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<br />� • �``�4'''��"� '� � �J. Cond�mna�tion.The prac�odn al nny�ward or cimm tor dmm��an,d�roct or conaeq��untiAl,fn connootlon wlth Any � -��� ---
<br /> '� r,pndemnnlionoralhcfrlqk�nr�oliht�Prnpmty,nrprlrflhclro��Lo�lorrnnvoynncoinlinu�lCOntlentnatifin,i:reharebyee�l{{narl " '��-•� .
<br /> , . ;, nnd shnli bn pnirf to Lencft�r. ::,�:=
<br />- In t�4 mvont of ototal t�kin�ot tl�o Propofty,lhc�proc�zods ohnll bo uppl�ad to tho surno nocurad br tht9 Qe�Od ot Y�ult.wtth � � . +,a.,_:<•�
<br /> ' � �. ' � the exeesA,i1 any,pp�d tp 8onqwar In t��►ovanl ol o pert�al tnkmq o1 the Properry,unleas Bo�rowar and L�nd�r oth�►w�as ��-_--
<br />-- , " a�roe�nwnitn�,ther9ehatlb�+eppl�edtolhoaumeeecuredbyth�eDoedatYraeteuChprppoKlanOtMf prAC�edel�ia�qu�lto �'��'-'.��
<br /> � thet�ropoAtonwhlch thDtimountattheoumel9BCUretlAythi9DoadalTruettmmedlatpiypnt3ttotAe�lAteOftaklnpba�If�Q+Dthe ��`��= -
<br /> - � � Inlr merket�alun ol the prApe�1y�mmediotely pnpr to tAa datfl ot tnN�ng,w�th tee O�l�,nna o1!he proceW e pi�tt to 84rrOwtt. ;4'?�-�-
<br />-� '�� � ; tl the Property�eobandonod by Bo�mwer.or�f,Mtor nnt�G�+by L�►nde�to eorrovro�thnt tne condemrtor otfe�eta make An � � - -
<br />` ' „ " ae�nrd or satfto o clmrn lor damng�,l3orrov��r tml�ta roaponQ ta Londoc r,��thu�w0 dAyB attot thp dAW CuAh n011CO i�mt�Aad. - �'"`_'�
<br />- ; „ , �, � Londer�g authonied to collect end apply tne proceede,at Landor'9 opt�an.HilhA�t0�EStOPdUO�Ot r�l�Of th0 PfOpOAy OI t0 ��'��'�°=""^
<br /> , „ • 1he sums secured by thla Qeed of Trust. �`�'�'"!"�;*^�°
<br /> . ' UNesaLendorond8orrawerothenwaengrqa�nwrd�ng.pnyeuchupplt�atiGnolptACeedatopriqolpplahsllnqtextendor ' � ��'��
<br /> � postpone tho duedate of the moMhly tnstallments reterrud ta+n paragrnpha t and 2 9�preol or chl�npa the amount pf suRh •• •
<br /> . .. �netallmeMa.
<br /> . „ 10. BortowarNotRehas�d.Extens�onoftAetlmetorpaymentormodifjpatianotamprtlxatiGnoilheaumeaecur¢dbythiri '
<br /> Deed ot Truot granted by Lender to any succesaor in interest ot Borrqwor ehatl�at pparAtp t�cata�se,m any manna►.tha.
