<br /> r+esidential uses and to muintenance of the Property. "��
<br /> ;;:':t,f:,.:,, � Bonower shall promptly give Lender written nouce of uny investigation, claim, demand,lawsuit ur other action by any
<br /> '•i, '• ' �nvernmentat or n�;utatory agency or private party involving the Property und any HaTardous Substance or Environmenta!L.aw •
<br /> - of which Borrower has uctual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory suthority. that �•
<br /> . • any removel or other remediation of any Nazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Horrower shall promptly take
<br /> �. • . a!l necessary remediul actions in acoordanCe with Environmental Law. • .
<br /> r : „ - As us�s! in this�.+a�ng�rgh ��, "He�ardouc Suhctanccc"fl�C 1IIf10E'QIMC�f��lf•f!C(IPf flPLI AC�AK�(`A��}$_7'��1If111C iUMf��Ai1CCC MV ��,.^
<br /> " Environmental Law and the followin� substances: gasoline, ker�osene, other flammable or toxlc petroleum �rodncts, tozio ,,,.,
<br /> ��.;;y� ,� . pesucIdes and herbicldes,volatile soivents.materiala containing asbestos or fornialdehyde,and radioactive matens►is.As used in •-�.;:.
<br /> , ., � ' , this Qaragrnph 20, "Enviros�menUil Law' mea�ss federal laws and luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> � . �� „ , relate to health,safety or environmental pratection.
<br /> .=% ' ,•'.�. ° NON•UMFORM COVEIVANTS.Borrower astd[,ender further covenant and agree as folloas:
<br /> � � 21.Aooeferatton;R�nedles.Lender shall give nottce to 8orrower prIor to accelrratlon tollowing Borrower's breach
<br /> • � � � � ' of umy rnvena�t or agreement in thls Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration uader pacegraph H? unless .
<br /> • ""•�'.���t?��'�?°'•..'^s�: a Iicable taw mvtdes otherwise). The notice sbutl s
<br /> pp p pectfy: (a)the default; (b)the uMion require�l to cure the defaulk
<br /> , +?^4 '•r •� ' �'"� (c)n date,not less t6an 30 days from the date the rtoUce is given to Bore+ower.by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> �*•>"��• -��-*r (d)t�at[etlure to cure the default on or betore the da¢e specifled in the nottce may resWt in acceieration of the s�uns
<br /> + '�'"."' °. � secured!� thts Sectirity Insttument and sale of the Property. The rtotice shall further inform Borrower of the right to
<br /> � �, . , : '? � reipstute after acceleratton and the Mght to briag a wurt actton to assert the non�xistence oi e default or any oWer
<br /> - ��+v-����.'-�::,;:';�..•`��•• de?ense ot Borrower to acceleration and sule,It the detanit Is not cured on or betore the date apecitted tn the nolEoe,
<br /> "�'"':''=f?�'�::'�:%''�' Ixnder, at its option,may require immediate payment ia futl ot all sums secured by this Security Instrument wtthout
<br /> "'�""�'� " � ""+"t further demand artd may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by appftcabte law.I.ender shall be '
<br /> ��"!`� ` entided to collect ull expeases incumd in puesuing the remedies provided in thfs paragraph Zl.induding,but not Iimited
<br /> � `• �� to,c�easona6le attorneys'fees and costs o!title evidence.
<br /> '�`�' '� It the power of sale ts invoked,Trustee shall record a rtoNce ot defanit in each rnurtty in which any part o!the
<br /> Ak', • � .�!_�,. • .
<br /> ��`, :.,,, :. Property Ls located ared shall mail coples of such aotice in the manner prnscdbed by appltcable law to Borrower and to
<br /> h • . the othcr petsom pre�rtbed by appiicable Iaw.Atter the ttme required by nppliatb[e la�v,Trnstee shWl give pabllc notice
<br /> �,�;:. , ot sale to the petsons and in the m�anner prescribed by applirable Iaw.Trnstee�without demand on Borrawer,shall sell
<br /> the Property at publ[c uuction to the hfqhest Didder at the time and place and under the tenns designate�i in the nottce of
<br /> ', � � sale In one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Tn�stee may postpone sale of ali or uny parcei o!the
<br /> � , Prope�ty by public unttouncement at the time and place oi any previously scheduted sale. Leader or its destgnee muy
<br /> '�:. purc�se the Propeity at any sale.
<br /> '`�f�'� . �k �
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