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<br /> p� nr. -
<br /> �y��.tJ�_ieEj';ti`ai—==_
<br /> � ':'��`'�;'}�_� os-�7—t�t DEED OF TRUST �Q��' lOS�OS Pe�s� �:�� _ -
<br /> � � ;►,can �
<br /> ''' •, 'L Loon No 916 (Coe�tlrtued) "' .`,.�;;:
<br /> . � . , �. •
<br />. n C � �, ���iVwq� .. •.
<br />`. 1• , .. .0 . T1fIW1l.Th�wad"�ru�W"rt�ns UNIiE�t+�BRASItA BANK a�IS6AND.IYE and any subsNtuN a aueccssa bvstee�. , .. __
<br /> � „ TntMa. TM wt�b°�ru�to�'rt�r�ar►y u�d u p�saro and�1���0���Tn�,Inelu�np wlthout NrtY4flon d Trustora rtam�d
<br /> � RAow.
<br /> � flits OE�'D 01�TRWT.I!lGdplNO TI�A�IONMRNT OF iilNTf�tiD Ti! SECtJRITY INiEREBT IN T!E RFMS AND PER80a1A1. .
<br />- � � � .. Yii�,��'li�:iic�Ti'w3 iA�'R�EL`•811PTGD�IICtJ:'�3Jf0.�!"��8 E1EE!)�F'li��9T�. TlilB~DE£�AF Ti�UST 8 G1NBN AND A�CCBPTED •�
<br /> .. . ON?!m FOLLOWIN�,1'R'RMat „ .
<br /> . PA��lNT M1D PEAFORIAAlQf�!. E�W�pt as oth�r►Mea Pr�Nd�d In tl�s ONd of Tiu�f.Tmsta aN�lpaY ta I.�n�►a�amounb securod bY thh aesd ^
<br /> •• ,. ot Tiu�t a tf�U b�conr du�,and s!W dtAatll►u�d In a tlmNy mtnnlr PKform W of Trtaton obAµtlons unsfx tM NaL�Ws Oasd ot T�sf.and the ., .
<br /> .. .�
<br /> RNaMd OoCUm�nb.
<br /> " ��p���UtiiF]iMIC!OF SF�PROVERTtl.T��w that Tnntora post�lon and ue�of th�Prop�ly shaM 6��ovenwd by � .' �, „
<br /> PoNNM0e1�nd IM�. UNY th�ooaurrna oi an EwM d DNtuit,Tnutor may(a)�r�in in pass�lon and contrai at tha ProPmt�. N)�. . :�
<br /> �l " " ap�nw a m�n�p�th�Pira�rty�u�d tc)eoN�f anY Rmb 1rom ttw�ProP«N �
<br /> � � , � guly b M�W{Mn. Ttwtor 4haM malMaln th�ProR�Y N bnaat�bk anmYtlon and promPUY pertorm aN roP��eA4oemsr►b,tnd mtlntenanoe
<br /> ' r�ry to presww Ib vatut. . .
<br /> � . ltmrdow 8ub�. TAe trrta'1+aardan w�ste""t�uardosa eubstar�w�•dlsPasal��rele�so;and�lvestened roteaset ae usad In lhis
<br /> � pNd of Trt�f.�AY hw,q th�eun�n'wadnps as set tath in th�Comprohoraiw Envd'onmeMal Rasponss,Compansatton.and UabGity Aat of . . , ,
<br /> 1�80,as�rtNndiO,42 U.B.C. S�etlon 9601.d aeq.('+CERGJ►9�th� nd Amondments and Reautho�tlon Aat o!19H8.Pub.L.No. �
<br /> 95�49�('�►'}�th�FlauMous AAaMrYla T�t�portnLOn Aat,49 U.S.C�on 1801�et seq..the Rasoun:e ConsavaHon snd R9cov�rY A� •
<br /> .. 49 U.8.C.SooUon 6801.�ap.,a oth�r tPDlk�bts stdta a Fedara�Inws,rutos,a rep�dadons adopte6 Pur�unnt W anY o!tho torcpolnp• The , : ,
<br /> tenr�'haardow wasa•and'I�ardow a�bsfano�'ehaY tiso inctudo,wlthout YrNtatlon,petrWoum and pebrotsum by-�roduots or any traodon I
<br /> ttNnaf and asD�atos. Tnqtor dD�nb and warta�f to Lend�r lhak (a)Cu�nO tha Pedod of Trustors owiwrsNP o!th�P�operly,thero hae �:`:'.