<br />- ° • . tiabilityottheorlginel8orrowe►and8orrower'ssuccesso�sintaroat.londorshaunatborqq iopdtpcommoncoproccaclfa a " . ,
<br /> agafnst auch successor or►etuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify ampmxat�a+n.cit tha auma securod by t��6
<br /> /,� " • .�� , � Oead ot Truat by reasan ot any demand made by the orfgtnat 8orrowoi and 8orrpwpr'9 suoce83orA�n inte►est ' "'
<br /> " �� 11. Forbearana by Ltnd�r Not a Walr�r.Any torbearance by Lender in exeraiFing any dght or temedy her�undar,ar
<br /> , otherwise aliorded by appltCabie law,shall not be a wa�ver of or precludo tho exeraise ot any auch right qr rema�y Tha ,
<br /> ' procurement of i�surance of the payment of taxes or other liens or chp►ges by lendershalt nat beBwelver of U�nder'stigbtta
<br /> . accelerate the maturity ot the indebtedness aecured by thts Oeed o}Trus�
<br /> � 12. Ramadi�s Cumulatire AU�emedies provided in this Deed of Trust are disUnat and eumulative to any othcqr right or , � � ' ����
<br /> ti ' , remedyunderMis08sdofTrustorallordedbylaworequiry,andmaybeexerciesdconourrenUy,independe�dyorsuCaessively. � ��;'�'-•�
<br /> , �;. ,. � 13. 3ucceamr��ndAs�IpnsBourtd:JWntandSsv�ralWbiWy;CapdonaThaaovan�nisandagreementah9�ncontained "'.�` .
<br /> shatlbind.andtherghtshereundershallinureto,therespectivesucaessorsendnssfgnaoii.enderandBorrower.subjectto � . . :
<br /> � � theprovisionsofparag►aphl7hereof.Altcovenantsandagreementsol8orrowershallbeiaintandseveral.ThecapUonsand ,,.
<br /> • " headings of the paregrephs ot this Deed of Trust are for canvenience only and ara nat to b0 used to Interpret or deNne the
<br /> ;���i.+:�. Drovisions he►eof.
<br /> �,' � :.'.;<<,.•.q, . H. NoBce.Ezceptforanynoticorequiredunderappticableiewtobegivenlnanothermanner,(a?anynoticetoBorrower �•� ��a•':`
<br /> } s�+�;, ;�;}�,�, , providedfar6nth�s0eedotTrustshallbegnco�bymaili�gsuchnohcebycertifiedmail�?ddresseOtoBanowerattheProperty . , , ;:,y+',
<br /> �.�,ti l�l.i:f�.. .
<br /> „ ,,,�,, . Add►eas or a4 9uch other address as 8orrow�r may deaignate by nohae to Lendet es gerovided herein,8�d(b)any notice to � ,
<br /> �l';�;�;,, �a��iershaUt»givenbycertffledmatl,retumreceipirequesYed.tolende�'saddressst�tPdhe►einortosuchotheraddressas ', i,;;.;��;{,�'�'?;y �
<br /> � `�%�� l�nder maydes�gnate by noticeto Borrower as providedheT�in.Any notice p►avlded tor in thia Deed otTrustshall bedaemed l '�:<',�;�••�.�
<br /> ���-r,",?`; � zo�v6 bean given to Barrower qr Lender when g�ven in tha menner deslgnated here�n. , ;:;.' ^'j'�� aq
<br /> " i�': •14.1 "Requestbr Notice.Trustor and beneticiary request that a copy at any notice of detault and notice of sele ma�le or ��ti r
<br /> ' ° axecuted by the�rustee pursuant to the orov�sions hereof be sent to the Trustor and Beneficfary at their respective maiting ' •� � .
<br /> ' ' • � addresses set for�h ebove." , ',
<br /> ._ �--}��.:,`r_____. !S. !lssH�sas L*�ed a!Yrs��av�:ssing La�;3svarabt!lty. The farsn o3 dee��.;,-s:cass�;~.��a�sltor+n covsaanis 9as - �=;; : ���—
<br /> • nahonal use and non-un�torm covenants with tlmited vanations by�urisdiction to constitute 8 unrform Securfty instrument '
<br /> `+"���`; ' coverin real ro � `�;:•�� `
<br /> ��y.,,,�;;, g p pert�r.Th+s O�ad ot T�ust shall be govemed by the law of the jurisdictian in which tAe PrqpeAy�s tacated.�n , �c,
<br /> ••,ti,,., the event thatrany prov�sfan vr ctause of this Deed of Trust or the Note ton4licq w�th applica0le law,such contllct ahell not "
<br /> " aHectotherp�qvistonsotthisQeedof7rustor4hallotewhichcanbegiv�neNsctw�thoutthecvnilicdngprovlsions,andtothls ' J
<br /> end the provisions of the Oeed of Trust and the Note are dec�ared to tre s�verabte.