<br /> � ' bwn no us�,po�a�on.muwhatun.etorapo.troatnanf,dfsPo�al,►e�aeae or threaterwd retesse of any heurdow waste a subshnce by arry .
<br /> on N
<br /> � � pMton on,und�r.a about th�p��p�A�, (b)TNSta has no knowNdpe of.a reason to beileva that thero haw basn.exoept as previousty .. . ,
<br /> diados�d to u�d�otowwNdpad by Londu tn wridn�. p)aeN u�.p�rwnlb�.manutaaluro�slaape�tra�tmerd.dlsposal�ret�s�,a threatat�ed
<br /> ret�s�of arqr hvardous w�st�or enbstanoe by anY Drta owne�e or ooauAaMs of the P�cPe�Y a N)any aotuat or threamned Uti�aHon a • .,.
<br /> ., oWms af ury Wnd by enr peiaon nek�d�q to euab mallera;and (o)Exoept ss provtou�y dbotosed to and adcnowtedped by Lender in wdtlnp. , �
<br /> � p)eMther Tnnta na ury tenent. co�ncta,e�M a other authaized user of the ProPerh ahaY use,pene►ate.manulacture.store.heaf, �'�-
<br /> disposr of.or rNras�any h�u0ous w�sla a subsin�ce on,urtder,a about tha Property and pq arq►suob aotivtty ehaA be conduoted in , �3' _
<br /> compYtno�wltA o11 oppiic�bb todenl,s4te.and looel�awe,�eputatlora and adlnnnoes,lncludt�without Umiladon those tawa,►epu�aUons,and
<br /> ordlmnoM doscrN�d abow. Trusia tuthoriaes Lsnder�nd Bs tpoMs to enter upon the PrcPeAY to melce suah Inspections and tesb.at f.... ��
<br /> �Yustqrs u�en»�a�Lender mry deem�prop rtate to determine complianoa of the Propah►wflt�this secnon of Iha Oeed ot T�st. Any .
<br /> ' � inspeottons or t�ets made by Lender at�aN be ta Lenders D�p�onty and slwll not be oonatrued to aeate any resPo�bllily a IlabilHy on the : � ''�y,
<br /> ----- ��!!�te Trl�t�►4r t!+s"!'etnpr Qarson. The represeMaflom and wartaotles oordalned hereln are based on Trustors due dili0ence in _ '`' _..�._
<br /> - — .. r, . ' tmiesypatlrg th�Pirop�rly for luanrdous waste. Tnutor he�eby (y reiuses and wahres any tutun afaims apaimE Lenaer tor ie6anntty ar , ,. .
<br /> . . conbibuUOn in tlw awnt Tn�ator b�comes Ilabt9 tor detnup a other cosffi under enY suoh laws,end (b)apreos b Indemnify and hold harmfess ` ;`i� ° °
<br /> . . Lmdstap�f�t u►Y and�II dalms.losse�,liabWties.demaDeg.Ponelflos,and e�a�ues whbh I.ender may dirooty►or indtreoUy susf�in or suNa � ` .�,��;:,
<br /> ''`i� r a s u l tl�i r o m a b r e a d�o f!N s s a tl o n o t t h e D o e d o!T n�a t o r a s n c ons�qu e n o o o f A n y u s o�p enemtlon,manutncture.atora0o.d�P�.retease :,,-' i
<br /> ���� or throatmsd rolasse oocurrinp prior to Tiwtara ow�P a ir�terK t in the Properhr�whelh�or not!fie aame wae or c t w u l d h ava been ,
<br /> knOwn to Tnnta: Ths ptoMsfais of Ws 6eetlon of tA9 Deed of Tnnt.tndudinp dN ob1�etlo�to IndemNty.shalt Survivo Ha pa}�!!!��of the , L., ,
<br /> + Indibt�dnass and ths sattshctlon and nconwyanco ot tla Wn ot this O�d ot T�ust trtd shalt not be attected by lender'a ae4u�n►en of any •;'r?..; ;!.
<br /> .i,;.. tnf�eot 9e lh��'oAat!►.whstAor by faedosuro or otheNrise. �'f,
<br /> Nuttma.Wattt. Tnuta stwM not oause.cortduct a Permtt any nWsanoe oa comm�,permtt.a sufter any striPP�np Of or wast�on ar to th9 ��'.�� ,
<br /> .� rip�M�omoMS�panY tlmber minr�sb�ndudl�np oU nd pas�j�v�sl or rodc p ro u�w i t h o u t the Pda w d�t t e n coose t ot le der. p�the � `� ; �
<br /> � +
<br /> � Reaqvrl of ImproMemantf. T�ustor sAeU not demolish a remove any Improveme�s hom the Roet Properly witnout the p�la wrftten aonsent , . �
<br /> �� of L�dK A�a condiUOn to tha removet of aMr improvements.Lender may require 7rustor to make ar►anBements satlsfactory 10 Lender to I �:�
<br /> �� repUa suah Imp�rovameMa w8h Improvemerib ot nt taost e4uei vatue. I .�
<br /> . Lend�aa�b and to inspect the Paope�y ta purposea�o�f T�rustora compllaece wpth theeterms and�nditlons ot thls peed ot�ro attend to i , , � .. .
<br /> wt1A GOY�mme�ftY RpukemeMl. Tn�stor BheA promptly compy wlth aA taw8.ordinances.and reguiations.now at h�eafter in �
<br /> ' ., of aM pov�mnNnW�uthattNs cDPlkoble to Uw us�a oocupanoY ot the ProPe�tY�indudinp wlthout Umiiaiton� the Amoricans With � .
<br /> , ;;��;�. D(s�IbYt1Ns Ao1. TnRta mt�► oor►t�st U pood faith Anr suoh Itw�otdinence�or reputaUOn and wHhhdd compt►anoe durinp any ptoceedinp� i
<br /> �,�'�;;�! inqu6np �pp�b,so long�s Trustor has notl}led Londer In writlrp prlor to doinp so and so lonp as,In Lender's sole opinion, i ;�;;;!;
<br /> „ ,,.':..� Land�s t �sb in ttw P�opatY ars not Joopardlsed. Lender mny re4�+�Trustor to P�!adequafe seourNy or�surety bond�reasonabiy I . . .
<br /> . aat�taatary to l�nder,to D►oteot Landare inters,M. f .�-� .
<br /> .� �' . , -- puly tp protlet, Ttu�tor apreos neltherlo abandon no►le►va unattended the Propc�rrty. Tnistor shelt do all other acts,in edditlon to those acts , .
<br /> t
<br /> � set fodh�bow in thb saotlon.whbh trom the oharactor and use of the Properhr are reesonabiy nec�sarY to protect and preserve the Propeity.
<br /> OtlE ON$ALE-E�N8EJtT BY LENDQi. lender may.at its optlon.declare immediatdy due and payable all sums seoured by this Deed af Trust � •
<br /> E N JtT
<br /> ;"! upon tlw tW or transtar,wttltout tla�enders P�����"�n����any part of the Reat ProP�y�a any IMerest tn the Reat Prope�ty. A i .
<br /> �N pr tr�raNf'm�tr�s Uq�prneyence ot qayProperly a amr�ighf.tltle or interest Merefn;whether tepal.beneflctet or equltabte;whether voluntery
<br /> � � or Imrofuntary;wlwtlw by outripM sda.deed,I�tei►ment sate coatraat,land contraet,contrsat fa deed,leasehold tnterest with a term yreater than ,
<br /> o l t1�(3)�tease-cQtlon aontrcd, u by sate,assipnmeot,or trat►ster o1 anY beneflcla��nterest in or to ar�y Iand hust holdlrp tlUe to the Reat
<br /> '.�, PropMy,a by any other rnethod ot convayance ot Real Property interest. It any Trustor b a corporaHOn,padnership or Itmited UabllHy compamr.