<br /> � 18. Bottow�r'tCopr.8orrowe►shalt be furrnshed a conformed Copy of the Ptota and of thfs Deed of Trust at the rime ot . t��.;R
<br /> ' execution or after recordetion hereof. .. . .•.'"
<br /> `�'• " 1 7. Tran s ttr o t t h a PropeRy;A o wmp t ton.If a1t or a�y pa�c � �tr,tit�ri l t��er�nt tt�erein is sold or transferred by ;�'�
<br /> ' Borrowerwithoutlender'spnorwrittenconsent,Qxcluding(ajt�i �p►��rencumbrancesubordinatetothisOeed !� 1
<br /> ofTrust,(b)th�creauonofapurehesemoneyseeuntyinterestto "gid8pptienpls:(�letransferb�dev�sedescentorby �
<br /> - operetlonotlawupon Medeathofaiointtenantor(d�Megrantot � � �hdidinterestofthreeyearsor essnotcontainingan : ,
<br /> optfon to purchase.lender may,at lender's opnon,declare aIf the sums secured bythis 0eed of Trust to be immediately due •
<br /> ., and peyeble. Lender 9h811 have wawed such ophon to acceterate d,pnor to the sale or hansfer,Lender and the person to �
<br /> whom the Property�s to be sotd or transterred reach agreement�n wnting that the credit ot such person is satlafactory to
<br /> . lenderandthatthefnterestpayabteonthesumsseCUredbyth�s0eedotT�ustaha��beatsuchrateaslendershallrequestlf : S'
<br /> ' "" Letfderh88waivedthe optton toacceietate prowded m thiS paragraph 1 T.and�f Borrowet'ssuccessor�n interest has executed I •. �
<br /> a w�ittctn aesumpt�on agreement eccepted in wnting by Lender.Lender shall relesse Borrower from etl obligadons under this
<br /> `- " • Qeed ot Trust artd d�a Note. i
<br /> , If�onde►exenclse8 such opt�on to accelerate,lender shall mad 8orrower notice of acceleration�n accordence with I
<br /> •• pa►ag►eph t4 h�rEwf.Such notiee sha��prondea penod of t►ot lessthan 30daysfrom the datethenotlCe�e ma�led within which ,
<br /> , 8orrower may pey Ihe sums declered due.lf Borrower fails to pay�uch sums pnor to the expiration of such penod,Lender
<br /> �• may,without further not�Ce or demand on Bonawer,invoke any remedies pe►mitted Cy paregraph 18 hereot � ,,,;
<br /> �� � NON•UNIFORM GQVENANTS.Borrower artd Lender further covenant and agree as M�toMn: � .
<br /> ` " te. AetNerstlon; A�ntedtes.Except as p�ovided in paragraph t7 hereot,upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or I
<br /> , � agr88mentof8orrowerinMfsQeedofTrustincludingthecovenantstopaywhendueanysumssecuredbyth�sDeedofTrus� �
<br /> lender priorto aecelerahon shall mad norice to Borrower as provided m paragraph 14 hereof speCitying:(1)the breach:(2)the `� •
<br /> . act�on requ�red to curesuch breach;(3)a date,not less than 30 days from the dete the not�ce is mailed to Borrower,by wfi�ch I
<br /> ; such bteach mustDe eureG;and(4)that ta�IUre to cure such breach on or before thedate spec�tied fn the not�ce may result in .
<br /> •aCCetetetromof theoumssecured by th�s Oeed o}Trustand sale otthe Prope►ry.T11e notice sha111u�ther inform Borrower of the � �
<br /> • ng�tt t0 temstete 8ker acCelerarion and the right to bring e Court act�on to assert the non-existenCe of e detault or any other �
<br /> � � detenseotBorrowertoacceteratfonandsale.lfthebreach�snotcuredonorbetorethedatespecifiedinthenotice.Lenderat �
<br /> � lender's option may declere a�l ot the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust 4o be immafiately due und payable w�thout further ! , . :
<br /> demand and may mvoke the power ot sale and any other remedies perm�tted by appticable�aw.Lender Shell be enfitled to �
<br /> � - colleCtell reasonable Costs end expenses�ncurred�n purswng the remedies prov�ded in the peragreph 18,�ncluding,but not �
<br /> t�mrted to,reasona0le attomey's tees.