<br /> traratx aiso tnctuda�u+fi�� in ownerohiP of maro than twenty-live peroeM(28�6)ot the votlnp stook�Partne�shlP inte►esb or timtted UabUity
<br /> eomparry tM�resb�ss t�w cas�may bo.ot Trustar. Hewovar.thb optlon ahaN no!be aocerolsed by lendvr H such e�e b prohibHed by tederal
<br /> , taw or by Nabraska�w.
<br /> ° TAXEB AND UENS.The toNowina provisiom relatlnp to Ha te�cas end Hens an the Propwty are a part ot this Oeed ot Trust.
<br /> i,'r Pa�ment. Tnuta shat Wlr wlwn Qu�(and In�I eve�s P�a to dWn4uonay)a8 t�vs.spocial ta�ms.assessmer�ts�oharaes Mdudinp watet �
<br /> 6elvloes t renderod udmaD�h�t�he Pro�peilY- Tnastor stwil mal�he�ProPedY hee ot�ali Itens havfnp D odtfr over a�4ua1 o the I
<br /> �� � . . interes4 ot Lender under thb Oea�i of Trust.e�ept for the Uen o!tazes and essessmenb not due end mccept as otherwlse provlded tn this Oeed
<br /> .. . ' of Tnqt.
<br /> Rt�tt TO CoMKt. Tn�stor rnay wilhhoid payrt►ent ot any fax,esse�men�a Walm in connaadon with a good tr►ilh dispute ovcu the obllgeNon
<br /> ._.... ��..r..! ' Mlrarl iw ue n.,�.�..m.�e.,ne.d�md. tt c uon Brts�s or is fiied as a resWt of nonaafrment,7rusta ahall withln �
<br /> _.,__t _. , .. _ A/�.w.w.�ww..w...�..r�.�'�.� ' T�.'� .�"" '_�_'_" , _. .
<br /> ., Btt¢en(ib'�days after the Uen n�ses or,N a U�n is filed.wi�hin fdteen(16)days atter Tn�tor has notloe ot the BUng,securo the disehE►rge ot tne
<br /> `� IMn,a M�quested br lender,doposit adth lender cash a a sutBdont corporate awety bond or Wtwr securtty ssdstaatory to Lendor in an
<br /> � t �� amouet sutAcleM to diseharpe tA0 Yen pius erry eosta and sttomeys'fees or olher oharpes that cou�d ecaue as a resutt ot a laeclosure o�sate
<br /> 1' ' und�r U�Wn. In ar►y co�tast,Trustor shaY detend Itsett and lendet and shali satlsy any adverse judpment before entoroamer�agalns!the
<br /> 1� � • Prpppty.Thtstpr nholl nortN tsndar aa sn addiHOnai oblip�under any aurety bond tumished tn ihe co�test proceedings.
<br /> � � ' �vbfnC�of Pe�tminl. Tnista ah9tl upon dYmartd Nmish W Lendar sntlstactory avidence of payment of the tazes or assessmenb and sAall
<br /> _ ' tufAals Nq�pPrpprlpt�9pvnementei otlk�i W doAvor to lender nt any tlme a wrttten statoment of the texe�s and esse.ssrt�enb eya►nst the
<br /> [o�of Con�trnedon. T�shall notiry Lender at te�st firteen(16)days betota any wak is commencc+d,nmr serv�Ces ere fumished,or any
<br /> t" ,. n�e t M a b an eupp p b e d t o f h e P r o p e r t y,t f n m m c c h s n,a'o I b n, m a t�r L�t rt r s n b t l e n,a o t h e r I l e n c o u l d b e a s s e r t ed oa aocount of the work. __
<br /> Cerv�e�,or m3t8�181s. 7rustw wIU upon requ9st of t.ender furttlsh to lendav adva�au ossurances sntlslaetery to Lender that tnistar can end wCi
<br /> , �� . , ay in.cou a aucn��xo�o�ts.
<br /> � , . PROPgRTr DAMAtiE iNS1NtANCE The hGOwIeO Orovl�ons retaenp to Insurinp tNO P�ropaAY ere a P+�ot thls Deed ot Tntst
<br /> �, , �
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> . f
<br /> . _ _
<br />