<br /> If Me power of se1�is�nvoked,Trustee shall recoM a not�ce of default m each counry m w�iCh the Property or some paK
<br /> ' MereafislocatedflndsAaltma�tcop�esolsuchnoticemthemennerprescnbedbyapplicabtelawtoBonowerandtotheother '
<br /> ' persons prescrlbedby appl�cable law.Aker the Iepse ot such time as may be reqwred by appllcabte lew.Trustee shall give
<br /> . �, publtC notice ot saleto the persons and m the manner prescnCed by applic8ble law.T�ustee.wfMout demend on Botrower. '
<br /> -, shaflselllhePrapeAystpuB�icauchontntheh�ghestbidderatthet�meandplaceandunderthetermsdes�gnatedinthenorce
<br /> � of stile in one or mor8 perCels and�n 5uch order es Trustee may detertnme.Trustee may postpone sale ot aII or any parcel of
<br /> the Property Dy pu0lic announcement et the t�me and p�ace of any previously scheduled sa�e.lender or lender'a designee
<br /> � ,� U , may purthese the Properry at eny sale.
<br /> UDOIIfBCB1Dt0}08V1118fIt0}tP1BDIlCA�1lA Tf�lQfQiiChallAdivo►M}tin�uvwAuea.T...e�m�..��.�........�.�......._Or���.��IJ
<br /> _----' ..v�u.y...v..vNO.qav.u. . - . .
<br /> _ � The iec�hdlsin the Trustee's deed shalt be pnmafac�e ev�dence of the truth ot thestatements made therein.Trusteeshall apply
<br /> , �, theproceedsofthe�ale�nthetoltow�ngorder:(a)toallreasonaDfecostsandexpensesotthesale,including,butnotlimitedto.
<br /> i . Trustee's tees of notmore than 44 ot thegross sate pnce,reasonable ettomey's feesand costsof ritleevldence:
<br /> fD)to all sums secured by th�s Oeed ot T�usk and(c)the excess.�f any,to the persan or persons legelly entltled thereto.
<br /> '�t 19. Barow�r's Rl�M to RNnWte.Norivithstending�ender's acceleration of the sums secured by thls Oeed ot Trust,
<br /> BorrowershatlAavethprighttohavoanyproceedingabegunbylendertoenforcethe0eedofTrustdiscontinuedatanytlme �
<br /> pnor tothe earlie�toxcur of(i)the tiNh day beforethe sele of the Property pursuent tothe powerof salecontefned fn Me Deed �
<br /> ot Trust�ii)entry ota�udgment entorcmg th�s Oeed ot Trust�f�(a)Borrower pays lender all sums which would be then due
<br /> . under this Oeed ot Trusf,the Note and notes secunng Futuce Advances,�t any,had�o acceleratton occured:(b)Bonower
<br /> • cure9 BII breacResot any otnet covenants or agreements ot 8orrower conta��ed in this Oeed of Tntst(C)8otrower pay881�
<br /> • . reasonebleexpenaes�n�urredbyLenderandTnisteeenforcinflMecovenantsandagre8mentsofBorrowercontainedinthis
<br /> Oeed ot Trus4 and inentoreing Lender's and Trustee's rernedies as prov�dad in paragraph 18 hereot,including,but notlimited '
<br /> to,reasonableattarney'steos:and(d)BorrowertakessuchacttonasLende►mayreasongbtyrBqufretoeasurethatMellenat '
<br /> . Mfs Oeed o}Trus�Lender's Interest in me PropeAy end Bonower'a obligat�on to pay the sums secu�ed by this Oeed of Trust
<br /> � shall cont�nueummµ�aired.Upon such payment and cure by 8orrowc�r,th�s Oeed of Trustend Me obligatlons secured hereby
<br /> r
<br /> �+ shall remain��tull lorce and effect as�t no aceelerahon had occurred.
<br /> . �
<br />